Hey guys! Here is your box office top 10, for this, Thanksgiving Weekend '08...
1.Four Christmases
4.Quantum Of Solace
6.Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
7.Transporter 3
8.Role Models
9.The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Wow, Milk AND The Boy in the Striped Pajamas both in the top 10. Transporter 3 was the unexpected bomb this week, as sub par reviews and not the most noteworthy of advertising sank this one into the depths of a mediocre 12.3 Million bucks for the three day, with the five day total reaching just a dismal $18.5. Twilight has reached the $120 million mark, and Four Christmases grossed the highest opening weekend for a Christmas film. Congrats!
Come back later for more news, and the DVD's that you should either Buy, Borrow, or Burn...
Go see something good!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
PLAYLIST: Winter Doldrums...
Hello all! So, in the midst of this slow week, I have decided to try something a little different. While I've been home, I've had the chance to download some really amazing songs, and I have been listening to music as much as humanly possible. So, instead of going into how Tom Cruise may be working on a remake of Last Tango in Paris simply so he has an excuse to prove that he can hump Suri's mom (just kidding, don't come at me scientologists), I've decided to let you all in on the brilliance that is thanksgiving music downloading. Here is my Thanksgiving Weekend Playlist, or at least the 10 songs you NEED in your life to make it some what complete.
2. THE LAST SHADOW PUPPETS - Standing Next To Me
3. TV ON THE RADIO - Dancing Choose
4. THE ASTEROIDS GALAXY TOUR - The Sun Ain't Shinin' No More
5. THE BLACK KIDS - Hurricane Jane (I may have posted this before, but it's that great, so deal with it)
6. THE GO! TEAM - Ladyflash
7. MATT AND KIM - Daylight
8. SHE & HIM - Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?
9. THE WOMBATS - Kill The Director
10. THE MARS VOLTA - L'Via L'Viaquez (Yes, it's from Guitar Hero: World Tour)
Well there you have it. I think I may try to make this a monthly or bi weekly thing, but not always by yours truly...
What are some of your favorite, recent songs??
Go see, or in this case, listen to, something good!
2. THE LAST SHADOW PUPPETS - Standing Next To Me
3. TV ON THE RADIO - Dancing Choose
4. THE ASTEROIDS GALAXY TOUR - The Sun Ain't Shinin' No More
5. THE BLACK KIDS - Hurricane Jane (I may have posted this before, but it's that great, so deal with it)
6. THE GO! TEAM - Ladyflash
7. MATT AND KIM - Daylight
8. SHE & HIM - Why Do You Let Me Stay Here?
9. THE WOMBATS - Kill The Director
10. THE MARS VOLTA - L'Via L'Viaquez (Yes, it's from Guitar Hero: World Tour)
Well there you have it. I think I may try to make this a monthly or bi weekly thing, but not always by yours truly...
What are some of your favorite, recent songs??
Go see, or in this case, listen to, something good!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
DVD REVIEW: Gonzo: The Life and Work Of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson...

After a year at college, I think I have finally found something, or at least a subject that I would like to spend the rest of my life turning into a job, and journalism is that subject. So, there are many people I can take as inspiration, and one of those men, at least in the strength of conviction in his respective writing is one Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. A bloody mad man for sure, but he also is one of the most influential if not controversial writers of our time, and is a person that I know, or at least knew, little about. That is where Alex Gibney's newest documentary, Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson comes into play.
Gonzo is the newest film from Academy Award winning director Alex Gibney, whose last film, Taxi To The Dark Side, won him that very award. Before that film, he was best known for his other nominated film, Enron: The Smartest Guys in The Room, a film that I very much enjoyed during a viewing of it in my Social Problems class. Gonzo looks into Dr. Thompson's heyday, 1965 to 1975, as well as including clips of never-before-seen (nor heard) home movies, audiotapes, and passages from unpublished manuscripts. It looks at his life, but primarily his works and how they were shaped, and how they shaped the man that would come out of it, only to end his life in 2005.
First off, the one way to judge a documentary, a genre of film never before reviewed here at I Are Movies, is this. If the film is to succeed, it is to be interesting, and this film hits that stipulation out of the proverbial ballpark. I have not studied up of the works of Hunter S. Thompson, but I have read a couple of books written by and about the man, and he is one of the most interesting writers to have lived, and this film does a great, if semi flawed, job at portraying that.
