Sunday, August 31, 2008


I hate making choices. So, I walk into my local mall to check out a flick. It's a nice day out, but all of my friends were busy, and I was bored, so a movie is always a good bet. I walk up, and see that three films of interest for me are playing within about 30 minutes of each other. I had the "Napolean Dynamite-esque" comedy starring my boy Steve Coogan, Hamlet 2, Death Race with Statham, or the Don Cheadle flick Traitor. So, I think for a second, and decided that I could have the most fun, or at least be the most suprised by Traitor, so that's what I picked. However, did the film live up to my choice?

Traitor is the story of Samir Horn (Cheadle), who is an ex Special Forces opperative, turned alleged terrorist, and an investigation on him, led by FBI Agent, Roy Clark (the amazing Guy Pearce). The heat is brought on Samir when an alleged sale of explosives to a terrorist group in Burma goes wrong and is busted by the said FBI Agent and a group of local police. Once Samir is arrested, he is sent to Yemen, where he meets a man by the name of Omar, and is involved in a big jail break. Omar brings Samir deep into a world of Jihad and terrorist activities. However, things are not as they seem, across the board, as this film is full of twist after twist, and full of globe trotting intrigue.

The best thing about this film is in the two lead performances. Cheadle plays Samir, a man who, at an early age, saw the effect of terrorism and war when his father was brutally murded in a horrible car bombing, which is actually the opening of this really interesting film. Cheadle plays this character really well, as is to be expected, and brings a level of conflict within the character that could have easily been lost in this semi action film, more on that part in a minute. Guy Pearce also is really great here. He is a former Religion major in college, who fell in love with the Arabic culture, and while he may not agree with what the Jihadist are doing, he does have a great respect for the culture, and the religion as a whole. This film is full of politics and is much more overtly political than it's closest relative, the Bourne films. However, the two are far different. Traitor is a much slower film, still up tempo, just not as high action, and there is a lot less of a docudrama feel. The shaky camera that Paul Greengrass loves is not seen here, in place is a steady cam with a big emphasis on the politics and inner struggle between Samir and his demons. The twists in this film are great, and the main attack that the film is built around is a truly terrifying one to think about. Also, the films was really well shot. It's the first wide release film from director Jeffrey Nachmanoff, and him and his DP, J. Michael Muro, best known for the Oscar winning film Crash, have some really stunning visuals in this film. Some of the colors just pop off the screen, and in a few shots, the whites are so blown out, and the explosions really rip across the screen. Also, during some of the film, the film gets a little grainy and washed out, and it's a great change of pace from the much more polished, blueish tones that the scenes involving Pearce's character showcase. Finally, the ending of the film, particularly the last line of dialouge from Cheadle, really wraps the film up perfectly. All of that said, the film is definitley flawed.

First off, the script is really shlocky. It comes to us from none other than funny man Steve Martin, yes, Wild and Crazy Guy, Steve Martin, and is not really well done. It's not horrible, but in a film that is so tense, some of the dialouge was just really heavy handed and there were moments where the script said to much. Sure, it's a heavily political film, but when silence would have been perfect, they had the characters say something that just slowed the film down. I can only compare it to the part in In the Valley of Elah, when Tommy Lee Jones tells a child the story of David and Goliath to stop him from being scared of the dark, and then he and Charlize Theron discuss what happened for about a half a minute. There were just moments that could have been cut, not many, but a few. Also, the second act did tend to lag a little bit. However, the ending is so great, and the last line of dialouge says so much about Cheadles character and the film as a whole, that these flaws didn't hinder my experience all that much. Cheadle and Pierce are really amazing, the supporting cast was well cast, the film was really interesting to look at, and the script didn't take to much away, so if you have some time, give this a shot.

Traitor - 7.5/10...

It's no Bourne film, but it has ambitions greater than that, but it just falls a little short on those said ambitions...It's a nice little thriller...

Alright, so that's all I've got for right now. I'll hopefully have a DVD review in a few days, a top 10 (what should it be?), and some news and notes.

Go see something good!!

Weekend Wrap Up...

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting for the past couple of news to speak of, outside of McCain's VP choice and Hurrican Gustav, but I don't want to get into weather or politics here, so lets just get into's the box office top 10...

1.Tropic Thunder
2.Babylon A.D.
3.The Dark Knight
4.The House Bunny
6.Death Race
7.Disaster Movie
8. Mamma Mia!
9.Pineapple Express
10.Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Tropic Thunder is still number 1...only grossed 16 million bucks though...This brings me to my question. Why have the past three weeks box office numbers been so low? Have you guys gone out to the theatres in say, the past month, or has your selection detered you from shelling out your hard earned dinero?

Traitor is at a solid 5...I'll have a review of that either tomorrow or later tonight...

Go see Vicky Cristina's amazing...

Here are your noteable DVD releases for this Tuesday, the 2nd of's a trio of small indie flicks...

- The Promotion...Indie comedy starring Sean William Scott and John C. Reily about two guys attempting to get a promotion at their grocery store...Little seen film, that had an interesting trailer, solid cast, and a pretty cool premise...give it a rental.

- Then She Found Me...Helen Hunt and a Colin Firth star...there's the reason to skip it...

- Reprise...
Two freinds who have a competative spirit deal with life, love, and work...all I know about this film is that it's a big critic favorite, and the people I've talked to have loved it. I'll be renting this one.

Alright, here's the deal. Summer is coming to a big time close, and the theatres are definitley taking a hit, quality wise. This week sees ONE new release, Bangkok Dangerous, starring Nick Cage as an assassain who goes good after meeting a lovely lady in, instead of telling you guys to go see that probable pile of shit, I am going to give you the five best films, still in first run theatres...

5. Traitor
4. Tropic Thunder
3. Wall E
2. Vicky Cristina Barcelona
1. The Dark Knight

So, if you feel an urge to get out to the theatres, and you haven't seen one of these, please, do yourself a favor, and give one a shot, especially Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Traitor. More on Traitor later...

That's all I've got for now, so come back this week for some news, notes, a DVD review, and a review of Traitor and probably Bangkok Dangerous...

Go see something good!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some news...

Hey guys! I've got to get to class in about 45 minutes, so I'm just going to get into are your headlines...

- Robert Downey Jr and Tina Fey have been tapped to star in Dreamworks upcoming animated film, MasterMind...
- Kevin Smith has come out and said that his new film, Zack and Miri Make a Porno will NOT be a part of his "Askewniverse"...thoughts?
- Baz Lurhman's film, Australia, has been pushed back a week, to November 26th, due to the moving of Bond 22...
- This years suprise horror hit, The Strangers, WILL be getting a sequel, with production slated to begin early next year...
- A film based on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is in the are people thinking?!?!?!
- The Descent is getting a sequel...thanks to Cinematical for this bit of information...

The sequel picks up where the first film left off (that is if you are following the events of the North American release of the original film). The story follows the return of a mute and unbalanced Sarah as she heads back down to the caves with a rescue party to locate the rest of her group. Of course, this being the ricketiest cave on earth, the group is soon trapped and left to deal with the nasties down below.

What do you guys think?? What are your thoughts on the first Descent film?

Thats all I've got for now, so come back later for more news and notes....

Go see something good!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Some news...

Hey was a pretty slow newsday, so that's the reason behind the late post. I caught a few flicks on DVD too, so I'll have a couple one liners at the end, if you are searching for a flick to throw on this weekend...first, here are your headlines....

