Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Poster, and a ton of news...

Hey guys! Here are some headlines for this hump day, the 26th of June...

- Pierce Brosnan and Nicholas Coppolla, oh, I mean Cage will star in the next film from Pianist director, Roman Polanski...Hey, Cage has been good when he is put with the right director. Take Wild at Heart for example...David Lynch keeps Cage's ass in check, and so should Polanski...I like Brosnan, just not as Bond, so while many people may not like this pairing, I think it has potential...What about you guys???

- The script for the upcoming sequel to School of Rock, penned by Mike White, is complete, as stated by the writer ANYONE looking forward to this? Linklater better be behind this one...or else it's not getting this money...

- Thanks to for this info on Steven Spielberg's next project, following Tintin...oh, and the first stages of production for Lincoln have started too...

- Alright, so all I am going to say about this next thing, is it's the poster for Rob Zombie's next film, Tyrannosaurus Rex...

51% Motherfucker...nice Robby...I'm sorry, but if I see a trailer for this, and it is anything like Grindhouse, and it's say, a trucker flick where the truckers fight Dinosaurs...I'm in, and I'll be in my seat opening night...what about you guys??

- The last thing is this.

That link right there is to the first trailer for Guy Ritchie's next Gangster flick, RocknRolla. I personally love Guy Ritchie (when he does genre flicks), although, people say this reminds them of Snatch, which I sad to say, have never seen. I know, shoot me now. However, Revolver was solid, and Lock Stock is brilliant, and this looks like more of the same, so I'm pretty excited for this movie...

I'm starting Brick right now...I've been having a hankering for some noir, so it was either Brick or Blood Simple, and I saw BS the other day, so Brick it is...and it's bloody brilliant, so for you guys, you can probably expect a DVD review for Brick sometime tomorow, or maybe even tonight, who knows...but thats all for now!

Go see something good!!


  1. Brick is a good choice. Give The Lookout a shot as well if you like the lead actor.

  2. Still can't say enough about Lukas Haas in Brick. Unreal.

    T-Rex - Sounds interesting. I think I would actually pay money to Rob for him not to cast his wife as the blonde on the poster. Ah, to dream...


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