The film is narrated, sort of, by Johnny Depp, who is mainly the voice of Hunter S. Thompson's writings, and he sounds EXACTLY like the man. There is one scene in particular that really had me laughing and just having a good time, in which he is reading a section of either Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or Hells Angels, in which he is reading the section whilst in a bar, holding a six shooter in the air. This is exactly the type of man Thompson was, and the home video footage of him running for sheriff of Aspen and all that he went through mentally while on the McGovern campaign is some of the most interesting footage I've seen all year.
The film is very similar to the other documentary I watched this year, Religulous, in that it's not a really serious, Errol Morris-esque documentary. It's just a very fun film to watch, and about a really interesting subject. However, unlike Religulous, this film has quite a few flaws.
The biggest sin of this film is it lets him off of the hook. Hunter S. Thompson's life dissolves into him basically being the embodiment of a Doonsbury comic character (which a character in that long standing comic was named after and alter ego Thompson had during his "Las Vegas" period, having multiple affairs, a divorce, and ultimately taking his own life when people, liberals mostly, needed him most. There is a brief quote by his first wife discussing that very point, but instead of sort of manning up to the idea that he went out at a time when he "could have welled a mighty powerful sword" really just bothered me. It could have been a really interesting take on his life, to show how this man stood up for the left wing when they needed it, to only take his life at the most important time, yet they decided to let him off. Also, for such a visually minded writer, the film was really straightforward with it's film-making and presentation, something that can also be seen in Enron: Smartest Guys In The Room. Finally, the complete third act just really sort of fell apart for me, and while I did like the narration, there were far to many clips from Fear and Loathing, and even a clip from Where The Buffalo's Roam, when it could have been so much stronger to show us more of what Hunter S. Thompson was doing and going through during this time.
GONZO: The Life and Work Of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson - 8/10
Insanely interesting, fun, yet the film can't sustain a full slate, and falls apart during the third act. Yet, for people like me, who are not to familiar with the man behind the writings, this is a must see, and I think it's a solid film. Completely rent worthy. It's worth it just to hear Johnny Depp read Hunter S. Thompson's writings. It's just a fun film.
Come back later for more news and notes, along with a review of the Foot Fist Way...
Go see something good!
NEWS: Sundance '09 Update...
So, in the midst of watching Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson (a really solid documentary by the way, but more on that in a while), I decided to check out what was going on, if anything, in the world of film. This week has been a pretty slow week for film news, so over in the great ocean of film knowledge that is the sea of /film, they did an interesting post, highlighting some of the most noteable films that could make their premiere in Utah at the Sundance Film Festival come 2009. Check out their summary below...
Paper Hearts - First up is a film that almost no one has heard about until now. The feature filmmaking debut of Nicholas Jasenovec, the film is an unconventional comedy which is being described as “part-documentary, part-scripted comedy” about Michael Cera’s real-life relationship with Charlyne Yi (Knocked Up). Not much else is known about the film, but indie insiders are already predicting that it will be this year’s Sundance break out hit ala Napoleon Dynamite. [THR]
Spread - David Mackenzie’s (Mister Foe) raunchy sex comedy about a serial womanizer and his jilted lover. Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche star (Jennifer Jason Leigh was originally attached). Early word is that Heche has some sort of nude scene.
An Education - Italian For Beginners director Lone Scherfig’ helms the first screenplay by About a Boy/High Fidelity novelist Nick Hornby. Adapted from a memoir by Lynn Barber, published in literary magazine Granta, the film tells a coming-of-age story about a teenage girl in 1960s suburban London, who has her life turned inside out after she meets a 35-year-old sportscar-driving Brit. The film stars Emma Thompson, Rosamund Pike, Peter Sarsgaard, Dominic Cooper, Alfred Molina, Olivia Williams and Sally Hawkins.
The Greatest - Shana Feste’s feature directorial debut about a troubled teenage girl (Carey Mulligan) and a family that is trying to get over the loss of their son (Aaron Johnson). Film also stars Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, and Johnny Simmons.
Brooklyn’s Finest - Training Day director Antoine Fuqua’s cop tale about three unconnected Brooklyn cops who wind up at the same deadly location after enduring vastly different career paths. The film stars Don Cheadle, Richard Gere, Ethan Hawke, Wesley Snipes, Ellen Barkin, Jesse Williams and Lili Taylor.
