Hey guys! Here are your headlines for this Friday, the 31st of October, HALLOWEEN!!!!
- It looks as though Warner Brothers has hired J. Michael Straczynski, writer of Clint Eastwoods new film, Changeling, to pen a remake to the 1956 Oscar nominated film, the The Forbidden Planet. Thanks to /film for the information....
Warner Bros has hired J. Michael Straczynski to write a remake of Forbidden Planet. The original saw a group of Earth scientists who are sent some 17 light years away to investigate what happened to a colony of settlers on Altair-4. They find a man with a secret and his daughter who somehow survived a hideous monster attack on their planet. Gene Roddenberry has noted that Fred Wilcox’s original 1956 sci-fi film was one of the inspirations for Star Trek.
Loosely based on William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the movie was nominated for best special effects Oscar, and was noted for its groundbreaking use of an all-electronic score, and the first appearances of Robby the Robot and the C-57D starship (which was subsequently used in a number of productions, including the Twilight Zone’s “To Serve Man”). The movie’s poster was listed as the fifth best Movie Poster ever created by Premiere Magazine.
Straczynski is probably best known as the creator of Babylon 5, but in recent years he has transitioned into an A-list Hollywood writer. He wrote Clint Eastwood’s most recent film, Changeling, The Wachowski Brothers’ Ninja Assassin, and the big screen adaptation of World War Z. Many names have been attached to the project over the years including James Cameron. Joel Silver is producing the latest try.
Thoughts? Is this needed, or do you think it can work?
- Looks like the ball is rolling early on Spiderman 4. Sony is now in final talks with Pulitzer Prize winning author, David Lindsay-Abaire to write the script...
- Variety is reporting that Hollywood is in the middle of a bidding war over a possible film adaptation of the yet to be ANNOUNCED EA videogame, tentatively titled Dante's Inferno, and will be based around the poem of the same name...
- The 2008 Documentary, Man on Wire, has now been ranked the best reviewed film of all time on Rotten Tomatoes, as it has a 100% rating with 129 reviews, surpassing Toy Story 2, which has the same rating with 125 reviews...
- Finally, it looks as though Samuel L. Jackson and Maggie Cheung have been cast in the upcoming Quentin Tarantino film, Ingolourious Basterds (yes, that's how the films titled is spelled). Jackson will be the narator of the film, and Maggie Cheung will portray Madame Mimieux “the French matron of the Cinematheque that takes in the protagonist Shosanna (Melanie Laurent) when she is homeless and being sought by the Nazis.”
That's all I've got for now, so come back later for more news and notes...
Go see something good! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
NEWS: Superman Update...Brandon Routh In?

Hey guys! So, earlier today, I posted a little forum where I asked what you guys would like to see happen in the alleged upcoming reboot of the Superman franchise. Now, most of us can admit that Superman Returns sort of shit the bed. It was fun, but it can only go so far when the biggest action you get in a Superman film is him lifting stuff. However, one if not the biggest positive in the film was the performance of Brandon Routh as Clark Kent/Superman. To me, and a few other people I know, Brandon Routh is the best Superman in the franchises' history. He was phenominal. So that leads me to a new interview that was taken over at the great website, IESB. Here are the best parts...
When asked if there have been any discussions between anyone over at WB or Bryan Singer himself about keeping him on the film as Superman...
"Well, the most recent conversation I had was with Paul when I was in New York and we talked about what they are Warner Bros. were thinking and what the situation was and obviously, thankfully, he is still wanting me to be a part of it and I certainly want to be a part of it."
That may be the best piece of news I've heard in a long time. Keeping him on the film makes this a much more anticipated film, at least for me...
When asked if the studio's have a time frame for when they would like to get rolling on this...
"No, I don't have a time frame. I haven't really heard the studio's stance, I've just heard what's in the media and that every time I see somebody from Warner Bros. they tell me that they are working on it and are going to figure it out soon. But that's about the answer I get."
This is no surprise. He may be the big star of the film, but just like when Michael Caine came out and said that WB had signed Johnny Depp and Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Riddler and Penguin respectivley, if it was true, he wouldn't have known.
When asked if he thinks Superman could be as dark as The Dark Knight...
"I don't know, I don't think the character necessarily has to be darker, I think he is kind of dark in a sense, emotional dark, in Superman Returns, and the movie as a whole was slightly dark, they could have had more prowess in it I suppose, and I think that's one thing that can be done in the sequel, so I don't know how much darker you want to make it necessarily. You make the stakes higher, you make the villain darker, I think that's a way to do it. But I don't think Superman himself needs to be darker. He definitely has to struggle, how does Superman be a part of the world? And does he have to make sacrifices to be a part of that world? To fit in and what purpose does he really play in the world? Those are all kind of dark places to explore. But, I don't think Superman should ever be dark and brooding, that's not is nature. And that's now what people what to see. Like Brainiac or something like that, a situation when the villain is..."
What are your thought's on this question? I don't think that a Superman film has to be DARK, but I do think that it should be EPIC. The two don't have to go hand in hand...What are your thoughts?
Finally, when asked what his choice for villain would be...
"I think it would certainly be interesting, I think there are a lot of things you could do with Brainiac. He's been given a lot of power and a lot of different abilities over the years in the comics, as far as I understand. I know that DC is working on a Brainiac storyline that they are excited about and I think combining the two and have that flow between the comics and the movie would be a nice thing. I honestly think there are a lot of interesting things you can do with Brainiac. Controlling people, controlling technology, a lot of cool things."
I could not agree with him more...who would you like to see in the next film?
Overall, I think this is all pretty good news. What do you think? Are you looking forward to a new Superman film?
Come back later for more news, and a review of Zach and Miri Make A Porno, featuring the man himself, Brandon Routh!!
Go see something good!
VIDEO: Watch Midnight Meat Train Online...FOR FREE...

