Thursday, July 2, 2009

NEWS: Headlines - 7/02

I've had a pretty hectic couple of days, so instead of bringing you guys a ton of shorter news posts, I will bring you one giant post, with some important headlines that you should know about.

- Rapper The Game is the newest "actor" to be at the top of the running for the role of B.A. Barakas in the upcoming A-Team film...

- Universal is set to make a cinematic version of the classic arcade game, Asteroids...

- Michel Gondry's "Green Hornet" has been delayed two weeks, and will now be released on July 9th, 2010...

- Megan Fox's upcoming film, Jennifer's Body, penned by Diablo Cody, has been rated R...

- Nimrod Anatal, director of Vacancy, is set to helm the upcoming Predators reboot...

- Steven Soderbergh is rumored to be off the adaptation of Moneyball, as the film is still waiting for Major League Baseball approval...

- Sony has officially announced that Resident Evil 4 is set to be released to theatres in 2010...

- First Showing has the newest poster for Sundance hit Precious, and it looks beyond gorgeous...

- Finally, Bill Nighy has joined the cast of Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows...

Go see something good!

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