Friday, October 24, 2008

TRAILER: Gran Torino...

I haven't been all that hyped for this Clint Eastwood flick, until I got a chance to check out and post up the recent poster, and now this trailer has me really excited, and I'm sorry, but Clint Eastwood is one badass dude, and this trailer proves it. Sure, theres the whole "Get off my lawn" quote, but really, this movie looks like all shades of badass...

What do you guys think??? I have to agree with the great people over at cinematical on this one...
The earliest synopsis gave me a vibe not unlike David Cornelius' take on the material, and yet, despite Eastwood in fact yelling at Asian-American youngsters to get off his lawn, he really seems to be letting his direction best serve this performance, which could single-handedly salvage a simple-sounding 'never too late to learn a life lesson' plot and probably garner the attention of a certain Academy that often has room for his work (it doesn't hurt his chances that this may very well be his last effort in front of the cameras).

This has been getting a little buzz for Eastwood's performance, but I didn't think it would be this interesting...And the fact that this will be his second self directed film in three months to get a release has me pretty interested. What about you guys?

Go see something good!

1 comment:

  1. This movie has literally come out of nowhere and gotten me really excited to see it. Can't wait!


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