Hey guys! At the beginning of this year, I had a list of films that I was really looking forward to. Now, Midnight Meat Train was not near the top of that list, but knowing that Clive Barker was behind it, and that Vinnie Jones would play the villain, definitely had in the top 20. That all said, this film was COMPLETELY dumped by the studios, and saw one of the most tumultuous releases in years. First it would be released wide, then straight to DVD, then wide, and then finally it got a very limited release. However, now, with the help of FearNET, you can now enjoy the campiness that is Midnight Meat Train, online, FOR FREE...check it out here...Enjoy!
Go see something good!
FORUM: How Should The Man of Steel Be Handled?
So yesterday, in an interview with Empire Magazine, Mark Millar, famous comic book writer most famous for creating the graphic novel Wanted, described a pitch that he and a "big name director" have been working on for a potential 8 hour Superman Epic...Thanks to /film for the info...
“It’s gonna be like Michael Corleone in the Godfather films, the entire story from beginning to end, you see where he starts, how he becomes who he becomes, and where that takes him. The Dark Knight showed you can take a comic book property and make a serious film, and I think the studios are ready to listen to bigger ideas now.”
And the ending of the trilogy...
“I want to start on Krypton, a thousand years ago, and end with Superman alone on Planet Earth, the last being left on the planet, as the yellow sun turns red and starts to supernova, and he loses his powers.”
Now, I DOUBT that Warner Brothers, the current owner of the Superman rights, would ever let a film end with such a franchise killing ending. ESPECIALLY when that franchise happens to be Superman.
That all said, this is exactly the kind of mentality I want in someone working on Superman. He's an epic character with an amazing storyline, and if they go the route I have heard rumors they want to, with the Death of Superman storyline, we are looking at what, if done right, could be one hell of a great time.
Now here's where I want the discussion to come. When talking about superhero films in general, what makes you interested in seeing one? Take the Dark Knight or Batman Begins for example. What made you interested in seeing either of those films? Is it the more dark feel, or is it the fact that the hero is in a realm of reality? Can Superman be as successful?
That's what I've got for now, so come back later for more movie news and a review of Zach and Miri Make A Porno...
Go see something good!
“It’s gonna be like Michael Corleone in the Godfather films, the entire story from beginning to end, you see where he starts, how he becomes who he becomes, and where that takes him. The Dark Knight showed you can take a comic book property and make a serious film, and I think the studios are ready to listen to bigger ideas now.”
And the ending of the trilogy...
“I want to start on Krypton, a thousand years ago, and end with Superman alone on Planet Earth, the last being left on the planet, as the yellow sun turns red and starts to supernova, and he loses his powers.”
Now, I DOUBT that Warner Brothers, the current owner of the Superman rights, would ever let a film end with such a franchise killing ending. ESPECIALLY when that franchise happens to be Superman.
That all said, this is exactly the kind of mentality I want in someone working on Superman. He's an epic character with an amazing storyline, and if they go the route I have heard rumors they want to, with the Death of Superman storyline, we are looking at what, if done right, could be one hell of a great time.
Now here's where I want the discussion to come. When talking about superhero films in general, what makes you interested in seeing one? Take the Dark Knight or Batman Begins for example. What made you interested in seeing either of those films? Is it the more dark feel, or is it the fact that the hero is in a realm of reality? Can Superman be as successful?
That's what I've got for now, so come back later for more movie news and a review of Zach and Miri Make A Porno...
Go see something good!
NEWS: More Nolan Interview News...
Hey guys! So, on Monday, I let you guys in on a new interview from the LA Times in which director Christopher Nolan discusses everything from Heath Ledger to the box office sucess of The Dark Knight. Well, now the final part of the three part series is up over at the LA Times, and this time he talks about the possibilites or lack there of of a Justice League film featuring a "Nolan Universe" Batman...
"I don’t think our Batman, our Gotham, lends itself to that kind of cross-fertilization. It goes back to one of the first things we wrangled with when we first started putting the story together: Is this a world in which comic books already exist? Is this a world in which superheroes already exist? If you think of "Batman Begins" and you think of the philosophy of this character trying to reinvent himself as a symbol, we took the position -- we didn’t address it directly in the film, but we did take the position philosophically -- that superheroes simply don’t exist. If they did, if Bruce knew of Superman or even of comic books, then that’s a completely different decision that he’s making when he puts on a costume in an attempt to become a symbol. It’s a paradox and a conundrum, but what we did is go back to the very original concept and idea of the character. In his first appearances, he invents himself as a totally original creation."
Next he talks about the heads over at Warner Brothers pressuring him into doing another Batman film...
"They’re being extremely gracious. I have a very good relationship with the studio. They know that I really needed to go on holiday and take some time to figure what I want to do next. They’ve been very respectful of that, which is terrific and one of the reasons I enjoy working with Warner Bros."
Finally, he discusses what it would mean for the cast and crew if the late Heath Ledger were to gain an Oscar nod for his great performance as The Joker...
"I think the thing that has always been important to me in light of Heath’s death is the responsibility I’ve felt to his work. The responsibility of crafting the film in such a way that his performance came across the way he intended. Clearly, that has been the case. That’s one of the reasons I take such pride in the film.
I felt a great wave of relief, really, as people first started to see the performance and it was clear that they were getting the performance. It’s easy to forget with everything that’s happened what an enormous challenge it was for Heath to take on this iconic role. He rose to that challenge so admirably that any expression of people being excited or moved by his performance is a wonderful thing. Whatever form that takes. People coming to see his performance and getting it. It's been extremely satisfying for all of us already. Anything that adds to that would be wonderful."
What are your thoughts on this information? Do you want Nolan to get back to work on another Batman film, or should he take a little break from it and get back to his more creative roots?
Here are the other two parts of this interview...
Part 1
Part 2
That's all I've got for now. Come back later for more movie news and notes, and a review of Zach and Miri Make A Porno...
Go see something good!
"I don’t think our Batman, our Gotham, lends itself to that kind of cross-fertilization. It goes back to one of the first things we wrangled with when we first started putting the story together: Is this a world in which comic books already exist? Is this a world in which superheroes already exist? If you think of "Batman Begins" and you think of the philosophy of this character trying to reinvent himself as a symbol, we took the position -- we didn’t address it directly in the film, but we did take the position philosophically -- that superheroes simply don’t exist. If they did, if Bruce knew of Superman or even of comic books, then that’s a completely different decision that he’s making when he puts on a costume in an attempt to become a symbol. It’s a paradox and a conundrum, but what we did is go back to the very original concept and idea of the character. In his first appearances, he invents himself as a totally original creation."
Next he talks about the heads over at Warner Brothers pressuring him into doing another Batman film...
"They’re being extremely gracious. I have a very good relationship with the studio. They know that I really needed to go on holiday and take some time to figure what I want to do next. They’ve been very respectful of that, which is terrific and one of the reasons I enjoy working with Warner Bros."
Finally, he discusses what it would mean for the cast and crew if the late Heath Ledger were to gain an Oscar nod for his great performance as The Joker...
"I think the thing that has always been important to me in light of Heath’s death is the responsibility I’ve felt to his work. The responsibility of crafting the film in such a way that his performance came across the way he intended. Clearly, that has been the case. That’s one of the reasons I take such pride in the film.
I felt a great wave of relief, really, as people first started to see the performance and it was clear that they were getting the performance. It’s easy to forget with everything that’s happened what an enormous challenge it was for Heath to take on this iconic role. He rose to that challenge so admirably that any expression of people being excited or moved by his performance is a wonderful thing. Whatever form that takes. People coming to see his performance and getting it. It's been extremely satisfying for all of us already. Anything that adds to that would be wonderful."
What are your thoughts on this information? Do you want Nolan to get back to work on another Batman film, or should he take a little break from it and get back to his more creative roots?
Here are the other two parts of this interview...
Part 1
Part 2
That's all I've got for now. Come back later for more movie news and notes, and a review of Zach and Miri Make A Porno...
Go see something good!
VIDEO: Spielberg's 5 Friends
This is a 5 minute short directed by Steven Spielberg, and is a follow up to a video released about a month ago, called 5 Friends. It's pretty straight forward, but it's Spielberg and it's pretty funny, so enjoy!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
VIDEO: 5 Minute Trailer for The Day The Earth Stood Still
Hey guys! So, today has been a pretty slow day, but I do have the pleasure of bringing you a 5 minute trailer for the upcoming Keanu Reeves remake, The Day The Earth Stood Still...check it out!
What do you guys think about it? It's pretty much extended footage from what was shown on TV a couple of months back, but eh, I really like the stuff they are showing. What about you guys?
Go see something good!
What do you guys think about it? It's pretty much extended footage from what was shown on TV a couple of months back, but eh, I really like the stuff they are showing. What about you guys?
Go see something good!
The Day The Earth Stood Still,
NEWS: Kurosawa, Farting Dogs, and a retirement...
Hey guys! Here are your headlines for this Wednesday, the 29th of October...
- Martin Scorcese, David Mamet, and Mike Nichols are set to remake the classic Akira Kurosawa film, High and Low...thanks to /film for the information...
Mike Nichols (Closer, Charlie Wilson’s War) will direct a remake of Akira Kurosawa’s High and Low.
Based loosely on Evan Hunter’s King’s Ransom, the original 1963 detective thriller that tells the story of an executive named Kingo Gondo, who learns that his son has been kidnapped. He is prepared to pay the ransom amount until he discovers that the kidnappers mistakenly abducted the child of his chauffeur. Gondo must decide between using the money he has saved up for a critical corporate buyout, or to use the cash to save his drivers son.
If the names involved thus far don’t get you excited, then read on. Originally commissioned by Martin Scorsese in 1999, the screenplay is written by David Mamet. The film has yet to begin casting, but it sounds like the ball is now rolling after years of being stalled due to rights issues. Scott Rudin will produce, and its likely that Scorsese will executive produce.
What do you guys think? Have any of you seen this film? If not, do it right away...
- It looks as though Joaquin Phoenix may be retiring from film to pursue an acting career...take it for what it is, but watch the interview...
- Martin Scorcese, David Mamet, and Mike Nichols are set to remake the classic Akira Kurosawa film, High and Low...thanks to /film for the information...
Mike Nichols (Closer, Charlie Wilson’s War) will direct a remake of Akira Kurosawa’s High and Low.
Based loosely on Evan Hunter’s King’s Ransom, the original 1963 detective thriller that tells the story of an executive named Kingo Gondo, who learns that his son has been kidnapped. He is prepared to pay the ransom amount until he discovers that the kidnappers mistakenly abducted the child of his chauffeur. Gondo must decide between using the money he has saved up for a critical corporate buyout, or to use the cash to save his drivers son.
If the names involved thus far don’t get you excited, then read on. Originally commissioned by Martin Scorsese in 1999, the screenplay is written by David Mamet. The film has yet to begin casting, but it sounds like the ball is now rolling after years of being stalled due to rights issues. Scott Rudin will produce, and its likely that Scorsese will executive produce.
What do you guys think? Have any of you seen this film? If not, do it right away...
- It looks as though Joaquin Phoenix may be retiring from film to pursue an acting career...take it for what it is, but watch the interview...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
NEWS: Avengers Update...
Hey guys! Today has been a jam packed day with a ton of news, and it's still going strong...
This summer saw the release of two huge hits from the people at Marvel Studios, Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk respectivley. With the release of these two films, came the possibility of an Avengers film. Marvel had the film in it's slate, but today sees the first actors to sign on. Both Robert Downey Jr. AND Don Cheadle, after taking over for Terrance Howard, have signed on for not only The Avengers, but Iron Man 2. Now, here is the complete press release released today by Marvel Studios, and it not only states the casting, but gives us a very short Avengers plot tease...
As part of his four picture deal with Marvel Studios, Robert Downey Jr. is appearing as Tony Stark in THE AVENGERS motion picture, as well as reprising his starring role as the larger-than-life leading character in IRON MAN 2. Jon Favreau will return to direct the sequel to the blockbuster IRON MAN, which to date has grossed over $578 million worldwide, as well as executive produce THE AVENGERS.
Academy Award® nominee Downey was most recently seen in the summer comedy blockbuster TROPIC THUNDER starring opposite Ben Stiller and Jack Black. Before Iron Man, he was best known for his film roles in KISS KISS BANG BANG, WONDER BOYS and CHAPLIN, the film for which he was nominated for an Oscar®.
In addition to directing the first IRON MAN, Favreau has previously directed ELF, ZATHURA: A SPACE ADVENTURE and MADE. He is also well known for writing and starring in SWINGERS. He will next be seen acting in FOUR CHRISTMASES, I LOVE YOU MAN and COUPLES RETREAT.
Marvel Studios is pleased today to confirm that an agreement has been finalized with award-winning actor Don Cheadle to take on the role of Colonel James “Rhodey” Rhodes in Marvel’s IRON MAN 2 due in theaters on May 7, 2010. In casting Cheadle, Marvel replaces Terrence Howard who appeared in the role of Rhodey in IRON MAN.
Cheadle is also signed on to perform the same role in THE AVENGERS and subsequent installments of the IRON MAN franchise.
“We are very excited about working with the extraordinarily talented Don Cheadle as we expand the role of Rhodey in Iron Man 2. It has already become apparent as we prep the movie for production, that the dynamic between Robert and Don will take Iron Man 2 to new heights,” said Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios.
Cheadle is best known for his Oscar® nominated lead performance in HOTEL RWANDA as well as his role as Basher Tarr in the OCEAN’S franchise, CRASH and SWORDFISH.
Based on Marvel’s iconic Super Hero, IRON MAN 2 continues the story of this summer’s box office blockbuster IRON MAN, the first feature film produced independently by Marvel Studios. IRON MAN 2 will be produced by Marvel Studios’ President, Kevin Feige, and executive produced by Louis D’Esposito, Jon Favreau, Stan Lee, David Maisel and Denis Stewart.
In a movie event, THE AVENGERS will bring together the super hero team of Marvel Comics characters for the first time ever, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Hulk and more, as they are forced to band together to battle the biggest foe they’ve ever faced.
The highly anticipated sequel to IRON MAN will be released in theatres on May 7, 2010 and THE AVENGERS will be released July 15, 2011. Both films will be distributed by Paramount Pictures.
Cheadle is represented by UTA. Downey and Favreau are represented by CAA.
What are your thoughts? The most interesting thing I got out of this was the fact that, in the plot tease, they mention that the Hulk will be TEAMING with the Avengers, probably, or at least possibly, taking him out of the much talked about villain role. Who would you like to see them battle? What do you take from this news, if anything?
Go see something good!
This summer saw the release of two huge hits from the people at Marvel Studios, Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk respectivley. With the release of these two films, came the possibility of an Avengers film. Marvel had the film in it's slate, but today sees the first actors to sign on. Both Robert Downey Jr. AND Don Cheadle, after taking over for Terrance Howard, have signed on for not only The Avengers, but Iron Man 2. Now, here is the complete press release released today by Marvel Studios, and it not only states the casting, but gives us a very short Avengers plot tease...
As part of his four picture deal with Marvel Studios, Robert Downey Jr. is appearing as Tony Stark in THE AVENGERS motion picture, as well as reprising his starring role as the larger-than-life leading character in IRON MAN 2. Jon Favreau will return to direct the sequel to the blockbuster IRON MAN, which to date has grossed over $578 million worldwide, as well as executive produce THE AVENGERS.
Academy Award® nominee Downey was most recently seen in the summer comedy blockbuster TROPIC THUNDER starring opposite Ben Stiller and Jack Black. Before Iron Man, he was best known for his film roles in KISS KISS BANG BANG, WONDER BOYS and CHAPLIN, the film for which he was nominated for an Oscar®.
In addition to directing the first IRON MAN, Favreau has previously directed ELF, ZATHURA: A SPACE ADVENTURE and MADE. He is also well known for writing and starring in SWINGERS. He will next be seen acting in FOUR CHRISTMASES, I LOVE YOU MAN and COUPLES RETREAT.
Marvel Studios is pleased today to confirm that an agreement has been finalized with award-winning actor Don Cheadle to take on the role of Colonel James “Rhodey” Rhodes in Marvel’s IRON MAN 2 due in theaters on May 7, 2010. In casting Cheadle, Marvel replaces Terrence Howard who appeared in the role of Rhodey in IRON MAN.
Cheadle is also signed on to perform the same role in THE AVENGERS and subsequent installments of the IRON MAN franchise.
“We are very excited about working with the extraordinarily talented Don Cheadle as we expand the role of Rhodey in Iron Man 2. It has already become apparent as we prep the movie for production, that the dynamic between Robert and Don will take Iron Man 2 to new heights,” said Kevin Feige, President of Marvel Studios.
Cheadle is best known for his Oscar® nominated lead performance in HOTEL RWANDA as well as his role as Basher Tarr in the OCEAN’S franchise, CRASH and SWORDFISH.
Based on Marvel’s iconic Super Hero, IRON MAN 2 continues the story of this summer’s box office blockbuster IRON MAN, the first feature film produced independently by Marvel Studios. IRON MAN 2 will be produced by Marvel Studios’ President, Kevin Feige, and executive produced by Louis D’Esposito, Jon Favreau, Stan Lee, David Maisel and Denis Stewart.
In a movie event, THE AVENGERS will bring together the super hero team of Marvel Comics characters for the first time ever, including Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, the Hulk and more, as they are forced to band together to battle the biggest foe they’ve ever faced.
The highly anticipated sequel to IRON MAN will be released in theatres on May 7, 2010 and THE AVENGERS will be released July 15, 2011. Both films will be distributed by Paramount Pictures.
Cheadle is represented by UTA. Downey and Favreau are represented by CAA.
What are your thoughts? The most interesting thing I got out of this was the fact that, in the plot tease, they mention that the Hulk will be TEAMING with the Avengers, probably, or at least possibly, taking him out of the much talked about villain role. Who would you like to see them battle? What do you take from this news, if anything?
Go see something good!
NEWS: Kool Aid and The Birds...
Hey guys! Today has been a pretty busy day, with a couple of pretty big headlines making the rounds....
- First, Gus van Sandt is set to helm a new film called The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test...Thanks to The Movie Blog for the information...
Fox Searchlight has picked up “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test,” a project based on the 1968 Tom Wolfe book. Gus Van Sant is directing.
“Kool-Aid” is Wolfe’s account of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” author Ken Kesey and a group dubbed the Merry Pranksters as they drive across the country in a DayGlo-painted school bus dubbed Further, reaching personal and collective revelations through the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs.
I must say that this is one film that I am really excited about checking out. It is an interesting fit to combine a story about LSD and other psychedelic drugs along with Van Sandt's more lyrical and almost poetic film making. This is one that I will definitely be looking forward to. How about you?
- Rumor has it that a deal could be struck in the next couple of weeks casting Christian Bale as Dr. Strange in the upcoming Marvel comic book film...This is unlikely and still in the RUMOR stage, but Bale IS at the top of Marvels list, and they are looking at getting him in the title role.
- After the huge success of High School Musical 3, it looks as though Paramount has fast tracked the upcoming remake of Footloose re-teaming Zac Efron with HSM3 Director, Kenny Ortega...
- Leonardo DiCaprio and his production company Appian Way are set to produce a remake of Ninja Scroll. Watchmen scribe Alex Tse is set to pen the script...
- The Saw film series is now the highest grossing horror franchise in history (not adjusting for inflation, and only domestic gross)
- Finally, it looks as though George Clooney may have a role in the upcoming remake of the Alfred Hitchcock classic, The Birds...Thanks to the guys over at Cinematical for the information...
First came Naomi Watts as a possible replacement for Tippi Hedren in that long-brewing remake of The Birds. Now a rumor straight from Metro.co.uk claims that George Clooney might play Mitch Bremner. It seems that the original Mitch, Rod Taylor, told the Daily Express: “I often cringe when I hear mention of remakes but I’ll hold judgment, especially since I’ve been told Clooney’s the favorite.” To add to the displeasure, Tippi herself said: “Can’t we find new stories, new things to do? Must you be so insecure that you have to take a film that’s a classic and try to do it over?
What are your thoughts? I don't want this remake to happen at all, and knowing Michael Bay will be behind makes me pretty suspect. I'm a big fan of the original, but if I had to pick one person to take over the flick, at least in the acting realm, Clooney is a perfect choice. Maybe he should direct it too...What do you think?
That's all I've got for now, so come back later for more movie news and reviews...
Go see something good!
- First, Gus van Sandt is set to helm a new film called The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test...Thanks to The Movie Blog for the information...
Fox Searchlight has picked up “The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test,” a project based on the 1968 Tom Wolfe book. Gus Van Sant is directing.
“Kool-Aid” is Wolfe’s account of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” author Ken Kesey and a group dubbed the Merry Pranksters as they drive across the country in a DayGlo-painted school bus dubbed Further, reaching personal and collective revelations through the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs.
I must say that this is one film that I am really excited about checking out. It is an interesting fit to combine a story about LSD and other psychedelic drugs along with Van Sandt's more lyrical and almost poetic film making. This is one that I will definitely be looking forward to. How about you?
- Rumor has it that a deal could be struck in the next couple of weeks casting Christian Bale as Dr. Strange in the upcoming Marvel comic book film...This is unlikely and still in the RUMOR stage, but Bale IS at the top of Marvels list, and they are looking at getting him in the title role.
- After the huge success of High School Musical 3, it looks as though Paramount has fast tracked the upcoming remake of Footloose re-teaming Zac Efron with HSM3 Director, Kenny Ortega...
- Leonardo DiCaprio and his production company Appian Way are set to produce a remake of Ninja Scroll. Watchmen scribe Alex Tse is set to pen the script...
- The Saw film series is now the highest grossing horror franchise in history (not adjusting for inflation, and only domestic gross)
- Finally, it looks as though George Clooney may have a role in the upcoming remake of the Alfred Hitchcock classic, The Birds...Thanks to the guys over at Cinematical for the information...
First came Naomi Watts as a possible replacement for Tippi Hedren in that long-brewing remake of The Birds. Now a rumor straight from Metro.co.uk claims that George Clooney might play Mitch Bremner. It seems that the original Mitch, Rod Taylor, told the Daily Express: “I often cringe when I hear mention of remakes but I’ll hold judgment, especially since I’ve been told Clooney’s the favorite.” To add to the displeasure, Tippi herself said: “Can’t we find new stories, new things to do? Must you be so insecure that you have to take a film that’s a classic and try to do it over?
What are your thoughts? I don't want this remake to happen at all, and knowing Michael Bay will be behind makes me pretty suspect. I'm a big fan of the original, but if I had to pick one person to take over the flick, at least in the acting realm, Clooney is a perfect choice. Maybe he should direct it too...What do you think?
That's all I've got for now, so come back later for more movie news and reviews...
Go see something good!
Christian Bale,
Kool Aid,
The Birds
NEWS: Alan Rickman in Alice In Wonderland...
Hey guys! So, as many of you may have been following, Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland is shaping up to have one of the best casts for a film in a long time. That said, there are still a few parts they need to fill, and one of them has just been covered, allegedly. It looks as though Alan Rickman will take over the part of the Catepillar. Here's the info straight from the source over at Cinematical...
I keep thinking that the casting for the remake of Alice in Wonderland can't get any better. And then I came across the latest rumor coming from Zdonk: Alan Rickman -- the man who helped make Die Hard what it is, who once played a crotch-less angel, and who keeps a stern eye on Harry Potter -- has signed on to play the Caterpillar.
Take a look at the clip above and tell me you can't hear Rickman's voice speaking those lines! Between Rickman, Crispin Glover as the Knave of Hearts, Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen, Michael Sheen as the Cheshire Cat, and Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, this is gearing up to be one heck of a well-cast feature. But there's more -- along with confirming Rickman, Christopher Lee Web says that Lee also has a role -- currently unspecified.
I'm beyond happy with the news, but weigh in below with your thoughts -- as well as any speculation on what role Lee will play!
Well, that's pretty much perfect casting if I do say so myself. What do you guys think?
The only other nugget of news comes to us from the happiest place on Earth, Disney. With the recent delays of a few big time Oscar bait films, it has been a long time question of Disney and Pixar would in fact push their amazing animated film, Wall-E, for Best Picture at the upcoming Academy Awards. Well, it looks as though they are going to do just that. Later in the week Disney will officially begin the campaign for Wall-E in the Best Picture Category. Only one other animated film has ever garnered the nomination, and that was Beauty And The Beast, and no animated films have won the category. It will still be able to be nominated for Best Animated Feature as well. What are your thoughts? Does it have a shot?
That's all I've got for now!
Go see something good!
I keep thinking that the casting for the remake of Alice in Wonderland can't get any better. And then I came across the latest rumor coming from Zdonk: Alan Rickman -- the man who helped make Die Hard what it is, who once played a crotch-less angel, and who keeps a stern eye on Harry Potter -- has signed on to play the Caterpillar.
Take a look at the clip above and tell me you can't hear Rickman's voice speaking those lines! Between Rickman, Crispin Glover as the Knave of Hearts, Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen, Michael Sheen as the Cheshire Cat, and Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, this is gearing up to be one heck of a well-cast feature. But there's more -- along with confirming Rickman, Christopher Lee Web says that Lee also has a role -- currently unspecified.
I'm beyond happy with the news, but weigh in below with your thoughts -- as well as any speculation on what role Lee will play!
Well, that's pretty much perfect casting if I do say so myself. What do you guys think?
The only other nugget of news comes to us from the happiest place on Earth, Disney. With the recent delays of a few big time Oscar bait films, it has been a long time question of Disney and Pixar would in fact push their amazing animated film, Wall-E, for Best Picture at the upcoming Academy Awards. Well, it looks as though they are going to do just that. Later in the week Disney will officially begin the campaign for Wall-E in the Best Picture Category. Only one other animated film has ever garnered the nomination, and that was Beauty And The Beast, and no animated films have won the category. It will still be able to be nominated for Best Animated Feature as well. What are your thoughts? Does it have a shot?
That's all I've got for now!
Go see something good!
Monday, October 27, 2008
TOP 10: Scariest Films Ever...
Hey! With Halloween right around the corner, it’s about that time to bust out the classic horror films and thrillers to get you in the mood. So, in honor of this frightening holiday, I’ve compiled a list of ten films that are perfect for your own little fright fest.
10.The Exorcist
This may be the most controversial on the list, not only with the visuals, but it had the balls to question the existence of god. This film is actually so creepy, that after a few accidents on the set, director William Friedkin hired a priest to have an actual exorcism for the set.
9.The Decent
This is one of, if not the only new age horror film to use something other than gore to get its viewers to scream. This film is a perfect example of how atmosphere can be used for scares, instead of blood and monsters. Director Neil Marshall has crafted a truly haunting film that, minus a lack luster ending, is set to scare and creep generations to come.
8.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
This comes to us from director Tobey Hooper, and in a way similar to Psycho, is based on the brutal killings of Ed Gein. This is the quitessential slasher flick, and from the opening glimpses of body parts to the very end chase scene, this film never lets it’s viewer go with it’s almost documentary style. It’s so beloved; there is a copy of it sitting in the Museum of Modern