I Love You Phillip Morris - Adapted from Steve McVicker’s 2003 novel, and based on a true story. Carrey plays Russell, a criminal who falls in love with his cell mate, Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor). After Morris’ release from prison, Russell attempts a variety of bizarre prison escapes in hopes of reuniting with the love of his life. The movie was apparently pitched as “Catch Me if You Can meets Brokeback Mountain“. The screenplay was written by the team who did Bad Santa.
Adventureland - Greg Mottola’s dramedy about a recent college grad (Jesse Eisenberg) who is forced to take a job at a local amusement park for the summer.
500 Days of Summer - Marc Webb’s offbeat romantic comedy about a woman (Zooey Deschanel) who doesn’t believe true love exists, and the young man (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who falls for her.
Moon - An old school space sci-fi thriller starrint Sam Rockwell as aAstronaut that has been stranded in space for three years and begins to hear and see strange things.
Black Dynamite - Scott Sanders’ homage to the Blaxploitation films of the 1970’s.
Some Big May-bes (more of a wish list than anything else):
Terry Gilliam’s The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus - More likely to premiere at Cannes than Sundance, but you never know.
The Road - Based on the Book
The Time Traveler’s Wife - Based on the book
Jennifer’s Body - The Diablo Cody scripted horror movie starring Megan Fox. Could be a Midnight?
Coraline - The first stop-animated film shot in 3D. Adapted from the Neil Gaiman book.
Terrance Malick’s The Tree of Life - Sean Penn and Brad Pitt star in a story a family with three boys in the 1950s, and the eldest son witnesses the loss of innocence.
The Soloist - Robert Downey Jr plays a Los angeles Journalist who befriends a homesless Julliard trained musician (Jamie Foxx)
Young Americans - A Dramedy about an aimless college grad who pursues his dream girl at a wild Labor Day weekend party. Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Dan Fogler, Teresa Palmer, Michael Ian Black, and Michelle Trachtenberg.
The Marc Pease Experience - Former high school musical star, Marc Pease (Jason Schwartzman), finds himself still living in the past, eight years after graduating. Anna Kendrick and Ben Stiller co-star.
I'm mainly looking forward to The Soloist, The Tree Of Life, Coraline, The Marc Pease Experience, Adventureland, Dr. Parnassus, and The Road, along with a ton of interest in the Blaxplotation flick, Black Dynamite (I'll post the hilarious trailer come Turkey Morning). What about you guys?
Alright, so in the next few day's I'm going to try and review, albiet shortly, Gonzo: The Life and Work of Hunter S. Thompson, Werner Herzog's new doc., Encounters at The End of The World, and the comedy, The Foot Fist Way. So come back later for all of that!
Go see something good!!
Paper Hearts - First up is a film that almost no one has heard about until now. The feature filmmaking debut of Nicholas Jasenovec, the film is an unconventional comedy which is being described as “part-documentary, part-scripted comedy” about Michael Cera’s real-life relationship with Charlyne Yi (Knocked Up). Not much else is known about the film, but indie insiders are already predicting that it will be this year’s Sundance break out hit ala Napoleon Dynamite. [THR]
Spread - David Mackenzie’s (Mister Foe) raunchy sex comedy about a serial womanizer and his jilted lover. Ashton Kutcher and Anne Heche star (Jennifer Jason Leigh was originally attached). Early word is that Heche has some sort of nude scene.
An Education - Italian For Beginners director Lone Scherfig’ helms the first screenplay by About a Boy/High Fidelity novelist Nick Hornby. Adapted from a memoir by Lynn Barber, published in literary magazine Granta, the film tells a coming-of-age story about a teenage girl in 1960s suburban London, who has her life turned inside out after she meets a 35-year-old sportscar-driving Brit. The film stars Emma Thompson, Rosamund Pike, Peter Sarsgaard, Dominic Cooper, Alfred Molina, Olivia Williams and Sally Hawkins.
The Greatest - Shana Feste’s feature directorial debut about a troubled teenage girl (Carey Mulligan) and a family that is trying to get over the loss of their son (Aaron Johnson). Film also stars Pierce Brosnan, Susan Sarandon, and Johnny Simmons.
Brooklyn’s Finest - Training Day director Antoine Fuqua’s cop tale about three unconnected Brooklyn cops who wind up at the same deadly location after enduring vastly different career paths. The film stars Don Cheadle, Richard Gere, Ethan Hawke, Wesley Snipes, Ellen Barkin, Jesse Williams and Lili Taylor.
