Saturday, January 31, 2009

VIDEO: Superbowl Ads, PT.1...

So, we are about 20 hours from the start of Superbowl XLIII, and I'm not the biggest fan of either of the teams. However, there are quite a few big time film trailers/tv spots that will make their premiere, and the internet has gotten a hold of a few of them a little bit early...


This is the new Will Ferrel comedy, and while it features Danny McBride, and a few solid effects shots, I've already told you why I think I may just skip this one for a while. Will Ferrel. I'm not this guys biggest fan, especially after the lackluster shit storm that was Step Brothers. It looks like he won't be playing the man in arrested development, that he's cornered the market on over the past few years, but along with some rather shoddy cg work, I'm just not really interested in this film.


Not really much to say here. This film reteams the original group with Tokyo Drift director Justin Lin, in what looks to be a return to what made the first film mildly enjoyable. Nothing I'm looking forward to though. Especially with the horrible last shot. Is it that hard to do solid cg work today?

- UP! -


The first clip is the newest trailer for the upcoming Pixar release, Up. While it's not much different than the theatrical one, there is just no getting around falling head over heels in love with these characters, and with early screenings, or temp screenings, coming off as positive as some have been saying, there is no doubt in my mind that this will blow every one away. The second clip is a little short, and it's just amazing, so what's new. Pixar, what are you on? How can one be so brilliant?

More spots as they come...

Go see something good!

VIDEO: G.I. Joe Superbowl Ad...

Hey faithful readers! Tomorrow is Superbowl Sunday, and more so than the rather lackluster football game, I will be partaking in a viewing of the festivities for the halftime show, and this past Friday, ET picked up a special 10 second segment of the upcoming G.I. Joe Superbowl Ad...however, Comingsoon picked up the full thing, and it's pretty kick ass...

Thaks to /Film for the heads up...

What do you all think?

Here's a synopsis from Comingsoon...

From the Egyptian desert to deep below the polar ice caps, the elite G.I. Joe team uses the latest in next-generation spy and military equipment to fight the corrupt arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious Cobra organization to prevent them from plunging the world into chaos.

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, opening in theaters on August 7, stars Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Christopher Eccleston, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Byung Hun Lee, Sienna Miller, Rachel Nichols, Ray Park, Said Taghmaoui, Channing Tatum, Marlon Wayans and Dennis Quaid.

Go see something good!

REVIEW: Taken...

Many modern action films are the bane of my existence. Most of the time, this genre of film, just really doesn't work for me. However, recently, with the release of the Bourne trilogy, and the revamp of the Bond franchise, the genre seems to be attempting something new. That all said, sometimes, an action film comes out of nowhere to not only kick you in the balls, but break your arm and take the gun you are carrying too. One of those films was Taken.

Taken stars Liam Neeson as Bryan, a former spy, who after his estranged daughter gets kidnapped by Armenian gangsters, with the m.o. of getting sent into the sex slave trade, he takes his skills on the hunt for the men behind the kidnapping. That's about it, and it's not much deeper than that, and it almost doesn't need to be.

Taken is the newest film from Transporter writing duo Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamon, and is helmed by District B13 helmer Pierre Morel, and this is one hell of a good action crew. Arguably the action version of the Apatow camp, these guys know how to do action. Rather it be the Professional, or the first two Transporter films, only Neveldine and Taylor may be better to turn to when wanting a group to take over or make a fun, yet mindless action flick.

However, the true star of this film is Mr. Neeson. Age Jack Bower about 20 years, and have him retired, and actually badass, and you have Liam Neeson in Taken. He's not only a real badass, but the reason he is on the hunt, and how human he makes this character, is really well done. He's not suave like Bond, he's not a fighting robot like Bourne is, he's just a guy with some skills, on the hunt for the one thing in the world he loves most. His daughter. And he's willing to kill hundreds of men to get her. As would any father.

Visually, this film is also rather impressive. Luc Besson, best known for directing The Professional and The Fith Element, has recently been penning scripts for his proteges to take the helm of, and so far it's worked. The Transporter films are great, and while I don't think films are much more than throw away pieces of entertainment, for the time you sit there, it's worth your time.

Pierre Morel takes the helm for this one, and it looks like he's truly got a knack for action. The action scenes are very shaky and shot with a handheld camera sort of feel, but the interchanges between the father and daughter are truly where this film shines. The chemistry has to be there, and it seems like the father-daughter dynamic is truly there. They are also shot with a much more stable, steady cam feel, something that Mr. Bourne should take note of.

The film does have a couple of flaws. First, the supporting cast really doesn't hold their own in this one. Famke Janssen isn't very good in this film as the divorced wife, and neither is Maggie Grace, Kim, the daughter. While the script isn't the strongest, there is some real quality meat in those roles, and they just decided to go the other way. They aren't bad per se, but when Liam Neeson is hitting it out of the park as he did, it really shows. Also, as I said, the script isn't the strongest, but there is quality there, and while the action is great, when some of those scenes and a speech that EVERYONE has seen are the films major points, there are a few problems here.

Also, there is one thing that bugs me about this, and the genre as a whole.

When going into the theatre, one must realize that you will toss this film away when you ditch your soda and popcorn after the credits. There's no deep message to the film, no thought provoking moments, and nothing that will be sticking with you much beyond the parking lot. This isn't the Wrestler, it's Taken, and the trailers before it were 12 Rounds and Crank 2, so you have an idea of what you are getting into. There is the human aspect to it, and you can come out of the theatre thinking, "what would YOU do?" However, all is negated when you hear the audience asking themselves, "did you see him shoot the guys wife?" The film is insanely fun, and one I completely reccomend, I just would be interested in seeing an action film take a few notes out of Casino Royale's book, and give us a little more to chew on.

TAKEN - 7/10

Fun, intense, and f!@#ing adrenaline fueled, Taken features a new badass to throw on the Mt. Rushmore of kickassery, much in the vain of Charles Bronson or a film like Breakdown, but nothing much beyond that. A fun 99 minutes, but if you want something more, skip it. That said, I loved this film, so for 7 bucks, it's completely worth the money. Check it out!

Sorry for the short review, there's not much here, but I would love to hear what you all have to say about it!

Go see something good!

Friday, January 30, 2009

PLAYLIST: Bring On The Love...

So, it's almost Feburary, the month of love. Valentines day is about 2 weeks away, and it's also the begining of a new month. This means that it's about time for me to bring you 10 songs that should be making their way to your iPod as soon as possible. Enjoy!

1. BON IVER - Skinny Love...


2. THE KOOKS - Ooh La

3. THE COOL KIDS - I Got Colors (Feat. Que B.I.L.L.A.H.)


4. LYKKE LI - Dance, Dance, Dance


5. THE BIRD AND THE BEE - Again and Again

6. TAKKA TAKKA - Silence



8. RADIOHEAD - Exit Music (For A Film)


10. ARCADE FIRE - Neon Bible/Wake Up (La Blogotheque Version)


Go see something good!

NEWS: Update on Tales Of The Black Freighter/Under the Hood...

Warner Brothers has just released details on their hotly anticipated animated adaptation of the comic-within-a-comic from Watchmen, called Tales Of The Black Freighter. The DVD/Blu-Ray will also come with another film, an adaptation of another book-within-the-comic, Under The Hood, an expose on the masked adventurers, known as The Minute Men. Check out the cover, along with a fact sheet and some screenshots below!

Here's a synopsis from the studio...

“Theyre in the book. And on this disc. From the director of Watchmen and 300 come two tales from the celebrated graphic novel that do not appear in the extraordinary Watchmen Theatrical Feature. Tales of the Black Freighter (featuring the voice of 300s Gerard Butler) brings to strikingly animated life the novels richly layered story-within-a-story, a daring pirate saga whose turbulent events may mirror those in the Watchmens world. Stars from the Watchmen movie team in the amazing live-action/CGI Under the Hood, based on Nite Owls powerful first-hand account of how the hooded adventurers came into existence. Two fan-essential stories. One place to watch the excitement. Watching the Watchmen begins here.”

