Monday, March 31, 2008

Some 10 Music films...

Hey are some more notes that you all should know...

-Rumors are surfacing that a new Poltergeist film is in the works...nothing big of note yet, so I will bring more about it as it rises...
-The recent Knight Rider has been considered such a hit that it is looking like it will spawn a new television series...better have the Hoff...
-Derek Mears, from The Hills Have Eyes 2, has now been cast as Jason Vorhees in the upcoming Friday the 13th remake...
-Joy Ride fans...Joy Ride 2 is coming later this summer direct to your television set...
-Danny Trejo has hinted that the upcoming Machete film may not be the only has been hinted that it may become a trilogy with Rodriguez helming at least the first two...I really hope so...
-Mos Def has been casted to play Chuck Berry in the upcoming biopic, Cadillac Records...that may be perfect casting if I do say so myself...can't wait...
-Next film from the Meet the Spartans crew...Art House Movie: There Will Be Farts...I'm serious...two pages of the script are done and online...I have my flamethrower ready...
-Madonna has been campaigning to star in a remake of Casablanca...they want to set it in a zone in Iraq...can't anyone come up with a creative idea...I have some scripts if they really need them...
-Finally, here is an updated list of websites from the people behind the upcoming Dark Knight flick...

Now, with the upcoming Rolling Stones documentary, here is a list of my favorite films that are about a musician, group, feature music, or are just all out musicals...
10. Almost Famous
9. Cabaret
8. Yellow Submarine
7. I'm Not There
6. Hustle and Flow
5. High Fidelity
4. 24 Hour Party People
3. Once
2. West Side Story
1. Hard Day's Night

I'm not the biggest musical fan...just haven't seen many, so I know this is a pretty incomplete list, but what the hell...go see something good!

Some big news...a couple of recomendations...

Okay, today brings a pretty big news item. SAG (Screen Actors Guild) and AFTRA (American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) have split over negotiations for a new contract. This is not good news, and it is now looking like there may be a possible actors strike coming up in the coming months, and negotiations are done until late April. I don't know what either side really wants, so I have no opinion worth noting, just the fact that this shit needs to get done and fast. Hopefully it can, and hopefully it will.On to happier news...

-Gears of War fans can rejoice, as it is likely that a film based on the best selling game will be released in 2010. Not much is out, so that's all I can really say right now...Now, I've never played the game...not the biggest video gamer...but, from what I hear, the game is awesome so I am intrigued.

Other than that...there really isn't much. So...I would recomend that you go check out a couple of flicks...

Film noir set in highschool. It is a story about a young guy played amazingly by Joseph Gordon Levitt, who hunts after the story behind an old flames mysterious death. Drugs, stylized dialouge, and a minivan with a coffee table. Go check this out for sure. And if you do, let me know what ya think!

I seem to always bring this up, but it really is just an amazing film. It is out in a wide DVD release, so you all should be able to check this out, and you all should. It's the semi-sequel to the brilliant In The Mood For Love, and is from director Wong Kar Wai, who directed a film I recomended yesturday, My Blueberry Nights. I am just going to say that this may be the most gorgeous romantic film I have ever seen. It's really great. Go check that out...

Now, go see something good!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Weekend Box releases...

Here is the weekend Box Office top 10...


2.Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who

3.Superhero Movie

4.Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns

5.Drillbit Taylor


7.10,000 B.C.


9.College Road Trip

10.The Bank Job

New Upcoming releases for Friday, April 4th... George Clooney film about an aging football player (Clooney), and a hot young star who is drafted to his team (Krasinski) and how they fight to win the affection of a gorgeous young journalist, played by Rene Zelwegger...Clooney directs...go check it out.

-Shine A Light...documentary about the Rolling Stones from acclaimed director, Martin Scorcese. If any of you have seen No Direction Home or Lightning in a Bottle, thatn you know what to expect from this doc. Scorcese loves the Stones, and I'm sure it will show it what is sure to be a great film.

-Nim's Island...moving on

-The Ruins...moving on

~Pick of the Week~

My Blueberry film from 2046 and In The Mood For Love director Wong Kar Wai. If any of you have seen those films, than you know what to expect from's a cross country story of a girl, played by Norah Jones, who goes on a soul searching journey...go see this, it's one of the best looking films i've seen all year, and it's not a perfect movie, but outside of Paranoid Park, it's the best film I've seen all year...

Two new DVD releases...
-Alvin and The Chipmunks...whatever
-Sweeny Todd...Good movie, and a solid musical...Johnny Depp is amazing, and the movie is really solid. Worth a rental, not a buy as you all need to save money for next week...more on that as the week goes on...

now, go see something good!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

More News...

Alright, so the past few days have been kind of is so more info for you guys...