At number 7, the only non Horror film on the list and that is the film Se7en. David Fincher’s masterpiece features one of the most frightening murderers and crime stories to grace the silver screen. From a decomposing body suddenly gasping for air, to the sheer creepiness of Kevin Spacey’s “John Doe”, this film is a clinic in mood. Ultimately culminating in one of the greatest film twists ever, this is a staple in my film collection.
6.Night of the Living Dead
The original zombie film, and one of, if not the most influential horror films to this day. George A. Romero’s masterpiece may be 40 years old, but it’s still as powerful as ever and along with allegories about racism and the Vietnam War, also featuring a strong female lead, it stands the test of time as not only a horror film, but a cultural moment.
The father of the slasher genre, with all the genre’s staples. Heavy editing, one of the creepiest film characters ever in Norman Bates, and the harsh score from Bernard Herrmann, yet the film doesn’t rely on these though, as many of its scariest moments come in more subtle means. There’s not much I can say about this that hasn’t already been said.
Chestbursters. Enough said.
This film comes to us from the mind of Asian auteur Takishi Miike, and features one of the biggest plot turns, or at least most startling, in all of film. The film starts as what looks to be a solid Asian romantic comedy, but then, without any notice, a single telephone ring turns it into one of the most frightening and purely visceral films to come from the new generation of horror. Duffle bags have never been so scary.
2.Rosemary’s Baby
This 1968 classic from controversial director, Roman Polanski, and is psychological horror at its best. It lacks horror staples like a werewolf, a serial killer, and even a lot of blood, yet to this day, is one of the best examples of atmosphere as terror. Featuring a legendary performance from Mia Farrow, brilliant direcetion, and a shocking ending, this is one that is a perfect addition to any film collection. It’s also got one of the greatest posters ever made.
1. The Shining
This film comes to us from legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, and is a course in another aspect of film, sound design. This is still the greatest example of sound adding or even making terror. The sound editing of the little boy riding his bike through the halls of the Overlook Hotel is some of the best ever put to film, only to culminate in one of the scariest cuts in film. With a legendary performance from Jack Nicholson, the film may be a little on the long side, but what happens through the span of the film is one of the best character arcs and purely scary stories to be told.
What is your favorite horror film? What makes a good horror film to you?
Go see something good!
10.The Exorcist
This may be the most controversial on the list, not only with the visuals, but it had the balls to question the existence of god. This film is actually so creepy, that after a few accidents on the set, director William Friedkin hired a priest to have an actual exorcism for the set.
9.The Decent
This is one of, if not the only new age horror film to use something other than gore to get its viewers to scream. This film is a perfect example of how atmosphere can be used for scares, instead of blood and monsters. Director Neil Marshall has crafted a truly haunting film that, minus a lack luster ending, is set to scare and creep generations to come.
8.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
This comes to us from director Tobey Hooper, and in a way similar to Psycho, is based on the brutal killings of Ed Gein. This is the quitessential slasher flick, and from the opening glimpses of body parts to the very end chase scene, this film never lets it’s viewer go with it’s almost documentary style. It’s so beloved; there is a copy of it sitting in the Museum of Modern
At number 7, the only non Horror film on the list and that is the film Se7en. David Fincher’s masterpiece features one of the most frightening murderers and crime stories to grace the silver screen. From a decomposing body suddenly gasping for air, to the sheer creepiness of Kevin Spacey’s “John Doe”, this film is a clinic in mood. Ultimately culminating in one of the greatest film twists ever, this is a staple in my film collection.
6.Night of the Living Dead
The original zombie film, and one of, if not the most influential horror films to this day. George A. Romero’s masterpiece may be 40 years old, but it’s still as powerful as ever and along with allegories about racism and the Vietnam War, also featuring a strong female lead, it stands the test of time as not only a horror film, but a cultural moment.
The father of the slasher genre, with all the genre’s staples. Heavy editing, one of the creepiest film characters ever in Norman Bates, and the harsh score from Bernard Herrmann, yet the film doesn’t rely on these though, as many of its scariest moments come in more subtle means. There’s not much I can say about this that hasn’t already been said.
Chestbursters. Enough said.
This film comes to us from the mind of Asian auteur Takishi Miike, and features one of the biggest plot turns, or at least most startling, in all of film. The film starts as what looks to be a solid Asian romantic comedy, but then, without any notice, a single telephone ring turns it into one of the most frightening and purely visceral films to come from the new generation of horror. Duffle bags have never been so scary.
2.Rosemary’s Baby
This 1968 classic from controversial director, Roman Polanski, and is psychological horror at its best. It lacks horror staples like a werewolf, a serial killer, and even a lot of blood, yet to this day, is one of the best examples of atmosphere as terror. Featuring a legendary performance from Mia Farrow, brilliant direcetion, and a shocking ending, this is one that is a perfect addition to any film collection. It’s also got one of the greatest posters ever made.
1. The Shining
This film comes to us from legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, and is a course in another aspect of film, sound design. This is still the greatest example of sound adding or even making terror. The sound editing of the little boy riding his bike through the halls of the Overlook Hotel is some of the best ever put to film, only to culminate in one of the scariest cuts in film. With a legendary performance from Jack Nicholson, the film may be a little on the long side, but what happens through the span of the film is one of the best character arcs and purely scary stories to be told.
What is your favorite horror film? What makes a good horror film to you?
Go see something good!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
VIDEO: Video Blog From The Set of BOONDOCK SAINTS 2...
Hey guys! I have the great honor to bring you a new video blog from director Troy Duffy, who is currently shooting the much anticipated sequel to the cult hit, Boondock Saints 2. Now, for the past couple of months or so, I've heard rumblings that this was being fast tracked, but I was very surprised today to check out /film and notice this video up. Enjoy!
Here's what /film had to report...
The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day is actually happening after all. In the past we’ve told you Troy Duffy’s plans for the sequel but despite the fact that the filmmaker assured everyone that the film was actually happening, we were all a bit skeptical (as we should be, this thing has been in the works for a long time now). Production officially began last week in Toronto. Sean Patrick Flanery (www.seanflanery.com) and Norman Reedus (www.normanreedusonline.com) have returned as the McManus brothers. Some original characters (Billy Connolly, David Della Rocco, Brian Mahoney) are returning and some new characters (Clifton Collins Jr., JoJo Rhama, and more) will be introduced into the story. Duffy has been posting video blogs on his YouTube page. It’s a lot of Troy talking to a camera, with an occasional video posting where Troy or some of the actors answer questions. Thanks to Wendy Shepherd for the tip.
What do you guys think about this sequel? What about the original?
Go see something good!
Here's what /film had to report...
The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day is actually happening after all. In the past we’ve told you Troy Duffy’s plans for the sequel but despite the fact that the filmmaker assured everyone that the film was actually happening, we were all a bit skeptical (as we should be, this thing has been in the works for a long time now). Production officially began last week in Toronto. Sean Patrick Flanery (www.seanflanery.com) and Norman Reedus (www.normanreedusonline.com) have returned as the McManus brothers. Some original characters (Billy Connolly, David Della Rocco, Brian Mahoney) are returning and some new characters (Clifton Collins Jr., JoJo Rhama, and more) will be introduced into the story. Duffy has been posting video blogs on his YouTube page. It’s a lot of Troy talking to a camera, with an occasional video posting where Troy or some of the actors answer questions. Thanks to Wendy Shepherd for the tip.
What do you guys think about this sequel? What about the original?
Go see something good!
Hey guys! Here is your weekend box office top 10...
1.High School Musical 3: Senior Year
2.Saw V
3.Max Payne
4.Beverly Hills Chihuahua
5.Pride and Glory
6.The Secret Life of Bees
8.Eagle Eye
9.Body of Lies
High School Musical 3 will gross right around 46 million bucks this weekend, and Saw V comes in very respectable with 30.5 million big ones. The Chihuahuas will fall to number 4 with about 7 million dollars, and I officially think the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy of 2012 is on schedule. Get out and see W and Body of Lies!!
So, this is not a really noteworthy week for DVDs. Actually, the only two worth a discussion are Journey to the Center of The Earth and Kit Kittridge, so I'm going to stop the DVD discussion there, and get to a full week of theatrical releases.
Oh man, this is one big week for film releases, at least to me personally. First off we have the new film from Clint Eastwood Changeling. It stars Angelina Jolie whose prayers for her kidnapped son to return home are answered, however, it doesn't take long for her to suspect the boy who comes back is not her actual son. It co stars John Malkovich and is one that has been gaining a lot of Oscar buzz, especially for the direction of Clint Eastwood. The second film comes to us from Kevin Smith, and features Seth Rogen and the beautiful Elizabeth Banks. It's called Zach And Miri Make A Porno, and the title tells the story. Zach and Miri are two roommates who are short on rent and decide to shoot a porno, yet they find out that they may have deeper feelings for each other than previously thought. It looks like it will be hilarious and Kevin Smith films are always cause for excitement. Finally, we have the new film from Guy Ritchie, RockNRolla. Early reviews for this film have been mixed, but his style of crime/gangster films always seem to be a fun time. With classics like Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells and the underrated Snatch, this is one of my more anticipated films of this season. It stars Gerard Butler, who I'm slowly starting to like watching, and the gorgeous Thandie Newton. So, this week should have something for everyone, and you can expect a review of Zach and Miri and RockNRolla for sure, and if I have a slow weekend I will post my thoughts on Changeling as well.
That's all I've got for now, so come back later for more movie news and a new top 10, the top 10 Scariest Films Of All Time...
Go see something good!
***GVSU Students, tune into channel 10 on campus and check out yours truly on the best show ever, Hot Valley!
1.High School Musical 3: Senior Year
2.Saw V
3.Max Payne
4.Beverly Hills Chihuahua
5.Pride and Glory
6.The Secret Life of Bees
8.Eagle Eye
9.Body of Lies
High School Musical 3 will gross right around 46 million bucks this weekend, and Saw V comes in very respectable with 30.5 million big ones. The Chihuahuas will fall to number 4 with about 7 million dollars, and I officially think the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy of 2012 is on schedule. Get out and see W and Body of Lies!!
So, this is not a really noteworthy week for DVDs. Actually, the only two worth a discussion are Journey to the Center of The Earth and Kit Kittridge, so I'm going to stop the DVD discussion there, and get to a full week of theatrical releases.
Oh man, this is one big week for film releases, at least to me personally. First off we have the new film from Clint Eastwood Changeling. It stars Angelina Jolie whose prayers for her kidnapped son to return home are answered, however, it doesn't take long for her to suspect the boy who comes back is not her actual son. It co stars John Malkovich and is one that has been gaining a lot of Oscar buzz, especially for the direction of Clint Eastwood. The second film comes to us from Kevin Smith, and features Seth Rogen and the beautiful Elizabeth Banks. It's called Zach And Miri Make A Porno, and the title tells the story. Zach and Miri are two roommates who are short on rent and decide to shoot a porno, yet they find out that they may have deeper feelings for each other than previously thought. It looks like it will be hilarious and Kevin Smith films are always cause for excitement. Finally, we have the new film from Guy Ritchie, RockNRolla. Early reviews for this film have been mixed, but his style of crime/gangster films always seem to be a fun time. With classics like Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells and the underrated Snatch, this is one of my more anticipated films of this season. It stars Gerard Butler, who I'm slowly starting to like watching, and the gorgeous Thandie Newton. So, this week should have something for everyone, and you can expect a review of Zach and Miri and RockNRolla for sure, and if I have a slow weekend I will post my thoughts on Changeling as well.
That's all I've got for now, so come back later for more movie news and a new top 10, the top 10 Scariest Films Of All Time...
Go see something good!
***GVSU Students, tune into channel 10 on campus and check out yours truly on the best show ever, Hot Valley!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
WEEKEND FORUM: Can The Dark Knight get an Oscar Nomination?
Hey guys! So, the weekend has come, and as always, no new news has been released, that's worth reporting. Therefore, after reading one of my favorite blogs, The Movie Blog, I have decided to see where you guys stand on this hot little issue.
A few weeks back, Paramount in all of their idiocy moved the anticipated Oscar bait flick, The Soloist, starring Robert Downey Jr. Now, most of the time, this wouldn't be a huge deal, but with this year, it is. Take the remaining slate of big time Oscar bait films...
-Defiance- (Moved back to New Years Eve_
-The Road- (Moved back to 2009)
-Milk- (Early Reviews have been mixed)
-The Changeling- (Mixed, but mostly positive reviews)
-Frost/Nixon- (Mixed early reviews)
-Curious Case Of Benjamin Button- (Will be the best film of the year)
-Revolutionary Road- (First trailer didn't really do anything for me at least)
-Slumdog Millionaire- (Just gained a supposedly ridiculous R rating)
Now, compared to last year, this is not nearly as big of a fall season in sheer quantity of probable Oscar worthy films. That all said, with this weaker fall slate, do any of you see The Dark Knight possibly getting an Oscar nomination, and if so, what else could you see joining it? What all would you nominate right now?
Me personally, I don't think it will get an Oscar nod, as I believe these will be the five flicks that we will see nominated...
-Curious Case of Benjamin Button
-Slumdog Millionaire
-The Wrestler
However, I do see Nolan, the director, possibly getting a Best Director nomination, because this is the huge film, scale wise, that the Academy loves to award. It could also warrant a best screenplay, either adapted (if you want to be technical), or original, and maybe a Cinematography nod. Those are probably it's best bets.
What films do you guys think will get a nomination? Can you see The Dark Knight getting nominated and/or winning? What would you nominate right now?
Go see something good!
A few weeks back, Paramount in all of their idiocy moved the anticipated Oscar bait flick, The Soloist, starring Robert Downey Jr. Now, most of the time, this wouldn't be a huge deal, but with this year, it is. Take the remaining slate of big time Oscar bait films...
-Defiance- (Moved back to New Years Eve_
-The Road- (Moved back to 2009)
-Milk- (Early Reviews have been mixed)
-The Changeling- (Mixed, but mostly positive reviews)
-Frost/Nixon- (Mixed early reviews)
-Curious Case Of Benjamin Button- (Will be the best film of the year)
-Revolutionary Road- (First trailer didn't really do anything for me at least)
-Slumdog Millionaire- (Just gained a supposedly ridiculous R rating)
Now, compared to last year, this is not nearly as big of a fall season in sheer quantity of probable Oscar worthy films. That all said, with this weaker fall slate, do any of you see The Dark Knight possibly getting an Oscar nomination, and if so, what else could you see joining it? What all would you nominate right now?
Me personally, I don't think it will get an Oscar nod, as I believe these will be the five flicks that we will see nominated...
-Curious Case of Benjamin Button
-Slumdog Millionaire
-The Wrestler
However, I do see Nolan, the director, possibly getting a Best Director nomination, because this is the huge film, scale wise, that the Academy loves to award. It could also warrant a best screenplay, either adapted (if you want to be technical), or original, and maybe a Cinematography nod. Those are probably it's best bets.
What films do you guys think will get a nomination? Can you see The Dark Knight getting nominated and/or winning? What would you nominate right now?
Go see something good!
Friday, October 24, 2008
TRAILER: Gran Torino...
I haven't been all that hyped for this Clint Eastwood flick, until I got a chance to check out and post up the recent poster, and now this trailer has me really excited, and I'm sorry, but Clint Eastwood is one badass dude, and this trailer proves it. Sure, theres the whole "Get off my lawn" quote, but really, this movie looks like all shades of badass...
What do you guys think??? I have to agree with the great people over at cinematical on this one...
The earliest synopsis gave me a vibe not unlike David Cornelius' take on the material, and yet, despite Eastwood in fact yelling at Asian-American youngsters to get off his lawn, he really seems to be letting his direction best serve this performance, which could single-handedly salvage a simple-sounding 'never too late to learn a life lesson' plot and probably garner the attention of a certain Academy that often has room for his work (it doesn't hurt his chances that this may very well be his last effort in front of the cameras).
This has been getting a little buzz for Eastwood's performance, but I didn't think it would be this interesting...And the fact that this will be his second self directed film in three months to get a release has me pretty interested. What about you guys?
Go see something good!
What do you guys think??? I have to agree with the great people over at cinematical on this one...
The earliest synopsis gave me a vibe not unlike David Cornelius' take on the material, and yet, despite Eastwood in fact yelling at Asian-American youngsters to get off his lawn, he really seems to be letting his direction best serve this performance, which could single-handedly salvage a simple-sounding 'never too late to learn a life lesson' plot and probably garner the attention of a certain Academy that often has room for his work (it doesn't hurt his chances that this may very well be his last effort in front of the cameras).
This has been getting a little buzz for Eastwood's performance, but I didn't think it would be this interesting...And the fact that this will be his second self directed film in three months to get a release has me pretty interested. What about you guys?
Go see something good!
TRAILER: Full Length Notorius Trailer...
I really like this trailer. It doesn't look like will be anything new, but the guy had an insanely interesting life, that would work great as a film. Also, while I love biopics that strive to be something bigger, like I'm Not There, that style of film wouldn't fit this guys story. It looks like it may actually be good, but I'm not holding my breath. What are your thoughts?
Go see something good!
NEWS: Crispin Glover, Believe it Or Not, and A Team...
Hey guys! Here are your headlines for this Friday, the 24th of October...
-It looks as though John Singelton has left the long talked about A-Team film...Thanks to /film for the info...
John Singleton has exited 20th Century Fox’s big screen adaptation of the A-Team. Apparently the project, which has gone through a number of rewrites, is still not ready for prime time. Fox believes they need more time to develop the script, but Singleton is moving on. We no final draft, no director, and no announced cast, I wouldn’t expect to see this film anytime soon. The film was originally set to hit theaters in June 2009, but won’t likely see release until a year later at earliest. Personally, I’ve always been under the theory that the A-Team television series is all the A-Team we need. I for one hope this project falls down into the deep depths of development hell.
Other Fox release changes include: Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakuel moving to Christmas 2009, pushing the Dwayne Johnson family comedy Tooth Fairy to November 13th 2009, and Christopher Columbus’ teen comedy I Love You Beth Cooper will now hit theaters on Jult 31st, instead of February 13th 2009.
I actually think this is good news. With the loss of Singelton, Ice Cube may now actually be out of the running for Mr. T's character, B.A. Barackas...which I think we can all agree is a good thing...
-Chris Columbus, director of The Goonies and Home Alone, along with the first two Harry Potter films is now in talks to direct the Jim Carrey comdey, Ripley's Believe it Or Not...
-In the brilliant casting department, the ninja of insanity himself Crispin Glover has joined the cast of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, and will portray the Knave of Hearts...Me personally, I think this guy is horribly underused, and as you all know by now is my #1 pick to be the Riddler in the inevitable next Batman film. No one would be better...But him in Alice in Wonderland boosts this film to second most anticipated of next year for me, without a doubt...What about you guys?
-Ian McDiarmid, best known as the Emporer in the Star Wars series, is in good condition after a recent heartattack in London...
-Ricky Gervais has turned down an offer to host this years Oscar ceremony...
-Finally, Saw V has an 8% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and that's exactly what I expected. That said, I do know that at least some of you went and saw it last night, so I'm going to simply ask, what did you guys think of it?
That's all I've got for now, so come back later for more movie news...
Go see something good!
-It looks as though John Singelton has left the long talked about A-Team film...Thanks to /film for the info...
John Singleton has exited 20th Century Fox’s big screen adaptation of the A-Team. Apparently the project, which has gone through a number of rewrites, is still not ready for prime time. Fox believes they need more time to develop the script, but Singleton is moving on. We no final draft, no director, and no announced cast, I wouldn’t expect to see this film anytime soon. The film was originally set to hit theaters in June 2009, but won’t likely see release until a year later at earliest. Personally, I’ve always been under the theory that the A-Team television series is all the A-Team we need. I for one hope this project falls down into the deep depths of development hell.
Other Fox release changes include: Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakuel moving to Christmas 2009, pushing the Dwayne Johnson family comedy Tooth Fairy to November 13th 2009, and Christopher Columbus’ teen comedy I Love You Beth Cooper will now hit theaters on Jult 31st, instead of February 13th 2009.
I actually think this is good news. With the loss of Singelton, Ice Cube may now actually be out of the running for Mr. T's character, B.A. Barackas...which I think we can all agree is a good thing...
-Chris Columbus, director of The Goonies and Home Alone, along with the first two Harry Potter films is now in talks to direct the Jim Carrey comdey, Ripley's Believe it Or Not...
-In the brilliant casting department, the ninja of insanity himself Crispin Glover has joined the cast of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, and will portray the Knave of Hearts...Me personally, I think this guy is horribly underused, and as you all know by now is my #1 pick to be the Riddler in the inevitable next Batman film. No one would be better...But him in Alice in Wonderland boosts this film to second most anticipated of next year for me, without a doubt...What about you guys?
-Ian McDiarmid, best known as the Emporer in the Star Wars series, is in good condition after a recent heartattack in London...
-Ricky Gervais has turned down an offer to host this years Oscar ceremony...
-Finally, Saw V has an 8% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and that's exactly what I expected. That said, I do know that at least some of you went and saw it last night, so I'm going to simply ask, what did you guys think of it?
That's all I've got for now, so come back later for more movie news...
Go see something good!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
NEWS: Soderbergh Directing a 3-D Rock Musical About Cleopatra??
Alright, so, this is an interesting little tid bit that the people over at Variety have just reported...I don't know what to say, so, let's just let them do the talking...
For his next directing effort, Steven Soderbergh is plotting a 3-D live-action rock ’n’ roll musical about Cleopatra.
He is courting Catherine Zeta-Jones to play the Egyptian queen and Hugh Jackman to play her lover, Marc Antony.
The $30 million "Cleo" will be shopped for financing and distribution within the next two weeks. Greg Jacobs is producing with Casey Silver.
The music has been written by the indie rock band Guided by Voices, and the script is by James Greer, a former bass player for the band and an author.
While Soderbergh has recently done a spate of wildly different projects, this one will be his first full-blown musical.
Soderbergh, who’s about to release the Benicio Del Toro starrer "Che" and wrapped Matt Damon starrer "The Informant," is also prepping a Richard LaGravanese-scripted Liberace film at Warner Bros., with Michael Douglas attached to play the entertainer and Damon to play his companion, who sued him for palimony.
Before "Cleo," Soderbergh’s directing "The Girlfriend Experience," setting porn star Sasha Grey to play a $10,000-a-night call girl in a film that will be simultaneously distributed in theaters, on DVD and on the HDNet movie channel by Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner’s HDNet label.
Calls to Soderbergh’s reps went unreturned.
So, let me get this straight. Soderbergh, the great Steven Soderbergh, will be helming a Rock and Roll Musical about the Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra starring Catherine Zeta Jones and Hugh Jackman with music by the cool little band Guided By Voices...Personally, I'm all in. It's campy as hell, but it will no doubt be fun. What do you think??
Go see something good!
For his next directing effort, Steven Soderbergh is plotting a 3-D live-action rock ’n’ roll musical about Cleopatra.
He is courting Catherine Zeta-Jones to play the Egyptian queen and Hugh Jackman to play her lover, Marc Antony.
The $30 million "Cleo" will be shopped for financing and distribution within the next two weeks. Greg Jacobs is producing with Casey Silver.
The music has been written by the indie rock band Guided by Voices, and the script is by James Greer, a former bass player for the band and an author.
While Soderbergh has recently done a spate of wildly different projects, this one will be his first full-blown musical.
Soderbergh, who’s about to release the Benicio Del Toro starrer "Che" and wrapped Matt Damon starrer "The Informant," is also prepping a Richard LaGravanese-scripted Liberace film at Warner Bros., with Michael Douglas attached to play the entertainer and Damon to play his companion, who sued him for palimony.
Before "Cleo," Soderbergh’s directing "The Girlfriend Experience," setting porn star Sasha Grey to play a $10,000-a-night call girl in a film that will be simultaneously distributed in theaters, on DVD and on the HDNet movie channel by Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner’s HDNet label.
Calls to Soderbergh’s reps went unreturned.
So, let me get this straight. Soderbergh, the great Steven Soderbergh, will be helming a Rock and Roll Musical about the Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra starring Catherine Zeta Jones and Hugh Jackman with music by the cool little band Guided By Voices...Personally, I'm all in. It's campy as hell, but it will no doubt be fun. What do you think??
Go see something good!
TRAILER: Underworld: Rise of The Lycans
Hey guys! So, today, as the past week, has been pretty slow on the news front, yet I do have a little nugget that a few of you may enjoy. I have been hearing rumblings of the trailer for Underworld: Rise of The Lycans, and how good it was, yet, I must say, this trailer does look pretty cool. It's just fun to see werewolves and vampires kicking the shit out of each other.
Thanks to /film for the trailer...
What do you guys think? I like the look of it all, but I still am not sold on this flick...what about you?
Go see something good!
Thanks to /film for the trailer...
What do you guys think? I like the look of it all, but I still am not sold on this flick...what about you?
Go see something good!
TOP 10: Films of The Year, So Far...
I know, I know, I do this every other month, but, with Oscar season about to kick into full gear with The Changeling next week, I figured, why not post my top 10, and see how it turns out in a month or so. Also, my previous posts of this list have been good discussion starters, and today is a slow news day, so it works...
10. Burn After Reading
9. Tropic Thunder
8. W
7. The Fall
6. Wall E
5. In Bruges
4. Vicky Cristina Barcelona
3. Funny Games
2. Paranoid Park
1. The Dark Knight
What is your favorite movie of the year so far?
Go see something good
10. Burn After Reading
9. Tropic Thunder
8. W
7. The Fall
6. Wall E
5. In Bruges
4. Vicky Cristina Barcelona
3. Funny Games
2. Paranoid Park
1. The Dark Knight
What is your favorite movie of the year so far?
Go see something good
NEWS: Gran Torino, Ben Stiller, and Terminator 4...
Hey guys! Here are your headlines for this Thursday, the 23rd of October...
- It looks as though Speilberg has dropped out of the film, The Trial of The Chicago 7, a film about the 1968 riots outside of the Democratic Convention...However, a director has been found to take over, and it is none other than Ben Stiller. Paul Greengrass, director of United 93 and the last two Bourne films, was originally tapped for the project, but it seems like Stiller will take over the film. Thoughts?
- Brilliant actor Javier Bardem, has signed on to star in the upcoming film from 21 Grams/Babel/Amores Perros director Alejandro Gonzalez Inaritu, called Biutiful...Thanks to the guys over at /film for the info...
Javier Bardem (No Country For Old Men) will star in Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s (21 Grams, Babel) Biutiful, which begins shooting in Barcelona next week. Inarritu wrote the script himself, his first stand alone effort after much-publicized break-up with screenwriter Guillermo Arriaga.
According to Variety, Spanish-language film is about “a man embroiled in shady dealings who is confronted by a childhood friend, now a policeman.” Argentine actress Maricel Álvarez is also rumored to be involved with the project. Rodrigo Prieto will return as director of photography. Prieto was the cinematographer on all Inarritu’s films, Brokeback Mountain, 25th Hour, 8 Mile and Frida. The music will be composed by Gustavo Santaolalla, Academy Award Winner for Brokeback Mountain and Babel.
This actually may be more interesting to me than any film, outside of Watchmen, that should be released next year. It's a Spanish language film, starring one of the best actors working today, from one of the best directors working today, and scored by the brilliant composer, Gustavo Santaolalla. What are your thoughts?
- Seth Green is set to direct an adaptation of the comic book Freshmen...
- Here is the first poster from the new Clint Eastwood film, Gran Torino...

