Thursday, July 24, 2008


Hey guys! Today is a big news day as it is the start of the largest pop culture convention of the year, Comic Con. So, to get this rolling, here are your headlines...

-- Kevin Smith's next film, Zach and Miri Make a Porno will be recieving an NC-17 rating, unless Smith decides to change his cut...
-- A remake of The Rocky Horror Picture Show is in the works...OH did I mention it will be done by MTV studios...
-- Hairspray is looking to get a can expect this one in mid July of 2010...
-- A live action adaptation of Cowboy Beebop IS INDEED in the works.

-- DARREN ARONOFSKY will indeed be helming the upcoming RoboCop remake...SCORE!!!

-- The first footage from X Men Origins: Wolverine has been shown...sounds pretty solid. All that was shown was a rough teaser with Sabertooth and Wolverine being captured during war...and then shots of Gambit and Deadpool...

-- Robert Rodriguez has confirmed that their will be a Machete trilogy...

-- Disney suprised Comic Con atendees at their press confrence with the release of Tron 2 footage!!!

-- This really isn't big news, but Lost fans, you can expect to see the Series be rerun until you know every word as G4 will now be running the series in "2.0" just as they do Cops. You will now see your favorite show with trivia and extra random info.

Alright, so the biggest news today comes from overseas. Christian Bale was back on the promotion path yesturday, as he was at the Spain premiere for The Dark Knight. He was allowed to leave custody to continue his promotion, and it is coming out that the mother and sister may have actually had alterior motives. It is rumored that the mother has been jelous of her son, and husbands fame, and this is a direct correlation of that. Witnesses have also said that the abuse was indeed physical, but not to the stature that the true "dynamic duo" has blown it out to be. Also, reportedly some big time magazines have already begun offering the two huge sums of dinero to tell their side of the story. Wow...thoughts? For me, this changes a lot. I was giving the mother and sister the benefit of the doubt, and sticking up for them almost, until today. While it's not alright in any shape or form to strike your sister or mother, it's also not right for the woman who raised you to use one of your own faults, in Bale's case, his temper, for cash profit. What are your thoughts?

Alright, so that's all I have for now. Expect more news to come as Comicon starts (on G4), in about a half an hour...

Go see something good

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