So I wanted to see something this weekend. My girlfriend, her sister, and I decided that the Strangers looked pretty decent, and so we went. We figured, what the hell, Sex and The City will be busy, so we shouldn't have to worry about the seats. What a miscalculation that was. We ended up getting FRONT ROW, CORNER SEATS. The theatre was packed, even more so than for my screenings of either Iron Man, Speed Racer, OR Indy 4. However, was this movie really worth all of that agony for my poor, poor neck.
The Strangers is a story that is "inspired by true events" (more on that later). It is a tale about a couple James Hoyt and Kristen McKay, who decide, after leaving a wedding reception, to go to a friends cottage for a little alone time. However, things don't go as planned as James proposed to Kristen, and she denied him. As they discuss what the will do next, and akwardly begin to have sex, a knock at the door comes. It's a girl asking if someone is home. The couple says no, and she leaves, but not without freaking the two former love birds out. So they go back to normal talk, and then another knock comes, however, this one is a lot louder. Kristen becomes a little scared, and then all hell breaks loose. The girl and two others adourned with masks, begin to terrorize them, and the couple must survive.
First off, let me get this out of the way. This film was INSPIRED by true events. I'm going by the wikipedia page for the film, but this film is based on an event from the director, Bryan Bertino's childhood. He had an experience with a person who was asking for someone, and he soon later found out that a lot of empty homes had been robbed. So, just to let everyone know. It doesn't effect my thought's on the film, just thought you all would like to hear about that.
Alright, the goods about this movie. The one thing that I will give this film in spades is the directing. Bryan Bertino looks very promising behind the camera. It's his first film, and there's one shot in particular that I thought was really masterful suspense film making, even though it's basic indie horror fair. Also, the cinematography was solid, and the score was fine for a horror film. I really liked the source music they had for the film too. Granted, it kind of got repetative on the squeky record player, but the music was good and it added to the mood. The performances were fine, especially from the boyfriend to Liv Tyler's character, Kristen. Finally, some of the first few scares really worked.
However, after that it's just not that good. This isn't a bad movie by any means. It's just heavy flawed, as are most horror films today. To me, the biggest problem was how unoriginal the movie was, and how repetative the scares were. I've seen this movie before, and it felt like it during the movie. Take Funny Games for example. This film is just Funny Games, but without the message. This film has no point, and watching these people's lives be destroyed really makes for depressing film going. I know that's kind of the point, to get me angry that people would do this, but just put a message behind it, like the aformentioned Funny Games. The lack of message didn't bug me much, it was simply the lack of originality that bothered me. Also, the big thing is that the three killers sneak up on you and watch what you do, however, after the tenth time, I just began to think where they would come from, and make up a funny place they could. This film does keep you into it, just not emotionally, as a good horror film should. The sound design also wasn't great. On a 10 million dollar budget, I do give them some credit, but after that trailer and poster were released, my expectations were not met, and that leads to dissapointment. I say, if you go with a group of friends, you may have a good time, but you're better off saving your money and buying Funny Games in two weeks.
Rating: 6/10
Alright guys, thats it for now. I'm going to get out to the theatres again today, maybe to check out Forgetting Sarah Marshall, or something else like that, so check back later for a review!
Go see something good
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Some news...
Hey guys! Here are a few pieces of news from this afternoon...
- Robert Rodriguez has a children's film coming down the pipeline...Thanks to Yahoo! for this piece of info...
TV stars Jon Cryer and James Spader are returning to the big screen, signing up to star in Robert Rodriguez’s “Shorts,” a family adventure movie that also stars William H. Macy and Leslie Mann. Rodriguez, who also wrote the screenplay, is serving as his own director of photography, editor and visual effects supervisor. The Warner Bros. project is shooting on location in Rodriguez’s Austin hometown.
“Shorts” is set in fictional Black Falls, a suburb where everyone works for Black Box Unlimited Worldwide Industries Inc., whose communication gadget is sweeping the country. A youngster (Jimmy Bennett) discovers a rainbow-colored rock that grants wishes to anyone who holds it. First it causes havoc among the kid population, but things get turned up several notches when adults get their hands on it.
I love Rodriguez, but let's just hope this isn't Spy Kids...
- Elizabeth Burkley has joined the cast of S. Darko...
- There are two new posters out is a new Hellboy poster, and the second is from an indie flick called Fight Night, about a female fighter and her friend and a scheme they put together...check 'em out...

Hellboy still looks great, and I think Fight Night could be interesting...gotta love badass chicks...
- Michael Bay will produce a film based on the game, Ouija Board...really Mikey???
Okay, now here is what I really want to talk about...Focus Features and all of their brilliance just released the first trailer from the Coehn Brother's upcoming film, Burn After Reading...all I am going to say is that I really think the Coehn's make some of the best American films out, and this is no different. This trailer is exactly why I think we will definitley be talking about this flick come Oscar said it best...this will be to No Country for Old Men, what The Big Lebowski was to Fargo...Check it out!
Alright...continuing on...I just got done watching Schizopolis, and I must say...what a funny ass movie. It's from Steven Soderbergh (master director...only he can do movies like Bubble and then go do Oceans 11, 12, and 13), and it also stars him. This is really available in most rental stores, as it's a Criterion Edition...but if you ever get a chance, check it out. It's a little indie precious, or overly quircky, but it is balanced out really well, and isn't over the top with it's quirck like say a Juno was. It's a story about Fletcher Munson (Soderbergh) who is a worker for a company called Eventualism, which is like a neo Scientology group. It's really just about his life, and there's not much of a story beyond that. It's a really bizzare film, but it's a great movie, and really hilarious comedy. It's right up there in the top tier of Soderbergh's canon.
I'm just starting to get through There Will Be Blood for probably the 600th time, and I must say...out of all of the amazing parts of that movie, that god damn score is beyond words. I have not heard a harsher, more emotionally influencial score in a long time. It's like the Shining's score...harsh strings, extremely moody, and fucking perfect. Really, check TWBB out right now, if only for the score, and you will get to see the best film I have seen in years.
Question time!
If the Oscars were today, what would be your Best Picture??
Alright, change in plans. I will have a review of The Strangers tomorow, as well as a brief discussion of a documentary called My Kid Could Paint That.
- Robert Rodriguez has a children's film coming down the pipeline...Thanks to Yahoo! for this piece of info...
TV stars Jon Cryer and James Spader are returning to the big screen, signing up to star in Robert Rodriguez’s “Shorts,” a family adventure movie that also stars William H. Macy and Leslie Mann. Rodriguez, who also wrote the screenplay, is serving as his own director of photography, editor and visual effects supervisor. The Warner Bros. project is shooting on location in Rodriguez’s Austin hometown.
“Shorts” is set in fictional Black Falls, a suburb where everyone works for Black Box Unlimited Worldwide Industries Inc., whose communication gadget is sweeping the country. A youngster (Jimmy Bennett) discovers a rainbow-colored rock that grants wishes to anyone who holds it. First it causes havoc among the kid population, but things get turned up several notches when adults get their hands on it.
I love Rodriguez, but let's just hope this isn't Spy Kids...
- Elizabeth Burkley has joined the cast of S. Darko...
- There are two new posters out is a new Hellboy poster, and the second is from an indie flick called Fight Night, about a female fighter and her friend and a scheme they put together...check 'em out...

Hellboy still looks great, and I think Fight Night could be interesting...gotta love badass chicks...
- Michael Bay will produce a film based on the game, Ouija Board...really Mikey???
Okay, now here is what I really want to talk about...Focus Features and all of their brilliance just released the first trailer from the Coehn Brother's upcoming film, Burn After Reading...all I am going to say is that I really think the Coehn's make some of the best American films out, and this is no different. This trailer is exactly why I think we will definitley be talking about this flick come Oscar said it best...this will be to No Country for Old Men, what The Big Lebowski was to Fargo...Check it out!
Alright...continuing on...I just got done watching Schizopolis, and I must say...what a funny ass movie. It's from Steven Soderbergh (master director...only he can do movies like Bubble and then go do Oceans 11, 12, and 13), and it also stars him. This is really available in most rental stores, as it's a Criterion Edition...but if you ever get a chance, check it out. It's a little indie precious, or overly quircky, but it is balanced out really well, and isn't over the top with it's quirck like say a Juno was. It's a story about Fletcher Munson (Soderbergh) who is a worker for a company called Eventualism, which is like a neo Scientology group. It's really just about his life, and there's not much of a story beyond that. It's a really bizzare film, but it's a great movie, and really hilarious comedy. It's right up there in the top tier of Soderbergh's canon.
I'm just starting to get through There Will Be Blood for probably the 600th time, and I must say...out of all of the amazing parts of that movie, that god damn score is beyond words. I have not heard a harsher, more emotionally influencial score in a long time. It's like the Shining's score...harsh strings, extremely moody, and fucking perfect. Really, check TWBB out right now, if only for the score, and you will get to see the best film I have seen in years.
Question time!
If the Oscars were today, what would be your Best Picture??
Alright, change in plans. I will have a review of The Strangers tomorow, as well as a brief discussion of a documentary called My Kid Could Paint That.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Some news...
Hey guys! Today seems to be a big news day, so here are the headlines...
- So, the first pic from Death Race, the blasphemous remake of Death Race 2000, is out now... looks like EVERY OTHER post apocalyptic drek that hollywood releases...whatever...
- Looks like Beverly Hills Cop will return to the big screen...thanks IESB for this nugget..
The trades reported this evening that Eddie Murphy has signed on to return for a fourth installment of the action comedy as one of his most beloved characters Axel Foley. Director Brett Ratner (X-Men: The Last Stand, Rush Hour films) is in negotiations to take the helm on this one.
Really guys???!?! Is this really needed?
- Rumors are circulating that one James McAvoy is being hunted to play Bilbo Baggins in the upcoming Hobbit film...
- The rumor mill has been debunked. Patrick Fugit will NOT play Peter Parker. Actually, no one is being considered for the role other than Toby a sorce at Marvel said...
- Very interesting idea here...With the upcoming release of Harold and Kumar 2, comes a special DVD option...
Choose Your Own Adventure....
The DVD release of Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay will allow viewers to choose their own adventure. Not much has been revealed yet, but the official press materials lists a special feature called “Dude, Change the Movie!” which will allow “you to select from new and alternate scenes to change the course of the film.”
Really interesting and this MIGHT get me to actually fork over the three bucks and rent this thing...
Thats about it...expect a review of Schizopolis tomorow or Saturday, and expect a review of The Strangers on Saturday...
- So, the first pic from Death Race, the blasphemous remake of Death Race 2000, is out now... looks like EVERY OTHER post apocalyptic drek that hollywood releases...whatever...
- Looks like Beverly Hills Cop will return to the big screen...thanks IESB for this nugget..
The trades reported this evening that Eddie Murphy has signed on to return for a fourth installment of the action comedy as one of his most beloved characters Axel Foley. Director Brett Ratner (X-Men: The Last Stand, Rush Hour films) is in negotiations to take the helm on this one.
Really guys???!?! Is this really needed?
- Rumors are circulating that one James McAvoy is being hunted to play Bilbo Baggins in the upcoming Hobbit film...
- The rumor mill has been debunked. Patrick Fugit will NOT play Peter Parker. Actually, no one is being considered for the role other than Toby a sorce at Marvel said...
- Very interesting idea here...With the upcoming release of Harold and Kumar 2, comes a special DVD option...
Choose Your Own Adventure....
The DVD release of Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay will allow viewers to choose their own adventure. Not much has been revealed yet, but the official press materials lists a special feature called “Dude, Change the Movie!” which will allow “you to select from new and alternate scenes to change the course of the film.”
Really interesting and this MIGHT get me to actually fork over the three bucks and rent this thing...
Thats about it...expect a review of Schizopolis tomorow or Saturday, and expect a review of The Strangers on Saturday...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Some news...upcoming reviews...
Hey guys! Here are just a few tidbits of news from today...
- Robert Rodriguez is shopping around a TV show, called Women In Chains...thanks to Comingsoon for this piece of info...
Director Robert Rodriguez is shopping around “Women in Chains!” a violent drama set at a woman’s prison starring his fiancee, Rose McGowan. The spec script, written by Josh Miller and Mark Fortin, has been sent to a number of networks, including NBC and FX.
McGowan is set play one of five chained women at the center of the show, which Rodriguez is expected to direct. The two first worked together on last year’s “Planet Terror,” Rodriguez’s homage to 1970s exploitation flicks.
- Here are two sweet ass covers for this months Empire Magazine...