Wow, when I'm that old, I only dream to be that badass...
- McG has written a few interesting quotes on the Terminator Salvation website about the hotly anticipated film...Thanks to /film again for being brililant and posting the noteworthy ones...
McG has posted a new blog on the Terminator Salvation website. Here are the major take-aways:
Principal Photography has wrapped
Christian Bale and Sam Worthington have been sown early cuts and “they seem pleased with where the film is headed.”
“Our focus is on story and character, but it’s fun diving into the world of visual effects.”
“We want the patina of the machines to be dirty and heavy and perfectly realistic - that’s why we built so much practically with Stan Winston.”
On producing revolutionary effects like Terminator 2: “There’s one sequence in particular where we’re trying to achieve something that’s never been done before. I don’t want to talk about it because we haven’t been successful yet…”
Terminator 2 editor Conrad Buff is cutting the film: “It feels great to have his confidence in the movie. I take his opinion very seriously, he provides a daily litmus test for what is worthy of a Terminator film.”
About the story: “This is a story of two destinies colliding. Connor is part of a resistance comprised of the ethnicities that make up the globe. This film is so much more that just Los Angeles. It reflects the global crisis of man, all of man versus machine.”
Well, this is all good news I guess, but I really want to SEE something from it. The teaser before The Dark Knight was interesting, but only because it was released so quick after the film had wrapped. I'm not really looking forward to the film, but it's on my radar, and these notes help. What about you guys?
- Finally, as many of you may have heard, rumor has it that Zac Effron will star alongside Johnny Depp in Pirates 4...Sources have heard that the rumor is indeed true, so more on this as it develops, as this may just ruin any hope I had for the film...
That's all I've got for now! Come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!
- It looks as though Speilberg has dropped out of the film, The Trial of The Chicago 7, a film about the 1968 riots outside of the Democratic Convention...However, a director has been found to take over, and it is none other than Ben Stiller. Paul Greengrass, director of United 93 and the last two Bourne films, was originally tapped for the project, but it seems like Stiller will take over the film. Thoughts?
- Brilliant actor Javier Bardem, has signed on to star in the upcoming film from 21 Grams/Babel/Amores Perros director Alejandro Gonzalez Inaritu, called Biutiful...Thanks to the guys over at /film for the info...
Javier Bardem (No Country For Old Men) will star in Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s (21 Grams, Babel) Biutiful, which begins shooting in Barcelona next week. Inarritu wrote the script himself, his first stand alone effort after much-publicized break-up with screenwriter Guillermo Arriaga.
According to Variety, Spanish-language film is about “a man embroiled in shady dealings who is confronted by a childhood friend, now a policeman.” Argentine actress Maricel Álvarez is also rumored to be involved with the project. Rodrigo Prieto will return as director of photography. Prieto was the cinematographer on all Inarritu’s films, Brokeback Mountain, 25th Hour, 8 Mile and Frida. The music will be composed by Gustavo Santaolalla, Academy Award Winner for Brokeback Mountain and Babel.
This actually may be more interesting to me than any film, outside of Watchmen, that should be released next year. It's a Spanish language film, starring one of the best actors working today, from one of the best directors working today, and scored by the brilliant composer, Gustavo Santaolalla. What are your thoughts?
- Seth Green is set to direct an adaptation of the comic book Freshmen...
- Here is the first poster from the new Clint Eastwood film, Gran Torino...