-The Mummy 3 is currently in production, and Rob Cohen has put up a production webisode on it's site.
-Sasha Baren Cohen has been spotted multiple times filming his upcoming film, Bruno...
-Tom Hanks has left the upcoming Farenheit 451 project, which is set to be directed by Shawshank Redemption director Frank Darabont...
-Sean Connery is getting closer to being a bond baddie...they are in talks for him to be the main villain for the upcoming Quantum of Solace...
-MTV has begun shopping around the idea for a feature length Hills film...
-Ted Elliot and Terry Rosio are currently penning the script for an upcoming remake of the Lone Ranger. They are best known for writing Aladdin and the Pirates film...
-The new X-Files teaser poster is out...I am actually really excited for this flick...
-Children of Men is now going to become a T.V. Series...
-Finally, a slew of Batman sites have popped are the links.... Gotham Times Harvey Dent campaign site Maiden Avenue Report Gotham Cable News Dana Worthington campaign site Citizens for Batman victims foundation St. Withuns Church

go see something good!

Friday, March 28, 2008


The Iraq War. This subject has been the inspiration for many films from the past couple of years. Lions For Lambs, Rendition, and Redacted all pop into mind. And then there is Stop-Loss. Stop-Loss comes from controversial director Kimberly Peirce (Boy's Don't Cry), and is written by her and Mark Richard. Now, with that pedigree, you would expect a scathing criticism on the Bush administration and this war. Is that the case with this new film?

Not really. Stop-Loss is a tale of two freinds Brandon King and Steve Shriver, who come home to a glorious return. They return to their hometown in Texas, as heroes. However, when he goes to get out, Brandon discovers that, due to some "fine print", he is due back at the end of the month. He has been Stop-Lossed. This destroys his world. He decides that he did his job, fought for his country, and doesn't need to go back. Before his return, he was in a fight, and lost three men in an ambush. He feels that he has done what he needed to do, and lost some friends in the process. So, he decides to head to Washington, D.C. On his way, he runs into many problems. Post tramatic stress, lost freind, torn relationships with others. Now, this review is sort of based around my opinion on the end, so I will just stop there, and be as careful as to not give anything away.

Was this a good film? Kind of. Channing Tatum plays Srgt. Shriver, and he is really good. He is just tough enough, just sensitive enough to play this perfectly. It's like his character from A Guide To Reckognizing Your Saints, just grown up. Joseph Gordon-Levitt adds another great performance as the emotionally destroyed Tommy Burgess, and the supporting cast does a good as well. Nothing amazing, but they get the job done and make the movie work. Also, in the wake of all of these Iraq movies, this movie actually does a solid job in putting us in Iraq, as much as a film at this point in the war can, without being to much. It's all handheld and very Bourne Ultimatum-esque, and really works as an opening to the film. That's just it though, it wasn't the opening. This movie had some definet problems.

The movie really just slows done to a hault. Okay, so the premise is great. You are a great soldier, who does your duty and you get screwed by the government. Great idea, and sounds like it would be a solid film. However, this just doesn't do anything. It doesn't tell us anything. It's the same tired dialouge throughout the entire film. It's him complaining that the government screwed him and he needs to fight it. However, this is all really just a waste of time. There is one scene that would have been an amazing ending. If you've seen the film, there is a shot of the Ryan Phillipe and Abbie Cornish are in a bar and, if the film ended there, it would have worked. However, it doesn't and it keeps going on, and on, and on. There is some great scenes, and the dialouge between the freinds in Iraq and at Phillipe's ranch, are really good. However, they are just bogged down by this redundant and tired story. Thats my main quabble, at least the only one I can discuss here. If you see it, and have thoughts, please post, I want to hear what you have to say. The intentions behind it are really great. Kimberly Peirce, the director, had a brother who fought, and she doesn't do anything that would offend an acting or retired soldier. Now, i've never fought, and never will, so I really hate reviewing this movie. It's a movie that needs to be made, just better. This is a great premise, with solid performances, outside the two main characters. Ryan Phillipe and Abbie Cornish are unbearable. Phillipe has a horrible Texas accent and his character sort of got annoying, at least in a theatrical sense, and Cornish is just kind of awkward and overacting the entire time.

Visually, this film actually works. It's got a very, "you're there" tone, no bright colors, no amazing camera effects, and when there are handheld florishes, they work for the film. This is not a good film, but it's not horrible either. Although, I can't recomend it at all. The ending is so bad, and it really negates anything that had been done. I would say see this movie, but there will be a better one coming out soon, called the Recruiter, that had great reviews out of Sundance, so wait and see that. 4/10...

Go see something good...

A shit load of news!!

Alright, today is a little bit hectic of a news day, with lots of little rumors running wild, and some confirmed things. First off, the confirmed news...