- David Cronenberg's classic flick, The Fly, is in the begining stages of a stage will be an operatic re-imagning of the great 1986 film starring Jeff Goldblum...
- MTV Movie Blog has announced that a new Dracula film is in the works. MTV will not have anything to do with it, and not much was said other than it will be a much more down to earth version, with very little supernatural parts...Dracula: Year One will be helmed by Dark City/I, Robot helmer Alex Proyas...
- Interesting news out of the WB camp, reguarding Christopher Nolan...thanks to comingsoon for the info...

And Warners and Legendary are both interested in doing a third in the series, but all involved say it will be up to Nolan to come to them with a story and a plan.

“There are a lot of us who emotionally would love to do it,” Roven says. “But it’s really Chris’ call. Chris is the kind of filmmaker who just doesn’t think about the next movie before he has completely finished the movie he is working on.”

For now, Nolan is taking a well-earned vacation.

Says Roven, “When he comes back, we will see how he feels.”

WB is doing something right...It gives me tons of hope for the next film, knowing that it will happen, only if the autuer's heart is in it. If he is done, he's not contractually forced to just throw something together. What do you guys think???
- Despite rumours, Steven Spielberg is STILL on to direct the first Tin Tin film, with Peter Jackson helming the sequel...
- Children of the Corn will be getting a remake thanks to the people over at the SciFi channel...

Finally, I just want to say a couple of things on three films I checked out today...

- Ali
Will Smith's best performance, and one of the ten best sports films ever made. The way Michael Mann works the camera, the way it's shot, the performances, and the dialouge are all top notch, and proves that this is a horribly underrated film.


- Rocket Science
One of the most paint by numbers film's I've seen in a long time. No one does Wes Anderson better than the Birdman himself.

4/10, if only for the performance of Anna Kendrick

- Lost In La Mancha
A solid film about films, and gives an insight into what it's like when filmmaking doesn't go to plan. It's a little docky, with a lot of talking head moments, but it's more fun than a lot of straight forward documentaries. If you are into filmmaking, this is something to check out...


So, that's all I've got for today, so come back later for more news and notes!!

Go see something good!!!

The Life Before Her Eyes...

Before this review starts, let me get something off my chest. When I recommend a film, such as The House of Sand and Fog or Audition, two vastly different films, I have a warning attached. Take THOSAF for example. It's a brilliant film, featuring amazing performances, screenwriting, and visuals, HOWEVER, my recommendation is iffy, as you definitely have to be in a certain mood to watch that film. If you can stand to be horribly depressed, yet completely enveloped into a story, then check it out. If you want something you will forget in a while, then stay the hell away, and that hurts me to say, because I love that film, however, it's a valid point that is going to be in my recommendation of this film.

The Life Before Her Eyes comes to us from Vademe Perelman, the director of the aforementioned HOSAF, and this is his second feature film. It tells the story of Diana McPhee, a student in High school, and also tells the story of the same Diana McPhee, 15 years later. The dual stories are due to a horrific event, a school shooting in which she was a survivor of. She was a free spirited 17 year old with an open life, and this event has been with her ever since, even to the present day landscape of the film, in which she has a husband, a young child, and a great job as a professor. She still lives in her hometown, and all seems gold until her guilt begins to overtake her during the 15th anniversary of the horrific day. Her guilt and thoughts on the shooting effect her life to the point where her seemingly perfect life begins to go into a deep spiral. We follow the events before the shooting, and the events during the week of the shootings, 15 years later. This deeply depressing premise aside, is the film something to put yourself through?

Just barely. The film has many strong suits, mainly in the visual department. Pawel Edelman, the cinematographer, does such a great job really bringing these two separate times to life. The color palette is so stark and the colors seem to just pop right off of the screen, just making this film even more emotionally strong. It's such a idyllic world visually, that when the events happen, it's all the more depressing. Also, the performances here from the two Dianas, the great Uma Thurman and the underrated Evan Rachel Wood, are so good, and really make you feel for this character. She is such a free spirit, and that young, idyllic sensibility is done perfectly by Evan Rachel Wood. Diana was a strong person, with a sort of immature, by most standards view of the world that it seemed to come natural for Ms. Wood. She is such a stunning young woman, and Uma's character is much more reserved and "grown up", which was also done just right by Uma Thurman. With a story like this, the emotional depths that it can reach lives and dies with the performances, and a submarine couldn't reach the depths this film reaches. There's also one MASSIVE question that this film leaves you with. What would you do when faced with a literal life or death situation. The film revolves around an event in which her and her closest friend, Muareen, come face to face with the shooter terrorizing the school. He asks the two to decide who he should kill. This is the question at the root of the film, and is one that, while horribly depressing, is an interesting one to ponder. However solid the film was, there were many flaws that brought this film down a ways.

First off, this film is not for everyone, which I've already discussed above. However, there are other reasons to give this statement. The narrative to this film is not an easy one to deal with. There are many different cross cuts between story lines, and the ending make this one of the more confusing and sort of frustrating films I've seen in a long time. Granted, some of the overlapping dialogue is really well done and impressively shot, yet the majority of these cuts sort of left me wondering why, and a little angry. You want to see where some of the plot lines go, which I won't give anything away, yet there are many instances which these points are not really cleaned up. Aside from my frustration, which was really minimal, the only other problem I had with the film was the script. Some of the dialogue, especially with the Uma Thurman character didn't seem to work. Aside from a few loose plot points, a sketchy plotting, and an alright script, this is a film I do really recommend, but only when you want to feel better about your own life. The film has a Lifetime movie plot, that is elevated to solid film by amazing performances and really breathtaking visuals. Is this one of the best films of the year, no, but it is right up there for most impactful, and that counts for a whole lot.

The Life Before Her Eyes - 7/10

Come back later for some news and notes....hopefully some happy info at that...

Go see something good!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Some news...

Hey are your late headlines for this Tuesday, the 26th of August...

- Dragonball Z, despite rumors, is still a go according to the heads over at Fox...thoughts?
- A fourth Riddick film is in the works...
- Halloween 2, the sequel to the reboot film directed by Rob Zombie, will be WITHOUT that very director. Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury, both French film directors, were originally set to helm the reboot of the Hellraiser franchise, but now it looks as though they have jumped that ship and jumped on the Halloween boat...
- Earlier this week, I said that due to the director of the film, Babylon A.D. is something to give a chance to...HOWEVER, I have drastically changed my opinion...thanks to The Movie Blog for this info...

Matieu Kassovitz (LA HAINE, GOTHIKA) clearly didn’t have a very good time making the film. As he candidly tells AMC: “I never had a chance to do one scene the way it was written or the way I wanted it to be. The script wasn’t respected. Bad producers, bad partners, it was a terrible experience.”

Not a lot of gray area there, but what Kassovitz dislikes about the cut could be what appeals to the American masses: “It’s pure violence and stupidity,” and “parts of the movie are like a bad episode of 24″.

Now, is this really a good thing for a director to do? He joined on the project, working FOR A STUDIO (Fox), and now he has come out and bashed it. The only director in "the studio system" with final cut is Spielberg, so he knew that the final say would be on the studio. Now, I think it's really a bitch move on Kassovitz' part, that said, I can see where he is coming from, and I don't agree with the studio system at all. However, that's the system in place, and I don't think it's right for a film director to throw his film under the bus like that. Maybe it's just a quote that wasn't supposed to be released, but it did get out, and it's a bitch move. That said, I still love Kassovitz and his work, and I would like to hear your thoughts!