Wow, when I'm that old, I only dream to be that badass...
- McG has written a few interesting quotes on the Terminator Salvation website about the hotly anticipated film...Thanks to /film again for being brililant and posting the noteworthy ones...
McG has posted a new blog on the Terminator Salvation website. Here are the major take-aways:
Principal Photography has wrapped
Christian Bale and Sam Worthington have been sown early cuts and “they seem pleased with where the film is headed.”
“Our focus is on story and character, but it’s fun diving into the world of visual effects.”
“We want the patina of the machines to be dirty and heavy and perfectly realistic - that’s why we built so much practically with Stan Winston.”
On producing revolutionary effects like Terminator 2: “There’s one sequence in particular where we’re trying to achieve something that’s never been done before. I don’t want to talk about it because we haven’t been successful yet…”
Terminator 2 editor Conrad Buff is cutting the film: “It feels great to have his confidence in the movie. I take his opinion very seriously, he provides a daily litmus test for what is worthy of a Terminator film.”
About the story: “This is a story of two destinies colliding. Connor is part of a resistance comprised of the ethnicities that make up the globe. This film is so much more that just Los Angeles. It reflects the global crisis of man, all of man versus machine.”
Well, this is all good news I guess, but I really want to SEE something from it. The teaser before The Dark Knight was interesting, but only because it was released so quick after the film had wrapped. I'm not really looking forward to the film, but it's on my radar, and these notes help. What about you guys?
- Finally, as many of you may have heard, rumor has it that Zac Effron will star alongside Johnny Depp in Pirates 4...Sources have heard that the rumor is indeed true, so more on this as it develops, as this may just ruin any hope I had for the film...
That's all I've got for now! Come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!
Ben Stiller,
Gran Torino,
Pirates 4,
Terminator Salvation
BLOG UPDATE: Netflix Horror Fest...
Hey guys! Now, Halloween is right around the corner, and I've been meaning to post a note about this, but I've been a little busy, so now I can do it. I thought, that, since this frightening holiday is coming up, that I would have a little Horror Film Festival via my Netflix account. Now, I'm doing this now so that you all may, if you so choose, rent the movie I'm watching, so we can have a discussion, and if not, well, it will be a guide for you all if you ever do want to check these films out. So, here's the list of possible films
The first film that I WILL be seeing is the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre...Other's may include
-Dawn of The Dead
-High Tension
-Blue Velvet
-Friday the 13th
Some other not readily available flicks I'll probably be checking out...
-Blood Feast
-House on Haunted Hill
-Fiend Without A Face
And then whatever I've got on my shelf that I'm willing to sit through. Now, this is where you come in. I need to pick a few of these to review, and most of these people have seen, and most of these I've seen (minus the last three), so what would you like to hear about? Got any recommendations???
Just thought I would let you guys know...
Go see something good!
The first film that I WILL be seeing is the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre...Other's may include
-Dawn of The Dead
-High Tension
-Blue Velvet
-Friday the 13th
Some other not readily available flicks I'll probably be checking out...
-Blood Feast
-House on Haunted Hill
-Fiend Without A Face
And then whatever I've got on my shelf that I'm willing to sit through. Now, this is where you come in. I need to pick a few of these to review, and most of these people have seen, and most of these I've seen (minus the last three), so what would you like to hear about? Got any recommendations???
Just thought I would let you guys know...
Go see something good!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
VIDEO: What if McCain Attack Ads Were Made in Hollywood...
This may be one of the funniest video's I've seen in a long time. Thanks to the geniuses over at The Movie Blog for the video!
Go see something good!
Go see something good!
POSTER: New Watchmen Teaser Poster...
Hey guys! Today may be the slowest news day ever, and aside from a new trailer for a Zac Effron movie (and I know how much you are all chomping at the bit for that), this is the only noteable piece of news. That said, it is pretty bad ass, so enjoy the greatness that is the new Watchmen teaser poster...