Pick this up when it hits stores March 24th...

Go see something good!

VIDEO: Transporter Audi Superbowl Commercial...

Jason Statham + Cars + Three different Eras = Enough said...

Go see something good!

MUSIC: Coolest. Video. Ever....

New music video for Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie, and it's amazing...

Go see something good!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

NEWS ROUNDUP - 1/29/09...

Hello faithful readers! Today is a pretty busy day for yours truly, so I have decided to round up all of the major headlines for you to dig through...

- Bloody Disgusting has CONFIRMED that a sequel to the much maligned Ghost Rider adaptation IS being pitched around. Columbia Pictures is in the hunt for screenwriters, as Nick Cage has signed back on to take the bike once more...

- 20th Century Fox will be co-financing the upcoming third Narnia film, Voyage of The Dawn Treader. The series has been a monetary flop for main studio, Disney, and early talks were saying that the series was dead in the water. However, it looks to be back up, so Narnia fans can rejoice...

- A story I reported yesterday has come back false. It looks like Mickey Rourke will NOT be making a major appearance at Wrestlemania. For those of you who care...

- Slumdog Millionaire scribe, Simon Beaufoy, will be rewriting the Amy Adams starring rom-com, Leap Year....

- Adam Sandler will be making an appearance in the upcoming superhero flick, The Green Hornet, which is still searching for a director...

- Finally, Ron Moore is writing a new treatment based on the short story, "Who Goes There", which just so happens to be the basis for John Carpenters, The Thing...

Come back later for more news, notes, and a review of Revolutionary Road, and hopefully Taken...

Go see something good!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

TOP 10: Biggest Oscar Blunders...

In honor of the complete mess that is known as The Academy Award's, I've decided to come up with my list of the top 10 Blunders made by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences...

10. 2001 - Best Foreign Language Film - No Man's Land beats out Amelie
9. 1996 - Best Picture - The English Patient beats out Fargo
8. 2006 - Best Picture - The Departed beats out Babel
7. 2001 - Best Director - Ron Howard (Beautiful Mind) beats out David Lynch (Mulholland Drive)
6. 1999 - Best Director - Sam Mendes (American Beauty) beats out Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich)
5. 1990 - Best Picture - Dances With Wolves beats Goodfellas
4. 2002 - Best Actor In A Leading Role - Adrian Brody beats Daniel Day-Lewis for Gangs of New York
3. 1976 - Best Picture - Rocky beats All The Presidents Men, Taxi Driver, and Network
2. 2004 - Best Animated Feature - Finding Nemo beats out The Tripletts of Belleville
1. 1994 - Best Picture - Pulp Fiction loses to Forrest Gump

What are some of your biggest dissapointments?

Go see something good!

POSTER: Watchmen...

It looks like the court case has taken most of the creativity out of the brilliant people behind the Watchmen marketing. Here is the new poster, and I must say, while it looks cool, compared to everything else, not so much...

Come back later for more news and notes...

Go see something good!

FORUM: Big Oscar Snubs...

Now a week after the nominees for the years big set of awards were announced, the blogosphere is getting hyphy over a few, big time snubs (honestly though, it's the Academy, so what's new). However, I have my own problems with the nominations, and would love to get into those here.

1) Chris Nolan and Darren Aronofsky NOT getting Best Director nods.

Both on the opposite ends of the visual spectrum, both excell given the material, and not only that, but up the material into what can be considered two of the best films of '08. Aronofsky takes his MTV style editing from Pi and Requiem, and his visual flare from The Fountain, and tosses those to the side for a very cinema verite style, you are there feel, for the Wrestler, a dark and personal tale of a man addicted.

Chris Nolan however, takes the comic book genre to a whole 'nother level. The scope is epic, the tale is dark, and the performances, particularly in the supporting cast are award worthy, all thanks to this auetur and his skill. Sure, the film may have some flaws, but in no way are they connected to his direction. It's simply brilliant

2) Wall-E NOT getting a Best Picture Nod...

Alright, while I don't agree with the idea of Wall-E getting a best picture nomination, it's for the reason why I put it on here. Since the creation of the ghetto category known as Best Animated Feature, NO animated films have been nominated for Best Picture. The only one to ever do that before hand was Beauty and The Beast, so there has been some time. There is no excuse why the highest critically rated film of the year, by Rottentomatoes, is not up for Best Picture.

3) The Boss NOT getting a Best Original Song nomination...

Really now, I'm not going to get into this, because I may blow up a building, but see the Wrestler, and then tell me that song isn't the most powerful piece of music in the world.

4) The Dark Knight score NOT getting a Best Original Score nomination...

This really reminds me of last year's ridiculous discualifcation of There Will Be Bloods minimilast, almost Kubrickian score done by Johnny Greenwood, and it has me just as angry. Why So Serious may be the single best track from any score this year, and the way the film worked along side the razor blade score is completely award worthy

5) Wanted having the same amount of nominations as The Wrestler...

Thanks Academy!

What do YOU feel are some big snubs?

Go see something good!

NEWS: Mickey At Wresltemania???

Alright, as I stated in my review of The Wrestler (one hell of a piece of writing if I do say so myself), I stated that I'm a closet wrestling fan. Therefore, this news is quite stellar to me. Thanks to Yahoo! Movies for the reinforcement of what I thought was simply a rumor started up by Mickey Rourke...

Listen up wrestlin' fans: actor Mickey Rourke says he's ready to rumble with WWE superstar Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 25 in Reliant Stadium on April 5.

Rourke portrays professional wrestler Randy the Ram in the acclaimed movie " The Wrestler ."

He's signed to wrestle Jericho, for real.

He made a surprise announcement Sunday night on the red carpet before the Screen Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles.

He said he was pleased by the acceptance of the movie by all the WWE wrestlers — except Jericho.

Then Rourke said he was going to toss Jericho "around the ring like tossed salad."

Meanwhile, Jericho, appearing on WWE television, said, Rourke was out of line and that he was offended by Rourke's comments. He said Rourke made "a mistake."

Stay tuned.

Most of you may be saying, what the hell is Rourke doing. He's an actor, not an athlete. I say ha to you all. Rourke, while he was in the toilet, he began training as a boxer, and even participated in a couple of bouts. He's got the chops, and I couldn't be more excited as a wrestling fan. WWE has been known to go over the top for their tent pole pay per view, Wrestlemania, and this isn't out of there wheelhouse. More on this as it comes.

Go see something good!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CLIP: 500 Days of Summer...

So, today has been a rather fun news day, and this is perfect to finish it off.

Collider has posted a new clip from Sundance smash, 500 Days of Summer, and it's rather hilarious. Here's the set up from Cinematical...

Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character works with Zooey Deschanel's character, and they've just started to get to know each other a little better around the office. Weinberg's favorite line is spoken by Deschanel and it's the last thing you'll hear in this clip.

Early reviews out of Sundance have been over the moon for this little Rom-com, and we will all get to see what the buzz is about on July 24th...

Go see something good!

TRAILER: Indiana Jones and The Staff Of Kings

/Film, in all of their brilliance, has posted up the first trailer for the upcoming Indiana Jones videogame, Indiana Jones and The Staff of Kings, and I must say, it's quite gorgeous. I just wish the people behind this game did the visuals for Indy 4. What do you all think? Is this something you will pick up when it hits later this year for the Wii, PSP and Nintendo DS?

Go see something good!

NEWS/MUSIC: Watchmen Vinyl...

Hey faithful readers! As I am sitting here watching Fringe (as you all should be as well), I have had the chance to find this little diddy.

This is the new Watchmen limited edition 12" Soundtrack single. Side A features a cover of Bob Dylan's "Desolation Row" by My Chemical Romance, which can be downloaded via iTunes HERE.

The B-side, seen above, is the instrumental track “Prison Fight” by Tyler Bates from the film.

This rather sweet looking piece of memorabilia can be purchased at

Come back later for more news and notes...

Go see something good!

NEWS: LaBute Gets A Two Picture Deal With Screen Gems...