- Finally, the Twilight cast has been called back to shoot more scenes...not to RESHOOT, but to simply shoot more...

Alright, so it's a slow day, shoot me...come back tomorrow for a review of The Life Before Her Eyes, and more news and notes...

Go see something good!

Fast and Furious Trailer...

Sequel to the hit film The Fast and The Furious, which I actually did kinda like, although it really is just a blatant rip off of Point Break, and this time, the original cast is back...

What are your thoughts on this trailer???

Monday, August 25, 2008

Top 10 Shakespeare Films...

So, this Wednesday, Hamlet 2 is finally released to a wide in honor of that film about a sequel to one of the Bard's most beloved plays, here are the ten greatest films adapted from Billy's original works...

10. 10 Things I Hate About You
9. Romeo And Juliet
8. West Side Story
7. Shakespeare In Love
6. Henry V
5. My Own Private Idaho
4. Throne Of Blood
3. The Lion King
2. Ran
1. Romeo + Juliet

What's your favorite Shakespeare inspired film???

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Try Getting This Out of Your Head...

This is the band Giulia y los tellarini, and their song "Barcelona" which I mentioned a few days ago in my review of Vicki Cristina Barcelona. It's a really great movie, and this song is just as great. Try getting this one out of your head...

Weekend Wrap Up...

Hey guys! Here is your box office top 10...

1.Tropic Thunder
2.The House Bunny
3.Death Race
4.The Dark Knight
5.Star Wars: The Clone Wars
6.Pineapple Express
8.The Longshots
9.Mamma Mia!
10.The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

This may be the weakest, or at least most spread out of all the weekends this summer... The top 4 all grossed between 10 and 17 million, with Tropic Thunder coming in at about 16.1 million...TDK falls to 4th, and it looks as though it won't get near Titanic...People need to realize something. Titanic will never be touched box office was a weak summer that Titanic was in, and grossing about 1.8 BILLION dollars, won't happen again, especially with some studios looking to release films in theatres, and in digital realms at the same time, such as iTunes...

Here are your note able DVD releases for this Tuesday....
- Chicago 10
Documentary on 8 protesters who were put up for trial after the events of the 1968 Democratic National Convention. That's all that I really know about this film. Celebrities voice characters in recreations, it mixes animation with archival footage, and it was a big hit two years ago at the Sundance Film Festival...This is a really interesting story that I can't wait to see on film...go give it a shot if you are like me and love '60's history...
- Postal
Uwe Boll's latest film...critics actually didn't hate it...still not gonna get this money however...
- Redbelt
Latest film from David Mamet, and stars Chiwetel Ejiofor as a red belt Jiu Jistu master who launched into prize fighting after a fateful night...worth a shot, if only to see what Ejiofor does...

- Son of Rambow
Story about two friends, in '80's Britain, who attempt to make a sequel to First Blood. That one line should get you excited to see this film. It's from director Garth Jennings who became famous for the adaptation of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and this looks like a perfect addition to this film creators cannon. Check it out!

So, it's the end of the summer, with only one big name release coming up, Eagle Eye, but in the meantime, we have some films from big names in the art houses, but none this week, sorry to say. Guess you'll have to wait a couple of weeks for Blindness and Burn After Reading. This weekend however, we have a really mediocre lineup. First are the two action flicks...Traitor, starring Don Cheadle, which is pretty much just the Bourne series with a black Jason Bourne...and Babylon A.D., which actually doesn't look horrible, yet stars Vin Deisel so it will be. HOWEVER, it is a film from Gothika and La Haine helmer, Mathieu Kassovitz, so I'm still interested. Then we have the lame duck comedies, Disaster Movie and College, which don't even deserve my time discussing them. And then the drama Henry Poole Is Here starring Luke Wilson and featuring a great song from The Bravery in the trailer. There's also Hamlet 2, but I am not sure about the release pattern in the local area for that one, but if it's around your area, check it out...

This weekend will probably see me at Babylon A.D and/Traitor, and maybe Hamlet 2. Also, I will try to get The Life Before Her Eyes and Son of Rambow for a possible DVD review. You can always expect some news and notes, so continue to read my notes, and check out my blog for some added videos like Oscar nominated short film, Even Pigeons Go To Heaven...

Go see something good!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Even Pigeons Go To Heaven...

One of the short films nominated last year in the best animated short film category...It was directed by Samuel Tourneux, and is about a priest who tries to sell a man a machine that will send him to heaven...what do you guys think???

Toy Story 3 Poster...


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Vicky Cristina Barcelona...

Woody Allen still has it. Ever since I was about 11 and first saw Annie Hall, I have tried to see as many Woody Allen films, and have not really liked many of his more recent ones, really since Curse of The Jade Scorpion. HOWEVER, with Match Point, Scoop, and this year's releases, Cassandra's Dream (which was just out of my top 10 of the year so far this past week), and now, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, which if I were to redo that very list, it would easily make it. Now, the question is, how good is it...

Vicky Cristina Barcelona has a really simple premise. Two friends, Vicky (Rebecca Hall, who is really phenominal), and Cristina (the always, minus the Black Dhalia, seductive Scarlett Johansson), embark on a summer vacation in Barcelona, where they had a chance meeting with a painter, Juan Antonio (Javier Bardem), who asks them to join him for a weekend of wine, food, and love making. The two go, and have an extremely interesting trip. This film is the story of that very trip. The two fall in and out of love with Javier and in an interesting turn, his ex wife, played by Penelope Cruz, and have a trip that is full of growth and experimentation. That's the film in a nutshell. And you know what, it really worked.

First off, let me get this off my chest. I now have no shame in admitting my completely heterosexual man love for Javier Bardem. He is a master at his craft, and that craft is seduction. This is a really simple film, and that is what is so great about it. It's just a story about three lives who intersect and ultimatley change. The dialouge is brilliant, the banter back and forth is great, and the actors really make this screenplay shine. Scarlett is suprisingly good in her performance as a free spirited sex pot, and Rebecca Hall really steals the show. Penelope Cruz is great in her small role, and as before, I said Javier is just amazing, and it really seems to be a natural performance from him. Woody Allen also shows that he still has some left in the tank. Granted, there are no awe inspiring shots, but the way he works the camera during seemingly mundane discussions, makes these interchanges a real character themselves. Also, and probably my biggest positive, is the cinematography from Javier Aguirresarobe who may be most famous for his work on the great film, The Sea Inside, also starring Mr. Bardem. The way that Spain is shot in this film is truly amazing. It's so warm, the city streets look amazing, and the way they use the culture in the film, because the two friends are on vacation, make this one of the most enjoyable movie going experiences I've had all year. Not much happens, but that's really the charm of this film. You can go to see the Dark Knight and get hit over the head with heavy, 9/11 overtones, but if you want some lighter, and more naturalistic fare, this should be right up your alley. Yeah, the film looses steam, some of the dialouge gets boring, some scenes don't really hit, but these are so few and far between that this is easily in my top 5 films of the year so far, and, like I said, is one of the most fun experiences I've had all year in the theatres. Go check this out, and then go check out some Pedro Almodovar films, or vice versa...

Vicky Cristina Barcelona - 8/10

Here's the trailer for those of you who are interested...