- Rumors have been circulating, that since Sony reuped their deal with Marvel and the Spidey franchise, and that the cast has all but said they will not do a fourth, that Patrick Fugit (you know, the kid from Almost Famous), is at the top of the list to take over the series...hmmm....
ALRIGHT! So, since I finally sent in my netflix movie after about a month and a purchase of a copy of the said DVD (Romeo + Juliet), I will start reviewing the movies I get. So, as of right now, this is the next 5 DVD reviews you will see on I Are Movies (barring any interesting rentals...)
Schizopolis (This Friday)
M (This one is tentative...not 100% of what movie will fit this slot...maybe Solaris...)
Blue Velvet
In The Bedroom
(I have to get my indie fix...all I've seen lately is summer movie after summer movie)
Speaking of which! Friday I will be getting a chance to see The Strangers, so expect a full review of that on Saturday...
Go see something good!
- Robert Rodriguez is shopping around a TV show, called Women In Chains...thanks to Comingsoon for this piece of info...
Director Robert Rodriguez is shopping around “Women in Chains!” a violent drama set at a woman’s prison starring his fiancee, Rose McGowan. The spec script, written by Josh Miller and Mark Fortin, has been sent to a number of networks, including NBC and FX.
McGowan is set play one of five chained women at the center of the show, which Rodriguez is expected to direct. The two first worked together on last year’s “Planet Terror,” Rodriguez’s homage to 1970s exploitation flicks.
- Here are two sweet ass covers for this months Empire Magazine...