Hello all! Now, I know many of you may not be familiar with the name, Neil LaBute, however, I sure hope you are familiar with his films, at least a couple of them.

The guy is best known for his harsh dramas such as In The Company of Men, and Your Friends and Neighbors, along with wider seen films, such as the remake of The Wicker Man, and the comedy, Nurse Betty. While I think the first two films may be his best, most recently, the very gifted director helmed the Samuel L. Jackson starrer, Lakeview Terrace. It looks like the studio that released that film wants to keep him under contracted, as Screen Gems has now signed him up for a two picture deal. Thanks to for the info!

Helmer Neil LaBute has signed a two-picture deal with Screen Gems, reports Variety. The first project will reteam the director with his Nurse Betty star Chris Rock for a remake of 2007 British comedy Death at a Funeral.

LaBute, who most recently directed the Samuel L. Jackson starrer Lakeview Terrace for the genre label, has also signed on to helm the romantic comedy Here Comes the Sun for Screen Gems.

The American-set Death at a Funeral, which was written by Rock and Aeysha Carr, revolves around a dysfunctional family that gathers for the patriarch's funeral. Tensions rise and old conflicts are uncovered.

Nina Coleman wrote Here Comes the Sun, whose plot details are being kept under wraps.

I have really mixed feelings about this news. For one, I'm glad to see him get work, and I actually think, as much as I like the rather new film, Death At A Funeral, I think it's right up his alley. He's arguably the master of dysfunction, and this could really work. However, I wish he would stay out of comedies. Nurse Betty isn't very good at all, and I just personally wish he would stick to smaller, more intimate, and more emotionally abusive films that he is without a doubt the master of.

What do you guys think??

Go see something good!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

REVIEW: The Wrestler...

I am a closet wrestling fan. Sorry if I have just lost all credibility, but I just really enjoy watching wrestling. I have since I was born, and it's just something I enjoy. I am also probably the biggest Darren Aronofsky fan on this planet. From Pi to The Fountain, I think that there may not be any director working today that can challenge the viewer more than Mr. Aronofsky. When you add those two things together, you have one film that I will be in line to see. However, did it live up to those high expectations?

This new drama is set around the life of an aging professional wrestler, decades past his prime, who now barely gets by working small wrestling shows and as a grocery store employee. As his health begins to fade, so is his career, and personal life. He struggles to lead a new life while attempting to reconcile with the daughter that he had abandoned in childhood, and trying to make a new relationship with a stripper he is falling for, all while working towards a rematch with his longtime nemesis, The Ayatollah, which may bring him back to the top.

The Wrestler has been long talked as the "resurrection of Mickey Rourke", and that may be the biggest understatement of the century. He embodies this character not only as a performance, but he gives a sense of reality, that this entire film needs, and successfully attains. The character he portrays weirdly resembles the career trajectory of this much talented actor, who for about a decade, fell off the wagon. Fellow performers Marisa Tomei and Evan Rachel Wood are equally as stellar, and really hold the film as the only other true characters the film looks at.

Tomei plays the stripper that The Ram falls for, and she is sort of in the same boat in life. She is in a profession that is hard to be taken seriously in, stripping, as is wrestling, and also has had a tough life. The only difference between the two characters is that Tomei's character, Pam, has a son who still truly loves her. She is able to get out of the stage persona she has, and go back into the real world. However, the same can not be said for Mickey's character, Randy.

He abandoned his daughter, played by Evan Rachel Wood, when she was a child, and has had a rocky relationship ever since. She gives just the right about of vulnerability, and you really feel for her.

However, the real surprise of this film is the film making from Aronofsky. Coming off of the Fountain, the first thought that ran threw my mind when I first heard of the film about a year or two ago, was that it was his return to the snory cam and quick editing. I could not have been more wrong. The Wrestler really has a cinema verite style feel to it, and it works for this emotionally draining film. It's got a very gritty and grainy feel to it, and it doesn't shy away from equalling that grit in what is going on in the frame. The Wrestling scenes were handled brilliantly, and so were the dialogue scenes, and particularly two scenes, in a grocery store, and in what looked to be a Dollar General type store, both of which were the only true scenes of hope in this rather dark film.

More so than wrestling, this film seemed to allow Aronofsky to get back to what he has dealt with in Requiem for A Dream, and in a sense, Pi, and that is addiction. This film is almost like watching someone get joy from getting high off of heroin in a way. Wrestling is his heroin. Even though he has gotten joy from not doing this, and even though he knows it's not good for him, and will ultimately kill him, the world has no real place for him, and he knows this. He needs the quick fix, the quick second of happiness, even if it not only ruins his health, but in one of the most powerful scenes, even if it ruins his life in general.

The ending to this film is also one of the most interesting I've gotten a chance to see in a long time, yet, I don't want to spoil anything, so if you have seen this film, please, leave your thoughts in the comment section. It's one that will stick with me for days to come.

There's one scene that really bugged me (Tomei making a sort of heavy handed Christ reference, as much as one can be made), but it's so pointless, that I won't waste my time. This is easily one of the five best films I have seen from '08, and that leads me to a little rant. There is NO WAY that Slumdog Millionaire is better than this film. Sure, Slumdog is possibly more fun, but everything about The Wrestler just works better. Also, Slumdog tried so hard for the story to stick with the viewer, yet, today, I can honestly say that there will be parts of The Wrestler that I will not forget for a long time. It's just a better film, and one that everyone needs to see. Please, make this the next one you see in theatres.


Aronofsky's return to the megaplex, is one that will not be forgotten by the viewer. A tough watch it may be, but one that should be seen by everyone. Mickey Rourke, welcome back, Mr. Oscar will be here to see you on the 22nd.

Go see something good!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

REVIEW: My Bloody Valentine 3D...

I love 3D films. The last one that I had a chance to see was Beowulf from 2007. It was a fun film, not brilliant, but a ton of fun. Now there is My Bloody Valentine, the newest release from the studio Saw made famous, Lionsgate, and boy is it one hell of a good time.

My Bloody Valentine is a film about Tom Hanniger, who returns to his hometown on the tenth anniversary of the Valentine's night massacre that claimed the lives of 22 people. Instead of a homecoming, however, Tom finds himself the key suspect of a recent wave of copy-cat murders, and it seems like his old flame may be the only one who thinks that he is innocent.

Let me get this out of the way. 3D can make 99.9% of bad films watchable. There is just something fun about going out to a movie with a group of friends, throwing on those goofy glasses, and just getting lost in the spectacle, or laughing at the hilarity that may ensue. Beowulf had a great visual style to it, and MBV was just a really fun film.

The gore of this film may be the true star of this flick. It's so over the top, that instead of being creepy like say Halloween, that used no gore (the original), it put it over into the "turn your head away" area, and add in some 3D blood spatter and pick axes flying your way, it was just a lot of fun. There are a good amount of kills, and while you do see how the people in the opening die, the gore that you see in the corpses just lets you know that this will be a balls-splattered-on-the-wall gorno film, and while I hate, hate, hate torture porn, this was done with such a tongue in cheek feel, that it kinda worked. It's not like Saw where you feel that the filmmaker is trying to send a message with the kills, this film just wears it's campiness on it's sleeve.

However, the thing that really surprised me was the attempt at being a visually solid film. While it's not, at all, there are a couple of shots in this film, particularly a couple of establishment shots that were surprising. Also, with the 3D, there is an added sense of depth, that allows for a lot more movement and things in the frame, and it's taken to full effect, only a few times, during MBV.

Oh, and a girl running from a murder naked for 5 minutes and a midget dying (rather inventively), are worth the price of admission alone.

That said, there are a TON of problems with this film.

First, this film looks like a really bad student film if the students came from a college of all quadriplegic blind kids. It's just really hacky and not only is it not visually fun to look at, but, as with all 3D films, the gimmick kind of wore thin a little bit. Also, the score seemed to be a little heavy handed.