(The song from the trailer is featured a lot in the film, and if you like it, it's called Barcelona and is from the group Giulia y Tellarini)

Thanks for reading, and I would really like to hear your thoughts on some new releases. If you've seen any new flicks, what are they and what did you think?

Go see something good!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

This could be big...

Alright, I wrote a post on some news, and one of the articles I talked about was a suit between Warner Brothers and Fox...I was really not clear at all, so here's the article I read...

Nikke Finke reports that a federal judge has denied to dismiss 20th Century Fox’s legal claim on Watchmen. You may remember that they filed a lawsuit back in February claiming that their rights to the DC property still held. They seek an injunction to prevent Warner Bros’ adaptation of Watchmen from being released at all.
And at this point, that federal judge agrees with them.

This shit is not good AT ALL...Thanks to cinematical for the info...

So, this is the gist of it. Fox sued Warner Brothers for allegedly taking a film they had the rights to, and the judge DISMISSED a motion to get rid of these charges, so Fox actually may have a leg to stand on. This is really really not a good thing. What are your thoughts?

Sorry if my last post was a little unclear. If there are any questions on some notes, please, leave a comment. I was in a rush to post, as my internet has been going in and out.

What are your thoughts on this suit? Is it legit, or is Fox playing dirty pool?

Go see something good!

Some news...

Hey guys! I'm back after about a day and a half of a giant shit my internet took while I was gone, so here is a TON of news headlines for you all to take a look at and comment on...

- Tyrese has confirmed that he will be in A-Team, although he has yet to say as what character...remember, Ice Cube is rumoured to be Mr. T's B.A. Barackas...
- Fox Studios wants an injunction on the upcoming Watchmen film, in which they either get some bank, or the film is not released...Seriously...this could be HUGE...this is nothing to just take lightly...Fox had the rights at one time, and they want some bank. It's really sketchy, so google the case...I'll have a full post on this tomorrow, when more stuff comes out...
- The third X Files film is slated to be direct to DVD...
- Superman is looking to get a new script has been written, so some are starting to speculate that it may not go at all, which would call for a new reboot entirely...
- Laurence Fishburne is heading to CSI...
- Sam Raimi is eyeing the amazing James Franco to reboot the "Jack Ryan" franchise which featured films like The Sum of All Fears...
- The Hobbit script has been started...
- Vin Diesel is working on a 20 minute Fast and The Furious prequel...
- Poltergeist is getting a remake...
- Emily Blunt and James McAvoy will star in an upcoming romance film, Gnomeo and Juliet, based on Romeo and Juliet, and set to the tunes of Elton John...BRILLIANT!!!!!!
- FINALLY, a special, sing a long edition of Mamma Mia! is set to be released in theatres in the coming weeks...

Thats all for now, come back later for more news and notes!!!

Go see something good!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Top 10 Films to look forward to for the rest of the years...the redux...

Hey guys! Now, in honor of this weeks shit filled slate, as Hamlet 2 has been pushed back to next week, I have decided to redo my list of top 10 films to look out for this year. Some trailers have come out, news has been leaked, and dates pushed back for some really big films, so I think this work. You also have my CURRENT top 10 of, enjoy, and let the commenting begin. Oh, and really, I don't even want to think of a top 10 to try and make in honor of the biggest release this week, The House Bunny, so screw it if I'm repetative, I get some credence in this case...

10. Max Payne/Appaloosa/RocknRolla (I'm allowed a cheat)
9. Milk
8. Synecdoche, New York
7. Changeling
6. Blindness
5. The Brothers Bloom
4. W
3. The Soloist
2. Burn After Reading
1. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

We also have Australia, Baz Lurhmans new film...Bond 22, which is a far better title than Quantum of Solace...and Spike Lee's new film, Miracle at St. Anna...

Alright, so while I take a look forward, let me tell you what I personally have loved this year with my current top 10.

10. 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days (kind of a cheat, but it was released in the states in '08, so I'll put it at 10, brilliant film...please, check it out)
9. Tropic Thunder
8. My Blueberry Nights
7. The Visitor
6. Iron Man
5. Wanted
4. In Bruges
3. Funny Games
2. Paranoid Park
1. The Dark Knight

Alright...come back for more news and notes!!

Just watched Kill Bill vol. 1...what a brilliant film...what's your favorite Tarantino film??? Oh, if you've seen them all...rank 'em...

Go see something good!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Some news, Mirrors review...

Hey guys! I've got some stuff to get into, so lets start with some headlines...

- Darren Lynn Bousman...yes, Repo! The Genetic Opera and Saw 2-4 helmer is working on a new Leprechaun film, and wants it to be set in the Wild Wild West...
- Game, the alleged second film from Crank duo Brian Neveldine and Mark Taylor, has been pushed back to summer of next year...
- Spy Hunter has been canned until further notice...
- Voltron is set to get a film adaptation, and on a moderate budget, by using the type of technology seen in films like 300 and the upcoming Watchmen film...thoughts???

Finally, I would just like to get into a little bit about Mirrors. It's the newest film from director Alexandre Aja, best known for the Hills Have Eyes remake (which, along with the first Saw, are probably the best films from the tourture porn genre), but also did a little indie French horror film called High Tension which is solid, and stars Jack Bower, I mean, Kiefer "my parents couldn't think of a better name, really?" Sutherland. It's basically about a former cop whose family is now the target of a being who is using mirrors to take the souls of it's victims. That is a really interesting premise, that works a little bit.

The best thing about this film is the amazingly creepy set decoration and the cinematography. The sets, especially in the burned department store, are really creepy and almost Silent Hill like. It's very dark, rusted, and the contrast between the concrete, brick and the dried out blood made any shot inside the department store, automatically creepy. The music, while a little cliche near the end, worked. Sure, you could tell what would happen based on music ques, but the way the music works with the characters interacting with the mirrors worked really well. Also, I know it may just be because I'm dumb, but I did not see the ending coming, based on the fact that the film had been so sort of cliche the entire time. Along with the solid ending, is one of the most insane bath tub scenes that rivals Cabin Fever for sheer turn-your-head-and-vomit-in-your-hand moments. All of these great things said, the film is heavily flawed.

The main problem is the lead performances. Kiefer Sutherland is not good, and neither is his wife, played by Paula Patton. Amy Smart is fine as Keiffer's little sister, and the two children in the film are really good. Also, while the ending is interesting, it isn't really well done, as I had no idea how or why this happened. Well, there's one reason why it happened, so there could be a sequel. The way this film ends is so blattantly hoping a sequel is made, that it left a sour taste in my mouth. The script is really straightforward and basic, and the characters are cookie cutter horror cliche's. That may be the biggest sin of this film. The premise is so interesting and inventive (outside of the fact that it's based on a Korean film, Into The Mirrors, and is basically a Twilight Zone episode), that the fact that it lives so close to the realm of cliche really bothered me. However, there were some scares, it looks GORGEOUS (for a thriller) and it's an interesting premise, so it's not a total loss.

Mirrors - 6/10

Alright, that's all I have for now, so come back later for more news and notes...

Go see something good!

Weekend Wrap Up...

Sorry for the late post, I had an opportunity to get out and check out Mirrors, so I did just that, and will have a few thoughts, maybe a review, tomorrow with my news posts...but here is the box office top 10 for this weekend...