I'm not going to go to in depth about this, as I've talked about this flick non stop, I'm just going to say that this is probably my most anticipated film of next year. What do you guys think?
Go see something good!

I'm not going to go to in depth about this, as I've talked about this flick non stop, I'm just going to say that this is probably my most anticipated film of next year. What do you guys think?
Go see something good!
VIDEO: New Twilight and Friday The 13th Footage...
So, with Watchmen being the big news coming out of the Scream Awards, there were some other big films that got a little play at the broadcast. Alongside the exlcusive Watchmen footage, there were new scenes from Twilight and the new remake of Friday the 13th. The great people over at /film have been nice enough to grace us with the footage...check it out!
Friday the 13th...
I have no say on the Twilight footage, as I think the film is pretty bland and nothing new, but I actually kind of like the Friday the 13th footage. Sure, it looks pretty much like a carbon copy of the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I do like how the trailer ended, and it does look like it is promising. What are your thoughts?
Go see something good!
Friday the 13th...
I have no say on the Twilight footage, as I think the film is pretty bland and nothing new, but I actually kind of like the Friday the 13th footage. Sure, it looks pretty much like a carbon copy of the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I do like how the trailer ended, and it does look like it is promising. What are your thoughts?
Go see something good!
VIDEO: Extended SCREAM 2008 Watchmen Trailer...
Here it is guys. The one reason that I watched the rather boring ceremony, here is the new, extended trailer released tonight during the Scream Awards broadcast for my most anticipated film of next year, Watchmen...
What are your thoughts? My personal favorite shot is the last moment when we see the extended shot of who I guess is The Comedian (haven't read it, but hopefully will pick the graphic novel up this weekend) getting shoved out of the window. I can't wait for this flick...Brilliant is what I call this...
Go see something good!
What are your thoughts? My personal favorite shot is the last moment when we see the extended shot of who I guess is The Comedian (haven't read it, but hopefully will pick the graphic novel up this weekend) getting shoved out of the window. I can't wait for this flick...Brilliant is what I call this...
Go see something good!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
VIDEO: Bond Clip Extranvaganza...
Hey guys! So, today's been a pretty big day, but this may make it even busier. Movieweb in all of it's brilliant glory has posted about a billion new clips from the upcoming film, Quantum of Solace (which after hearing where the name came from is actually really interesting). So, here they are for your enjoyment...
Well, I really don't know what to say. What do you guys think about the movie? I couldn't be more excited, and these clips just stoke the fire...
Go see something good!
Well, I really don't know what to say. What do you guys think about the movie? I couldn't be more excited, and these clips just stoke the fire...
Go see something good!
PHOTO: Heath Ledger in Parnassus
I don't normally write a whole note about a single photo, but I think this one deserves it. The photo is of Heath Ledger in what was his final film, The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus...check it out!

Here is the plot synopsis from the good guys over at /film...
he Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is a fantastical morality tale, set in the present day. It tells the story of Dr Parnassus and his extraordinary ‘Imaginarium’, a traveling show where members of the audience get an irresistible opportunity to choose between light and joy or darkness and gloom. Blessed with the extraordinary gift of guiding the imaginations of others, Dr Parnassus is cursed with a dark secret. Long ago he made a bet with the devil, Mr Nick, in which he won immortality. Many centuries later, on meeting his one true love, Dr Parnassus made another deal with the devil, trading his immortality for youth, on condition that when his first-born reached its 16th birthday he or she would become the property of Mr Nick.
Valentina is now rapidly approaching this ‘coming of age’ milestone and Dr Parnassus is desperate to protect her from her impending fate. Mr Nick arrives to collect but, always keen to make a bet, renegotiates the wager. Now the winner of Valentina will be determined by whoever seduces the first five souls. Enlisting a series of wild, comical and compelling characters in his journey, Dr Parnassus promises his daughter’s hand in marriage to the man that helps him win. In this captivating, explosive and wonderfully imaginative race against time, Dr Parnassus must fight to save his daughter in a never-ending landscape of surreal obstacles - and undo the mistakes of his past once and for all.
What do you guys think about this film? Is it something that you are looking forward to and why or why not?
Go see something good!