James Cromwell and Ellen Burstyn have been cast as George Bush Sr, and Barbara Bush. It's sold to me now. I'm in...Oliver Stone, Bush Administration, that cast...MONEY...

Brave New World fans rejoice. You are not only going to get a film made from this great book, but it will be directed by the great Ridley Scott. Thats all thats been said so far, so it looks like it could be good...

Finally, Lindsay Lohan has join the cast of the upcoming Charles Manson flick, Mason Girls...really?...i'm just going to let that sink in...

Now, some rumors...

Maybe the biggest rumor is this. Sean Connery is considering a return to the James Bond franchise...AS A VILLAIN!!...he has said that he would love to come back, and it looks like the studio would like to possibly take him up on that offer...more as it comes!

Transformers 2 is allegedly filiming now. Some camera phone pictures have risen showing a star and a stunt double in a vehicle dressed like the cop car transformer in the first film. Nothing has been said out of the Michael Bay camp, so thats all we can go on...

John Turteltaub, director of the National Treasure flicks, has hinted this week that a third film is in the works for a 2011 release...

There is an X-Files 2 Trailer out there somewhere, so when I find it, I will post it...other than that, go see something good!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Paranoid Park...

Hey! Alright, now, with Paranoid Park comes the chance to talk about one of my favorite directors, Gus Van Sant. He has done such amazing films ranging from the Oscar winning Good Will Hunting, to the barely seen Gerry and Last Days, and even the shocking and stunning Elephant. Paranoid Park is his newest film, in which he was nominated for Best Director at the Cannes Film Festival, and is up for Best Film and Director at the Independent Spirit Awards. Does it live up to the hype?

This is a story of a young skateboarder, whose life begins to unravel after it is discovered that he has been involved in the accidental death of a security guard. We first meet the main character through a narration, which continues for much of the movie. He is describing his first time to a skate park called Paranoid Park. His friend talks him into it, and they go. Now, this story is not 100% linear, so the next scene is him talking to an investigator, who tells him that they have a skateboard that ties him to the scene of a recent murder. Now, there’s a great story, so I'm not going to ruin it for anyone. So, I'm just going to get in to the review stuff.

This film is gorgeous. It's got GVS's patented long takes, although, here, they are so gorgeous, that it really doesn't affect you. They are not as long as say a Gerry, or as self indulgent as say, Last Days. The cinematographer, Christopher Doyle, is at the top of his game, and this is a perfect fit in his work (In the Mood for Love is probably his best, one of the most gorgeous movies I have ever seen). The story shots are intercut with long tracking shots of the back of people skateboarding, and walking through the park, and really give a great look and feel,almost doc drama style, to the film. The main character, Alex, is played by Gabe Nevins, who Van Sant casted through MySpace, and he does a pretty decent job. All of the roles are done pretty well. The main quibble with this flick is that, in some instances, the shots and filmmaking do seem a little self indulgent and pretentious, but that is just Van Sant's style, so it's not that big of a deal. Also, the narration is a little bit sketchy, and also sometimes feels heavy handed. Like in an opening line, he states that he wasn’t great in creative writing, but he will put everything on paper soon. This just seemed a little heavy handed and really unnecessary. Some of the shots get to be really long and often don’t have the biggest point, but they are just so gorgeous to look at, that none of this is at all a big deal. If you can stand a slower paced film, or are sick with the piles of shit that Hollywood is giving you, than check this out somewhere, or somehow.

go see something good...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Drillbit Taylor...

How does one recomend a comedy? Do you base it on if it is a good movie, in say, a plot sense? Do you base it on if you care about what happens? Or is it simply on if it makes you laugh? Over the past couple of years, Judd Apatow and his crew have turned out some of the most critically acclaimed comedies of their respective years. However, as of late, with films like Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, he and his group have been in a rut. Does Drillbit mark their return to greatness?

Not by a long shot. Drillbit Taylor stars Owen Wilson as the title character, a homeless guy who needs to scrounge up some money to take a trip to Canada. This story starts with an introduction to two freinds, Wade and Ryan, about to embark on their first day of highschool. This is a piffy exchange similar to that of the opening of Superbad, just a lot more PG. They then go to school, only to run into two bullies, Filkins and Ronnie. The two bullies attack a kid and then the tall and lanky Wade steps in to try and stop them. From their on the three kids are consistently harrassed by the two bullies. Then, when an ad goes out for a budget bodyguard, Drillbit comes running in. He is hired, and steals some stuff from the kids to try and pawn off. However, he begins to like the kids, and then it goes straight on from there. Now, what was good about this movie?