1.Tropic Thunder
2.The Dark Knight
3.Star Wars: The Clone Wars
5.Pineapple Express
6.The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
7.Mamma Mia!
8.The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
9.Step Brothers
10.Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Tropic Thunder trounced TDK with a gross, for the weekend, of 26 million, compared to TDK's 16 million bones. It's good to see the years first real solid, wide released comedy get some bank. While In Bruges may be better, TT is a damn good film, with one of my favorite performances of the year from Robert Downey Jr. Also, Mirrors comes in a respectible fourt, and Vicky Cristina Barcelona is a suprise at number 10.

Here are your noteable DVD releases for this Tuesday...

- The triage of suckage...A) Street Kings B) Hannah Montana Shit Turd 3D C) WORST OF ALL...PROM NIGHT
- Miss Pettigrew Lives for A Day...Looks like it could be a cute little film, and the cast looks pretty good, so give it a shot...

- The Life Before Her Eyes
Second film from amazing director Vadim Perelman, whose first film, The House of Sand and Fog is still making me weep, and it stars Uma Thurman who plays a woman who survived a school shooting, and whose guilt is destroying her seemingly perfect life, 20 years later. Please, this is a great director, and it's a great stoyline, so go give this a shot. I know I will.

Finally, we have the theatrical releases...First are the three surefire p.o.s's, The House Bunny, starring Anna Farris as a Playboy Bunny who tries to change some lives...then there is The Rocker, staring Rain Wilson as an aging rocker...and Death Race, the illfaded, blasphemous remake of a favorite, classic film of mine, Death Race 2000. Please, if you want to see DR, check out DR2000 first. It's a great film, its campy, and most importantly, it's just a great time, with some political statements too.

That pile of shit aside, we also have the middle of the road sports formula film, The Longshots, starring Ice Cube, and the AMAZINGLY HILLARIOUS looking Hamlet 2, which is the film you will be reading a review of here come this weekend. Steve Coogan plays a drama teacher looking to make a sequel to Hamlet, starring Hamlet, and Jesus. Sounds awesome, the trailer's amazing, and the cast is too. You need to check it out.

So, sometime this week, you can expect my thoughts on Mirrors, maybe a review of Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Hamlet 2, along with some recomendations, a top 10, and some news and notes.

Go see something good!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Some news...

Hey guys! It's the weekend, so I hope you are all having a good time, and I have come to enlighten you all with your film related headlines for this Saturday, the 16th of August...

- Batman has been cleared! The alleged assault charges on actor Christian Bale have been dropped. Hopefully, since no one out of either camps have been saying anything, this can just be dropped.

- Matthew Vaughn, producer of the amazing films Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells and Snatch, and director of Layer Cake and Stardust, is looking to adapt the cult comic book, Kick Ass...sounds like something right up his alley...thoughts?? Thanks to Yahoo! for the info...

Written by Millar — whose “Wanted” series was adapted for the screen earlier this year — and drawn by John Romita Jr., “Kick-Ass” follows a high school dweeb who attempts to reinvent himself as a real-world costumed superhero named Kick-Ass who seems doomed to failure because he’s not athletic or coordinated until he runs into real bad guys with real weapons.

I'm all for this...what do you guys think???

- It looks like Mike Meyers is looking to get a small part in Quentin Tarantino's upcoming Inglorious Bastards...You all may roll your eyes right now, but I really think this could work, and this is something that his career needs. Thoughts?

- The upcoming Punisher film, Punisher: War Zone, may end up being PG-13...

- David Goyer is in talks to do the Invisible Man before X Men Origins: Magneto...NOT GOOD!

- Finally, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is set to be pushed back to summer of next year...

Alright, thats all I've got for now...come back later for some more news and notes!!

Go see something good!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Tropic Thunder...

Boycotts are retarded. Alright, here's the deal. In Tropic Thunder, two actors, Kirk Lazarus and Tugg Speedman (Robert Downey Jr. and Ben Stiller respectivley), discuss the difference between crittically acclaimed, "half retarded" performances by Dustin Hoffman and Tom Hanks, and "whole retarded" performances from the critical bomb that was Tugg's performance in Simple Jack, a film which is kind of like a young version of John Malckovich's character in Of Mice and Men. They use the word "retard" a bit, and this has rubbed a few groups representing the mentally handicapped the wrong way, enough to cause them to call for a boycot. HOWEVER, this film is not making fun of them, they are making fun of the actors. This film has a ton of heart, and it's not mean spirited in any way. People can take it for what it is, but that's how I took it. Does the film live up to this diffense however??

Tropic Thunder has a really basic premise. A group of actors try to get together and make "the greatest war film ever made". Tugg Speedman (Stiller), is the action star, Kirk Lazarus (RDJ), is the critical and indie darling, Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black) is the Eddie Murphy style comedic actor, and Alpa Chino and Kevin Sandusky (Brandon T. Jackson and Jay Baruchel), are the rapper and the new actor trying to make it big. They are led into 'Nam by rookie director, Damien Cockburn, and are adapting the book, Tropic Thunder. However, in an attempt to make it more authentic, the group gets lost in the jungle, with no phones or walkie talkies. Things just get worse as Speedman leaves the group, and gets caught by drug runners, and the rest of the group must break him out.

Robert Downey Jr. deserves some sort of an award. It is pure blasphemy that this man has been nominated for ONE Oscar, and way back in '93 for Chaplin. He proves, once again, that he is one of the best, all around, actors in the world today. He can play the brainiac playboy, and before that play the self loathing principal, and then play the paranoid news writer, and do all billiantly, and this is just another example. He steals every single scene he is in, which is a lot, and really shows up more comedic based actors Jack Black and Ben Stiller. That said, Black and Stiller are just parts in a truly great and perfectly put together cast. Even Thomas Maypather Cruise is hilarious, as the foul mouthed Studio Exec. The only lame duck performance is Bill Hader, but his role is so small, that it didn't slow the pace. Also, Ben Stiller has definitley come into his own as a director. Reality Bites is great, The Cable Guy is great, Zoolander is great, and now Tropic Thunder can be thrown into that group. This film lives and dies with his direction and the screenplay written by him and Iron Man 2 scribe, and David Lynch staple, Justin Theroux. This film is alive and kicking based on those two things. The action scenes, coming from a rookie action director, are really well done. Also, when it comes to comedies, the one thing that can make or destroy a film in this genre, is the laugh factor. If the film makes you laugh, then it works, and if it doesn't, then toss it. This is far and away the funniest film I've seen all year. All of these positives said, there are definitley a few problems with this film.

The biggest problem with this film is that when the jokes don't hit, as only a couple of them don't, they really bring me out of the film. The main scene that really angered me was the definite nuke-the-fridge moment, and that is a dance scene between Tom Cruise and the afformentioned Bill Hader. The two try to woo Stiller's agent, the actually great Matty McChonaghey, to just let Speedman die, as it would actually make them more money than the film would. They talk about getting him a plane, and then they bust out some Flo Rida, and begin to dance. It's a lame moment, and got about as many laughs as the trailer for Disaster Movie got. However, outside of that, and a couple of other lame joke moments, there really is no negatives to talk about. Has the film stayed with me, even as I write this, no, but I don't think this film trys to do that, and that's the great thing. There is no bigger message, outside of the bashing of Hollywood and what some actors do to get awards, and it totally works. I can see as many movies with a huge, overriding political message, and there's a place for those, and those, to me, are better films, but if you want some pure comedic fun, than skip the other comedies out there, Pineapple Express and Step Brothers, and go check out Tropic Thunder.