HOWEVER, the biggest problem with this thing happens to be the most important part, the acting. It had the level of melodrama that could rival telenovelas. The script was insanely schlocky, and the acting, as valiant an effort as they may have given, is horrible. Sure, it's a horror film, but it's not a bad thing to have good acting in horror films. Not ALL horror films have to be horrible acted (thank you Descent).

If you need a movie to go see with some friends, and you've seen all of the Oscar films, there may not be a better film to go check out. It's not good, not at all, but it is fun, and in a season, or month, where we have emotionally depressing films like Revolutionary Road, The Wrestler, Benji Button, and Rachel Getting Married, there must be something said for a straight up fun film, which this one is.


Come back later for more news and notes, along with a review of The Wrestler and Revolutionary Road (hopefully sometime within the next couple of days).

Go see something good!

Friday, January 23, 2009

POSTERS: A Cornucopia of Love...

So, in a rather lackluster news day (as could be expected for Oscar Nomination day), there actually is a bit of news to let you all know about. However, they all happen to be posters, so, get ready for one hell of a feast for your eyes.

Friday The 13th

I actually really like this poster a lot. It's minimalist, it's eye catching, and it's just a lot of fun. It's been getting lackluster responses, particularly from The Movie Blog, but I just really really like this poster a lot. It's one that I would like to have in my room, for whatever that can be taken for.


Really nothing great, but it's a weird story to try and market, so with what they have, it's a rather solid poster. I'm just already as excited for this film as I possibly could be, so there is nothing that could help or hinder that.

Street Fighter: Legend Of Chun Li

Floating heads for a Street Fighter film. The first poster sucked, and this one does, just less hard.

What do you all think of these posters? Is ANYONE excited about Street Fighter, outside of the fact that we will see hot Asian girls fight it out?

Come back later for more news and notes...

Go see something good!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

NEWS: One Year Later...

R.I.P. Gone far too soon.

Go see something good...

NEWS: Oscar Nominations...

So, today is the 22nd, and it also happens to be Oscar Nomination day! Check them out below...

Performance by an actor in a leading role

* Richard Jenkins in “The Visitor” (Overture Films)
* Frank Langella in “Frost/Nixon” (Universal)
* Sean Penn in “Milk” (Focus Features)
* Brad Pitt in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.)
* Mickey Rourke in “The Wrestler” (Fox Searchlight)

Performance by an actor in a supporting role

* Josh Brolin in “Milk” (Focus Features)
* Robert Downey Jr. in “Tropic Thunder” (DreamWorks, Distributed by DreamWorks/Paramount)
* Philip Seymour Hoffman in “Doubt” (Miramax)
* Heath Ledger in “The Dark Knight” (Warner Bros.)
* Michael Shannon in “Revolutionary Road” (DreamWorks, Distributed by Paramount Vantage)

Performance by an actress in a leading role

* Anne Hathaway in “Rachel Getting Married” (Sony Pictures Classics)
* Angelina Jolie in “Changeling” (Universal)
* Melissa Leo in “Frozen River” (Sony Pictures Classics)
* Meryl Streep in “Doubt” (Miramax)
* Kate Winslet in “The Reader” (The Weinstein Company)

Performance by an actress in a supporting role

* Amy Adams in “Doubt” (Miramax)
* Penélope Cruz in “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” (The Weinstein Company)
* Viola Davis in “Doubt” (Miramax)
* Taraji P. Henson in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.)
* Marisa Tomei in “The Wrestler” (Fox Searchlight)

Best animated feature film of the year

* “Bolt” (Walt Disney), Chris Williams and Byron Howard
* “Kung Fu Panda” (DreamWorks Animation, Distributed by Paramount), John Stevenson and Mark Osborne
* “WALL-E” (Walt Disney), Andrew Stanton

Achievement in art direction

* “Changeling” (Universal), Art Direction: James J. Murakami, Set Decoration: Gary Fettis
* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.), Art Direction: Donald Graham Burt, Set Decoration: Victor J. Zolfo
* “The Dark Knight” (Warner Bros.), Art Direction: Nathan Crowley, Set Decoration: Peter Lando
* “The Duchess” (Paramount Vantage, Pathé and BBC Films), Art Direction: Michael Carlin, Set Decoration: Rebecca Alleway
* “Revolutionary Road” (DreamWorks, Distributed by Paramount Vantage), Art Direction: Kristi Zea, Set Decoration: Debra Schutt

Achievement in cinematography

* “Changeling” (Universal), Tom Stern
* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.), Claudio Miranda
* “The Dark Knight” (Warner Bros.), Wally Pfister
* “The Reader” (The Weinstein Company), Chris Menges and Roger Deakins
* “Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight), Anthony Dod Mantle

Achievement in costume design

* “Australia” (20th Century Fox), Catherine Martin
* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.), Jacqueline West
* “The Duchess” (Paramount Vantage, Pathé and BBC Films), Michael O’Connor
* “Milk” (Focus Features), Danny Glicker
* “Revolutionary Road” (DreamWorks, Distributed by Paramount Vantage), Albert Wolsky

Achievement in directing

* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.), David Fincher
* “Frost/Nixon” (Universal), Ron Howard
* “Milk” (Focus Features), Gus Van Sant
* “The Reader” (The Weinstein Company), Stephen Daldry
* “Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight), Danny Boyle

Best documentary feature

* “The Betrayal (Nerakhoon)” (Cinema Guild), A Pandinlao Films Production, Ellen Kuras and Thavisouk Phrasavath
* “Encounters at the End of the World” (THINKFilm and Image Entertainment), A Creative Differences Production, Werner Herzog and Henry Kaiser
* “The Garden” A Black Valley Films Production, Scott Hamilton Kennedy
* “Man on Wire” (Magnolia Pictures), A Wall to Wall Production, James Marsh and Simon Chinn
* “Trouble the Water” (Zeitgeist Films), An Elsewhere Films Production, Tia Lessin and Carl Deal

Best documentary short subject

* “The Conscience of Nhem En” A Farallon Films Production, Steven Okazaki
* “The Final Inch” A Vermilion Films Production, Irene Taylor Brodsky and Tom Grant
* “Smile Pinki” A Principe Production, Megan Mylan
* “The Witness - From the Balcony of Room 306” A Rock Paper Scissors Production, Adam Pertofsky and Margaret Hyde

Achievement in film editing

* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.), Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall
* “The Dark Knight” (Warner Bros.), Lee Smith
* “Frost/Nixon” (Universal), Mike Hill and Dan Hanley
* “Milk” (Focus Features), Elliot Graham
* “Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight), Chris Dickens

Best foreign language film of the year

* “The Baader Meinhof Complex” A Constantin Film Production, Germany
* “The Class” (Sony Pictures Classics), A Haut et Court Production, France
* “Departures” (Regent Releasing), A Departures Film Partners Production, Japan
* “Revanche” (Janus Films), A Prisma Film/Fernseh Production, Austria
* “Waltz with Bashir” (Sony Pictures Classics), A Bridgit Folman Film Gang Production, Israel

Achievement in makeup

* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.), Greg Cannom
* “The Dark Knight” (Warner Bros.), John Caglione, Jr. and Conor O’Sullivan
* “Hellboy II: The Golden Army” (Universal), Mike Elizalde and Thom Floutz

Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score)

* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.),Alexandre Desplat
* “Defiance” (Paramount Vantage), James Newton Howard
* “Milk” (Focus Features), Danny Elfman
* “Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight), A.R. Rahman
* “WALL-E” (Walt Disney), Thomas Newman

Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song)

* “Down to Earth” from “WALL-E” (Walt Disney), Music by Peter Gabriel and Thomas Newman, Lyric by Peter Gabriel
* “Jai Ho” from “Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight), Music by A.R. Rahman, Lyric by Gulzar
* “O Saya” from “Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight), Music and Lyric by A.R. Rahman andMaya Arulpragasam