To keep it short and sweet, not a whole lot. Leslie Mann is really gorgeous, and she has a few funny bits here and there. Lisa Lampenelli makes a cameo, and she is pretty good, and there is a really interesting romance between Wade and this freshman girl, Brooke, which is just awkward enough and just sweet enough to make it work. This film just overall doesn't work. The two bullies, played by Alex Frost and Josh Peck are toned way to dark and harsh, almost like a dumbed down version of say, the Columbine kids, and, ironically, Alex Frost actually starred in Gus Van Sandt's Elephant, based on that shooting. They aren't as violent, but when they do harass the kids, they play it to over the top, and it really hurts the film. Also, Owen Wilson is not good in this role. We've seen this all before. It's like his character from You, Me, and Dupree, meets My Bodyguard (which is also mentioned in the film by an appearence from Adam Baldwin, the bodyguard in that similar film). It's just tired and toned to dark. Costant fights, no parents or school officials are around, tired and piffy discussions between kids that should be in school, and overall it really just doesn't work. It was written by Seth Rogen, who also wrote Superbad, and this is just that, Superbad: The Freshman Years. It was originally thought up by classic '80's Director, John Hughes, and it should have stayed with him. This is not a good film, not even a mediocre one. Just stay away.

Go see something good...

News on Oliver Stone's Bush...other notes...

Hey guys. So, with the upcoming film "W" (originally called Bush, so, that's where this post gets it's title), comes a probable mountain of controversy. It would be controversial based soley on the subject matter, however, Oliver Stone is at the helm, so expect the blogosphere to be running on full blast in the upcoming months. There hasn't been much news out of Stone's camp about the film, however, we do know that Josh Brolin, just coming off a brilliant 2007 in American Gangster, No Country For Old Men, Grindhouse, and the little seen The Dead Girl, will be playing our 43rd and current President. Now we also know who will play his wife. Elizabeth Banks, best known as the hot bookstore worker from The 40 Year Old Virgin will be playing Laura Bush. Interesting casting choice...

It's been a really slow week, so the only other piece of news that I have is that Ian McKellen will be reprising his role as Gandolf in the upcoming Hobbit film, which actually, at this stage, is officially without a director. Guillermo del Toro has been said as being the director, however, nothing is official yet, so we will have to wait and see...

go see something good!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Random news and notes...

Here are just a few side bits of news and notes that I think you all should know...

Upcoming Guy Ricthie film RockNRolla is slated to become a trilogy starring Thandie Newton...not only that, but he wants them to be released in consecutive years...British gangster flicks from Guy Ritchie...the sooner the better!

Star Trek director JJ Abrams and cast have allegedly signed on for 3 Star Trek flicks...if it ends up being half as good as the teaser looks, than I am excited...

The new film Meet Dave has had it's first trailer released...starring Eddie Murphy, it definitley continues his trend of making shittastic piles of drek...heres a link...

Here are a couple of other trailers...Death Defying Acts, a film based on Harry Houdini starring Guy Pierce...

and finally Deception, starring Hugh Jackman and Ewan McGregor...

While I personally don't think any of these look all that great, it's a slow news day, so thats I thought was at the least bit worthy of a mention...

Go see something good...

Monday, March 24, 2008

Funny Games...

Funny Games is a remake of the 1997 film from writer/director Michael Haneke. Now, he is at the helm in this shot for shot remake as well. Does it live up to the original?

This is a story of a yuppie couple, Ann and George, along with their 10 year old son George, who go to their Long Island lake house for a weekend away. They have a pretty routine morning, however, after talking to a couple of freinds, the two believe that something is wrong. They then run into Peter. Peter is a young man dressed in a white shirt, black shorts, and white gloves. He asks for four eggs, and proceeds to break them twice. This angers Ann, and then Peter's freind, Paul becomes angered. The two men then attack the husband and proceed to take the family hostage. Now, there is a lot to say about this flick, so that's as far as I will go.

This film is not for everyone. This film starts off with a grand overhead shot of the family driving and playing a "name that tune" style game with opera. Then, as a close up of the family is shown, some hard-core thrash rock is thrown on. This is a perfect analysis for what this film is. No matter what it looks like, something else is going on. This is a slower paced film. It takes a while to get going, and it really works. Now, the biggest thing is this. While watching this, you know that it is a movie. With films like Saw and Hostile, it's torture for the sake of torture. Here, the main villian breaks the fourth wall. He addresses the crowd, and in turn, addresses what we expected from films like Saw. With these conventions in mind, he flips them on their heads. This is a slower paced movie, and it has a message. It's an exploration on our society and why, as a society, we flock to these Gorno flicks, and why we shouldn't. This is a horror film with a brain. It doesn't even really show any violent scenes, at least on screen. There is violence, but you don't ever see it. However, there is one scene of bloody revenge, that, well, is negated by the main antagonist, in just another statement on todays society. That scene in particular is a perfect example. It gets you all excited as you knew it was coming, and then takes it all back.