Tropic Thunder - 8/10

That's all I've got for now...come back later for some more news, notes and hopefully a brief review of Mirrors and/or Vicky Christina Barcelona....

Go see something good!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Some news...

Hey guys! Today is a packed day for me with dinner and a movie with some friends...Tropic Thunder...should be good, and you all will know if it was here are the big headlines for this Thursday, the 14th of August...

- The quircky holiday themed horror film, Mother's Day, is set to get a remake, with none other than Saw 3 and 4 helmer Darren Bousman is looking to direct...what the fuck are they thinking???

- There will be no sidekick in the upcoming Evil Dead 4...

- There will be a Kung Fu Panda 2, as well as a Madagascar 3...

- Finally, the alleged Justice League film has been CANNED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!! Fucking brilliant. Looks like DC can make a right choice. Seriously. The biggest problem was that they were going to create two parrallell universes in which two seperate Batman (Batmen?) and two seperate Superman would exist. They did not have Christian Bale or Brendan Ralph as the two iconic heroes, and now, they were thinking of doing a Teen Titans film, which would be perfect, but not two seperate DC Universes. What do you guys think???

Alright, so, I'll have a review of Tropic Thunder tomorrow, so come back for that...

Go see something good!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Top 10 War films...

So, in honor of Tropic Thunder, out now, I have come up with a top 10 list that may be a little controversial. Let me just get this out of the way. I don't like war or war films. Never have, never will. HOWEVER, I have seen my fair share, and like enough to make this a credible list. So here it is...

10. Black Hawk Down
9. Letters From Iwo Jima
8. Platoon
7. The Deer Hunter
6. All Quiet on the Western Front
5. The Battle of Algiers
4. Apocalypse Now
3. Paths of Glory
2. Three Kings
1. Full Metal Jacket

Now, what are your favorite war films??? How about protest films (possible top 10 later)??

Go see something good!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some News...

Hey guys! So, I'm still sort of getting used to my new townhouse, so I may not have the same amount of posts this week, but I definitley will try. Here are the headlines for this Tuesday, the 12th of August...

- Amy Winehouse will star in "Escape From Rehab", a new videogame to promote Disaster Movie...
- With the loss Isaac Hayes and Bernie Mac, and just like with Heath Ledger, it brings up their unfinished, or just finished work. In November, the two will star in Soul Men...thanks to the NYDaily for pointing this out...

The upcoming comedy, set to be released in November, features both comedian Bernie Mac and singer Isaac Hayes, who died within one day of each other this weekend. And eerily enough, the movie’s plot is about death.

In “Soul Men,” a rhythm-and-blues band reunites 20 years after their acrimonious breakup following the death of the band’s lead singer. Samuel L. Jackson and Bernie Mac play the group’s two main members, while Isaac Hayes portrays himself.

Sounds like a fun little film. Can't wait to check it out....

- The Special Olympic are boycotting Tropic Thunder for the use of the word "retard" on a promotional website...
- Finally, heres a new poster for the upcoming Star Trek film...

I am stoked for this film, and Simon Pegg as Scotty...PERFECT. What are your thoughts on the film?

Alright, come back tomorrow for more news and notes...

Go see something good

Sunday, August 10, 2008

She and Him...

Just good music...Zooey Deschanel and indie troubadour Matt Ward's group called She and Him, and the Album is called Volume 1. If you like folky music...just stuff you through on in the background, then check them out.

Go see something good!

Weekend Wrap Up...

You guys know what this is about, so lets get down to it, I've got packing to do...

Box Office top 10...

1.The Dark Knight
2.Pineapple Express
3.The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
4.The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
5.Step Brothers
6.Mamma Mia!
7.Journey to the Center of the Earth
9.Swing Vote

The Dark Knight WINS AGAIN. The thing about that is, The Dark Knight beating these films, means that people are going out to see TDK MULTIPLE TIMES before even thinking about seeing these other films, including a sure fire, or thought to be surefire hit with Pineapple Express. HOWEVER, I believe Tropic Thunder this week will beat it, and gross over 60 million bucks, even though it may blow it's load a little early, as it, like PE, is opening on Wednesday...

There are the only three real noteable DVD releases..

- CJ7...Comes to us from Stephen Chow, the mastermind behind Kung Fu Hustle, and Shaolin Soccer...kind of like E.T., just much more crazy and cartoony...I haven't seen it, so this is definitley something I will be renting...
- Smart People...I think one of my first reviews over on my blog, and I really enjoyed this film. It's funny and includes one of my favorite male performances from the brilliant Thomas Hayden Church. HOWEVER, if you want to see an Ellen Page film, go to Hard Candy or The Tracey Fragments first. SM is a bit better than Juno, Citizen Kane compared to the first 20 minutes of Juno, but not as good as either of those give it a shot...

- Brand Upon the Brain...
Two reasons why you should be excited for this film...
1) Guy Madden is behind it...
2) It's a Criterion release, for it's FIRST RUN...
It's a small film with Madden narrating over footage, so it may be a little out there, as most of his films are, but it's at the top of my queue, as it should be for you...

So this week sees 4 major releases that I am pretty interested in...However, I am not sure which ones I should review...I am positive that I will be seeing the Robert Downey Jr., Ben Stiller, Jack Black war comedy, Tropic Thunder, yet I don't know what else to check out. We have Vicky Christina Barcelona, Woody Allen's new film about two women who meet a seductive Spanish painter and stars Penelope Cruz, Javier Bardem, and Scarlett Johannson, and features a threesome between those actors, so bonus points there...We also have the horror film Mirrors starring Keifer Sutherland which is directed by Hills Have Eyes remake helmer Alexandre Aja, in which people are tortured by their images in mirrors...and finally we have Star Wars: the Clone Wars, the animated Star Wars what should I see?? What looks the most interesting to you, and what are you interested in checking out? I'm leaning towards all but the Star Wars film, but if enough people want to hear what I have to say about, I may give it a shot. Expect a TT review on Friday though...

Alright, that's all for now, come back later for the usual...

Go see something good!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The it needed??? Plus...some early Joker Concept Art...

Kevin Smith is not a shy guy. Kevin Smith, as many of you know, or should know, is the director of such comedy classics (at least in my mind), Clerks, Dogma, and the brilliant Clerks 2. Now, in many of his films, he had a run in with the MPAA, the ratings board for this fine medium. His newest film, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, was no different. Just as of two weeks ago, it looked as though the cut Smith gave to the devil, umm, MPAA was going to recieve the dreaded NC-17 rating. However, KS has won his battle, and it looks as though it will recieve the all important R rating. So, that brings me to my question. In Clerks 2, he has a man have sexual relations with a donkey, and in this film, he is basically all on the table in saying that this will be about two friends making a porn film. So, is there really a point to the MPAA? Should it even exist? Or is there a point, but it just needs an overhall? Should it stay the same? I'm a really liberal guy, so you can expect what I will say, but I really want to get into this. I want to hear what you guys think, so post some comments.

The other thing I would like to talk about, are these really interesting photos from the book, the Art Of The Dark Knight, which features early pre production information, the shooting script, and some really interesting pics...

What do you guys think? I'm suprised with how tame the final version they went with was. Would these have made the film to dark for it's own good???

That's all I've got for now...come back for more news and the weekend wrap up....

How can they do a Pineapple Express/Superbad crossover when Rogen is in both films??? I want your theories people!

