I started this very site about a year and a half ago, and while I've moved most of my work over to DVDsnapshot, I fully plan on getting more content back here (maybe not me completely, but hopefully with some new writers). Why you may ask? Because some people, althought I truly can't tell you why ;), have decided that this blog was worth nominating for a Kreativ Blogger Award.
So, now it's my turn. Here are my Kreativ Blogger Award nominees:

Now let's get down to my Kreativ Bloggers shall we? Seven criteria must be met upon receiving this honor:
Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
Here goes!
1. Thank you so much Julian Stark. It means a lot to me to know that you feel as though my blog is worth checking out.
Seven Things:
1) I am a BIG fan of costume dramas and romance films. Probably more than I should be.
2) I'm a closet geek. Film, Music, Comics, and even sports, if it has some element of geekdome, I probably fall under that category.
3) My favorite book is Requiem For A Dream
4) I once wanted to be a Political Scientist prior to film journalist
5) My favorite film is Jean Luc Godard's Breathless
6) I've walked out of a movie once. Good Luck Chuck...
7) I play the ukulele
Now my nominees:
The King Bulletin
Reel Talk
Marc's Movie Blog
Dain's Movie Reviews
Drinkable Films
Kenz Talks About Movies
A Life In Equinox
These are all just really fantastic reads, and should be staples amongst your daily search for film news and discussion.
Stay tuned, there might just be a few changes to this place, but I'll still be here and most of my work can be read at DVDSnapshot.com.
Go see something good!
5 and 6. The blogs that I'm nominating are...
Common Sense Movie Reviews
The Film Experience
The King Bulletin
Life of a Cinephile and Bibliophile
Reel Talk
Stale Popcorn
Honorable Mention: Again, Univarn's A Life in Equinox. The reason I give honorable mention is because I have absolutely no clue if you're allowed to mention the one who nominated you in your seven blogs
Everyone nominated... remember to pass the awards on! Thanks again to Univarn for nominating me!