- Rumors have been circulating, that since Sony reuped their deal with Marvel and the Spidey franchise, and that the cast has all but said they will not do a fourth, that Patrick Fugit (you know, the kid from Almost Famous), is at the top of the list to take over the series...hmmm....
ALRIGHT! So, since I finally sent in my netflix movie after about a month and a purchase of a copy of the said DVD (Romeo + Juliet), I will start reviewing the movies I get. So, as of right now, this is the next 5 DVD reviews you will see on I Are Movies (barring any interesting rentals...)
Schizopolis (This Friday)
M (This one is tentative...not 100% of what movie will fit this slot...maybe Solaris...)
Blue Velvet
In The Bedroom
(I have to get my indie fix...all I've seen lately is summer movie after summer movie)
Speaking of which! Friday I will be getting a chance to see The Strangers, so expect a full review of that on Saturday...
Go see something good!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Some news...Top 10 Movies Directed by Actors...
Hey, outside of the horribly saddening news of the death of Sydney Pollack, there are just a few here are those notes...
- A new Watchmen pic is out...thanks to for the info and photo
" Ain't It Cool News has posted a photo of 1940's Minutemen in the Watchmen movie, coming to theaters on March 6, 2009. The photo includes the classic Silk Spectre, Nite Owl, Captain Metropolis, Mothman, Silhouette, The Comedian, Dollar Bill and Hooded Justice. Check it out by clicking the image below (you may need to us Firefox as it's a broken image using Internet Explorer at the time of this posting). "
Alright...thats really the only big piece of news...Oh! Ewan McGregor is going to costar in Fox Searchlights new Amelia Earhart biopic...other than that, nothing really big. So, in it's spot, here is a top 10. The top 10 films directed by actors, in honor of the great Sydney Pollack. Now, I'm not sure if he was an actor or a director first, but he was in Eyes Wide Shut and most recently Michael Clayton, so he counts I the guy is such a legend, that I had to do something to honor here's the list...
10. Out of Africa (AMAZING MOVIE! CHECK IT OUT!)
9. Braveheart
8. Gone Baby Gone
7. Sling Blade
6. Confessions of A Dangerous Mind
5. Unforgiven
4. In The Bedroom
3. Good Night and Good Luck
2. Reds
1. Annie Hall
Well, thats about it...more news later!
Go see something good!
- A new Watchmen pic is out...thanks to for the info and photo
" Ain't It Cool News has posted a photo of 1940's Minutemen in the Watchmen movie, coming to theaters on March 6, 2009. The photo includes the classic Silk Spectre, Nite Owl, Captain Metropolis, Mothman, Silhouette, The Comedian, Dollar Bill and Hooded Justice. Check it out by clicking the image below (you may need to us Firefox as it's a broken image using Internet Explorer at the time of this posting). "
Alright...thats really the only big piece of news...Oh! Ewan McGregor is going to costar in Fox Searchlights new Amelia Earhart biopic...other than that, nothing really big. So, in it's spot, here is a top 10. The top 10 films directed by actors, in honor of the great Sydney Pollack. Now, I'm not sure if he was an actor or a director first, but he was in Eyes Wide Shut and most recently Michael Clayton, so he counts I the guy is such a legend, that I had to do something to honor here's the list...
10. Out of Africa (AMAZING MOVIE! CHECK IT OUT!)
9. Braveheart
8. Gone Baby Gone
7. Sling Blade
6. Confessions of A Dangerous Mind
5. Unforgiven
4. In The Bedroom
3. Good Night and Good Luck
2. Reds
1. Annie Hall
Well, thats about it...more news later!
Go see something good!
Sydney Pollack...
I don't even know where to begin...
Sydney Pollack, one of the better directors, and people out there in hollywood, is dead at the age of 73...
May this great person rest in peace and be remembered forever...
I don't even know where to begin...
Sydney Pollack, one of the better directors, and people out there in hollywood, is dead at the age of 73...
May this great person rest in peace and be remembered forever...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Box releases...trailer...
Here are your box office numbers for this, memorial day weekend....
1.Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
2.The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
3.Iron Man
4.What Happens in Vegas
5.Speed Racer
6.Made of Honor
7.Baby Mama
8.Forgetting Sarah Marshall
9.Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay
10.The Visitor
Indy 4...what can I say...101 million dollars this weekend, 126 million for it's opening five days...was anything else expected? The final three films made under a million dollars...Please, if the Visitor is around your area, go check it out...
Here are the noteable DVD releases for this Tuesday, the 27th.
-Rambo...skip it...
-Cassandra's Dream...The most recent Woody Allen picture, and, as was said during my review here, is totally worth your time. It's a crime drama involving two brothers and their attempt to help their troubled uncle. It's a solid film, and one that should be rented by you this tuesday...
-Grace is Gone...newest film from John Cusack, and tells the story of a father who lost his wife in the Iraq war, and must tell his two young children...This film is bound to be a heart wrencher, so tred lightly...but I recomend it to everyone. I have heard nothing but great things, and I will be renting this right away.
This is a documentary about the genocide that has destroyed the Western region of Sudan. It comes to us from first time feature Documentarian Ted Braun and is narrated by Don Cheadle and George Clooney. While this is a blind recomendation, this is a subject that must be talked about, and it comes from two of the most outspoken people in Hollywood, so it has to be good. Also, it's only a FIVE DOLLAR purchase, so give it a shot. It will be a welcome addition to any documentary fans DVD Collection...
Now, as usual with summer, there are only a couple of new releases coming to your local theatre, but there are a few interesting ones, so here they are...
-Sex and The City...really? Skipping...
-The Foot Fist Way...Interesting little comedy. It's about a lonely Tae Kwon-Do teacher who goes on a journey with a freind and two of his students to find his hero. It stars Danny R. McBride, the explosion guy from Hot Rod, and it looks like it could be really solid. It's opening in limited release, so it probably won't be seen by many, but if it comes around, check it out...just like this next film...
-Savage Grace...It stars Julian Moore, and is a story about the Barbara Daly Baekland murder case...Here is the wikipedia article about it
Not only was the case a shocker, but this trailer is also really stunning...This film would have easily been my pick of the week, but it's only opening in NY and LA, so we are all shit out of luck...
Really, what is to be said here. It's POSTER scared the shit out of me. Two people go to a cabin, *cough* Funny Games *cough*, and get kidnapped by murderers. It looks scary, but hopefully it stays away from basic hollywood conventions...I'll be there...
Alright, so thats about it...
Go see something good!!!!!
1.Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
2.The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
3.Iron Man
4.What Happens in Vegas
5.Speed Racer
6.Made of Honor
7.Baby Mama
8.Forgetting Sarah Marshall
9.Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay
10.The Visitor
Indy 4...what can I say...101 million dollars this weekend, 126 million for it's opening five days...was anything else expected? The final three films made under a million dollars...Please, if the Visitor is around your area, go check it out...
Here are the noteable DVD releases for this Tuesday, the 27th.
-Rambo...skip it...
-Cassandra's Dream...The most recent Woody Allen picture, and, as was said during my review here, is totally worth your time. It's a crime drama involving two brothers and their attempt to help their troubled uncle. It's a solid film, and one that should be rented by you this tuesday...
-Grace is Gone...newest film from John Cusack, and tells the story of a father who lost his wife in the Iraq war, and must tell his two young children...This film is bound to be a heart wrencher, so tred lightly...but I recomend it to everyone. I have heard nothing but great things, and I will be renting this right away.
This is a documentary about the genocide that has destroyed the Western region of Sudan. It comes to us from first time feature Documentarian Ted Braun and is narrated by Don Cheadle and George Clooney. While this is a blind recomendation, this is a subject that must be talked about, and it comes from two of the most outspoken people in Hollywood, so it has to be good. Also, it's only a FIVE DOLLAR purchase, so give it a shot. It will be a welcome addition to any documentary fans DVD Collection...
Now, as usual with summer, there are only a couple of new releases coming to your local theatre, but there are a few interesting ones, so here they are...
-Sex and The City...really? Skipping...
-The Foot Fist Way...Interesting little comedy. It's about a lonely Tae Kwon-Do teacher who goes on a journey with a freind and two of his students to find his hero. It stars Danny R. McBride, the explosion guy from Hot Rod, and it looks like it could be really solid. It's opening in limited release, so it probably won't be seen by many, but if it comes around, check it out...just like this next film...
-Savage Grace...It stars Julian Moore, and is a story about the Barbara Daly Baekland murder case...Here is the wikipedia article about it
Not only was the case a shocker, but this trailer is also really stunning...This film would have easily been my pick of the week, but it's only opening in NY and LA, so we are all shit out of luck...
Really, what is to be said here. It's POSTER scared the shit out of me. Two people go to a cabin, *cough* Funny Games *cough*, and get kidnapped by murderers. It looks scary, but hopefully it stays away from basic hollywood conventions...I'll be there...
Alright, so thats about it...
Go see something good!!!!!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Indy 4...the review...
With the return of this movie franchise, comes the return of it's main character, the iconic Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. and his hunts for history. This story is no different. After his capture by some Russian soldiers and the evile scientest Iriana Spalko, he discovers that they now have control of a mind controling Crystal Skull. He is thrusted into their plot to take over the world, and must find a way to return the said skull. He is recaptured, only to find out that they have also taken his friend Professor Oxley, and his former flame, Marion Ravenwood captive as well. All of this forces the adventurer to once again go on the hunt for a mysterious item, and all that comes with it. This time, they have to deal with something not of this world. Aliens. That's all I will say, because you really should check this out.
First off, if you have never seen an Indiana Jones film, or just plain don't like them, then you may not enjoy this film. Especially the ending. It's so over the top and really out there, that even I, an Indy fan (not fanboy) had fun with it, but the two people I went with, really were annoyed by it. That said, there are a TON of things to enjoy about this film. Mainly the look and feel of it. The story is not about any heavy political subject, or any controversial discussion, so it's not current event-y (not really a word) or heavy. It's just an adventure movie. Januz Kaminski, the DP, is so damn good here. He did the first three, and he also did the AMAZING Diving Bell and The Butterfly last year, and he just continues stedily pumping great scenes out here. It has a glossy, almost fuzzy look to it, with a bright pallete and GORGEOUS scenery. The CG is not perfect, and some scenes are obviously computer aided, but it works here. You have to check your sense of reality at the door. There are quite a few shots that you just have to go with it. This is an adventure movie, and you have to go with it.
With the return of Indiana Jones, comes the return of Indy himself, Harrison Ford. He's not the best of actor, but he is solid, and really great here. There are the obvious jokes about his age, but it seems like he is having such a good time, and he still kicks some ass. The best performance here is Cate Blanchet. She is campy as hell as the Russian scientest, and her accent is so over the top, that you can't help but get a kick out of it. Shia is just playing Shia, and Ray Winstone, well, he's really just playing Ray Winstone. With all of this postive stuff, there are definitley a few problems with this film.
The biggest problem for me was the story. It's not bad, it's just really familiar. Granted, I don't know how much different they could have gone with it, but it's just to familiar. It's chock full of chases and fight scenes, and I just wish that they would have given Indy and Marion some more scenes together, as the scenes they had are just great. The chemistry between the two is great and I wanted more. Shia is sort of annoying, but it's not horrible, and the plot with Indy and Mac (Winstone), is so dumb and truly unnecessary, that I had no interest in it. It was played kind of like a plot device, and just that. There was a plot with the FBI, that just died, so there were a couple of things like that, and were really bothersome. Sometimes the jokes about Harrison Fords age were annoying as well. All this said, it doesn't totally hinder the film experience (something else certainly did, more on that in a minute), so this is a whole hearted recomendation from me. If you have seen the first three, and are a fan, definitley check this out. If you aren't, give it a shot. You'll have fun.
Grade: B
Okay, so everyone will probably see this movie. Hell, people who NEVER go see movies, are going out there (I'm babysitting for two of 'em). However, the screening I was at, was maybe half full. That all said, people need to learn how to go to the movies. Especially when it involves popcorn. However, all of the shit that those pretentious 20 somethings were saying and doing behind me, the trailers before this flick may be better than the movie itself. There were two in particular that really got me. First off, there was the first trailer for Zodiac, Fight Club, Seven, Panic Room director David Fincher's new film, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button starring Brad Pitt and the beautiful Cate Blanchet. It's based on an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, and looks like it will certainly be up for discussion come it's release during Oscar bait season. Now, here's the trailer, but be warned, it is in Spanish. The only real talking is at the begining, and it tells you that he ages backwards, as the rest of the world ages normally.
I can not freaking wait.
The other one was Eagle Eye. It doesn't look nearly as good as TCOBB, but it could be good.
Please, go check out these trailers, and a really solid film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Oh, a new Hellboy trailer is fucking phenominal too...
Go see something good!
First off, if you have never seen an Indiana Jones film, or just plain don't like them, then you may not enjoy this film. Especially the ending. It's so over the top and really out there, that even I, an Indy fan (not fanboy) had fun with it, but the two people I went with, really were annoyed by it. That said, there are a TON of things to enjoy about this film. Mainly the look and feel of it. The story is not about any heavy political subject, or any controversial discussion, so it's not current event-y (not really a word) or heavy. It's just an adventure movie. Januz Kaminski, the DP, is so damn good here. He did the first three, and he also did the AMAZING Diving Bell and The Butterfly last year, and he just continues stedily pumping great scenes out here. It has a glossy, almost fuzzy look to it, with a bright pallete and GORGEOUS scenery. The CG is not perfect, and some scenes are obviously computer aided, but it works here. You have to check your sense of reality at the door. There are quite a few shots that you just have to go with it. This is an adventure movie, and you have to go with it.
With the return of Indiana Jones, comes the return of Indy himself, Harrison Ford. He's not the best of actor, but he is solid, and really great here. There are the obvious jokes about his age, but it seems like he is having such a good time, and he still kicks some ass. The best performance here is Cate Blanchet. She is campy as hell as the Russian scientest, and her accent is so over the top, that you can't help but get a kick out of it. Shia is just playing Shia, and Ray Winstone, well, he's really just playing Ray Winstone. With all of this postive stuff, there are definitley a few problems with this film.
The biggest problem for me was the story. It's not bad, it's just really familiar. Granted, I don't know how much different they could have gone with it, but it's just to familiar. It's chock full of chases and fight scenes, and I just wish that they would have given Indy and Marion some more scenes together, as the scenes they had are just great. The chemistry between the two is great and I wanted more. Shia is sort of annoying, but it's not horrible, and the plot with Indy and Mac (Winstone), is so dumb and truly unnecessary, that I had no interest in it. It was played kind of like a plot device, and just that. There was a plot with the FBI, that just died, so there were a couple of things like that, and were really bothersome. Sometimes the jokes about Harrison Fords age were annoying as well. All this said, it doesn't totally hinder the film experience (something else certainly did, more on that in a minute), so this is a whole hearted recomendation from me. If you have seen the first three, and are a fan, definitley check this out. If you aren't, give it a shot. You'll have fun.
Grade: B
Okay, so everyone will probably see this movie. Hell, people who NEVER go see movies, are going out there (I'm babysitting for two of 'em). However, the screening I was at, was maybe half full. That all said, people need to learn how to go to the movies. Especially when it involves popcorn. However, all of the shit that those pretentious 20 somethings were saying and doing behind me, the trailers before this flick may be better than the movie itself. There were two in particular that really got me. First off, there was the first trailer for Zodiac, Fight Club, Seven, Panic Room director David Fincher's new film, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button starring Brad Pitt and the beautiful Cate Blanchet. It's based on an F. Scott Fitzgerald short story, and looks like it will certainly be up for discussion come it's release during Oscar bait season. Now, here's the trailer, but be warned, it is in Spanish. The only real talking is at the begining, and it tells you that he ages backwards, as the rest of the world ages normally.
I can not freaking wait.
The other one was Eagle Eye. It doesn't look nearly as good as TCOBB, but it could be good.
Please, go check out these trailers, and a really solid film, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Oh, a new Hellboy trailer is fucking phenominal too...
Go see something good!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Just some more news...
Hey guys!! Since I'm going to see Indy 4, I'm gonna keep this short, but there IS something pretty controversial to talk about...more on that in a minute...
-Sony HAS renewed their contract to maintain the rights to Spiderman, and you may be able to expect Spidy 4 in 2011...discuss...
-Speaking of Marvel...Marvel vows that NONE of their films will be rated R....ever...
-Okay, so here's the deal...thank you MTV for this little blurb...
By his own admission, the scripts for most Uwe Boll films are somewhat lackluster. That’s why he’s decided that for his next movie, he won’t have one. Boll, whose “Postal” recently got dumped by theater owners across the country, told MTV News that most of “Janjaweed,” his new movie about the Darfur massacre, will consist almost entirely of “improv.”
“I want to go for a cast of characters who will go into the parts, because I want to improv the dialogue. Everybody should be based on his own research of creating that character,” Boll revealed. “I think this would be better if it really feels like, ‘I could get killed here so should I go or should I try to save the baby here or die?’ I want to create the feeling that they’re really into it and we have some surprising elements that happen during the shoot.”
Alright, improv is cool. Some of the funniest moments in the best comedies are pretty much the actors riffing. Hell, that is the only reason Will Ferrel is famous. However, with a story based on something THIS controversial and horrible, this is just kind of sick. This is the reason the man needs to stop filming. What do you guys think?
Alright guys. It's Friday. Go see something good. Go see Indy 4. Go bask in the perfection that this memorial day weekend is eledgedly going to be.
-Sony HAS renewed their contract to maintain the rights to Spiderman, and you may be able to expect Spidy 4 in 2011...discuss...
-Speaking of Marvel...Marvel vows that NONE of their films will be rated R....ever...
-Okay, so here's the deal...thank you MTV for this little blurb...
By his own admission, the scripts for most Uwe Boll films are somewhat lackluster. That’s why he’s decided that for his next movie, he won’t have one. Boll, whose “Postal” recently got dumped by theater owners across the country, told MTV News that most of “Janjaweed,” his new movie about the Darfur massacre, will consist almost entirely of “improv.”
“I want to go for a cast of characters who will go into the parts, because I want to improv the dialogue. Everybody should be based on his own research of creating that character,” Boll revealed. “I think this would be better if it really feels like, ‘I could get killed here so should I go or should I try to save the baby here or die?’ I want to create the feeling that they’re really into it and we have some surprising elements that happen during the shoot.”
Alright, improv is cool. Some of the funniest moments in the best comedies are pretty much the actors riffing. Hell, that is the only reason Will Ferrel is famous. However, with a story based on something THIS controversial and horrible, this is just kind of sick. This is the reason the man needs to stop filming. What do you guys think?
Alright guys. It's Friday. Go see something good. Go see Indy 4. Go bask in the perfection that this memorial day weekend is eledgedly going to be.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
W News...
Alright. So as you all know, I am a little bit excited for the upcoming film "W". I think it has the pedigree to be either amazing and politically biting, or a peice and politically obnoxious. Now, it is Oliver Stone, so it will probably be a little bit of the latter, but I still think it will be amazing, so whatever. Recently though, news out of the Stone camp has been little to none. That officially changes today, as it has been annouced that Richard Dreyfuss MAY be playing Dick Cheney. This would be freaking perfect. I'm just in awe of how this film is coming together...what do you think??
In other news...
-Wesley Snipes is going to fight his jail sentence. Good on ya Wesley! It's ridiculous that he gets 3 years for failing to do some damn paper work, and then T.I. gets house arrest for buying and owning MACHINE GUNS as a convicted felon. It's ridiculous and our judicial system needs to get it's shit together.
-There will NOT be a new Dirty Harry film...thank you Jesus...
-BIG NEWS! The upcoming Captain America film will be set in WWII, AND it has been confirmed that it was indeed Captain America's sheild on Tony Stark's workbench in Iron Man. Now, what does this mean? Well, to make an Avenger's movie, look for Captain America to probably be frozen in a block of ice or in something like that, as the Avenger's movie will probably take place around 50-60 years later...fanboys, discuss...
Thats about it for today. Go enjoy the awesome weather...
In other news...
-Wesley Snipes is going to fight his jail sentence. Good on ya Wesley! It's ridiculous that he gets 3 years for failing to do some damn paper work, and then T.I. gets house arrest for buying and owning MACHINE GUNS as a convicted felon. It's ridiculous and our judicial system needs to get it's shit together.
-There will NOT be a new Dirty Harry film...thank you Jesus...
-BIG NEWS! The upcoming Captain America film will be set in WWII, AND it has been confirmed that it was indeed Captain America's sheild on Tony Stark's workbench in Iron Man. Now, what does this mean? Well, to make an Avenger's movie, look for Captain America to probably be frozen in a block of ice or in something like that, as the Avenger's movie will probably take place around 50-60 years later...fanboys, discuss...
Thats about it for today. Go enjoy the awesome weather...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Some news...
Hey guys! You all know the drill...
-Christopher Lambert "classic", Highlander, will indeed be getting a remake...
-Chrisitan Bale is locked in for 3 new Terminator films...
Thanks to comingsoon for the info...
The Welsh-born star, who is soon to be seen in Batman Begins sequel The Dark Knight, has already started shooting the first of those films, Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins.
“Christian was our first choice and he’s a big fan of The Terminator, so we’re very lucky,” Kubicek told the BBC at the Cannes Film Festival. “But with Batman he’s already done the whole franchise thing, so we weren’t sure he’d respond.” Luckily, said Kubicek’s business partner Derek Anderson, “he read the script and he loved it, so he’s signed on for all three.”
-School of Rock is getting a sequel...
-Spike Lee is just set to start creating a Michael Jordan documentary with the will feature never before seen footage, and interviews...basic documentary stuff, but with an amazing story to tell...
-Prince Caspian himself, Ben Barnes, will be taking over the lead in the upcoming Dorian Grey film...
And thats pretty much it...come back tomorow for more news and maybe a top 10!
-Christopher Lambert "classic", Highlander, will indeed be getting a remake...
-Chrisitan Bale is locked in for 3 new Terminator films...
Thanks to comingsoon for the info...
The Welsh-born star, who is soon to be seen in Batman Begins sequel The Dark Knight, has already started shooting the first of those films, Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins.
“Christian was our first choice and he’s a big fan of The Terminator, so we’re very lucky,” Kubicek told the BBC at the Cannes Film Festival. “But with Batman he’s already done the whole franchise thing, so we weren’t sure he’d respond.” Luckily, said Kubicek’s business partner Derek Anderson, “he read the script and he loved it, so he’s signed on for all three.”
-School of Rock is getting a sequel...
-Spike Lee is just set to start creating a Michael Jordan documentary with the will feature never before seen footage, and interviews...basic documentary stuff, but with an amazing story to tell...
-Prince Caspian himself, Ben Barnes, will be taking over the lead in the upcoming Dorian Grey film...
And thats pretty much it...come back tomorow for more news and maybe a top 10!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Just a poster...couple of DVD reviews...
Hey guys...there really is no news at all today, so here is the only real bit to talk's a new Happening looks pretty awesome, and while it IS an M. Night Shamalayn flick, I'm a little excited...