Go see something good!!!

R.I.P. Bernie Mac...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lets put some rumors to rest...

So, as you all know, I normally talk about some big rumors, and a few times, they don't pan out. However, the following two rumors that I've talked about have been fufilled...

- Brad Pitt has OFFICIALLY JOINED INGLORIOUS BASTARDS!!! Thanks to The Movie Blog for the info....

Today we get word that Brad Pitt has signed on the dotted line and will star in Tarantino’s Inglorious Bastards and joining him in early casting are Eli Roth (director of Hostel) and B.J. Novak (”The Office”, Knocked Up).

Pitt will play a Tennessee hillbilly who assembles a team of eight Jewish-American soldiers. Eli Roth will play the role of Sgt. Donnie Donowitz, and Tarantino is locking in the other seven American actors who make up the Bastards team. Novak is expected to play PFC Utivich, described as a soldier of slight build who comes from New York.

That is huge news, and makes me just more excited for this film. QT's been writing this thing for about 20 years now, and the scripts been floating around and getting rave reviews, so expect this one to be huge. Shooting starts later this year, and it will open next years Cannes Film Festival...Oh, and Nastassja Kinski is in talks to join the film...yes, Kinski, the daughter of the brilliant Klaus me excited...

- The second rumor, and we saw this coming, was that Johnny Depp would be staring as the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton's new adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. Well, it's 100% true. No information has been leaked about the possible shooting schedule, so more news on this as it develops...

In other news...
- Indy 5, yes, Indiana Jones 5, which is allegedly in the works, will NOT be based around Mutt Williams, at least if George Lucas has any control (and I must say, I wish he wouldn't...)
- The feature film adaptation of Flash Gordon is back in production...

That's all I have for now, so come back later for more news and a possible review of either Mummy 3 or X Files: I Want To Believe...

Go see something good!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Craziest. Thing. Ever.


Top 10 Movies about Friendship...

Alright. So, in honor of this past wednesday's release of the stoner comedy, Pineapple Express, which centers around two guys and their growing friendship, I have decided to make a list of the top 10 Buddy films, or films featuring a group of friends, or based around their friendship. Here's the list...

10. Sideways/Wayne's World (no real reason for a tie, just couldn't pick...)
9. Rain Man
8. Of Mice and Men
7. Bottle Rocket
6. The Deer Hunter
5. Swingers/ Made
4. Ghost World
3. Y Tu Mama Tambien
2. Clerks
1. The Big Lebowski

What's your favorite film about friendship???

Go see something good!

Pineapple Express...

I hate moviegoers. No, I hate teenage movie goers. I walk into the local Star theatre to watch a screening of Pineapple Express at 9:30, and as I walk over to the screening room, I am followed by the group of people I am with, and a group of about 10-15 teenage guys dressed in Aeropostale tshirts, plaid shorts, and flat brimmed hats. So, right away, I get a really bad feeling, which is inevitably what happens. It was a pretty packed theatre, which could be expected, and of course, I get stuck next to and behind people who have an affinity for texting and talking. That's why I wish, instead of legalizing pot, they need to legalize blow darts so I can take bitches out. Alas, I still saw the film, so here are my thoughts...

Pineapple Express is a stoner chase film (oxymoron, I know), and stars Seth Rogen and James Franco. It is directed by the great David Gordon Green and is about a process server, Dale Denton, who, after a meeting with his dealer, Saul, goes to serve a subpoena to Saul's dealer's dealer, Ted Jones. However, instead of serving the subpoena, he gets served with the sight of a murder. He runs into a couple of cars, and in his rush, leaves a roach of Pineapple Express, which his dealer is the only one in the city to have. This little problem eventually leads to a city wide chase featuring car crashes, exploding buildings, and awkward male bonding. This is a pretty interesting premise, however, does it make it a good film??

Sort of. The best part of this film comes from the lead performances, particularly James Franco. From his look to his delivery, he epitomizes the role, and is probably the best part of this film. Seth is really just playing himself in a way, so it's nothing impressive. Works for the film, but sort of lacking. Also, Danny McBride who plays Red, Saul's dealer, is amazing as well. There are a lot of funny performances in this film. However, it just seems to fall into the realm of convention. It really is just a basic stoner comedy, with some violence thrown in.

It's shot in a skillful way, with many shots stamped to the t with Gordon Green's style, particularly some of the slow mo shots, such as the scene where Saul and Dale sell some weed to a few high school kids. There's even a subtle cameo from the Eddie Rouse, the guy who played Damascus in George Washington. However, I inevitably became bored with the film. It was a tad bit long, a bit redundant and ultimately a conventional film. It's like having three Double Cheeseburgers from Burger King. It fills you up, tastes good, but ultimately makes you feel empty. Empty calories. If you get rid of one or two of the three or four action set pieces, this thing would fly. The interchanges between Saul and Dale, and then Dale, Saul and Red are comedy gold, but these great scenes are ultimately undone by a slow middle, and a conventional storyline.

That all said, McBride, Franco, and the direction of Gordon Green are worth a RENTAL. I wish they just would have dropped the action set pieces, or just one of them, and spent more time with the three friends. Worth a rent...

Pineapple Express: 6.5/10

Alright, I kept the review kind of short, because it is a comedy, and I really want to hear what you guys have to say about it.

Also, I would like to hear what you guys have to say about this summer's slate of films. I am pretty much blockbustered out right now. However, I move into my new apartment on Monday, so not only can you expect more reviews, but more independent reviews. Still, what do you guys think about this summer? Has it been good, or is it to one note?

Go see something good!!!

They want to make a Pineapple Express/Superbad crossover sequel...thoughts?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What's a good comedy to you???

So, this Wednesday sees the release of Pineapple Express, the newest film from what is currently the reigning champs of on screen comedy, the Apatow collective. However, there seems to be something different with this otherwise basic stoner comedy. I'll get to that in a minute, but first let me get off my chest some of my thoughts about the current state of American comedy...

The U.S. makes dumb comedies. That may come off as a little condesending, but it's not meant to. Today's comedy films are, to me, a basic SNL skit, but lengthed for 90 minutes. They have no real plot line to them, and seem to have more joke based humor, than character based. It's like watching a live action Mad Magazine, especially with films like Meet The Spartans. They are shot as though some one sat a camera on a counter and just left it there, and when a joke doesn't hit, the overall momentum of the film is destroyed. It's akin to watching a film like Paris Je T'aime, or a simmilar vignette style film, or a collection of shorts, and throughing in some student films inbetween films by the Coen Brothers or Alexander Payne. Here, let me give you some examples. Here is a list of some of the major theatrical comedy releases from this year...

- First Sunday
- 27 Dresses
- Mad Money
- Meet The Spartans
- Over Her Dead Body
- Strange Wilderness
- Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins
- Fools Gold
- Be Kind Rewind
- Charlie Bartlett
- Semi Pro
- Step Brothers

That is a good example of what for me makes a good comedy and a bad comedy. My favorite comedy this year so far is probably Smart People (have any of you seen that? If so, I want to hear what you guys have to say...)and there are many good things about that. The plot is great, the performances are solid, and most importantly, it's really funny, but without going for jokes. It's R rated and instead of being an American Pie, it's more of a Rushmore, and that's something I admire.