Here is the plot synopsis from the good guys over at /film...
he Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is a fantastical morality tale, set in the present day. It tells the story of Dr Parnassus and his extraordinary ‘Imaginarium’, a traveling show where members of the audience get an irresistible opportunity to choose between light and joy or darkness and gloom. Blessed with the extraordinary gift of guiding the imaginations of others, Dr Parnassus is cursed with a dark secret. Long ago he made a bet with the devil, Mr Nick, in which he won immortality. Many centuries later, on meeting his one true love, Dr Parnassus made another deal with the devil, trading his immortality for youth, on condition that when his first-born reached its 16th birthday he or she would become the property of Mr Nick.
Valentina is now rapidly approaching this ‘coming of age’ milestone and Dr Parnassus is desperate to protect her from her impending fate. Mr Nick arrives to collect but, always keen to make a bet, renegotiates the wager. Now the winner of Valentina will be determined by whoever seduces the first five souls. Enlisting a series of wild, comical and compelling characters in his journey, Dr Parnassus promises his daughter’s hand in marriage to the man that helps him win. In this captivating, explosive and wonderfully imaginative race against time, Dr Parnassus must fight to save his daughter in a never-ending landscape of surreal obstacles - and undo the mistakes of his past once and for all.
What do you guys think about this film? Is it something that you are looking forward to and why or why not?
Go see something good!
NEWS: Dr. Strange, DGG, and The Hobbit...
Hey guys! Here are your headlines for this Tuesday, the 21st of October...
- It looks as though David Gordon Green, director of indie flicks like George Washington, and most recently the big time stoner hit Pineapple Express, will be making the jump into comic book movies with Freaks of The Heartland...thanks to Yahoo! for the info...
David Gordon Green, director of the recent pot comedy “Pineapple Express,” will take the helm of the horror thriller “Freaks of the Heartland,” a monster story based on the Dark Horse graphic novel.
Illustrated by Greg Ruth, Steve Niles’ six-part 2004 series about the horrible secret of a rural Middle American town involves Trevor Owen’s attempts to protect his “monster” of a 6-year-old younger brother and Gristlewood Valley’s other “freaks” from their parents’ worst instincts.
- Marvel Execs have told MTV that a Dr. Strange film will most likely be included in the next "crop" of films from the studio...
- The foreign crime drama 13 Tzameti (great film), will be remade, and star Mickey Rourke and Jason Statham...OH! 50 Cent will join them when filming starts in mid November...
- No decision has been made about the possibility of The Hobbit making it's way into IMAX theatres...
- It looks as though Daniel Craig has turned down the role of Thor in the upcoming Norse God's comic book adaptation...
- Marc Forster will NOT return for the next Bond film, set to be released in 2010...
- Spike Jonze will be directing Weezer's next music video...He did the bands video for Buddy Holly...
- Finally, Chuck Palahniuk's book, Haunted, has been optioned by New School Media and will be adapted by Koen Mortier...
Come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!
- It looks as though David Gordon Green, director of indie flicks like George Washington, and most recently the big time stoner hit Pineapple Express, will be making the jump into comic book movies with Freaks of The Heartland...thanks to Yahoo! for the info...
David Gordon Green, director of the recent pot comedy “Pineapple Express,” will take the helm of the horror thriller “Freaks of the Heartland,” a monster story based on the Dark Horse graphic novel.
Illustrated by Greg Ruth, Steve Niles’ six-part 2004 series about the horrible secret of a rural Middle American town involves Trevor Owen’s attempts to protect his “monster” of a 6-year-old younger brother and Gristlewood Valley’s other “freaks” from their parents’ worst instincts.
- Marvel Execs have told MTV that a Dr. Strange film will most likely be included in the next "crop" of films from the studio...
- The foreign crime drama 13 Tzameti (great film), will be remade, and star Mickey Rourke and Jason Statham...OH! 50 Cent will join them when filming starts in mid November...
- No decision has been made about the possibility of The Hobbit making it's way into IMAX theatres...
- It looks as though Daniel Craig has turned down the role of Thor in the upcoming Norse God's comic book adaptation...
- Marc Forster will NOT return for the next Bond film, set to be released in 2010...
- Spike Jonze will be directing Weezer's next music video...He did the bands video for Buddy Holly...
- Finally, Chuck Palahniuk's book, Haunted, has been optioned by New School Media and will be adapted by Koen Mortier...
Come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!
Monday, October 20, 2008
TOP 10: Modern Day Horror/Thriller Films...
Hey! With Halloween right around the corner, it’s about that time to bust out the classic horror films and thrillers to get you in the mood. However, recently, horror films and thrillers have begun to slowly lean more towards grossing out it's viewers than frightening thme. That said, there are a few films that have genuinley worked and are creepy as hell. So, in honor of this frightening holiday, I’ve compiled a list of ten films that have come out since the turn of the century, that you may not have seen, but really should. These are ten of the creepiest, most frightnening films I've seen this decade...
10. Wolf Creek/Saw
9. The Mist (in Black and White) - Not the scariest flick, but the ending may be one of the best EVER...
8. The Others
7. The Ring
6. Silent Hill
5. 28 Days Later
4. The Orphanage
3. Funny Games
2. The Decent
1. Audition
What are your favorite modern horror film? Next week I'll have the ten greatest horror films of all time...
Go see something good!
10. Wolf Creek/Saw
9. The Mist (in Black and White) - Not the scariest flick, but the ending may be one of the best EVER...
8. The Others
7. The Ring
6. Silent Hill
5. 28 Days Later
4. The Orphanage
3. Funny Games
2. The Decent
1. Audition
What are your favorite modern horror film? Next week I'll have the ten greatest horror films of all time...
Go see something good!
NEWS: Big Time Delays...
Hey guys! So, other than some news about a trailer for the long awaited geek flick, Fanboys, being attached to Zack And Miri Make A Porno, there is some huge news about some high profile films being delayed. First off, here's the list...
- Soloist -
Pushed back from November to March 13th, 2009...
- The Road -
Scheduled for November 14th, but moved back to at the earliest December '08..
- Defiance -
Moved back to December 31st...
- Sherlock Holmes -
November 20th, 2009
So, the most interesting and shocking one, at least to me, is the Soloist bailing on this years Oscars, which it had insane hype for. The studio, Paramount, will now be pushing RDJ for Best Supporting actor as Kirk Lazarus in Tropic Thunder. Now, this is where you all come in. Do you think that it will be possible for him to get a nod from the pretty conservative group of Oscar voters? They have done some interesting things before, but will this be something that they will honor? Comedy is not something that is honored that often, but of all comedic performances this year, this is the one that I think has the best chance. What do you guys think?
Go see something good!
- Soloist -
Pushed back from November to March 13th, 2009...
- The Road -
Scheduled for November 14th, but moved back to at the earliest December '08..
- Defiance -
Moved back to December 31st...
- Sherlock Holmes -
November 20th, 2009
So, the most interesting and shocking one, at least to me, is the Soloist bailing on this years Oscars, which it had insane hype for. The studio, Paramount, will now be pushing RDJ for Best Supporting actor as Kirk Lazarus in Tropic Thunder. Now, this is where you all come in. Do you think that it will be possible for him to get a nod from the pretty conservative group of Oscar voters? They have done some interesting things before, but will this be something that they will honor? Comedy is not something that is honored that often, but of all comedic performances this year, this is the one that I think has the best chance. What do you guys think?
Go see something good!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Hey guys! Here is the box office top 10 for this weekend, 10/17-10/19....
1.Max Payne
2.Beverly Hills Chihuahua
3.The Secret Life of Bees
5.Eagle Eye
6.Body of Lies
8.Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
9.Sex Drive
10.Nights in Rodanthe
Max Payne grossed 18 Million Dollars, and the big surprise was that W only grossed about 10 Million bucks...the Chihuahuas take second as The Secret Life Of Bees surprises everyone with a third place finish...What did you guys check out this weekend?
So, this Tuesday, the 21st of October, is one of the weakest days for DVD releases this year. There are three films that I think you should all check out, and they are...
- The Incredible Hulk...Solid reboot of this troubled franchise. Better than Hulk, yet, not nearly as interesting. It is the Hulk Smash film that everyone wants, but doesn't have the meta levels that Ang Lee was working for in his underrated attempt at the jolly green monster. It's good, but falls victim to a summer of superhero films. Has it's moments, but just falls a little short. I gave it a 7/10, so take that for what it is...
- The Strangers...A little indie horror hit that is worth some of your time. Genuinely creepy and Brian Bertino proves that he can do mood. That said, the film is really anticlimactic, and the ending is pretty brutal. Give it a rental though...
- Missing...Now, this film is probably not going to be readily available, but if you have a Netflix account, throw this Costa-Gavras flick on your queue. I haven't seen it, but I'm really interested in the director, so I say give it a shot...here's the synopsis from Criterion.com...
Missing is political filmmaker extraordinaire Costa-Gavras's compelling, controversial dramatization of the search for American filmmaker and journalist Charles Horman, who mysteriously disappeared during the 1973 coup in Chile. Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek give magnetic, emotionally commanding performances as Charles's father and wife, who are led by U.S. embassy and consulate officials through a series of bureaucratic dead-ends before eventually uncovering the terrifying facts about Charles’s fate and disillusioning truths about their government. Written and directed with clarity and conscience, the Academy Award–winning Missing is a testament to Costa-Gavras's daring.
Now, not only is it a lackluster week for DVD, but really, the theatres aren't getting much love. Here are the notable releases...
- High School Musical 3 -
Readers of my blog/facebook notes may enjoy these films, so I will hold my opinion for myself...
- Saw V -
This goes along with HSM3...People know where I stand on Torture Porn...so moving on...
- Pride And Glory -
I liked it when it was called We Own The Night...Good cast, horribly cliche plot.
So, the question is, what will this guy review. Well, it looks like it will indeed be Saw V. Unfortunately, I liked the first two, or at least the first, and I saw the third film, and was forced to continue watching the series. I may just save my money for next week when we get Zack And Miri Make A Porno, AND Changeling. That's probably the best bet.
Come back later for more news and notes...Oh, say hi to your mother for me...
Go see something good!
1.Max Payne
2.Beverly Hills Chihuahua
3.The Secret Life of Bees
5.Eagle Eye
6.Body of Lies
8.Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
9.Sex Drive
10.Nights in Rodanthe
Max Payne grossed 18 Million Dollars, and the big surprise was that W only grossed about 10 Million bucks...the Chihuahuas take second as The Secret Life Of Bees surprises everyone with a third place finish...What did you guys check out this weekend?
So, this Tuesday, the 21st of October, is one of the weakest days for DVD releases this year. There are three films that I think you should all check out, and they are...
- The Incredible Hulk...Solid reboot of this troubled franchise. Better than Hulk, yet, not nearly as interesting. It is the Hulk Smash film that everyone wants, but doesn't have the meta levels that Ang Lee was working for in his underrated attempt at the jolly green monster. It's good, but falls victim to a summer of superhero films. Has it's moments, but just falls a little short. I gave it a 7/10, so take that for what it is...
- The Strangers...A little indie horror hit that is worth some of your time. Genuinely creepy and Brian Bertino proves that he can do mood. That said, the film is really anticlimactic, and the ending is pretty brutal. Give it a rental though...
- Missing...Now, this film is probably not going to be readily available, but if you have a Netflix account, throw this Costa-Gavras flick on your queue. I haven't seen it, but I'm really interested in the director, so I say give it a shot...here's the synopsis from Criterion.com...
Missing is political filmmaker extraordinaire Costa-Gavras's compelling, controversial dramatization of the search for American filmmaker and journalist Charles Horman, who mysteriously disappeared during the 1973 coup in Chile. Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek give magnetic, emotionally commanding performances as Charles's father and wife, who are led by U.S. embassy and consulate officials through a series of bureaucratic dead-ends before eventually uncovering the terrifying facts about Charles’s fate and disillusioning truths about their government. Written and directed with clarity and conscience, the Academy Award–winning Missing is a testament to Costa-Gavras's daring.
Now, not only is it a lackluster week for DVD, but really, the theatres aren't getting much love. Here are the notable releases...
- High School Musical 3 -
Readers of my blog/facebook notes may enjoy these films, so I will hold my opinion for myself...
- Saw V -
This goes along with HSM3...People know where I stand on Torture Porn...so moving on...
- Pride And Glory -
I liked it when it was called We Own The Night...Good cast, horribly cliche plot.
So, the question is, what will this guy review. Well, it looks like it will indeed be Saw V. Unfortunately, I liked the first two, or at least the first, and I saw the third film, and was forced to continue watching the series. I may just save my money for next week when we get Zack And Miri Make A Porno, AND Changeling. That's probably the best bet.
Come back later for more news and notes...Oh, say hi to your mother for me...
Go see something good!
Saturday, October 18, 2008

I hate when this happens. Over the past few weeks, there have been a few big name flicks that have hit theatres. However, with Oscar season starting to hit full swing, the number is starting to rise exponentially. However, the thing that I really hate, is that the studios love to plant these flicks all on the same day. Take this week for example. First we have Max Payne, a disappointing yet solid brainless action film based on a game that I have a soft spot in my heart for, and the film that I have been hyping since the day it was announced, W. Now, does this hotly anticipated film really live up to all of that hype?
So, as all of you probably know, W is the new film from director Oliver Stone, and chronicles the life, not so much the politics, of the current President of The United States, George W. Bush. It takes us from his early days pledging for Delta Kappa at Yale, and ultimately ends with the days after the invasion of Iraq. That's really it. It is a semi sympathetic tale of Dubya as he tries to follow, or break out of his fathers shadow. Starring the impeccable Josh Brolin as the man himself, this is one of the most anticipated films of this year and, for the most part, hits a home run.
I must say, this is one of the most interesting films that I've seen all year. Going into the theatre, I was ready to just get taken for a ride along the bash dubya with an SNL style flick with gimmicky performances. However, I was blown away with how sort of sympathetic this film was. It all starts with what I am saying now is the single best male performance I've seen all year. Josh Brolin is shockingly amazing in this film. Not only does he get the physicality of the man down to a science, but he does something more. It would have been easy to just give an SNL style performance, but Brolin gives a great amount of humanity to the man.
That may be the best part of the film. The film doesn't really care about the politics of George W. Bush, but it simply looks at what makes and what made the man himself. No lengthy discussion of the 2000 election, no real talk about the Patriot Act, and very little talk about torture. The film shows what makes this guy tick, and that is what is so interesting about this movie. Bush isn't the monster that everyone would like to portray him as, and this film is trying to get that point out. It spends time discussing the relationship between him and his father, and how Bush Sr. played the biggest role in his life. Rather, the Bush name played the biggest role in his life.
Not only does the lead pull through, but the supporting cast is pitch perfect. Jeffery Wright is amazing as Colin Powell, and is one of the only "good" people around the President, and seeing the interchanges between him and the rest of the cabinet were really fun and, if they were real discussions, some of the most shocking scenes in film this year. The main villain of this film isn't Bush, but it's Dick Cheney, played frighteningly well by Richard Dreyfuss. He is portrayed as a power hungry war monger that can't settle for being the second hand to W.
James Cromwell is solid as George H.W. Bush, and really makes the relationship between him and "Jr." really work. He's a strong individual who thinks before he talks, and may be the exact opposite of his son. The person W relates to most, or at least gets his attitude from is his mother, Barbara, played by the always brilliant Ellen Burstyen, who, even in her minor role, is amazing. The beautiful Elizabeth Banks plays Laura, and may give the best performance out side of Brolin in this film. Toby Jones is alright as Karl Rove, and Scott Glenn pulls his weight as "Rummy".
The last thing that really worked for me was the style of this film. While there are many of moments that look and feel like a glorified episode of the West Wing, the way that this film cuts between some of the sequences was a pleasant surprise. The film is split between the early days of Bush's collegiate a professional life, and also the first few years of his presidency, and there are some really great edits that just took my eyes right in. It's got a great style and feel to it, yet wasn't so stylized as to take over the performances.
However, there were just a couple of problems that really bugged me. First off, the performance of Thandie Newton as Condellezza Rice was really laughable. She gave the most comedic or "SNL" style performance, and did not fit in with the rest of the cast. There were a few laughs in her performance, but it just kind of felt forced where the rest of the cast felt so natural. Also, and most saddening, and I know a lot of people have been harping on this, critics at least, but I would have loved to get more of the relationship between Bush and Powell. They spent great lengths at showing how influential Rumsfield and Cheney were, yet they spent very little time on showing how really good Powell was, and how Bush just didn't agree with him. I would have loved to get more of their relationship, and the film missed on a really great point. That really left a bad taste in my mouth. Not only did they miss out on that, but the film ends so abruptly and poorly that it could have spent about another 15-20 minutes on them, and the film wouldn't have felt much longer. This is one of the rare instances where I would have loved to get more of the film instead of cut some of it. It flew by, but it ended poorly, so it was all for nothing. That said, this is one film that everyone should check out, even if you only want to rent it.
W - 8/10
A really interesting look at one of the most controversial people in this countries history, and featuring some of the best performances so far this year, this proves to be one of the best 3/4ths of a film this year. Despite a schlocky ending and a missed opportunity, this is one film that everyone should give a shot.
Alright, so come back tomorrow for the box office top 10, and upcoming DVD and theatrical releases!
Go see something good!
Friday, October 17, 2008
VIDEO: Nike "Fate" Commercial Directed by David Fincher...
This is the new commercial chronicling the lives of LaDanian Tomlinson and Troy Polamalu as they rise to stardom...is great, so enjoy!
REVIEW: Max Payne...