Visually, this film is stunning, but in a really dark way. It is almost monochromatic, with simple changes in shades as it is pretty much a blue film. There are some whites, and greys, but even yellow raincoats that are worn in this film seem to become almost green. The pace is also set up by the filmwork. It is not a conventional horror flick. It is slower and the takes are longer. A perfect way to put is, it's like Gus Van Sant decided to make a thriller, and just decided to watch the Singing In The Rain scene from A Clockwork Orange for a year, even down to the shots of people straining to escape. The faces of the two parents show so much of the story. I have never seen Naomi Watts so vocal, by simply using her face. She is really amazing. I do have a few problems with this film though.

Some of the performances are just not up to par. While the two villians are performed amazingly by Bradey Corbet and Michael Pitt, the father, played by the normally amazing Tim Roth, really lacks. He brings this already slower paced film to almost a screeching halt. He is not fun to watch, he brings nothing interesting to the film, and he also pretty much whispers the entire time. Also, the second act really dragged, and you couldn't wait for the two antagonists to get back on screen to talk at you. However, I was brought back into this film with it's really superb ending. I know people will say that it was boring, or not fun to watch, or the whole notion of a message was really pretentious, well all I can say is that it had a message, and thats more than I can say for a lot of what's out right now. While this isn't the most amazing film ever made, not even of the year so far, it is something different, and something new in an overcrowded, shittastic genre that is the torture porn film. 7/10...go see the original, and THEN check this one out.

Go see something good...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Weekend Box Offices...New Releases...

Here is the final Easter weekend box office rankings...
1.Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who
2.Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns
4.Drillbit Taylor
5.10,000 B.C.
6.Never Back Down
7.College Road Trip
8.The Bank Job
9.Vantage Point
10.Under The Same Moon

Dr. Seuss's Horton Hears A Who raked in 25$ Million, bringing it's 2 week total to roughly 86.5$ Million...Tyler Perry comes in with 21 Million and beats out a horror AND a Owen Wilson flick...Go see the Bank Job...go check out Under the Same Moon...hear it's pretty decent...

Here are the notable new releases on DVD for March 25th...

-Pu-239...Paddy Consandine is in this flick...thats worth the price of a rental at least...
-Wristcutters:A Love Story...really interesting movie premise...a guy kills himself and goes to a place made especially for suicide victims (don't know what else to call them...)...Tom Waits is in this...go rent it...I know I will
-The Kite Runner...based on the Best Selling novel...rentable..

-The Mist-
This is a film from Frank Darabont, director of the Shawshank Redemption and is based on the Stephen King, the special effects are corny, and some of the acting is off, but this all works in this movie. It adds to it in a weird way. This is a movie that shouldn't be it for five days, watch it with some freinds, and it's gauranteed that you will have a good time.

Now, here are the new releases that are going wide as of March 28th...

-Run, Fatboy, Run...worth a shot. Don't expect anything amazing. It's funny, but is horribly predictable in a sports/romantic comedy way. It is really funny, but not much more. I would say wait and rent it. Read my review of it to get my full thoughts...
-Superhero Movie...Really, was Meet The Spartans that well recieved...if you see this, you deserve to die...or at least to be stuck with 30 more of these piles of drek.
-Stop Loss. You know what, I actually now want to see it. I love Jospeh Gordon Levitt, and it's from the director of Girls Don't Cry, so it's at least got to have a little bit of edge to it. I say see it.

~My Pick~

Based on the novel Bringing Down the House based on a true story of some students from M.I.T. going to Vegas and winning insane sums of money by counting cards...Jim Sturgess is enough to get me into this. It's from the Director of Legally Blonde and Monster In Law, so I am a little bit tentative on saying if it will be good. However, I like the idea, I like Kevin Spacey, and I like Sturgess, so I think it will be solid. Stop Loss is said to be amazing, so see them both...sneak into Stop Loss, pay to see 21.

I'll have a top 10 on Monday, and hopefully a review of Funny Games or 88 Minutes then too...

Now, go see something good...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Some random news and notes...

Hey! Here are some more nuggets of information for you all to discus...

The Fantastic Four franchise, as of this second, is dead. In a recent interview, Chris Evans (guy who plays the Human Tourch) said, "I’m assuming that one is a closed book.” Thank god...

The newest film to be based on a tv show has a release date. The A-Team, directed by John Singelton, best known for directing Boyz In Da Hood, will be released June 12, 2009. Michael Brandt and Derek Haas are set to write the film, and they are coming off the amazing 3:10 to Yuma. So, lets just wait and see...

Shia Lebouf has plead not guilty to one charge of unlawful smoking after a 1,000$ bench warrant was issued by the judge...

Clint Eastwood is set to direct Gran Torino, the next instalment in his Dirty Harry series...should be interesting...

Seems like many people related to films have been passing away in the past week. This always seems to come in waves. Most recently, Paul Scofield has passed away. He was 86...may he rest in peace.

