Wednesday, January 14, 2009

NEWS: Samuel L. Jackson OUT as Nick Fury??

Ever since Iron Man, Marvel has had the right idea when intertwining their productions. With the end of Iron Man, after the credits, there is that infamous scene between Tony Stark and Nick Fury, played rather well by Samuel L. Jackson, who was the model for the Ultimates version of the character in that series of comics. However, all may not be so gold over in Marvel land. It looks like Samuel L. Jackson may be out as the head of S.H.E.I.L.D.

I saw ['Iron Man' and 'Iron Man 2' director] Jon Favreau at the Scream Awards and we had a conversation. He said, ‘I hope things are working out for you because we’re writing stuff for you.’ Then all of a sudden last week I talked to my agents and manager and things aren’t really working that well.

There was a huge kind of negotiation that broke down. I don’t know. Maybe I won’t be Nick Fury. Maybe somebody else will be Nick Fury or maybe Nick Fury won’t be in it. There seems to be an economic crisis in the Marvel Comics world so [they're saying to me], ‘We’re not making that deal.’

Even Marvel may be taking a hit with the economic crisis. More on this story as it develops.

Go see something good!

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