Video game movies suck. This is just basic math. Video game + Movie = Suck. From Super Mario Brothers to the horrible Hitman, videogame movies are not good, with one exception, that being Silent Hill. Now, this weekend sees the release of the adaptation of one of my favorite video games ever, Max Payne. With all of that history aside, does this noir starring Mark Whalberg buck the trend?
Max Payne is a story that is loosely based on the hit Rockstar videogame, about a troubled cop, Max Payne. Max, a DEA agent, is still trying to get over, and solve the brutal killings of his wife and kid. When a mysterious Russian woman, Natasha, is murdered, Max becomes the center of a homicide case. However, when Russian Assassin Mona Sax, Natasha's sister, attempts to avenge her sisters death, the two unravel a conspiracy involving a large pharmaceutical conglomerate. As his obsession takes hold, he delves deeper into this world of betrayal. Mila Kunis, Chris "Ludacris" Bridges and Beau Bridges costar in this highly stylized cop film.
This is the new film from Omen director John Moore, and stars Mark Whalberg as the man himself. The biggest thing this film has going for itself is the visual style. This film is excessively stylized, in a way similar to that of this years release, Wanted. It's hyper film noir, and it was a whole lot of fun. It has the video game's infamous bullet time footage, along with some of the most interesting visual flares I've seen in a while. It reminded me a lot of a color Sin City. Like most film noir, the film is chock full of conflicted characters, and a strive for some sort of redemption and for most of the film, this story worked. Also, the main villain in this film is not a single person, but a drug, Valkyr, that makes drugs today look like pop rocks. It causes 99% of it's users have horrible hallucinations that ultimately lead to their deaths, and that 1%, well, the government wanted to build an army of them. This drug doesn't only play a part in the story, but the viewer gets to witness these hallucinations, and these visual spikes, are very interesting to watch
Along with the style of this film, the cast does a pretty solid job. I was a little skeptical about Mark Whalberg, at least after seeing him in The Happening, yet he proved to be pretty solid in this rather hollow role. Mila Kunis is really the surprise of the film, at least for me. She did a very solid job as Mila Kunis, and Beau Bridges as the conveniently named, BB, stole almost every scene he was in. Ludacris was solid, even in his very small role, and even Donal Louge is stellar in a little role as Max's former partner. This flick does somewhat buck the trend, yet there are a few blatant flaws.
The films biggest flaw happens to be it's biggest positive. While the style of the film is really interesting to watch, for the most part is just sort of bland and gets very repetitive. It's similar to the way I feel about the hit film, 300. While the visual flares are gorgeous and really captivating, after a little while, it just got boring. The film starts off in a really interesting way. We are introduced to Natasha at a party held by a snitch used by Max, and after her murder, the story goes off into an interesting story of double crossing and deceit, yet, as the film comes to a close, it ends in unravels into a rather basic action film, allowing Max to go from room to room playing an emo Rambo. Rambo had he grown up today and listened to Hawthorne Heights. This end really left a sort of sour taste in my mouth, for a film that really surprised me for the first two acts. Also, while the performances are fine, there's not much meat behind the secondary characters, particularly Mona Sax, which is something I would have liked to have seen. Sure, there looks to be an inevitable sequel (you'll see what I mean if you stay until after the credits), but I would like to have seen a little more back story about a few of the characters. That all said, this film, for about two thirds, really surprised me and made for one of the most fun experiences I've had at the theatres in this slow time. It's better than it's other action companion Eagle Eye, so, if you want something to get your adrenaline going, give this a shot, when it hits your local video store.
A solid film that dissolves into less than stellar action cliche. Surrounded by gorgeous, if repetitive visuals, the film follows an interesting story of deceit that, for at least two thirds of the film, is pretty fun. It falls into the realm of a basic action film for the third act, so it gets a two thirds score.
I'm going to have a pretty interesting weekend, and I may get out to check out W and Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist, so expect a review or two this weekend.
Go see something good!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
NEWS: Thor, Sex Drive, and Star Trek...
Hey guys. Now, I've got a great bit of news to let you all check out, so lets get into it...
- It looks as though Kenneth Branagh is bailing on his adaptation of Hamlet to get to work on the next Marvel film, Thor...FINALLY! Now, who would you like to see as the Norse Badass?
- Big news! It looks like Jason Bourne WILL return to the big screen. Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon have both signed on, with Bourne Ultimatum co-writer Greg Nofi is penning the script for a possible summer 2010 release!!!
- The long talked about He Man live action film Greyskull: Masters of The Universe, looks to be dead and is currently staying off of the books...
- Big time news! Thanks to EW for all of the following information! In the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly features the upcoming film, Star Trek, and features the full plot synopsis. Check it out!

Star Trek’s time-travel plot is set in motion when a Federation starship, the USS Kelvin, is attacked by a vicious Romulan (Eric Bana) desperately seeking one of the film’s heroes. From there, the film then brings Kirk and Spock center stage and tracks the origins of their friendship and how they became officers aboard the Enterprise. In fact, the movie shows how the whole original series crew came together: McCoy (Karl Urban), Uhura (Zoë Saldana), Scotty (Simon Pegg), Sulu (John Cho), and Chekov (Anton Yelchin). The adventure stretches from Earth to Vulcan, and yes, it does find a way to have Nimoy appearing in scenes with at least one of the actors on our cover — and maybe both. The storytelling is newbie-friendly, but it slyly assimilates a wide range of Trek arcana, from doomed Captain Pike (Bruce Greenwood) to Sulu’s swordsmanship to classic lines like, ”I have been, and always shall be, your friend.” More ambitiously, the movie subversively plays with Trek lore — and those who know it. The opening sequence, for example, is an emotionally wrenching passage that culminates with a mythic climax sure to leave zealots howling ”Heresy!” But revisionism anxiety is the point. ”The movie,” Lindelof says, ”is about the act of changing what you know.”
Not only do I have that goody, but I've got a few EW exclusive photos to share!

Wow. What do you guys think about the photos?
- Finally, if you didn't get to read my review of Sex Drive about a month ago and actually want to see it, check out the first 10 minutes of it, and then check out my review, I'm reposting it in a few minutes...
That's all I've got for now. I'm checking out either Max Payne or W tomorrow, I'm leaning towards W, so expect a review of either of those tomorrow sometime...
Go see something good!
- It looks as though Kenneth Branagh is bailing on his adaptation of Hamlet to get to work on the next Marvel film, Thor...FINALLY! Now, who would you like to see as the Norse Badass?
- Big news! It looks like Jason Bourne WILL return to the big screen. Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon have both signed on, with Bourne Ultimatum co-writer Greg Nofi is penning the script for a possible summer 2010 release!!!
- The long talked about He Man live action film Greyskull: Masters of The Universe, looks to be dead and is currently staying off of the books...
- Big time news! Thanks to EW for all of the following information! In the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly features the upcoming film, Star Trek, and features the full plot synopsis. Check it out!

Star Trek’s time-travel plot is set in motion when a Federation starship, the USS Kelvin, is attacked by a vicious Romulan (Eric Bana) desperately seeking one of the film’s heroes. From there, the film then brings Kirk and Spock center stage and tracks the origins of their friendship and how they became officers aboard the Enterprise. In fact, the movie shows how the whole original series crew came together: McCoy (Karl Urban), Uhura (Zoë Saldana), Scotty (Simon Pegg), Sulu (John Cho), and Chekov (Anton Yelchin). The adventure stretches from Earth to Vulcan, and yes, it does find a way to have Nimoy appearing in scenes with at least one of the actors on our cover — and maybe both. The storytelling is newbie-friendly, but it slyly assimilates a wide range of Trek arcana, from doomed Captain Pike (Bruce Greenwood) to Sulu’s swordsmanship to classic lines like, ”I have been, and always shall be, your friend.” More ambitiously, the movie subversively plays with Trek lore — and those who know it. The opening sequence, for example, is an emotionally wrenching passage that culminates with a mythic climax sure to leave zealots howling ”Heresy!” But revisionism anxiety is the point. ”The movie,” Lindelof says, ”is about the act of changing what you know.”
Not only do I have that goody, but I've got a few EW exclusive photos to share!

Wow. What do you guys think about the photos?
- Finally, if you didn't get to read my review of Sex Drive about a month ago and actually want to see it, check out the first 10 minutes of it, and then check out my review, I'm reposting it in a few minutes...
That's all I've got for now. I'm checking out either Max Payne or W tomorrow, I'm leaning towards W, so expect a review of either of those tomorrow sometime...
Go see something good!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
NEWS: Watchmen, Avatar, and a Political PSA
Hey guys! Here are your headlines for today, the 15th of October...
- Brian Henson, son of Jim Henson, is helming a new Muppet film, called Happytime Murders, a Muppet Noir...thoughts?
- Atari WILL be releasing the long awaited Ghostbuster's video game in 2009...
- I'm a big fan of SpikeTV, so it is no suprise that they will be airing some new and exclusive footage from Watchmen at the 2008 Scream Awards on October 21st at 9:00 pm...Also, they will air footage from the Friday the 13th reboot due next year...
- So, with the election right around the corner, celebrities are trying to get everyone out to vote. Now, whatever you all say, some of them have been funny, but none funnier than this one...
- It looks as though James Cameron long awaited film, Avatar, may be in a little trouble. The official website has moved the release date from December 18th 2009, to "undecided"...thoughts?
- Billy Ray is in talks to helm an adaptation of the ctically lauded book, How To Rig An Election...
- Finally, I have the great pleasure of bringing you the first poster for Quentin Tarantino's next film, Inglourious Bastards...Enjoy!

Come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!
- Brian Henson, son of Jim Henson, is helming a new Muppet film, called Happytime Murders, a Muppet Noir...thoughts?
- Atari WILL be releasing the long awaited Ghostbuster's video game in 2009...
- I'm a big fan of SpikeTV, so it is no suprise that they will be airing some new and exclusive footage from Watchmen at the 2008 Scream Awards on October 21st at 9:00 pm...Also, they will air footage from the Friday the 13th reboot due next year...
- So, with the election right around the corner, celebrities are trying to get everyone out to vote. Now, whatever you all say, some of them have been funny, but none funnier than this one...
See more Hayden Panettiere videos at Funny or Die
- It looks as though James Cameron long awaited film, Avatar, may be in a little trouble. The official website has moved the release date from December 18th 2009, to "undecided"...thoughts?
- Billy Ray is in talks to helm an adaptation of the ctically lauded book, How To Rig An Election...
- Finally, I have the great pleasure of bringing you the first poster for Quentin Tarantino's next film, Inglourious Bastards...Enjoy!

Come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
NEWS: Incredible Hulk, Mulan, and Star Trek...
Hey guys! I've got some interesting stuff to cover, so here is the news...
- Interesting YouTube video today. Here is the now infamous alternate opening to this year's hit, The Incredible Hulk...
What are your thoughts? I like the tone to it, and I really think this would have improved the film. Go to the 2:22 mark to get a glimpse of the famous shot of Captain America...check the lower right hand corner...
- Twilight 2 a.k.a. New Moon has the green light from Summit Entertainment...
- Allan Loeb is penning a new script for a possible sequel to the cult hit, Wall Street...
- As I stated earlier, Don Cheadle is set to replace Terrance Howard in Iron Man 2. Howard asked for a pay increase, but was denied by the studios...Hey, if you are getting a replacement, why not make it one of the best actors working today?? Thoughts??
- Sources have it that there will indeed be a new trailer for the upcoming Star Trek film released sometime in November. Not a teaser, but one featuring Enterprise footage, along with some dialouge...
- A live action feature adaptation of the story of Mulan is being worked on by Xinhua Media...
- A new Rollercoaster is set to open at Thorpe Amusement Park in the U.K., based around the Saw series...
- Finally, I have the first poster from Pixar's upcoming film, Up, for you all to enjoy...

This will probably be their toughest sell to date. Still, it's Pixar, so you can bet that it's one to check out, and that it will probably be the best animated film for next year. Seriously, will Pixar ever mess up???
Come back later for more news and notes...
Go see something good!
- Interesting YouTube video today. Here is the now infamous alternate opening to this year's hit, The Incredible Hulk...
What are your thoughts? I like the tone to it, and I really think this would have improved the film. Go to the 2:22 mark to get a glimpse of the famous shot of Captain America...check the lower right hand corner...
- Twilight 2 a.k.a. New Moon has the green light from Summit Entertainment...
- Allan Loeb is penning a new script for a possible sequel to the cult hit, Wall Street...
- As I stated earlier, Don Cheadle is set to replace Terrance Howard in Iron Man 2. Howard asked for a pay increase, but was denied by the studios...Hey, if you are getting a replacement, why not make it one of the best actors working today?? Thoughts??
- Sources have it that there will indeed be a new trailer for the upcoming Star Trek film released sometime in November. Not a teaser, but one featuring Enterprise footage, along with some dialouge...
- A live action feature adaptation of the story of Mulan is being worked on by Xinhua Media...
- A new Rollercoaster is set to open at Thorpe Amusement Park in the U.K., based around the Saw series...
- Finally, I have the first poster from Pixar's upcoming film, Up, for you all to enjoy...

This will probably be their toughest sell to date. Still, it's Pixar, so you can bet that it's one to check out, and that it will probably be the best animated film for next year. Seriously, will Pixar ever mess up???
Come back later for more news and notes...
Go see something good!
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