Go see something good...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mister Lonely Trailer...

Hey! Now, for those of you who haven't heard about this flick, which is probably most of you, hell, I hadn't even heard of it before today, this is a film about an American who is a Michael Jackson lookalike who meets a Marylin Monroe lookalike who invites him to come live at a commune of celebrity lookalikes. I know that is a really quircky premise, but, after seeing the trailer, I really want to see this. Oh, and Werner Herzog makes an appearence...perfect...check it out...

After you check that out, go see something good...

A few random notes...

Hey are just a couple of nuggets that I have found while searching the giant abyss of information that we call the world wide web...

Anton Yelchin has been signed to play Kyle Reese, the man that is the father of John Connor who just happens to be the guy who saves the world in the first Terminator flick. In the next Terminator film, "Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins", he will play the teen version of Kyle...Oh, and Vin Diesel is set to play the Terminator...what is wrong with people?!?!?!...

The next Indiana Jones trailer is coming out this sure to check that out!

So, casting has begun for Jennifer's Body, the next flick from Juno screenwriter, Diablo Cody, produced by Jason Reitman, director of Juno, and it looks kind of interesting, in a not that great way. Megan Fox is set to play the staring role of Jennifer, a cheerleader possesed by a demon, and J.K. Simmons (the father in Juno, the newspaper boss in Spiderman) and Adam Brody are also set to play in this dark comedy/horror flick. I'm really not looking forward to this at all...discuss...

I will post some more stuff, in the meantime, go see something good!!!

Charlie Bartlett...

Hey guys. Now, this flick has been out for a while, but, I just really didn't ever want to see it. However, I went out for dinner with some freinds, and we decided to go check this out. Was it worth it?

Sure. Charlie Bartlett is a story of a wealthy kid by the same name, and he has had trouble fitting in at every school he's ever been to. He goes to a public school, where he meets a drug dealer. They spark a "buisness relationship" and they begin pedeling pills that Charlie recieves through his therapy sessions. He catches the eye of the cute indie chick Susan Gardner, and catches heat from her father, Principal Gardner. Now, there is a second story line with him. Mr. Gardner was a former history teacher, who was promoted to Principal. Since then, his wife has had an affair, and he was sent to therapy for running around with a pistol threatening to killing himself. His life is in shambles. Now, with his drug dealing, Charlie becomes the hit of the school, and holds sessions in the mens bathroom. He also is an inspiration for other students to start fighting the authorities at the school. This doesn't sit well with the Principal and then the final straw comes, and a kid O.D's. From there on...well, just see it for yourself sometime.

Is this movie good. In most ways, yes. The main comparison to this flick is Rushmore. Now, I even have a hard time saying those two in the same sentence, so, I would say go see that first. However, this is a good little movie. Charlie is played by 19 year old Anton Yelchin, and I must say, I am excited to see what he does next. He gives a great performance. Hope Davis also gives a good performance as Charlie's mother. There is no better performances than that of Principal Gardner, and his daughter, Susan. Susan is played by the sexy Kat Dennings, probably most famous for being the daughter to the love interest of Steve Carrell in 40 Year Old Virgin, and she gives a really good performance. She is just sweet enough, and she is just vunerable enough to give a good change of feel from the often times goofy and outspoken Charlie. None shine brighter than Robert Downey Jr. as the principal however. He is amazing, and shows once again why he is one of the better actors, let alone comidic actors working today. He is just amazing. No better way to put it. However, there are a few flaws.

This movie is indeed good. Not great, but good. It was funny, and I was actually really in to it for a while there near the end. However, after the kid O.D.'s, everything really just raps up into almost an after school special kind of deal. It was just to cookie cutter. Also, the middle kind of lagged. While it was funny to see all of the kids talk about their problems, I would have liked to have seen more of the Robert Downey Jr. character, and his interaction with his daughter. If I were to remake this, I would have more of a pair of parallel stories, instead of just tossing one as almost a sidebar. Also, I liked Anton Yelchin's performance as Charlie, but I have seen an out of place school kid before, in Rushmore, and played much more believably by Jason Schwartzman. I know it's not fair to base my review of one movie on another, but if you have seen Rushmore, than you will understand where I come from. I also can see comparisons to Orange County, although I think Bartlett is a better film. Now, I do recomend this, however, I can see where people may not like the character. If that is true, than you will really hate this film. Charlie is really outspoken, and Yelchin really does play it well, but it may just be to much. All of this said, there really isn't much better out right now, and hey, it's a solid three in a half star, 7/10 flick, so check it out!

Go see something good...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A few random notes...

Hey! Here are just a few little bits of news that I think you should check out...

For all you Boondock Saints fans, your flick is getting a sequel. Over St. Patricks day, Troy Duffy, director of the original Boondock Saints, said that a sequel is in the works. All of the original cast, minus Willem Dafoe, are expected to return to the sequel. I could not be more excited...

