Friday, March 20, 2009

NEWS: Stuff I Missed...

So, I've missed some things, and that's why this post is here. Here are your headlines for Friday, March 20th...

- Pixar's Up will be opening the 62nd Cannes Film Festival...

- Time is reporting that James Cameron, director of Titanic and Terminator along with many others, will have his next film, Avatar, which is beeing filmed right now, budgeted at OVER 300 MILLION DOLLARS...Recession what?

- Time is also saying that the film will change your life, so it may all be worth it...

- Peter Segal, director of Get Smart, will be taking over for Jay Roach in the directors chair of the upcoming film, Little Fockers...

- First Showing has the premiere of the new trailer from Summits The House On Sorority Row remake, Sorority Row, and it looks like garbage...

- Check out this new, badass poster for Terminator Salvation...

- First Showing has a new TV Spot for X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and it is kind of awesome...

- Variety is reporting that Brad Pitt and Natalie Portman have been cast in a feature film adaptation of Leanne Shapton’s novel Important Artifacts and Personal Property from the Collection of Lenore Doolan and Harold Morris, Including Books, Street Fashion, and Jewelry for Paramount Pictures.

And thats it! Come back later this weekend for reviews of Duplicity and Knowing, and then early next week, I'll have a review of Last House On The Left...

Go see something good!

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