I Love You Phillip Morris - Adapted from Steve McVicker’s 2003 novel, and based on a true story. Carrey plays Russell, a criminal who falls in love with his cell mate, Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor). After Morris’ release from prison, Russell attempts a variety of bizarre prison escapes in hopes of reuniting with the love of his life. The movie was apparently pitched as “Catch Me if You Can meets Brokeback Mountain“. The screenplay was written by the team who did Bad Santa.
Adventureland - Greg Mottola’s dramedy about a recent college grad (Jesse Eisenberg) who is forced to take a job at a local amusement park for the summer.
500 Days of Summer - Marc Webb’s offbeat romantic comedy about a woman (Zooey Deschanel) who doesn’t believe true love exists, and the young man (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who falls for her.
Moon - An old school space sci-fi thriller starrint Sam Rockwell as aAstronaut that has been stranded in space for three years and begins to hear and see strange things.
Black Dynamite - Scott Sanders’ homage to the Blaxploitation films of the 1970’s.
Some Big May-bes (more of a wish list than anything else):
Terry Gilliam’s The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus - More likely to premiere at Cannes than Sundance, but you never know.
The Road - Based on the Book
The Time Traveler’s Wife - Based on the book
Jennifer’s Body - The Diablo Cody scripted horror movie starring Megan Fox. Could be a Midnight?
Coraline - The first stop-animated film shot in 3D. Adapted from the Neil Gaiman book.
Terrance Malick’s The Tree of Life - Sean Penn and Brad Pitt star in a story a family with three boys in the 1950s, and the eldest son witnesses the loss of innocence.
The Soloist - Robert Downey Jr plays a Los angeles Journalist who befriends a homesless Julliard trained musician (Jamie Foxx)
Young Americans - A Dramedy about an aimless college grad who pursues his dream girl at a wild Labor Day weekend party. Topher Grace, Anna Faris, Dan Fogler, Teresa Palmer, Michael Ian Black, and Michelle Trachtenberg.
The Marc Pease Experience - Former high school musical star, Marc Pease (Jason Schwartzman), finds himself still living in the past, eight years after graduating. Anna Kendrick and Ben Stiller co-star.
I'm mainly looking forward to The Soloist, The Tree Of Life, Coraline, The Marc Pease Experience, Adventureland, Dr. Parnassus, and The Road, along with a ton of interest in the Blaxplotation flick, Black Dynamite (I'll post the hilarious trailer come Turkey Morning). What about you guys?
Alright, so in the next few day's I'm going to try and review, albiet shortly, Gonzo: The Life and Work of Hunter S. Thompson, Werner Herzog's new doc., Encounters at The End of The World, and the comedy, The Foot Fist Way. So come back later for all of that!
Go see something good!!
POSTER + TRAILER: He's Just Not That Into You...
Hey guys! So, I was online today, searching as I always do for the precious nuggets of cinematic information to bring to you all, when I discovered this little duo. Now, this is the poster and trailer for the upcoming RomCom, He's Just Not That Into You, and normally, I would not bring this stuff up, but Jennifer Connelly is in the film, so it's right at the top of my must see list. Check it out below...

And here's the trailer...
He's Just Not That Into You trailer
The film comes to us from the story editors of Sex and The City, and is based on a book of the same name, so you can sort of see what to look forward too...
Come back later for more news and notes!!
Go see something good!

And here's the trailer...
He's Just Not That Into You trailer
The film comes to us from the story editors of Sex and The City, and is based on a book of the same name, so you can sort of see what to look forward too...
Come back later for more news and notes!!
Go see something good!
NEWS: Dolph, Duplicity, and Star Trek...
Hey guys! I hope all is well, as today is a gorgeous one, with not much in the way of film news, which can be expected. Here are your noteable headlines...
- Dolph Lundgren has indeed joined Stallone, Statham, and Jet Li in the cast of the upcoming, instant CLASSIC action film, the Expendables. This film could be them kicking boxes and it would be the greatest film ever made...
- As rumored and hinted at in the Incredible Hulk, Tim Blake Nelson WILL be following up his role as "Mr. Blue", and will take on the role of The Leader, as the villian for the next Hulk film, and possibly, at least this is what I'm leaning towards, the Avengers...
- The Movie Blog has grabbed a new, recut, Star Trek trailer featuring a five second clip of Leonard Nemoy as "Old Spock"...check out the link below...
I'm not at all a Trekkie, but even I'm a little pumped after seeing that trailer. What do you guys think?