Okay, so since there isn't any real news, here are just a couple of things on two films that I have seen in the past couple of days on DVD...
-SAW 4-
Wow, where to begin. Lets see, the plot was a little confusing, but for the most part, a cop must go on the hunt for a friend, but then it is discovered that he is apart of Jigsaw's first postmortum game. This film continues the shitstain on cinema's underwear that is the Saw series, and it should be to no ones suprise that this movie was bad. It's now on DVD, so most of you have probably seen it, and I would like to hear from those who have. I personally think that this film has no point, no cinematic bonuses, it wasn't shot interestingly, the edits were obnoxious, the plot was basic Saw fair, and the acting was B-Movie at best. Minus Donnie D's few lines...gotta love that guy...
Now, this is a much smaller film than Saw, and many of you may not have seen it. It is a film about a loner laborer named Bob, played by Christian Slater, and he is fed up with his job. It's a lot like Office Space, just instead of being funny, it was just pretentious, and stuck with the guy who got shit on all the time for the whole movie. This wasn't a bad film, but it's about a guy who wants to kill his co workers, and then he goes through a situation that should change him, but the ending negates any investment you have in the film. It's all style over substance, and the style really isn't all that great. For example, he has fish, and the fish talk to him the entire time. It's like Office Space meets Finding Nemo, plus a little Donnie Darko thrown in, which as you all know, is not something I personally enjoy. This isn't a bad movie, it's just a mediocre movie that gets worse as you go. It would probably get a 5 out of 10 from me.

Okay, so since there isn't any real news, here are just a couple of things on two films that I have seen in the past couple of days on DVD...
-SAW 4-
Wow, where to begin. Lets see, the plot was a little confusing, but for the most part, a cop must go on the hunt for a friend, but then it is discovered that he is apart of Jigsaw's first postmortum game. This film continues the shitstain on cinema's underwear that is the Saw series, and it should be to no ones suprise that this movie was bad. It's now on DVD, so most of you have probably seen it, and I would like to hear from those who have. I personally think that this film has no point, no cinematic bonuses, it wasn't shot interestingly, the edits were obnoxious, the plot was basic Saw fair, and the acting was B-Movie at best. Minus Donnie D's few lines...gotta love that guy...
Now, this is a much smaller film than Saw, and many of you may not have seen it. It is a film about a loner laborer named Bob, played by Christian Slater, and he is fed up with his job. It's a lot like Office Space, just instead of being funny, it was just pretentious, and stuck with the guy who got shit on all the time for the whole movie. This wasn't a bad film, but it's about a guy who wants to kill his co workers, and then he goes through a situation that should change him, but the ending negates any investment you have in the film. It's all style over substance, and the style really isn't all that great. For example, he has fish, and the fish talk to him the entire time. It's like Office Space meets Finding Nemo, plus a little Donnie Darko thrown in, which as you all know, is not something I personally enjoy. This isn't a bad movie, it's just a mediocre movie that gets worse as you go. It would probably get a 5 out of 10 from me.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Just some news...
Hey guys! Here are just a few nuggets of info for your brains...
-A new Tropic Thunder trailer is out now...I'm really stoked for this flick...Downey Jr. as a black man! BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!
-Patsy Swazye is going to star in Point Break 2...
-Michael Moore has begun to discuss his new film, While America's a bit of an interview at
The Los Angeles Times spoke with Moore and learned the actual working title for the film is While America Slept and will offer a withering look at America’s global conduct and reputation. “We have a big, big mess, and I don’t know if it can be cleaned up. The toxicity of the spill is just that great,” Moore told the LA Times. “Since I made Fahrenheit, our standing in the world had depleted to an even worse state.”
He was reluctant to reveal anything else because he wants “to be able to finish.” Apparently early details about Sicko gave health care companies an advantage — the filmmaker promises that his next movie will be “dangerous.” The main question Moore’s film intends to ask is “Are we at the points where the Romans were?”
-A new Dark Knight poster is's pretty B.A....

- George Lucas has said that he is up for an Indy 5...what do you think??
That's about it...go see something good!!!!!!!
-A new Tropic Thunder trailer is out now...I'm really stoked for this flick...Downey Jr. as a black man! BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!
-Patsy Swazye is going to star in Point Break 2...
-Michael Moore has begun to discuss his new film, While America's a bit of an interview at
The Los Angeles Times spoke with Moore and learned the actual working title for the film is While America Slept and will offer a withering look at America’s global conduct and reputation. “We have a big, big mess, and I don’t know if it can be cleaned up. The toxicity of the spill is just that great,” Moore told the LA Times. “Since I made Fahrenheit, our standing in the world had depleted to an even worse state.”
He was reluctant to reveal anything else because he wants “to be able to finish.” Apparently early details about Sicko gave health care companies an advantage — the filmmaker promises that his next movie will be “dangerous.” The main question Moore’s film intends to ask is “Are we at the points where the Romans were?”
-A new Dark Knight poster is's pretty B.A....