Best motion picture of the year

* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.), A Kennedy/Marshall Production, Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Marshall and Ceán Chaffin, Producers
* “Frost/Nixon” (Universal), A Universal Pictures, Imagine Entertainment and Working Title Production,Brian Grazer, Ron Howard and Eric Fellner, Producers
* “Milk” (Focus Features), A Groundswell and Jinks/Cohen Company Production, Dan Jinks and Bruce Cohen, Producers
* “The Reader” (The Weinstein Company), A Mirage Enterprises and Neunte Babelsberg Film GmbH Production, Nominees to be determined
* “Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight), A Celador Films Production,Christian Colson, Producer

Best animated short film

* “La Maison en Petits Cubes” A Robot Communications Production, Kunio Kato
* “Lavatory - Lovestory” A Melnitsa Animation Studio and CTB Film Company Production, Konstantin Bronzit
* “Oktapodi” (Talantis Films) A Gobelins, L’école de l’image Production, Emud Mokhberi and Thierry Marchand
* “Presto” (Walt Disney) A Pixar Animation Studios Production, Doug Sweetland
* “This Way Up”, A Nexus Production, Alan Smith and Adam Foulkes

Best live action short film

* “Auf der Strecke (On the Line)” (Hamburg Shortfilmagency), An Academy of Media Arts Cologne Production, Reto Caffi
* “Manon on the Asphalt” (La Luna Productions), A La Luna Production, Elizabeth Marre and Olivier Pont
* “New Boy” (Network Ireland Television), A Zanzibar Films Production, Steph Green and Tamara Anghie
* “The Pig” An M & M Production, Tivi Magnusson and Dorte Høgh
* “Spielzeugland (Toyland)” A Mephisto Film Production, Jochen Alexander Freydank

Achievement in sound editing

* “The Dark Knight” (Warner Bros.), Richard King
* “Iron Man” (Paramount and Marvel Entertainment), Frank Eulner and Christopher Boyes
* “Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight), Tom Sayers
* “WALL-E” (Walt Disney), Ben Burtt and Matthew Wood
* “Wanted” (Universal),Wylie Stateman

Achievement in sound mixing

* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.), David Parker, Michael Semanick, Ren Klyce and Mark Weingarten
* “The Dark Knight” (Warner Bros.), Lora Hirschberg, Gary Rizzo and Ed Novick
* “Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight), Ian Tapp, Richard Pryke and Resul Pookutty
* “WALL-E” (Walt Disney),Tom Myers, Michael Semanick and Ben Burtt
* “Wanted” (Universal), Chris Jenkins, Frank A. Montaño and Petr Forejt

Achievement in visual effects

* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.), Eric Barba, Steve Preeg, Burt Dalton and Craig Barron
* “The Dark Knight” (Warner Bros.), Nick Davis, Chris Corbould, Tim Webber and Paul Franklin
* “Iron Man” (Paramount and Marvel Entertainment), John Nelson, Ben Snow, Dan Sudick and Shane Mahan

Adapted screenplay

* “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” (Paramount and Warner Bros.), Screenplay by Eric Roth, Screen story by Eric Roth and Robin Swicord
* “Doubt” (Miramax), Written by John Patrick Shanley
* “Frost/Nixon” (Universal), Screenplay by Peter Morgan
* “The Reader” (The Weinstein Company), Screenplay by David Hare
* “Slumdog Millionaire” (Fox Searchlight), Screenplay by Simon Beaufoy

Original screenplay

* “Frozen River” (Sony Pictures Classics), Written by Courtney Hunt
* “Happy-Go-Lucky” (Miramax), Written by Mike Leigh
* “In Bruges” (Focus Features), Written by Martin McDonagh
* “Milk” (Focus Features), Written by Dustin Lance Black
* “WALL-E” (Walt Disney), Screenplay by Andrew Stanton, Jim Reardon, Original story by Andrew Stanton, Pete Docter

What do you all think? Who will win? Who should win? Why the hell isn't Bruce Springsteen nominated?

Come back later for more news, notes, opinions, and my Oscar predictions...

Go see something good!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

VIDEO: 10 Years Of Dr. Manhattan...

Come back later for more news, notes, and my thoughts on tomorrows Oscar nominations...

Go see something good!

MUSIC: Summer Slumber Party...

Hello all. Now, I don't normally talk about websites per se, but I just got a chance to talk to the guys behind Summer Slumber Party, and they are really two of the coolest guys I've had a chance to talk to, so I thought I would give them some pub over here.

Summer Slumber Party is a website dedicated to getting the names of indie artists out into the public. Lots of music, films, and other forms of art and media get thrown at each of us everyday, and this site is meant to be a sort of filter that sifts through everything, and gives us the goods. It's from Dan Gibson and Terry Rayment, and it's kind of like, or even, but just on a smaller scale, and more varied.

Check out the website HERE

I'll get back to movie news later today. I have an article or two to write, so give me a little bit of time...

Go see something good!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

VIDEO: Get The Kleenex...

I'm happy to say, that for once in my life, I'm proud to be an American. But now it's time for the work to get done. The world, or at least our world, will never be the same...

Go see something good!

I Believe in Barack Obama...

Monday, January 19, 2009

NEWS: What the Watchmen Settlement Cost...

So, earlier in the week, to much much hoopla and applause, Fox and WB found it in their greedy, gold laden hearts to come to an agreement on the much anticipated adaptation of the famous graphic novel, Watchmen.

However, not much was mentioned about the finances behind the said agreement. That was until now. Thanks to /Film AGAIN for the heads up...

According to Variety’s sources, Fox will receive an upfront payment totaling between $5 and $10 million, which will cover $1.4 million that the studio invested in development fees, plus millions of dollars in legal fees.

As already mentioned, Fox will not be distributing the film, but under the terms of the settlement, will get gross participation of between 5% and 8.5% depending on the film’s worldwide revenues.

The Hollywood Reporter, our source for the original settlement story, incorrectly reported that Fox would not be entitled to any rights for Watchmen spinoffs and sequels (they have since corrected the error). Fox will, in fact, participate as a gross player in any future Watchmen-related properties, although Snyder has already denied that he will participate in a prequel/sequel.

Allegedly, other options for the settlement were discussed recently, according to Variety’s sources. These included moving WB’s Terminator Salvation release date from May 22nd, to avoid competing with Fox’s Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian. The studios have denied that these scenarios were ever evaluated.

That all sounds about right. Really though, the only thing that matters, is that we WILL be seeing this film come March 6th. That's all I care about...

Come back later for more news and notes...

Go see something good!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

VIDEO: La Blogotheque Show Episode 1...

Thanks to Current TV for this amazing video. It's the first episode in their series of Take Away Shows shot in conjunction with French web darling, La Blogotheque. This one features personal faves of mine, Fleet Foxes and Emily Jane White, along with Quasi. Check it out below...

Here's the offical "synopsis" from CurrentTV...

Current TV presents La Blogotheque. In an exclusive partnership with the French phenomenon, Current TV brings you a series of exclusive Take Away Shows featuring your favorite indie artists performing in odd venues. In this first episode, Fleet Foxes give an acoustic performance in an abandoned gymnasium, Emily Jane White serenades us at the Sutro Bath ruins, and Quasi sings in a bookstore. Co-founder, Chryde discusses his love of the take-away shows and discovering great locations. The Kooks' Hugh Harris recalls their take-away show and shares his thoughts on the experience. Plus, get a peak at other virals from La Blogotheque's site.

This doesn't have much to do with filmmaking, but ALL of the performances are shot in one take, so it is something insanely unique and really fun to watch. Plus the music is amazing, so you can't go wrong.

Come back later for more news and notes...

Go see something good!

MUSIC: Why I Love SNL...

Two things that any great band needs. 1) A critically acclaimed album. 2) An appearence on SNL. For Seatlle based harmonizers, Fleet Foxes, you can check those off.

Recently, music critics over at Pitchfork named their EP, Sun Giant, and their debut record, Fleet Foxes, as the co-number one records of 2008. So that's a done deal.

Then there was tonights rather dissapointing episode of SNL. Outside of a really funny Gitmo skit, the real stars of the night, Fleet Foxes. Check out the bands special "take away show" performance of Sun Giant and Blue Ridge Mountain below...

