Friday, May 22, 2009

NEWS: Stuff I Missed...

Here are a few headlines that I haven't been able to write about, as I've been watching movies/catching up with some friends for the span of the day.

- Actor Dan Fogler has an interview with Moviehole, where he drops a hint that director Kyle Newman has been working on an idea for a sequel to the really solid comedy, Fanboys.

- In the "No duh" category, Michael Moore's upcoming film will indeed take a look at the economic meltdown(/Film)...

- Here's the newest trailer for the upcoming Bruce Willis sci-fi thriller, Surogates

SURROGATES trailer in HD

The movie tells the story of FBI agents (Bruce Willis and Radha Mitchell) who are investigating the mysterious murder of a college student linked to the man who helped create a high-tech surrogate phenomenon that allows people to purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves.

- Brick director Rian Johnson has released an audio commentary for his new film, Brother's Bloom...

- Wayne Allwine, best known as the voice of Mickey Mouse since 1977, passed away on Sunday night due to complications from diabetes at the age of 62.

- President Obama has seen Star Trek, and reviewed it, kind of, over in an interview at Newsweek...

- Chris Pontius has been cast in Sofia Coppola's next film, Somewhere...

- A trailer for James Cameron's new sci-fi epic, Avatar, will be shown before Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen...

- IFC Films has picked up the controversial film, Antichrist, directed by Lars Von Trier...

- Finally, USA Today has the first shots off the set of M. Night's upcoming film, The Last Airbender...

I will have a review of Terminator: Salvation up, as well as a review of the small little indie film, One Hour Fantasy Girl, sometime tomorrow, so keep checking back!

Go see something good!

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