- George Lucas has said that he is up for an Indy 5...what do you think??
That's about it...go see something good!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Box Office...
Here is this weeks new box office top 10...
1.The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
2.Iron Man
3.What Happens in Vegas
4.Speed Racer
5.Baby Mama
6.Made of Honor
7.Forgetting Sarah Marshall
8.Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay
9.The Forbidden Kingdom
10.The Visitor
Chronicles came in with roughly 56.5 million this weekend...well below estimates...Iron Man still gained 31 Million...Speed Racer continues to be a's amazing to see a small film like The Visitor up there...
Well, really, this is going to be a short post as there are not many DVD releases, and this week sees ONE new theatrical release, just a little film called INDIANA JONES 4!!!! The biggest DVD release is National Treasure 2, but if you like surfing and/or Russel Crowe, check out Bra Boys. It's about Australian surfers, and I hear it's pretty solid. Actually, check that, save your money and go get your tickets for Indy 4. That's what I'm doing. More on that film in the coming days.
Other than that, there really is nothing big to in the meantime...
Go see something good!
1.The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
2.Iron Man
3.What Happens in Vegas
4.Speed Racer
5.Baby Mama
6.Made of Honor
7.Forgetting Sarah Marshall
8.Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay
9.The Forbidden Kingdom
10.The Visitor
Chronicles came in with roughly 56.5 million this weekend...well below estimates...Iron Man still gained 31 Million...Speed Racer continues to be a's amazing to see a small film like The Visitor up there...
Well, really, this is going to be a short post as there are not many DVD releases, and this week sees ONE new theatrical release, just a little film called INDIANA JONES 4!!!! The biggest DVD release is National Treasure 2, but if you like surfing and/or Russel Crowe, check out Bra Boys. It's about Australian surfers, and I hear it's pretty solid. Actually, check that, save your money and go get your tickets for Indy 4. That's what I'm doing. More on that film in the coming days.
Other than that, there really is nothing big to in the meantime...
Go see something good!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Top 10 Comic Book Movies...
Alright, so Iron Man is killing the box office. It's a box office monster, and it's also a really solid film. However, will it make this list? The top 10 films based on comic books and/or graphic novels...This may be a Batman love fest...
10. Superman
9. Sin City
8. Batman: Mask of The Phantasm
7. Iron Man
6. A History Of Violence
5. Batman Begins
4. X Men 2
3. Spiderman 2
2. Ghost World
1. Batman Returns
I'm not a huge fan of comic book movies, but I have seen a few good ones. What are your favorite comic book movies?
10. Superman
9. Sin City
8. Batman: Mask of The Phantasm
7. Iron Man
6. A History Of Violence
5. Batman Begins
4. X Men 2
3. Spiderman 2
2. Ghost World
1. Batman Returns
I'm not a huge fan of comic book movies, but I have seen a few good ones. What are your favorite comic book movies?
Baby Mama