Now, that brings me to Pineapple Express...To me, this film has the chance to be one of the best comedies in years, and it's one that I am really looking forward to. Sure, I despise stoner comedies, but this looks like it's adding something new to the genre. It's hanging out with Brad Pitt's character from True Romance for an hour and a half, and that's something I want to see. Plus, with such a skilled director behind it, it's one that I'm really excited about.

So, this brings me to my question. What makes a good comedy to you? Are laughs the only thing that matters, or do you need something more? What is your favorite comedy of the year? Of all time?

I can't wait to hear what you all have to say...

They are going ahead with Justice League, and it's set to restart shooting next year...thoughts?

Go see something good!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Two pieces of sad news...

Hey guys...I have two pieces of news that are a little bit on the sad side, so here are the headlines...

- Morgan Freeman is currently in serious condition after he was involved in a car crash in Mississippi last night...CNN has the story...

CNN affilliate WMC of Memphis reported that he was in a car accident in Tallahatchie County, Mississippi, about 100 miles south of Memphis, late Sunday.

According to The Associated Press, Mississippi Highway Patrol spokesman Sgt. Ben Williams said Freeman was driving a 1997 Nissan Maxima belonging to Demaris Meyer of Memphis when the car left a rural highway and flipped several times shortly before midnight Sunday.

“There’s no indication that either alcohol or drugs were involved,” Williams said, according to the AP. Both Freeman and Meyer were wearing seat belts, Williams reported. The woman’s condition was not immediately available.

“They had to use the jaws of life to extract him from the vehicle,” Clay McFerrin, editor of Sun Sentinel in Charleston, Mississippi, told the AP. “He was lucid, conscious. He was talking, joking with some of the rescue workers at one point.”

It looks as though he will pull through, and lets hope he has a full and speedy recovery!

- The last piece of news that is noteworthy is that Christina Applegate, probably most famous for playing the sex pot daughter in Married With Children, but many people will remember her as the love interest to Will Ferrell in Anchorman, has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The cancer was detected early, so there should be no life threatening complications.

Now, that's all I have for news today, so come back tomorrow for some news and a top ten or some DVD recommendations...

Go see something good...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

George Washington...DVD Review...

George Washington was the first President of the United States. We all know this. However, most people do not know about this true gem of a film that shares the same name. George Washington was the first film from director David Gordon Green, who later this week will be releasing The Pineapple Express starring Seth Rogen and James Franco. So, in honor of that upcoming release, and my recent viewings of Undertow and All The Real Girls, I decided to revisit one of my favorite films of the past decade, and boy was it even better on a second viewing...

George Washington is a story about a group of kids who live in a small, decrepit rural town who are brought together through a horrible accident. A young, African American boy is dumped by his girlfriend, Nasia, who then becomes involved with the shy boy, George. George is a young kid who can't fully live his life as his head hasn't fully hardened yet. He has a skull similar to that of a young infant. However, these three kids, and the rest of their friend's lives will be changed after a horrible accident and then cover up.

As I said in the intro to this, this film is directed by the great David Gordon Green whose most recent film was Snow Angels, which will be released on DVD later this month. He may best be known for All The Real Girls, and his infatuation for realism and naturalism. This film is a perfect example. Each character is fleshed out and the performances behind them are really amazing. The script is delivered by these young actors so perfectly and honest that it almost gives the film a surrealistic feel to it. It's shot so that the visuals don't overrule the performances either. Sure, there are tracking shots and all of the Green staples, but they are used in an artistic way. It's based around a rural town, and the pallet fits that perfectly. It's very rustic and earthy, and feels almost like a smaller, less sprawling Terrence Malik film. Also, and this may be the biggest positive, is the story is completely compelling and will keep you glued to your t.v. set. The biggest surprise however, was Paul Schnieder as Rico Rice. He was Ryan Gosling's brother in Lars and The Real Girl and was also in last years Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, and proves here why he is one actor every needs to look out for. If there is one negative that I must get into, it is that during some of the parts it can't get a little slow. However, it's simply character introductions, and their interchanges, which makes the film all the more powerful. Please, before you see Pineapple Express, or any other film for that matter, please, check out George Washington...


Alright guys! So, in the next few days, you can expect some news, a top 10, some recommendations and possibly a DVD review or two (Harsh Times???)!!

Go see something good!!

Brief Weekend Wrap Up...

Hey guys, this post is going to be shorter than normal, and you will find out why in a minute...but first, here is the box office top 10...

1.The Dark Knight
2.The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
3.Step Brothers
4.Mamma Mia!
5.Journey to the Center of the Earth
6.Swing Vote
9.The X-Files: I Want to Believe
10.Space Chimps

SPACE CHIMPS!?!?!? SPACE CHIMPS!?!?!?! TDK grossed ANOTHER 44 million bucks to lead this week...Pineapple Express....GOOD LUCK!

Alright, this is why I am going to have this shorter than normal...there is NO DVD worth mentioning...Even the geniuses over at Criterion aren't releasing anything this week!!! That all said, on either Monday or Tuesday, I'll have a top 10 so you all can check out some of those, and I will also recommend some others...

Now, this week is not only a mediocre one for DVD sales, but it also sees the release of some less than hotly anticipated films, well, save for one...first there is Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2...and moving on...the second and final film is Pineapple Express, which for those of you who may not have a TV with you at the rock you've been living under, is about two stoners who witness a murder, and their story of running from the said murderers. Now, the fact that it's a Judd Apatow production gives me pause, but then knowing that David Gordon Green, yes, the George Washington/Snow Angels/Undertow/All The Real Girls, David Gordon Green will be helming this stoner epic gives me relief. Go see this flick! I know I will...

So I said I would have a Mummy 3 review this weekend, but I steered clear of that mess, so you can fully expect a PE review this Friday...also, I feel kind of bad about not having anything up this week, so in the upcoming weeks, with the mass of new releases (Vicky Cristina Barcelona anyone???), and the fact I'll be back at school, you can expect a ton of reviews of films in wide release...In the mean time...

I still want to hear about your choices for character's and the actors/resses playing the character for the inevitable third Batman film...

Go see Brideshead Revisited this Friday...I hear it's a good flick...

Go see something good!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Don't Believe the Hype...

Alright guys, the Dark Knight is a massive hit, critically acclaimed, and loved by everyone, including yours truly. That said, the inevitable thing is that people will start to talk about the next one, as most of the cast has signed on for one more. However, recent rumors that Johnny Depp and Phillip Seymour Hoffman have been offered roles as the Riddler and The Penguin, are just that, rumors. Also, take your belief down another notch, as the originiating source is The National Enquirer...yes, the National Enquirer. Finally, a lot of personal preferences will play into the next film, just as they have in the past two, as Christian Bale dislikes Robin, Christopher Nolan dislikes Robin as well, and he also has said that he will never use the Penguin as a villian. I'm not trying to ruin your dreams as I want to see the Riddler and or the Penguin just as much as the next Batman fan, I'm just saying, don't believe the hype....

HOWEVER! If you could choose any batman character to place in the next one, who would it be and who would play them. Who would be YOUR Riddler...who would take the reigns as Robin? Who would suggestively suduce the Caped Crusader as Poision Ivy or Catwoman? Pick your characters and cast 'em...

DVD Review of George Washington tomorrow maybe, review of Mummy 3 coming in the next two days, so come back later for more news, notes, and possibly a couple of reviews...

Your number one spot for a daily dose of movie information. From reviews to top 10's to random news and notes, it's all here at I Are Movies.

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