Tuesday, April 21, 2009

NEWS: Bale To Become a Fighter

So, it looks as though some big news has come through late tonight.

Via Variety it looks like Chrisitan Bale has joined the cast of the upcoming film, The Fighter.

Starring Mark Whalberg, The Fighter tells the story of Mickey Ward (Whalberg), and how he went on to gain the lightweight championship, with the help of Bale's character, Dicky Eklund. Eklund ended up forfeiting his elustrious career to drugs and crime, but was able to redeem himself by helping Ward through his title run.

However, it's not the news of who was put INTO the film, but rather, who has LEFT the project.

Originally set to be Darren Aronofsky's next film, it looks as though I Heart Huckabees/Three Kings director, David O. Russell has jumped into the directors chair.

Maybe the project is far to similar to The Wrestler, but this does not bode well for this project. Sure, the film will feature two great leads, but with a less than stellar director leading them, the outcome may not be all that great.

Who the hell knows though. All I know, is that Aronofsky is one of the three best film makers working today, and I sure as hell hope that this means that his RoboCop adaptation is getting a go ahead, or maybe this could be a open space to be filled by his much talked about Noah's Ark project, which is something I am far more interested than maybe any project out there in what is the cinematic equivalent of no mans land.

What are YOUR thoughts?

Go see something good.

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