Hey guys! Now, after I saw Barack Obama in GR, a couple of friends and I decided that we should do dinner and a movie. We had amazing food at Logan’s Roadhouse, and then decided to plop down and watch Baby Mama. Here is my review.
Baby Mama is a buddy comedy starring the hilarious duo of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler and is a story of Kate Holbrook (Fey) and her quest to become pregnant. She is a talented and successful businesswoman and is climbing the ranks of the health food company that she works at headed up by the vegan CEO Barry (played hilariously by Steve Martin). She becomes head of a store's development, and could not be happier. However, she discovers that she has a "T shaped uterus" thus making the chances of her conceiving 1 in a million. She decides to try other options. She can't adopt (although it's never shown why, other than it takes a long time) and eventually a surrogate mother. However, the surrogate that she chooses, Angie (Poehler), is doping her and possibly her husband Carl, and hilarity ensues...
Most of the time at least. The film is a predictable girl buddy film. The performances here are really solid. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are historic members of the SNL cast (Fey is the first female head writer, and the duo is the first all female Weekend Update cast), and they were perfectly off of each other in this film. Their interchanges are really funny, if often times predictable. However, the true person to watch in this film is Steve Martin who plays the earthy boss of Kate at her organic food conglomerate. He is so off the wall in his role, yet in a natural way. Kind of like the boss in Grandma's Boy, just more funny. However, as with every comedy, this film is not something special to look at, and everything is simply a matter of taste. But, with my taste, it was solid, but with some problems, mainly the script.
The opening ten minutes or so were really bad, and it was only involving Tina Fey. Then Amy Poehler came in, the film picked up, but then the two would go separate ways, and the movie would lag. The point I'm getting at is that, I personally think that the two really just played off of each other, and just had the script as a very loose outline, just as most great comedians do. They do what the Frat Pack does, and just kind of riff, but then they go alone, and the two stick more to this really basic and weak script. The normally solid Greg Kinnear was also really bad here. The relationship between he and Fey is really not there, and you could never see why such a sweet and successful woman like Kate, would ever fall for the owner of the small town business, but without the business. His performance is lackluster, and so is Dax Sheppard's but that's expected.
This is a perfect date movie, and is probably a quadrillion times better than Made of Honor. It's a weird mix of sweetness and then a little raunch. I would say, if you are with your significant other, give this a shot. It's a solid romantic comedy, without a ton of romance, but just as predictable.
Alright guys, come back later for a top 10!
Go see something good!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Just a little bit of news...
Hey guys! Now, it's finally a good day, so I am going to go and try to make something of it, so I am going to keep this short. There's really not much news anyways, but here are the big things that we all should know about...
-Tyreese has landed the role of B.A. Barrackas, made famous by Mr. T, in the upcoming A-Team film...
-Butterfly Effect 3 is in preproduction now...
-Scooby Doo is getting a made for T.V. prequel...
-The biggest thing as of today is the release of the first trailer for the upcoming Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emporer...check it out here...
Looks pretty good...hopefully it will be alright...
Alright, go check that trailer out, and come back here tomorow for my review of Baby Mama and some more news!
Go see something good!
-Tyreese has landed the role of B.A. Barrackas, made famous by Mr. T, in the upcoming A-Team film...
-Butterfly Effect 3 is in preproduction now...
-Scooby Doo is getting a made for T.V. prequel...
-The biggest thing as of today is the release of the first trailer for the upcoming Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emporer...check it out here...
Looks pretty good...hopefully it will be alright...
Alright, go check that trailer out, and come back here tomorow for my review of Baby Mama and some more news!
Go see something good!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Some news...
Hey guys. Sorry for no post yesturday, more on that though are a few pieces of news you all should know about...
-Werner Herzog and David Lynch...two of the best directors working today, are teaming up for the new film My Son, My is brief insight into that film from Yahoo!...
Directors Werner Herzog and David Lynch are teaming for “My Son, My Son,” a horror-tinged murder drama based on a true story. Herzog and his longtime assistant director Herbert Golder co-wrote “Son,” loosely based on the true story of a San Diego man who acts out a Sophocles play in his mind and kills his mother with a sword.
The low-budget feature will flash back and forth from the murder scene to the disturbed man’s story. A guerrilla-style digital video shoot on location is tentatively set for March. Lynch is executive producing the project.
Can you say masterpiece?!?!?!?!?!
-Looks like a 21 Jumpstreet will be getting a theatrical adaptation...
-As goes for Goosebumps...
-The synopsis for Saw V has been released...
The studio says that in the fifth installment, Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) is seemingly the last person alive to carry on the Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) legacy. But when his secret is threatened, Hoffman must go on the hunt to eliminate all loose ends.
What is Lionsgate thinking? Oh, I know. That everyone will go and see this. Well please don't. I know I won't...I am saying right here, that this will be the worst movie of 2008 AND that the Saw series will go down as one of the worst of our generation. Really, tell me what redeeming value do these and other torture porn films have? It's just blood, tits, and gore for the sake of b t and g. Now, I am going to get down from my high horse, and here is some more news...
-Rumors are going around, and I here that Mike Judge himself has said this, that Bevis and Butt-head will be back on the big screen, this time, in a LIVE ACTION feature...discuss...
-My favorite piece of of next week, it should be official that DANIEL DAY LEWIS, the brilliant actor/shoe maker, will be taking over for Javier Bardem in the upcoming musical Nine...i'm already in line for that movie...
Now, as some of you may know, I was, for this past year, a political science major. It has since changed to Journalism, but I still try to follow politics as much as my 6-2:30 work schedule and other things will allow. So, you know I had to jump at the chance to go see my favorite politician, one that is probably the main reason I was a Poli Sci Major, Barack Obama. Now, I don't want to really get into a discussion over any heavy issues, as, well, this is the same guy who says that the U.N. should have the final say in any military action we want to take, so I am pretty far left. I'm not here to discuss views (if you want to though, you can comment, I just won't go in depth in a reponse), but I am here to tell you about seeing this guy live. T.V. does not do this man justice. I always knew that the guy could give a speech, but never have I seen such a diverse crowd in gender, race, social class, economic class, and age go from a soft clap you would give a freind in class after a presentation, to a half a minute later garnering a full on standing ovation. This man is like a preacher giving his sermon. The way he moves people is something to be reckognized and heralded. He is what this country is calling for. He's what this country had in the 60's with Robert Kennedy. He is the breath of fresh air that Washington needs to get their asses in gear and get something done. Now with the Edwards endorsement, he should wrap this up soon, and lets hope he does, for the parties sake. And you know what, us highschool and college kids are going to be huge for this upcoming election. We all need to go out and vote and make an impact. Can we does this? Yes we can...
Alright, expect a review of Baby Mama tomorow...and I'm still taking requests for top 10's...maybe Best Movie's I've Never Seen...
Go see something good!!!
-Werner Herzog and David Lynch...two of the best directors working today, are teaming up for the new film My Son, My is brief insight into that film from Yahoo!...
Directors Werner Herzog and David Lynch are teaming for “My Son, My Son,” a horror-tinged murder drama based on a true story. Herzog and his longtime assistant director Herbert Golder co-wrote “Son,” loosely based on the true story of a San Diego man who acts out a Sophocles play in his mind and kills his mother with a sword.
The low-budget feature will flash back and forth from the murder scene to the disturbed man’s story. A guerrilla-style digital video shoot on location is tentatively set for March. Lynch is executive producing the project.
Can you say masterpiece?!?!?!?!?!
-Looks like a 21 Jumpstreet will be getting a theatrical adaptation...
-As goes for Goosebumps...
-The synopsis for Saw V has been released...
The studio says that in the fifth installment, Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) is seemingly the last person alive to carry on the Jigsaw (Tobin Bell) legacy. But when his secret is threatened, Hoffman must go on the hunt to eliminate all loose ends.
What is Lionsgate thinking? Oh, I know. That everyone will go and see this. Well please don't. I know I won't...I am saying right here, that this will be the worst movie of 2008 AND that the Saw series will go down as one of the worst of our generation. Really, tell me what redeeming value do these and other torture porn films have? It's just blood, tits, and gore for the sake of b t and g. Now, I am going to get down from my high horse, and here is some more news...
-Rumors are going around, and I here that Mike Judge himself has said this, that Bevis and Butt-head will be back on the big screen, this time, in a LIVE ACTION feature...discuss...
-My favorite piece of of next week, it should be official that DANIEL DAY LEWIS, the brilliant actor/shoe maker, will be taking over for Javier Bardem in the upcoming musical Nine...i'm already in line for that movie...
Now, as some of you may know, I was, for this past year, a political science major. It has since changed to Journalism, but I still try to follow politics as much as my 6-2:30 work schedule and other things will allow. So, you know I had to jump at the chance to go see my favorite politician, one that is probably the main reason I was a Poli Sci Major, Barack Obama. Now, I don't want to really get into a discussion over any heavy issues, as, well, this is the same guy who says that the U.N. should have the final say in any military action we want to take, so I am pretty far left. I'm not here to discuss views (if you want to though, you can comment, I just won't go in depth in a reponse), but I am here to tell you about seeing this guy live. T.V. does not do this man justice. I always knew that the guy could give a speech, but never have I seen such a diverse crowd in gender, race, social class, economic class, and age go from a soft clap you would give a freind in class after a presentation, to a half a minute later garnering a full on standing ovation. This man is like a preacher giving his sermon. The way he moves people is something to be reckognized and heralded. He is what this country is calling for. He's what this country had in the 60's with Robert Kennedy. He is the breath of fresh air that Washington needs to get their asses in gear and get something done. Now with the Edwards endorsement, he should wrap this up soon, and lets hope he does, for the parties sake. And you know what, us highschool and college kids are going to be huge for this upcoming election. We all need to go out and vote and make an impact. Can we does this? Yes we can...
Alright, expect a review of Baby Mama tomorow...and I'm still taking requests for top 10's...maybe Best Movie's I've Never Seen...
Go see something good!!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
BIG news...
Hey guys. Here are some really BIG pieces of news that have come out today...
-As reported here, Donnie Darko is getting a sequel, but the FIRST POSTER is's an in production poster, but still, it's proof that the end of days is indeed coming...check it out, and prepare for the Apocalypse (I mean, wasn't one of the plagues a plague of shitty movies?)
-The first trailer for the newest X-Files movie is online now...check it out!
-Bruce Willis may star as Hannibal in the upcoming A-Team film...
-Brad Pitt as Thor? Now that Snatch producer Matthew Vaughn is out, this is not such a surefire thing. Although, for WWE fans, WWE Superstar Triple H is one of the people being considered. He IS big enough and kinda looks like him...He's also quite funny, whatever that counts for. This may work, but don't hold your breath. Brad Pitt is likely the frontrunner, and Marvel, with the release and complete monster intake it took from Iron Man can afford him...more on this as it develops!
-Also! Mel Gibson is in the running to take the helm of this superhero flick...what do you guys think?
-Frank Miller is NOT directing Buck Rogers, as reported here last week...he has since then backed out...
More news tomorow!
Go see something good!
If you like talking about movies, come join the forum at! I'm on there, and so should you!
-As reported here, Donnie Darko is getting a sequel, but the FIRST POSTER is's an in production poster, but still, it's proof that the end of days is indeed coming...check it out, and prepare for the Apocalypse (I mean, wasn't one of the plagues a plague of shitty movies?)
-The first trailer for the newest X-Files movie is online now...check it out!
-Bruce Willis may star as Hannibal in the upcoming A-Team film...
-Brad Pitt as Thor? Now that Snatch producer Matthew Vaughn is out, this is not such a surefire thing. Although, for WWE fans, WWE Superstar Triple H is one of the people being considered. He IS big enough and kinda looks like him...He's also quite funny, whatever that counts for. This may work, but don't hold your breath. Brad Pitt is likely the frontrunner, and Marvel, with the release and complete monster intake it took from Iron Man can afford him...more on this as it develops!
-Also! Mel Gibson is in the running to take the helm of this superhero flick...what do you guys think?
-Frank Miller is NOT directing Buck Rogers, as reported here last week...he has since then backed out...
More news tomorow!
Go see something good!
If you like talking about movies, come join the forum at! I'm on there, and so should you!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Some news...
Hey guys! Here are some little tidbits that I thought were interesting while scouring the world that we call the Internet...
-Steven Spielberg's next film after Tintin WILL be Lincoln, a biopic on the great president...
-Death Race 2000 remake, Death Race, has had it's release date pushed up from September 26th, to August 22nd...
-Check out Iron Man again, and this time, look around a little bit, you MAY just catch a glimpse of a patriotic heroe's trademark's not certain, but it's a fun little thing. Go check it out for yourself!
-Oh, speaking of rumors, theres another one surrounding The Incredible Hulk. Stay after the credits for this flick too, as Samuel L. Jackson may just make another appearence. It's just a rumor now, more on it later!
Thats it for now, so come back later for more news, and if you have a top 10 you want to see, just comment!
Go see something good!
-Steven Spielberg's next film after Tintin WILL be Lincoln, a biopic on the great president...
-Death Race 2000 remake, Death Race, has had it's release date pushed up from September 26th, to August 22nd...
-Check out Iron Man again, and this time, look around a little bit, you MAY just catch a glimpse of a patriotic heroe's trademark's not certain, but it's a fun little thing. Go check it out for yourself!
-Oh, speaking of rumors, theres another one surrounding The Incredible Hulk. Stay after the credits for this flick too, as Samuel L. Jackson may just make another appearence. It's just a rumor now, more on it later!
Thats it for now, so come back later for more news, and if you have a top 10 you want to see, just comment!
Go see something good!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Box Office...
Here's the final tally for this weekends box office...
1.Iron Man
2.Speed Racer
3.What Happens in Vegas
4.Made of Honor
5.Baby Mama
6.Forgetting Sarah Marshall
7.Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay
8.The Forbidden Kingdom
9.Nim's Island
Redbelt! Mamet in the top 10! Good work guys! Iron Man made another 50 million dollars, with Speedy only getting a loely 20 mil...can you say fiasco?
Now here are the notable DVD releases for this Tuesday, the 13th...
Wow...actually, there really is nothing to note. We do have three mediocre movies with The Great Debaters (worth seeing for Whitaker alone), Untraceable (a ridiculous torture film), and Youth Without Youth (a really interesting failure. Worth a rental). Outside of that we have Mad Money. Just go back and read my review of that movie to truly understand where I come out on that. What a piece of drek...stay away. If I had to recomend one, go check out Youth Without Youth. It's a really interesting film, if flawed. Give that a shot.
It's summertime, so we have one new major release this week, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. I never read the book, so I really don't understand anything behind it (never saw the first film either), all I do know is that if you like yourself some heavy handed religious alagories, than check it out. I know I'll be checking out Redbelt. It's a small little film staring Chiwetel Ejiefor, and comes from director/writer/playwrite David Mamet. If any of you have seen a Mamet film, than you can understand why this could be interesting. It's a Mixed Martial Arts film, and looks really interesting. Go give this flick a shot.
There's no news to report, so thats all for tonight. Come back tomorow for some news and notes. Go see something good!!!
1.Iron Man
2.Speed Racer
3.What Happens in Vegas
4.Made of Honor
5.Baby Mama
6.Forgetting Sarah Marshall
7.Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay
8.The Forbidden Kingdom
9.Nim's Island
Redbelt! Mamet in the top 10! Good work guys! Iron Man made another 50 million dollars, with Speedy only getting a loely 20 mil...can you say fiasco?
Now here are the notable DVD releases for this Tuesday, the 13th...
Wow...actually, there really is nothing to note. We do have three mediocre movies with The Great Debaters (worth seeing for Whitaker alone), Untraceable (a ridiculous torture film), and Youth Without Youth (a really interesting failure. Worth a rental). Outside of that we have Mad Money. Just go back and read my review of that movie to truly understand where I come out on that. What a piece of drek...stay away. If I had to recomend one, go check out Youth Without Youth. It's a really interesting film, if flawed. Give that a shot.
It's summertime, so we have one new major release this week, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. I never read the book, so I really don't understand anything behind it (never saw the first film either), all I do know is that if you like yourself some heavy handed religious alagories, than check it out. I know I'll be checking out Redbelt. It's a small little film staring Chiwetel Ejiefor, and comes from director/writer/playwrite David Mamet. If any of you have seen a Mamet film, than you can understand why this could be interesting. It's a Mixed Martial Arts film, and looks really interesting. Go give this flick a shot.
There's no news to report, so thats all for tonight. Come back tomorow for some news and notes. Go see something good!!!
Top 10 Westerns
Hey guys! Happy Mothers Day to all mothers out there! Now, this top 10 isn't really a mothers day kind of genre, but it's one that people have wanted me to do, so here it is. The ten best westerns ever made...
10. Shane
9. McCabe and Mrs. Miller
8. 3:10 To Yuma
7. Pale Rider
6. Unforgiven
5. A Fistful of Dollars
4. The Searchers
3. Rio Bravo
2. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
1. Once Upon A Time In The West
Come back later for more news and the upcoming new releases in DVD and in theatres...
10. Shane
9. McCabe and Mrs. Miller
8. 3:10 To Yuma
7. Pale Rider
6. Unforgiven
5. A Fistful of Dollars
4. The Searchers
3. Rio Bravo
2. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
1. Once Upon A Time In The West
Come back later for more news and the upcoming new releases in DVD and in theatres...
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Speed Racer...
Hey guys! Just thought I would drop in with my review of Speed Racer. Is it truly the so bad it's good movie we have been hoping for??
Not at all. Speed Racer is the live action adaptation of the anime cartoon and comic book of the same name. It is a story about a young kid, Speed Racer, who, after the death of his brother Rex, begins to drive cars. Ever since birth, this kid has done nothing but eat, sleep and breath racing, and when he gets behind the wheel, it's magical. Now, after a race that he wins, he is asked to join Royalton Industries and their championship caliber team. When he declines, and stays with his family run company, his life is flipped on its head. To clear his already controversial families name, he must win the race that his brother failed to, the Grand Prix. Now, that sounds like a lot, maybe to much, but was it worth it for the film?
It really depends on your mindset. This film is over the top in every sense of that description. The biggest thing for this film is that it looks absolutly gorgeous. But in that kind of Spy Kids/Sin City kind of way. To me it seems like if one were to throw Sin City, Spy Kids, Driven, and three gallons of mescaline into a blender and then smoked that in a bong. The racing scenes alone are like watching the fight scenes in Transformers on a Skittles induced high. But you know what, I loved every second of it. The performances also really shine in this movie. The chemistry between Trixie (Christina Ricci, who in a really kind of weird way looks hot as hell), and Speed (Emile Hirsh who is pretty solid here), is really something that took me by suprise. The villian played by Roger Allam is great, the only real lacking performance here was Matthew Fox as Racer X, but that even worked because it was such an over the top, campy performace that it fit right in. Susan Surandon and John Goodman are even great here as Mom and Pops Racer. Every thing really just kind of works. I had a smile on my face the entire time, so that has to account for something.
This movie is campy, funny, action packed, and not for everyone. It has a 35% rating on, so I am in the minority here, but this is a solid movie. If you are going to look at this movie as a commentary on something or can't handle your movies a little bit on the kiddie side, than you will hate this movie. The only thing this movie could be talking about is steroids in sports, as all of the cars are equipped with special features, which even happened in the cartoon, so thats really out of the question. This movie is a pure blodded effects movie, and if you can just sit back and have fun with it, you will get a real kick out of it. Is this a good movie, not really. Is it one hell of a good time, most definitley. The only really big problem is the Fox performance and it seems to pile in almost to much plot into this mostly action orriented story. Also, the opening ten minutes kid of dragged, but the style was so interesting to look at, and often times really well done, that it didn't really bother me. This is one hell of a good time, and if you can zone out to it, you will get a real big kick out of it. We'll get our big time dramas in a few months, so go get a super sized, 15$ popcorn from the Star and go with some freinds and give this a shot. The two people I went with loved it more than I did, so that counts for something, one of them liking it even more than Iron Man. However, I know this is not for everyone, so if you comment, tell me why you didn't like it.
Okay, so with summer comes these huge blockbusters. So, I thought that you all may like to know what is on deck for the next few weeks of reviews. Now this does not include DVD reviews, which I am trying to do more of, if I can find the time...
Weekend Of...
May 16th- Prince Caspian/something out right now
May 23rd- Indy 4
May 30th- The Strangers
June 6th- Kung Fu Panda/Zohan
June 13th- The Incredible Hulk and The Happening
June 20th- Get Smart
June 27th- Wall-E and Wanted
July 4th- Hancock
July 11th- Hellboy 2
July 18th- The Dark Knight
July 25th- X Files 2
Now, those are just the big time movies, and if any smaller films get release dates, or anything major gets moved up or back, than that all could change, but that is what it will look like for my reviews for the next few weeks.
Alright guys, thats about it for this post...go see something good!
Not at all. Speed Racer is the live action adaptation of the anime cartoon and comic book of the same name. It is a story about a young kid, Speed Racer, who, after the death of his brother Rex, begins to drive cars. Ever since birth, this kid has done nothing but eat, sleep and breath racing, and when he gets behind the wheel, it's magical. Now, after a race that he wins, he is asked to join Royalton Industries and their championship caliber team. When he declines, and stays with his family run company, his life is flipped on its head. To clear his already controversial families name, he must win the race that his brother failed to, the Grand Prix. Now, that sounds like a lot, maybe to much, but was it worth it for the film?
It really depends on your mindset. This film is over the top in every sense of that description. The biggest thing for this film is that it looks absolutly gorgeous. But in that kind of Spy Kids/Sin City kind of way. To me it seems like if one were to throw Sin City, Spy Kids, Driven, and three gallons of mescaline into a blender and then smoked that in a bong. The racing scenes alone are like watching the fight scenes in Transformers on a Skittles induced high. But you know what, I loved every second of it. The performances also really shine in this movie. The chemistry between Trixie (Christina Ricci, who in a really kind of weird way looks hot as hell), and Speed (Emile Hirsh who is pretty solid here), is really something that took me by suprise. The villian played by Roger Allam is great, the only real lacking performance here was Matthew Fox as Racer X, but that even worked because it was such an over the top, campy performace that it fit right in. Susan Surandon and John Goodman are even great here as Mom and Pops Racer. Every thing really just kind of works. I had a smile on my face the entire time, so that has to account for something.
This movie is campy, funny, action packed, and not for everyone. It has a 35% rating on, so I am in the minority here, but this is a solid movie. If you are going to look at this movie as a commentary on something or can't handle your movies a little bit on the kiddie side, than you will hate this movie. The only thing this movie could be talking about is steroids in sports, as all of the cars are equipped with special features, which even happened in the cartoon, so thats really out of the question. This movie is a pure blodded effects movie, and if you can just sit back and have fun with it, you will get a real kick out of it. Is this a good movie, not really. Is it one hell of a good time, most definitley. The only really big problem is the Fox performance and it seems to pile in almost to much plot into this mostly action orriented story. Also, the opening ten minutes kid of dragged, but the style was so interesting to look at, and often times really well done, that it didn't really bother me. This is one hell of a good time, and if you can zone out to it, you will get a real big kick out of it. We'll get our big time dramas in a few months, so go get a super sized, 15$ popcorn from the Star and go with some freinds and give this a shot. The two people I went with loved it more than I did, so that counts for something, one of them liking it even more than Iron Man. However, I know this is not for everyone, so if you comment, tell me why you didn't like it.
Okay, so with summer comes these huge blockbusters. So, I thought that you all may like to know what is on deck for the next few weeks of reviews. Now this does not include DVD reviews, which I am trying to do more of, if I can find the time...
Weekend Of...
May 16th- Prince Caspian/something out right now
May 23rd- Indy 4
May 30th- The Strangers
June 6th- Kung Fu Panda/Zohan
June 13th- The Incredible Hulk and The Happening
June 20th- Get Smart
June 27th- Wall-E and Wanted
July 4th- Hancock
July 11th- Hellboy 2
July 18th- The Dark Knight
July 25th- X Files 2
Now, those are just the big time movies, and if any smaller films get release dates, or anything major gets moved up or back, than that all could change, but that is what it will look like for my reviews for the next few weeks.
Alright guys, thats about it for this post...go see something good!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Just another question...
Okay, so with this piece of news comes an statement by me. Donnie Darko was a pretentious piece of drek and should never have been made. Now, thats not why I am writing this. It seems that Donnie's little sister, Samatha, is set to get her own film. S. Darko is set to begin very early pre-preproduction soon, and I just have one question. Donnie Darko is...
A)A great film (and I need a reason why)
B)Eh, just okay
C)mediocre at best
That is probably the ony real news today, so check back tomorow with a top 10 and some more news...
Frank Miller is signed to direct an update of Buck Rogers...
Go see something good!!!!!!
A)A great film (and I need a reason why)
B)Eh, just okay
C)mediocre at best
That is probably the ony real news today, so check back tomorow with a top 10 and some more news...
Frank Miller is signed to direct an update of Buck Rogers...
Go see something good!!!!!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Just thought you should know...
Nelson Mandella is on the U.S. Terrorist list...just thought you should know that...
Okay, so guys, as you know I have been on the W bandwagon since day 1, and you have followed me throughout the controversy and, here comes the biggest news yet. Entertainment Weekly and their brilliance have brought us the first glimpse of Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Banks as Georgy and Laura Bush...check this out...