The Wachowski Brothers, best known for the Matrix trilogy (Bound is also a really great flick. It's on IFC all the time, check it out sometime), are developing a kung fu flick with Collin Chou, Seraph from the last two Matrix flicks. Wow, talk about one demension directors...Speed Racer looks like the biggest pile of crap too...hopefully so bad it's good...

Peter Berg (director of The Kingdom, he was also one of the two people hanging out with Ben Affleck in Smokin' Aces) is set to direct a remake of Dune. Dune, which stared Sting and was directed by the brilliant and pretty much insane David Lynch, came out in 1984 to really shitty reviews. It's not the greatest film, but it wasn't Lynch's view either. He didn't even want his name put on the damn thing. So, I am pretty excited to see this. I like Berg, and I hear the Kingdom is alright, so, I am kind of into this...not the biggest fan of remakes, but in this case, it'll hopefully improve on the original, and in that case, it's fine by me.

Just a few things I thought you guys may like to know...comment away, and I'll keep you all posted on these, and other stories...go see something good!


So, last Feburary's Oscars didn't really suprise me all that much. However, there was one nomination that did. I was reading through the list to do a post on it in, oh, say Janurary, and I was suprised to see a little film called Persepolis made it in the best animated film category. I was also shocked to see that The Diving Bell And The Butterfly didn't get a nod for best Foreign Film, after winning the Golden Globe. I researched, and discovered that, a given country is only allowed to select one film for nomination in the F.F. category, and France decided to send in Persepolis. Now, I haven't seen Diving Bell, but, I did get a chance to see Persepolis. Does Diving Bell have something to live up to when I see it?

Overall, I have to say, maybe. This is the story of Marjane 'Marji' Statrapi, the real life woman who also happened to co write, co direct, and narrate this cute little flick. It is the story of her growing up in war torn Iran. There's a lot that happens here, but overall, it is about her going through everyday life, as a young idealistic girl in 1970's Iran, and as she grows up, she begins to see the world for what it is. She goes to Vienna, comes back to Iran, and then finally ends up in France. She is a precocious, punky little girl who loves western pop culture and life. She has radical parents, so she is automatically attracted to that scene. She falls in love, falls out of love, and goes through all of the various aspects of a girls life. Now, a lot goes on like I said, so thats all I will say.

Visually, this film, as basic as it is, is really stunning. It's like the Madeline cartoon, just in 1970's Iran and black and white. It's basic animation, but that really works. It lets the story become the main part of this film. The characters are also really fleshed out and relatable for being an animated film. Like the Grandmother who says what she wants, or the tough, yet sensative father, or the really caring mother. These are full bodied characters drawn out in a really stunning style. The naration was also really great. I normally don't like naration, I think it just is really heavy handed, but here, it works. It is used for comedic effect, and I laughed. Everyone can relate to not feeling like you fit in, so this just really worked for me. Now, the second and third acts drag on a little, and for being only a 95 minute flick, I checked my watch a couple of times. This is a film that is definitley worth your time, just maybe on the small screen.

This is the week of my birthday, so, I will be getting out a lot, so expect some more reviews. Hopefully of Funny Games, Charlie Bartlet, and maybe something else.

Go see something good!

Current Top 5...Breif Review of Run, Fatboy, Run

Hey. So, it was a sunday night and I felt like watching a movie. I chose to watch Run, Fatboy, Run. Now, was it really worth the time that I could have spent watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air?Laugh wise, yes. This movie has a ton of great laughs. It's from actor David Schwimmer, and is written by the genius Michael Ian Black. It stars Simon Pegg, probably most famous for Shaun of The Dead and Hot Fuzz, although I hear his British sitcom, Spaced, is pretty amazing. It costars the gorgeous Thandie Newton and Hank "Apu" Azaria. It is a romantic comedy of a man who decides to run a marathon to get the girl he loves back. After he leaves his pregnat fiance at the alter, and she meets a guy named Wit, played by Azaria, and falls in love. He becomes a sluggish, unfit guy, and still loves his ex. He has a son, and, after picking him up one day, he sees that she has gotten with Wit. He goes out with him, and sees that he is a big health freak. He goes to a spin class and decides that he must run to get her back.

What was good. Well, first off, Dylan Moran is brilliant. He plays Dennis's best friend, and he has brilliant comic timing. That is probably the best part. The laughs are great. It's a good looking film, and I love when films are set in London. It's a good comedy, but not a great film. Eventually, it breaks down into such a predictable ending, that I can't completly recomend it. You will know where this is going half way through. It really took me out of the film. It overall is a basic romantic comedy, with a little bit of a different enviornment, and definetly has the style of Simon Pegg and Michael Ian Black, the two screenwriters. Everyone pulls in good performances, and Thandie Newton definitley is not harsh on the eyes, so, if you want a funny flick, go check out The Bank Job. Rent this, or stream it. I'm sorry to keep this review short, but I don't want to ruin this for everyone. Also, comedies are really hard to review, as the only thing that I can say is that it did make me laugh, so it worked as a comedy. As a film, not so much.