Fleet Foxes - A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Check out the "Take Away Show" website here or at

The Take away shows are la Blogotheque’s first video podcasts.

Every week, we invite an artist or a band to play in the streets, in a bar, a park, or even in a flat or in an elevator, and we film the whole session. Of course, what makes the beauty of it is all the little incidents, hesitations, and crazy stuff happening unexpectingly. Besides, we do not edit the videos so they look perfectly flawless, instead we keep the raw sound of the surroundings. Our goal is to try and capture instants, film the music just like it happens, without preparation, without tricks. Spontaneity is the keyword.

The Take away shows exist since April 2006. There was Chryde, who wanted to shake things up and find another way to share music, and there was Vincent Moon, who wanted to film music differently. Chryde offered Moon to go and film musicians in the city, Moon seized the idea and glorified it. Since then, other directors across the world joined this project, and we plan to extend it worldwide.

Pretty awesome eh? If you like the band, check out White Winter Hymnal HERE for free download...

Go see something good!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

TRAILER: 500 Days Of Summer...

I hadn't really heard much about this small little film, outside of the cast. It stars indie darlings (and two of my favorite actors working today), Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel, in what sounds like a really fun film.

“This post modern love story is never what we expect it to be — it’s thorny yet exhilarating, funny and sad, a twisted journey of highs and lows that doesn’t quite go where we think it will. When Tom, a hapless greeting card copywriter and hopeless romantic, is blindsided after his girlfriend Summer dumps him, he shifts back and forth through various periods of their 500 days “together” to try to figure out where things went wrong. His reflections ultimately lead him to finally rediscover his true passions in life.”

Early reviews, particularly one from FirstShowing, have been more than positive. Not only have people said that this may be one of the best films of '09, but it's a Fox Searchlight film, and ANYTHING that that studio touches, turns to an independent shade of gold. From Juno to Slumdog, there may not be a more critically beloved studio (besides Pixar) working. While I'm not over the moon about those two films, especially Juno, this film looks like it is right in my wheelhouse...

What do you all think? If this is a film that has caught your eye, two more clips are available at this link (Thanks /FILM!!).

Come back later for more news and notes...

Go see something good!

NEWS: Iron Man 2, Karate Kid, and a Joaquin Phoenix Doc?

Hello all! It has been a mighty long week, mainly filled with rumors swirling out of Park City, Utah, the site of Sundance, yet, there have been quite a few bits of news that I have neglected to mention. However, all shall be forgotten, as here are your news headlines...

- Jackie Chan will be Mr. Miyagi in the upcoming remake of The Karate Kid...

- The Devil Wears Prada co-star, Emily Blunt, is in talks to play Black Widow in Iron Man 2...

- It looks like Casey Affleck may be in talks, or at least in the thought process, of doing a documentary on Joaquin Phoenix, and his attempt at his new career, rapping. He IS married to Joaquin's sister, Summer, so this is really no suprise...

- Terry Gilliam is currently in the process of starting up production on The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, a film that he has been trying to get off of the ground for a while, and is the basis of his documentary, Lost in La Mancha...

- Keannu Reeves WILL be staring as Spike in the upcoming adaptation of Cowboy Beebop...

- Finally, Juno scribe Diablo Cody is working on a new re-working of The Taming of The Shrew...

Come back later for more news and notes!

Go see something good!

Friday, January 16, 2009

NEWS: Wolverine Reshoots Are A Go...

It looks like all may not be good in Fox land. Wolverine really hasn't had the best production process, and it looks like it may have hit a head today. It looks like Fox Studios will be having Wolverine director, Gavin Hood, best known for helming the award winning foreign film, Tsotsi, go through "extensive" reshoots.

Sources have informed us that Fox is conducting extensive re-shoots for "X-Men Origins: Wolverine", some or all of those re-shoots in Vancouver. And by "extensive" we're not talking about a few days of pick-ups. More curious was the studio considered bringing in a few journalists to cover these re-shoots. Now usually re-shoots such as this are done quietly. Studios don't want you to know they done fucked up and can't get their shit together in the editing room.

As for the production, everyone (and by "everyone", I mean the world of online film journalists) knows that Gavin Hood was not getting to make the movie he wanted while on set. There have been reports of Fox basically going around Hood and micro-managing like they always do. Example: some sets were re-painted because it's what the execs wanted, not what Hood wanted.

I really have mixed feelings about this information. On one hand, I'm weirdly excited. I loved Tsotsi, and I think that X-Men fans may still be feeling the effects from X3, and NOT having a talented person behind the camera. X1 and 2 are two of the best superhero/comic book films ever, and it's mainly due to the skill of then director Bryan Singer. Brett Ratner got behind X3, and hacked it up like a hack does.

However, I still feel really sad. Check out the list of major 20th Century Fox releases from '08...

27 Dresses

Meet the Spartans


Nim's Island

What Happens in Vegas


The Happening

Meet Dave

Space Chimps

The X-File: I Want to Believe

Babylon A.D.

City of Ember

Max Payne


The Day the Earth Stood Still

Marley & Me

Honestly, I don't trust this studio with ANYTHING right now. That's the main reason I'm stoked about the Watchmen settlement. Had Fox gotten their wish, and canned the film, I would have burnt the bitches down. Hearing Richard Donner was on set for some of the time also adds a little fuel to my ever saddening flame. My poor, emo-fied, adimantium flame...

What do you all think? Do you like that they are reshooting stuff?

Go see something good!

MUSIC: Why I Love America's Best Dance Crew...

In my daze of homework late last night, I decided to check out season three of America's Best Dance Crew. It's a guilty pleasure of mine, not only for the great dancers (Quest Crew anyone?), but also for the amazing song selections from the groups. Well, last night was no different when I happened to hear a group named The Boxcuttuhs decide that they were going to dance to Bonafide Lovin' from one of the many awesome dance/hip hop groups out there, Chromeo. They are kind of like Hall and Oates, if Hall and Oates were and Arab/Jewis duo with an affinity for skinny jeans and vocoders. It's an awesome song, and remix of it, two actually, are available for download here at Check out the music video below...

Go see something good!

PHOTOS: Where The Wild Things Are...Kinda...

Hey guys and gals! Since it's offically Sundance time, there really is no news of note, outside of some reviews of films we all probably won't see for a solid year. However, there is this really interesting nugget of info.

Most of you know that I at one point in my life skateboarded. Hell, I was rather good at it as well. So, it should come as no suprise to any of you, that seeing these photos would make me want to hop back on a board. Spike Jonze, director of Where The Wild Things Are, happens to also be the founder of my favorite skate company, Girl Skateboards. Girl is now set to release a series of decks featuring the monsters of Where The Wild Things Are, and boy, do they look AMAZING...

Not really film news, but awesome none the less...

Go see something good!

TRAILER: Crank 2...

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a really weird trailer for the upcoming action fest, Crank 2. Ladened with f-bombs and shots of strippers, it was soon taken down. However, now we have to official trailer, and it looks like a whole lot of fun...

What do YOU think?

Go see something good!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

NEWS: Watchmen Is Settled!!!

You know what, I think I may have to believe in God...

Warner Bros. and Fox have resolved their dispute over Watchmen, with the studios scheduled to present the settlement to Judge Gary Feess on Friday morning and request that the case be dismissed. Terms of the agreement will not be disclosed, but it is said to involve a sizable cash payment to Fox and a percentage of the film’s box office.

So, THAT is settled, now here is the question to you all. Will this film be financially worth all of this hassle? Will it make money, or will it just be a nerdy flash in the pan? Say, a flash in a pan aligned with pocket protectors...

Go see something good!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

VIDEO: Alternate Ending To Pineapple Express...

I LOVE this ending. The guys over at cinematical said it was a bit to bleek, and while that is the case, 10 fold, imagine sitting through PE, and then THIS happening. And the end of the scene is just really really amazing. Enjoy!

What do you think?

Go see something good!

NEWS: Watchmen Update...SPOILERS...