This is awesome. Josh Brolin is George Bush...he looks so good as GWB, and Elizabeth Banks looks just as good...I could not be more excited for this movie...what do you guys think?
In other news...
-Stride Gum...yes, Stride Gum is backing the anti-Uwe Bol movement...Oh! If you sign the petition, and it reaches it's one million goal, each of the million signees will recieve a coupon for a free pack of gum!
-Matthew Vaughn is out as director of Thor...
More news later!
Go see something good!

This is awesome. Josh Brolin is George Bush...he looks so good as GWB, and Elizabeth Banks looks just as good...I could not be more excited for this movie...what do you guys think?
In other news...
-Stride Gum...yes, Stride Gum is backing the anti-Uwe Bol movement...Oh! If you sign the petition, and it reaches it's one million goal, each of the million signees will recieve a coupon for a free pack of gum!
-Matthew Vaughn is out as director of Thor...
More news later!
Go see something good!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Here's a question...
I was watching G4 tonight, and saw something very interesting, and not really normal. Controversy surrounding a Grand Theft Auto videogame. Now, everyone around an Xbox, or PS3 has played this game, and it's a really amazing game. Also, it's sold over 500 Million bucks, so that counts for something. However, the controversy is something okay, in a sense. It's over something that I hold close to my heart. Reviews. had gained rights to an exclusive review of GTA4, after the publisher, Rockstar Games, forced a very strict embargo on the rest of the industry. Now, this brings up a question. Film reviewers get DVD screeners in the mail the Tuesday before the wide release, and in some cases, weeks in advance. I am not so lucky, and in this day of blogs and the death of press, are exclusive reviews something that should be able to be done, or should these not be allowed? Are early reviews fine? I will withhold my opinion for a while, to see what you guys think...
Some pretty big news..
Hey guys, I have some pretty big news to share with you guys...
- Okay, so if you have been reading the blog or my facebook notes, you understand that I love Gus Van Sandt, and I believe that he is one of the best directors working in America today. Now, that said, you can understand my shock when I hear an exclusive pic from his upcoming biopic, Milk, has been released. Milk is the story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay senator in American history, and his life. It stars Sean Penn, and it may only be a picture, but it's something, and that's what counts...

Now, outside of that, there are just a few things...
-The Spirit's release date has been pushed to Christmas...
-Ellen Page is set to star in Jane Erey...
-Finally, as posted here earlier, Tom Cruise is now in talks for a Mission Impossible 4...
Alright, thats it for today, come back tomorow for some more news, a top 10, and maybe a short film from a director you all should be in love with...
Go see something good!!
- Okay, so if you have been reading the blog or my facebook notes, you understand that I love Gus Van Sandt, and I believe that he is one of the best directors working in America today. Now, that said, you can understand my shock when I hear an exclusive pic from his upcoming biopic, Milk, has been released. Milk is the story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay senator in American history, and his life. It stars Sean Penn, and it may only be a picture, but it's something, and that's what counts...

Now, outside of that, there are just a few things...
-The Spirit's release date has been pushed to Christmas...
-Ellen Page is set to star in Jane Erey...
-Finally, as posted here earlier, Tom Cruise is now in talks for a Mission Impossible 4...
Alright, thats it for today, come back tomorow for some more news, a top 10, and maybe a short film from a director you all should be in love with...
Go see something good!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Captain America rumor mill...
Okay, heres the deal. Matthew McConaughey is rumored to be a top candidate for the role of Captain America...what are your thoughts...
Matty McConaughey is...
A) A Good actor
B) Mediocre
C) Pile of shit
My vote is for C! Why would Marvel do this? They've have been amazing at casting so far...Robert Downey Jr. and Edward Norton...and now this...this is just a rumor, and thats all it better be at the end of the day...
The only other big news is the new poster for Prince of Persia...check it out!

Go see something good!
Matty McConaughey is...
A) A Good actor
B) Mediocre
C) Pile of shit
My vote is for C! Why would Marvel do this? They've have been amazing at casting so far...Robert Downey Jr. and Edward Norton...and now this...this is just a rumor, and thats all it better be at the end of the day...
The only other big news is the new poster for Prince of Persia...check it out!