- In other trailer news, there is a new trailer for the upcoming Julia Roberts/Clive Owen romantic spy flick, Duplicity, and it looks mighty cool...
I personally think this looks pretty cool, and I do actually like Roberts as an actress. Thoughts?
- And finally, the first trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine, WILL be attached to The Day The Earth Stood Still...
That's all I've got for now folks, come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!
- Dolph Lundgren has indeed joined Stallone, Statham, and Jet Li in the cast of the upcoming, instant CLASSIC action film, the Expendables. This film could be them kicking boxes and it would be the greatest film ever made...
- As rumored and hinted at in the Incredible Hulk, Tim Blake Nelson WILL be following up his role as "Mr. Blue", and will take on the role of The Leader, as the villian for the next Hulk film, and possibly, at least this is what I'm leaning towards, the Avengers...
- The Movie Blog has grabbed a new, recut, Star Trek trailer featuring a five second clip of Leonard Nemoy as "Old Spock"...check out the link below...
I'm not at all a Trekkie, but even I'm a little pumped after seeing that trailer. What do you guys think?
- In other trailer news, there is a new trailer for the upcoming Julia Roberts/Clive Owen romantic spy flick, Duplicity, and it looks mighty cool...
I personally think this looks pretty cool, and I do actually like Roberts as an actress. Thoughts?
- And finally, the first trailer for X-Men Origins: Wolverine, WILL be attached to The Day The Earth Stood Still...
That's all I've got for now folks, come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
NEWS: YouTube, I Am Sequel, and Lebron...
Hey guys! Today a pretty lame day for movie news, as this whole week will probably be, but there are a few things that I think are worth mentioning...
- It looks as though the Toronto Film Festival Hit, More Than A Game, a documentary about the star Lebron James' Highschool Career and all that it entails, has been picked up by Lionsgate. It recieved a 5 minute standinvation at Toronto, so check this one out when it hits theatres...
- Rumor has it that the upcoming I Am Legend Prequel will in fact be a sequel...The Movie Blog gets the ol' tip of the hat...
Let’s start at the beginning. Smith is actually the one who developed the initial story. It took place several years before the original film and there were still pockets of survivors and the story centered around Smith interacting, bonding, and ultimately failing to save them. For months this was the story. Warner’s didn’t much care for it and Smith and Weiss eventually came on board and all parties agreed to change things up. Well this change is pretty insane, the film is no longer a prequel, it’s a fucking sequel!
What are your thoughts?
- The upcoming Star Trek film is getting a four book comic book series to be released leading up to the J. J. Abrams helmed film...
- ABC will be airing the first four Harry Potter films during the weekend of December 5-7...
- Finally, it looks like YouTube has gone WIDESCREEN! Check out any of your favorite videos to see the upgrade...
That's all I've got for now, so come back later for more news and notes along with a review, hopefully, of some DVD's and The Transporter 3...
Go see something good!
- It looks as though the Toronto Film Festival Hit, More Than A Game, a documentary about the star Lebron James' Highschool Career and all that it entails, has been picked up by Lionsgate. It recieved a 5 minute standinvation at Toronto, so check this one out when it hits theatres...
- Rumor has it that the upcoming I Am Legend Prequel will in fact be a sequel...The Movie Blog gets the ol' tip of the hat...
Let’s start at the beginning. Smith is actually the one who developed the initial story. It took place several years before the original film and there were still pockets of survivors and the story centered around Smith interacting, bonding, and ultimately failing to save them. For months this was the story. Warner’s didn’t much care for it and Smith and Weiss eventually came on board and all parties agreed to change things up. Well this change is pretty insane, the film is no longer a prequel, it’s a fucking sequel!
What are your thoughts?
- The upcoming Star Trek film is getting a four book comic book series to be released leading up to the J. J. Abrams helmed film...
- ABC will be airing the first four Harry Potter films during the weekend of December 5-7...
- Finally, it looks like YouTube has gone WIDESCREEN! Check out any of your favorite videos to see the upgrade...
That's all I've got for now, so come back later for more news and notes along with a review, hopefully, of some DVD's and The Transporter 3...
Go see something good!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Buy, Borrow, and Burn...The Week in DVD's...
Hey guys! So, as I said in an earlier post, I am splitting up the weekend wrap up, into three separate posts. Well, now it's time to elaborate on what you all will be able to check out come this Tuesday, as these are the noteworthy DVD releases for this Thanksgiving Week...