It's the beginning of the year, and with that, comes a storm of bad films. Last week we got The Unborn (which looks good, but is allegedly not), and now this week we get the Citizen Kane-esque masterpiece known as Paul Blart: Mall Cop. However, not all is lost for the first three months of this new year. We have smaller films like Wendy And Lucy coming to GR, and even bigger films like The International, Friday The 13th, and to an extent My Bloody Valentine 3D, to hold us over until the summer season.

There is one film however, that has been in limbo, that may be the most anticipated film of '09. Watchmen has had it's fair share of trouble over the past year or so, yet it seems like it all may come to an end, and we may actually see it when the clock hits 12 on March 6th... Thanks to cinematical for the heads up...

First, let's tackle the Watchmen legal update. The Hollywood Reporter says that the January 20th court date has been canceled, and Warner Bros and Fox are talking about a settlement. It was expected we'd have one by now, since they started over the weekend, but it's apparently "serious" and probably heated too. You'll get your movie on March 6th though. What did we tell you?

So it looks like we all will get a chance to see what Zack Snyder and crew came up with come the beginning of March.

Here's the question though. According to early screenings, particularly the now famous one in Portland, there has been much talk about the ending to the film, compared to the ending of the acclaimed graphic novel. I do not think I reported this when it first came out, so here it is.


According to the reports, the climax of the graphic novel where Veidt releases his squid in New York City, was not in the movie. Instead, Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandias builds a machine that mimics Dr Manhattan’s powers and uses it to set off atomic bomb like explosions in various cities around the world.

What are your thoughts on this new ending? Honestly, if you have read the graphic novel, this shouldn't be a suprise, as to me, the squid would not only be a huge use of cash, but maybe more comical or just goofy than the serious tone in which the film needs to be handled. To me, and Adam Quigley said this on a past episode of the /FilmCast (can't go a day without a plug), that the one thing that can't change is that lots of people die, Veidt is behind it, and he DOESN'T get killed. If Ozy dies, then he's the bad guy in the sense of the word. If he doesn't, you walk out of the theatre wondering if he actually had a point in his actions, and thinking about who the real bad guy was. THAT is what needs to stay...

What do YOU think??

Come back later for more news and notes...

Go see something good!

Why Recasting Characters ISN'T A Bad Thing...

Over the past week, as with many of the past weeks, the news headlines have been primarily about The Dark Knight and what will hopefully be the subsequent sequel. The most recent rumors began last week, when an executive over at Warner Brothers gave us a very cryptic statement about what may happen to the Joker in the said sequel.

This is where this new post comes from. Personally, and historically in many cases, recasting a character is not a bad thing.

The best example of this comes to us in the form of the suave superspy, 007 himself, James Bond. A fictional character written by Ian Flemming, Bond got his start in 1953, and has been rolling around with hot exotic women ever since. On the big screen, there have been 6 seperate Bonds; Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and now, the best, Daniel Craig. While two of these actors had subpar runs, there is one duo of films that I would like to point out.

Lazenby, the second cinematic Bond, began his run in 1969, with On Her Majesty's Secret Service. However, that was also the end of the run, as the film just really didn't work. However, instead of looking for a brand new 007, they simply got the man who Lazenby took over for, Sean Connery. Mr. "Suck it Trebek" then went on to make Diamonds Are Forever, one of my top 3 Bond films, EVER. That said, Connery or the studio decided that is how the partnership should end, and it did, when Roger Moore took over on Live and Let Die.

Then there was Daniel Craig. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and deemed by many Bond purists as the Anti-Christ. Then Casino Royale came out, and everything is forgotten, and is firmly cemented as the best Bond yet, all due to recasting. Same goes for other characters in film series. Take the very series this started with, Batman. Everyone, or at least most people, think that Michael Keaton was a great Bruce Wayne/Batman. Two great films in the can, the studio decides to hand over the reigns to bat nipple boy, Joel Schumacher, and the series takes a hit. Batman Forever stank, Batman and Robin, even worse, but not due to the new actors. Actually, I didn't mind Clooney or Kilmer as the caped crusader (honestly, you beef Clooney up, he'd be a solid pick for him in The Dark Knight Returns, the ONE Batman film I DO want to see now), it came in the execution. However, Christopher Nolan came along, and so did Christian Bale, and so did the two best Batman films in the series, all due to the great cast, and brilliance of direction.

Personally, I think the biggest thing in a recasting is the improvement of acting within the role. The perfect example of this is the recasting of the Rhodes character in Iron Man. For those uninformed, in Iron Man, the neo-sidekick character of Rhodes was played by the solid actor, Terrence Howard. However, Marvel decided that it wasn't a right fit, and have subsequently recasted the role with a BETTER actor, Don Cheadle in the role. That's the one thing that a recasting needs to accomplish.

It's NOT what the recasting of Jacob in Twilight was going to be. Taylor Lautner played the much beloved character from the tween version of porn, and there was much talk around the web and Hollywood as a whole that Summit was in the hunt for a better, or bigger named, actor, as they nearly doubled their budget, ON OPENING WEEKEND. Money grabs like this are completely the wrong way to go about recasting. If the actor in the role currently, isn't better than the one looking at getting the job, then there really is no point.

This brings us back to Batman 3. Two Face is ALLEGEDLY dead, and The Joker is stuck (so we think) within Arkham Asylum. However, the afformentioned executive seems to think differently...

The Dark Knight producer Chuck Roven has claimed that people need to “separate the actors from the role,” in response to a question regarding The Joker and Heath Ledger. When asked by MTV whether the filmmakers would have done anything different had they known Ledger wouldn’t be reprising the role, Roven claimed that the character wasn’t tied to the actor.

“On a personal level, Heath was a friend of mine,” he said at the People’s Choice Awards. “We had worked together before The Dark Knight, but I still think that The Dark Knight is its own thing, and we have to separate them.”

I think, instead of simply rewording my thoughts, here are my thoughts from a recent post about this subject

Me personally, I've been of the thought that ANY role would be recastable, especially this one, for a few reasons. First off, and this may sound a little bad, but I mean it respectfully, Heath wasn't a brilliant actor. He was just hitting his stride however. Early in his career he would be stuck in fluff roles like his character in 10 Things I Hate About You and A Knights Tale, and he didn't completely excel in those roles. Sure, he was brilliant in Brokeback Mountain, I'm Not There, and even his very small role in Monster's Ball, but overall, he just needed more time. THAT is why losing him was a big deal. Heath would have completely blown up after this performance, and it's sad that he's gone, but someone could do it better. There is ALWAYS room for improvement, and it's hard for me to say that, because I think his performance is one of the 10 best I've ever seen.

Also, and this pertains more to the concept of bringing the Joker back, it would be a bigger disservice to what Ledger did do if WB decided to completely change the mood and feel of the character, which I don't think Nolan would ever think of doing, than just ditching the character as a whole. There is no more important character within the mythology of the Bat, than it's antithesis, the Joker. He's so important to the overall story of Batman, that he would almost have to come back at some point in time.

However, do I think they should, not right now. It's to soon, and honestly, we've had our Joker fix, and I think it's time to give another villain or two their shot. That said, they are almost going to have to mention what happened to Joker, as there is still that huge, sadistic, clown painted elephant in Gotham City. Nothing was completely resolved, as we still don't know what happened to him at the end of TDK. Sure, the police got to him, and he may just be sitting in Arkham, but if so, we need to know that, or else it's going to be a big unresolved thing. Just because Heath passed, doesn't mean the Joker has to.

Seriously, tell me Daniel Day-Lewis couldn't do this and knock it out of the park. I'm currently watching Conan, and they are talking about casting people in our government, and hell, I would cast DDL as anyone. Even Nancy Pelosi. He's THAT good.

So, what do you think? Not on the Joker subject, what about the whole thought of recasting characters?

Go see something good!

NEWS: Samuel L. Jackson OUT as Nick Fury??

Ever since Iron Man, Marvel has had the right idea when intertwining their productions. With the end of Iron Man, after the credits, there is that infamous scene between Tony Stark and Nick Fury, played rather well by Samuel L. Jackson, who was the model for the Ultimates version of the character in that series of comics. However, all may not be so gold over in Marvel land. It looks like Samuel L. Jackson may be out as the head of S.H.E.I.L.D.