Go see something good!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Some news...
Check out these delectiable nuggets of information...
-Okay. So Marvel just released Iron Man, so they decided to release information on there upcoming films. Fanboys rejoice! Check these flicks out...
2010 - April 30th: Iron Man 2
2010 - June 4th: Thor (directed by Matthew Vaughn)
2011 - May 6th: The First Avenger: Captain America
2011 - July (day N/A): The Avengers
-Amy Winehouse has quit as the singer of the newest Bond flick...
-Josh Shwartz is working on an X-Men teen prequel...
-Terminator 4 will be a pg-13 film...
-An Anchorman sequel is in the works...
More news tomorow! Thanks for reading and posting comments, it's really awesome. Keep seeing something good!
-Okay. So Marvel just released Iron Man, so they decided to release information on there upcoming films. Fanboys rejoice! Check these flicks out...
2010 - April 30th: Iron Man 2
2010 - June 4th: Thor (directed by Matthew Vaughn)
2011 - May 6th: The First Avenger: Captain America
2011 - July (day N/A): The Avengers
-Amy Winehouse has quit as the singer of the newest Bond flick...
-Josh Shwartz is working on an X-Men teen prequel...
-Terminator 4 will be a pg-13 film...
-An Anchorman sequel is in the works...
More news tomorow! Thanks for reading and posting comments, it's really awesome. Keep seeing something good!
Iron Man...a short review...
Okay, so everyone saw this movie, so this really isn’t a straight up review. The critics of the movie are all here, but I’m not going to go into depth on the plot at all. This is just really to spark a conversation. Also, I loved the comics like a small child, so I am going to stay as ungeeky as possible. So, here’s the review.
So, while I may geek out to this movie, I can still look at it objectively. What was good about this movie? Well, in a simple word, everything. First off, Robert Downey Jr. was really born to play this film. He plays the playboy with a brain so perfectly. Iron Man is a broken hero, with his battles with alcoholism, and Jr. plays that to a T. The action is great, although this film is not based around the action like say, Transformers. It’s not a Michael Bay film. Favreu knows how to shoot action and great special effects, while adding to the character. It’s not just over the top action for action’s sake. It’s to further the character. Not only that, but this film looks absolutely gorgeous. The supporting actors are also really solid. Bridges plays a great villain, and Terrance Howard and Gwyneth Paltrow are also really good in their supporting roles. One of the really suprising things about this movie was the dialogue. It’s like a slapstick comedy/noir –esque style with piffy one liners and quick witted replies, and it really worked for this movie. It’s not your normal comic movie. It’s a lot more character based. Also, it stayed very close to the comic books, and with the little hints at upcoming films, this is just the beginning of what may be one of the better trilogies to grace celluloid. Also, if you haven’t seen this, stay for the credits, you may just get a little surprise. The only quabble I have with this film is the fact that the first and final act do lag just a tad bit. However, it’s not much of a letdown as the film picks right back up. This is one of the best films of this year so far, and will be right up there for best of this summer.
So, what do you guys think about this movie? Leave a comment!
Go see something good!!
So, while I may geek out to this movie, I can still look at it objectively. What was good about this movie? Well, in a simple word, everything. First off, Robert Downey Jr. was really born to play this film. He plays the playboy with a brain so perfectly. Iron Man is a broken hero, with his battles with alcoholism, and Jr. plays that to a T. The action is great, although this film is not based around the action like say, Transformers. It’s not a Michael Bay film. Favreu knows how to shoot action and great special effects, while adding to the character. It’s not just over the top action for action’s sake. It’s to further the character. Not only that, but this film looks absolutely gorgeous. The supporting actors are also really solid. Bridges plays a great villain, and Terrance Howard and Gwyneth Paltrow are also really good in their supporting roles. One of the really suprising things about this movie was the dialogue. It’s like a slapstick comedy/noir –esque style with piffy one liners and quick witted replies, and it really worked for this movie. It’s not your normal comic movie. It’s a lot more character based. Also, it stayed very close to the comic books, and with the little hints at upcoming films, this is just the beginning of what may be one of the better trilogies to grace celluloid. Also, if you haven’t seen this, stay for the credits, you may just get a little surprise. The only quabble I have with this film is the fact that the first and final act do lag just a tad bit. However, it’s not much of a letdown as the film picks right back up. This is one of the best films of this year so far, and will be right up there for best of this summer.
So, what do you guys think about this movie? Leave a comment!
Go see something good!!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Weekend Box Office..New Releases...
Here is your weekend box office numbers for the weekend of Friday the 2nd of May...
1.Iron Man
2.Made of Honor
3.Baby Mama
4.Forgetting Sarah Marshall
5.Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay
6.The Forbidden Kingdom
7.Nim's Island
8.Prom Night
10.88 Minutes
Iron Man made roughly 104.3 Million dollars this weekend...second biggest opening EVER. And you know what, this time we were all right. The movie is fucking phenominal. I would review it, but it's like Superman for's something that I geek out to... I can review it, but I think it would be more fun if you all posted your thoughts about it, as most of you saw the thing. But I will say a few things. Robert Downey Jr. is the best comedic actor working today. Hell, he's top ten actors overall for me, and he was born to play this role. Favreu knows how to use special effects, and I was really emotionally into the entire film. The first and final acts lagged a wee bit, but nothing to big. You all saw this, so I will just stop there. What did you all think of it???
Here are the notable dvd releases for this tuesday...
-First Sunday...moving on...
-Over Here Dead Body...continuing on...
-P.S. I Love You...really guys?..
-Teeth...I am not going to say a word about this...just check out the IMDB page on it...what a premise!
Todd Haynes' amazing biopic-esque film on Bob Dylan featuring six actors including Cate Blanchett and the late Heath Ledger. This was probably my fifth favorite film from last year, and this is one that you should definitley check out. I went in blind to it, or at least for the most part. I put my Dylan knowledge at like a five out of ten, so this is coming from a sheer cinematic standpoint. The film was stunning, and features four really great performances. The only hinderence to it were the Richard Gere and Christian Bale performances. While fine performances, they just didn't really work that well.
Now, the new releases for theatres are really slim, so here are just a couple of things about them. We have Redbelt, a Mixed Martial Arts film from David Mamet, What Happens in Vegas, a comedy that looks like pure drek, but then we have the sure to be so-bad-it's-good-classic, Speed Racer. So, make your own choice. I'll be at Speed Racer in IMAX, so expect a review of that on Saturday. Oh, and a full Iron Man review WILL be on here tomorow. I keep postponing it, so this is the last time, I promise. A review WILL be up tomorow afternoon.
In the meantime, go see something good!!!!!!!
1.Iron Man
2.Made of Honor
3.Baby Mama
4.Forgetting Sarah Marshall
5.Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay
6.The Forbidden Kingdom
7.Nim's Island
8.Prom Night
10.88 Minutes
Iron Man made roughly 104.3 Million dollars this weekend...second biggest opening EVER. And you know what, this time we were all right. The movie is fucking phenominal. I would review it, but it's like Superman for's something that I geek out to... I can review it, but I think it would be more fun if you all posted your thoughts about it, as most of you saw the thing. But I will say a few things. Robert Downey Jr. is the best comedic actor working today. Hell, he's top ten actors overall for me, and he was born to play this role. Favreu knows how to use special effects, and I was really emotionally into the entire film. The first and final acts lagged a wee bit, but nothing to big. You all saw this, so I will just stop there. What did you all think of it???
Here are the notable dvd releases for this tuesday...
-First Sunday...moving on...
-Over Here Dead Body...continuing on...
-P.S. I Love You...really guys?..
-Teeth...I am not going to say a word about this...just check out the IMDB page on it...what a premise!
Todd Haynes' amazing biopic-esque film on Bob Dylan featuring six actors including Cate Blanchett and the late Heath Ledger. This was probably my fifth favorite film from last year, and this is one that you should definitley check out. I went in blind to it, or at least for the most part. I put my Dylan knowledge at like a five out of ten, so this is coming from a sheer cinematic standpoint. The film was stunning, and features four really great performances. The only hinderence to it were the Richard Gere and Christian Bale performances. While fine performances, they just didn't really work that well.
Now, the new releases for theatres are really slim, so here are just a couple of things about them. We have Redbelt, a Mixed Martial Arts film from David Mamet, What Happens in Vegas, a comedy that looks like pure drek, but then we have the sure to be so-bad-it's-good-classic, Speed Racer. So, make your own choice. I'll be at Speed Racer in IMAX, so expect a review of that on Saturday. Oh, and a full Iron Man review WILL be on here tomorow. I keep postponing it, so this is the last time, I promise. A review WILL be up tomorow afternoon.
In the meantime, go see something good!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008 update...
Hey guys! Sorry about not having a post yesturday...went and saw a movie...
Speaking of which, I will have a review of Iron Man tomorow afternoon. Tonight is fireworks for Tulip Time here in MI, so I will not be around my computer. I will have a review though tomorow afternoon, including my thoughts on the trailers before, and the very interesting scene AFTER the film.
They are saying the movie will gross 33.5 Million dollars, with another 22 overseas...score one for a phenominal movie. More on that tomorow.
Meantime, there is an extended scene from Speed Racer online, go check it out at
Go see something good *cough* Iron Man *cough*...
Speaking of which, I will have a review of Iron Man tomorow afternoon. Tonight is fireworks for Tulip Time here in MI, so I will not be around my computer. I will have a review though tomorow afternoon, including my thoughts on the trailers before, and the very interesting scene AFTER the film.
They are saying the movie will gross 33.5 Million dollars, with another 22 overseas...score one for a phenominal movie. More on that tomorow.
Meantime, there is an extended scene from Speed Racer online, go check it out at
Go see something good *cough* Iron Man *cough*...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Just a couple pieces of news...
Hey guys! Here are the film related headlines for this Thursday, or as I know it, IRON MAN DAY!!!!
- Nicole Kidman is tapped to play the White Queen of Soul herself Dusty Springfield in an upcoming biopic...
- If you do see Iron Man, stay after the may just see something a wee bit interesting...
- News coming out of the Iron Man camp is that if the film does as good as expected, you can expect the film April 30 of 2010, a week before the third Chronicles of Narnia film...
- High School Musical fans can jump for joy...the teaser poster for Senior Year is out now...

Other than that, there really is not much news...The Gremlins are back in a tv show in the THAT is awesome...
Hey, go see something good. You know you want to.
- Nicole Kidman is tapped to play the White Queen of Soul herself Dusty Springfield in an upcoming biopic...
- If you do see Iron Man, stay after the may just see something a wee bit interesting...
- News coming out of the Iron Man camp is that if the film does as good as expected, you can expect the film April 30 of 2010, a week before the third Chronicles of Narnia film...
- High School Musical fans can jump for joy...the teaser poster for Senior Year is out now...

Other than that, there really is not much news...The Gremlins are back in a tv show in the THAT is awesome...
Hey, go see something good. You know you want to.
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