So, it is roughly a quarter of the way through the year, and I thought it would be fun to list my 1st quarter top 5. I haven't seen many good flicks, so, if I really like a movie, I will add it to the list. I will post a review of every flick I see, and then I will eventually have a top 10 in June.
1. Paranoid Park A-
2. My Blueberry Nights B+
3. The Bank Job B
4. Cassandra's Dream B
5. Be Kind Rewind B

Go see something good...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Weekend Box Office...

Projected weekend box office stats...

1.Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who
2.10,000 B.C.
3.Never Back Down
4.College Road Trip
5.Vantage Point
6.The Bank Job
9.The Other Boleyn Girl
10.The Spiderwick Chronicles

Horton gains roughly $45 Million...Never Back Down gets $8 Mil...thank god...people, don't see that, please...go see the Bank a really good little heist flick...

This upcoming weekend sees another pile of shit for new releases...Here is what everyone can expect for fridays new releases...

-Drillbit Taylor...Owen Wilson comedy...
-Shutter...another grudge-esque horror ripoff
-Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns...whatever...

New DVD releases for Tuesday the 18th... Disney flick...hear it's pretty good...I would say it's worth a rent...I'm not going to see it, but if you like musicals...check it out I guess...
-I Am Legend...A good action, supense, thriller...not the greatest flick...the ending is really bad...worth a rent though.
-Love In The Time Of Cholera...Javier Bardem...for that alone I think it's worth a rent...horrible reviews, but I still say rent it...
-Southland Tales...probably one of the worst flicks from last year. Follow up to Donnie Darko from director Richard Kelly...this is actually worse than that flick...this is a bad movie.


-Atonement...this is a great film from Pride and Prejudice director Joe Wright. It was on my top 10 of '07, and I would say buy this film. It is a great romance, and it has one of the most masterful shots from last year. Next to the opening of Zodiac, the five minute shot on the beaches of Dunkerk is the best scene I saw all last year. Check this out for sure.

Go see something good...

Never Back Down...

Okay, so people who know me, know that I am a pretty big MMA/wrestling fan. I know that may seem really lame, but, it's something I grew up watching, and I am entertained by it. However, I was morbidly UN-excited about Never Back Down. I had zero expectations about this film...was it a bit TO much...

In my opinion, definitley. This movie is a story from director Jeff Wadlow, best known for the horror-piece of shit Cry_Wolf. It is about a kid, Jake Tyler (Sean Farris), and his mother and brother moving to a new city. His father died in a drunk driving accident in which he was in the passenger seat. He decided not to fight with his father when he wanted to drive, so it's something he feels is his fault, and this is about him coming to terms with that. When the get there, he meets a beautiful young girl named Baha Miller (Amber Heard), who is dating MMA champ Ryan (Cam Gigandet). When he gets invited to a party, Ryan picks a fight with him. This was brought on by a previous altercation that hit the internet and caused Jake to move from his previous school. He finds out there is like an underground fight club, and, to end Ryans mean streak, he decides to fight. He trains with Jean Roqua (Djimon Hounsou), and then he begins to become confident. That's all I am going to say, because I know this will hit huge with every teen out there. But, hopefully this will deter a few of you from seeing this huge p.o.s.

What was good? The fight scenes where shot cool. Having seen a lot of this on t.v. and stuff, I knew some things about it, and it was cool to see it shot in a fun way. Thats all I can say about positives, so lets have some fun now.

No one gives a good performance. Everyone, even Hounsou is really just phoning it in. It's your basic story of a kid from a broken home picking fights and becoming a better person when faced with a tough test. And the highschool parts are extremely basic. Boy falls in love with bullies girl, girl gets dumped, falls for the boy. It's the Step Up of fight flicks. Step Up + Street Fighter=Shitty fucking movie called Never Back Down. There were some really really laughable a jaguar growl everytime Ryan would turn around in a fight. It tried to be current with the high end hand held camera work and the sped up montages. Hell, they even have a training montage. They even ruined a great TV On The Radio song. The last thing, with all of this publicity about violence in our movies, how did the studio grant a green light to a pretty violent flick, about a highschool and it's underground fight club. Oh, and it's written from the guy who wrote Homeward Bound 2: Lost In San Francisco...what a great pedigree. I really don't even want to talk about it....Just go see Fight Club, it's a quadrillion times better. Hell, go see Mortal Kombat.Go see something good...please...

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