I saw ['Iron Man' and 'Iron Man 2' director] Jon Favreau at the Scream Awards and we had a conversation. He said, ‘I hope things are working out for you because we’re writing stuff for you.’ Then all of a sudden last week I talked to my agents and manager and things aren’t really working that well.

There was a huge kind of negotiation that broke down. I don’t know. Maybe I won’t be Nick Fury. Maybe somebody else will be Nick Fury or maybe Nick Fury won’t be in it. There seems to be an economic crisis in the Marvel Comics world so [they're saying to me], ‘We’re not making that deal.’

Even Marvel may be taking a hit with the economic crisis. More on this story as it develops.

Go see something good!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

FORUM: Wall-E's Love Story...

So, in my many walks to class during the day, I make complete use of my iPod. Whether it would be my many favorite bands (Devendra Banhart, The Black Kids, and Arcade Fire are staples) or playing solitaire on the bus, the number one use of my iPod is listening to the copious amounts of podcasts that I follow, particularly the /FilmCast.

On a back episode that I recently downloaded, the crew got into a heated debate over the love story within the film Wall-E, and particularly, how inconceivable it is. It all started with a mention of at that time recent article written up on Here is a snippet.

The social retard doesn't know how to deal with a woman he likes, so he overdoes it - candy, flowers, gifts and, most damning of all, endless declarations of love. In his mind this is romantic, but in real life it's just creepy and sometimes scary. Wall*E's big love montage - where Wall*E takes the shut down EVE all over the place and wines and dines her unconscious form - is the hyper-realization of that. But the movie takes it even farther and has Wall*E essentially date rape the sleeping bot - he forces open the plate on her body where her hand resides and pulls out the appendage so he can hold it. In the world of Wall*E hand holding seems to be like Doing It, or some variation thereof, and the little garbage bot forcing himself on a knocked out female is incredibly creepy.

Read the whole article here...

Basically, what it boils down to, is this, and for the following, you have to be with the thought that the story of Wall-E can be easily related to, as a love story, by us. We all can relate to it, even though it's an f-ing robot. If not, then the film shouldn't actually be appreciated by you, and there for you are not one person that I really need to talk to, so go watch the Jonas Brothers or something (just kidding, I'm really just trying to gain readership, so if any of you are offended, I apologize.)

Wall-E as a character is a low level, probably best compared to a modern day homeless guy, he's fat, he's illiterate, and can't express his feelings via speech, as he can simply say his own name. However, there is a moment in the film (and this is just a minute point that I would like to see the reaction it gets), where Wall-E takes the then comatose Eve, and pry open her hand to attempt to hold it.

One needs to take a look at what the hand holding means to Wall-E, as a general male character, he really just wants to hold her hand, kind of like the stereotypical male really just wants to get laid. So then, when Wall-E takes advantage of her state of being, and gets her hand, sure, she clamps down, but that almost makes it creepier. As the article says, Wall-E committed the Pixar version of date rape.

DISCLAIMER!!: These views no way show my feelings on the film, it's just a summation of what the above article was specifically getting at.

In broad terms, the thing the article was trying to get at was how inconceivable the love story was. For example, EVE in no way falls in love with the small little pudge-bot until he brings her the leaf, so not only does she get raped (jk), but she's a materialist. Basically, Wall-E as a love story is extremely outdated, and very standard. It's almost like Kerry Bradshaw if she was a robot with an affinity for Apple Computers.

Now, I'm 100% sure Pixar had no intention of inserting these rather repulsive subtexts inside of their best film (and it really is), it's just what people can take it as. Take this article for example. The guy behind it has said it's basically a nerd fantasy. It's like someone bragging about their conquests in the World of Warcraft realm, to a women who brags about their conquests in the sheets. Wall-E is this outdated, dirty, fat, small, not so bright robot, that can only hope for a gorgeous, brilliant, slim, updated, robot who can look through ALL of those other adjectives, only to completely fall in love. Yet, that doesn't happen until the female recieves the gift she's always wanted.

Did I take it like this, no. I took it as this insanely dark environmentalist rant, but there are a few valid points here. What do you think?

Come back later for more news and notes!

Go see something good!

REVIEW: Just A Few Thoughts On The Reader...

Nazis are trendy. Take a look at the last month or so of film releases. First, there was the Tom Cruise thriller, Valkyrie. As flawed as that film may be, it was still a rather well made and thrilling film, with a few stellar shots. Before that, in much smaller release, was the Boy In The Striped Pajamas, a film that I really know little about, and never got a chance to see, as it was not released wide around here. Then, this upcoming week, we get the Ed Zwick, James Bond fi...uh, Daniel Craig film, Defiance, which, aside from some technical feats, has been getting little buzz. However, the cream of the crop was a small film released about 3 weeks ago, the Golden Globe Award Winning film, The Reader. However, did it live up to the hype?

The Reader is a film about Michael Burk, who, nearly a decade after his affair with an older woman came to a mysterious end, re-encounters his former lover as she defends herself in a war-crime trial. It tells the story of Michael and Hannah Schmitz, a women who is illiterate, and loves to be read to. Their affair ends when Hannah accepts a job to become a guard for the S.S. At the trial discussed above, Michael discovers her past transgressions, and the film goes on from their. It's about love, loss, and reconciliation, and is also about how slow films can end.

This film is the newest directorial outing by Stephen Daldry, best known for helming Billy Elliot and the horribly underrated The Hours. Daldry is the true star of this film. In the first half, the film is really just about this young man, and his first true fling. It has all of the lust, naivety, and true awkwardness that goes into a "summer fling". These little things are shot so brilliantly, that it really sticks with you.

Kate Winslet, who just took home a duo of Golden Globes for Revolutionary Road and this film, is indeed quite good here. She takes a truly degrading and surface level character, and makes it human. However, the true acting star of this film is David Kross, as the teenage Michael Burk. There is just something about his sort of sexual awakening and what comes of it, that is so brilliantly portrayed by this young actor. Ralph Fiennes is his old, brilliant, Voldemort self (not that he's killing wizards, he's just really great here), and so is the majority of the supporting cast. There is one performance in particular, played by Rainer Sellien I believe, that really saved the film in it's slowest of moments. He plays a teacher who takes a group of law students to the trail, and just his voice alone made me focus on what was happening. He was truly great.

For about the first half of this film, I was really really with it. It's a completely compelling story, featuring a pair of great performances in the true leads, and has one of the most elegant and quaint scores I've heard all year. Nothing to heavy handed, but just enough to keep the emotion, not set by the screen, moving in the right direction. Also, it's not bad to have Mrs. Sam Mendes half naked on the screen for about the first 40 minutes. However, the second half really fell apart.

Once we leave the romance, the film becomes much more of a message film. It sets up these trials of 8 women who left, I believe, 300 Jews in a burning barn to die. Then we get the one student who brings up the point that everyone knew was coming.

"Why are we putting these 8 women on trial, when there are worse things being done by worse people inside of these camps."

And the subsequent hour or so really just fell apart. The message IS a compelling one, and what is said during these scenes inside of the classroom where Michael has his seminar, are really interesting and ones that people should think and talk about, but it just didn't feel like a good fit with the first half of the film. It turned into a message film, when I wanted more of that neo-Nazi Y Tu Mama style of film. It would have stuck with me a little more.

That all said, this is a pretty solid film, just not one that I would really write home about, especially in a year stacked right near the top. Go see Ben Button again. Rent The Reader.

THE READER - 7.5/10

While stunning to look at and wonderfully acted, The Reader really has an identity crisis near the end of the first act. Save this one for a rainy day.

Come back later for more movie news and reviews!

Go see something good!

***Sorry for the short review, I've been a little bit busy over the past couple of days, but I did want to get my overall feelings on the film out. I would love to hear what you guys have to say about the Reader, if you have seen it, so leave any and all questions or comments below!

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