~Bottle Rocket~
The release date for this got moved back a couple of weeks, so I've already discussed this, but still, get out and give it a shot. It's Wes Anderson's best film.
~Chungking Express~
Wow, where to begin on this one. This is one of my favorite foreign films, and comes to us from the brilliant director, Wong Kar-wai, who has helmed such great films as In The Mood For Love, 2046, and this years solid little flick, My Blueberry Nights. This is about two heartsick cops played by Takeshi Kaneshiro and Tony Leung, both jilted by ex-lovers, that cross paths at the Midnight Express take-out restaurant stand, where the ethereal pixie waitress Faye, played by the beautiful Faye Wong, works. It's gorgeous, the acting is impeccable, and never has California Dreamin' been used so brilliantly.
For those who haven't seen it-
It's a mix and match of Michael Bay action direction, and Turbografix 16 visual effects
For those who HAVE seen it-
Say the twist out loud for once, and then tell me it's still worth watching
~Fred Claus~
Really? It's been about a full year for this film to get a DVD release, and it's not really needed. I never saw it, and I'm fine with keeping it that way...
~Meet Dave~
Eddie Murphy + 2008 + ridiculous premise + comedy = Epic Fail...it's simple math...
~Space Chimps~
In a world where there is Wall-E, there is no reason to see this film...
So, there you have it! Those are the note-able DVD's that you should either Buy, Borrow, or Burn...
Come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!
~Bottle Rocket~
The release date for this got moved back a couple of weeks, so I've already discussed this, but still, get out and give it a shot. It's Wes Anderson's best film.
~Chungking Express~
Wow, where to begin on this one. This is one of my favorite foreign films, and comes to us from the brilliant director, Wong Kar-wai, who has helmed such great films as In The Mood For Love, 2046, and this years solid little flick, My Blueberry Nights. This is about two heartsick cops played by Takeshi Kaneshiro and Tony Leung, both jilted by ex-lovers, that cross paths at the Midnight Express take-out restaurant stand, where the ethereal pixie waitress Faye, played by the beautiful Faye Wong, works. It's gorgeous, the acting is impeccable, and never has California Dreamin' been used so brilliantly.
For those who haven't seen it-
It's a mix and match of Michael Bay action direction, and Turbografix 16 visual effects
For those who HAVE seen it-
Say the twist out loud for once, and then tell me it's still worth watching
~Fred Claus~
Really? It's been about a full year for this film to get a DVD release, and it's not really needed. I never saw it, and I'm fine with keeping it that way...
~Meet Dave~
Eddie Murphy + 2008 + ridiculous premise + comedy = Epic Fail...it's simple math...
~Space Chimps~
In a world where there is Wall-E, there is no reason to see this film...
So, there you have it! Those are the note-able DVD's that you should either Buy, Borrow, or Burn...
Come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!
TOP 10: Biggest Turkeys of 2008...
Hey guys! So, in honor of Thanksgiving, I will be doing TWO top 10's this week. First off, we have today's which is the top 10 biggest "Turkey's" of the year, also known as the ten worst or most dissapointing films of the year...Here they are, the worst of the worst...
10. Jumper
9. Never Back Down
8. 10,000 B.C.
7. Vantage Point
6. The Happening
5. Mad Money
4. Strange Wilderness
3. Drillbit Taylor
2. Prom Night
1. Meet The Spartans
So, there's the list. I doubt that any film left, that I will see at least, will be this bad, so expect this to stay pretty solid for the last month of '08. I'll have the 10 things I'm most thankful for in film on Wednesday.
Come back in a little while for more movie news, notes, and any other happenings that go down over in Hollywood...
Go see something good!
10. Jumper
9. Never Back Down
8. 10,000 B.C.
7. Vantage Point
6. The Happening
5. Mad Money
4. Strange Wilderness
3. Drillbit Taylor
2. Prom Night
1. Meet The Spartans
So, there's the list. I doubt that any film left, that I will see at least, will be this bad, so expect this to stay pretty solid for the last month of '08. I'll have the 10 things I'm most thankful for in film on Wednesday.
Come back in a little while for more movie news, notes, and any other happenings that go down over in Hollywood...
Go see something good!
Hey guys! This has been a pretty uneventful weekend, and so is the box office top 10...
1. Twilight
2.Quantum Of Solace
4.Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
5.Role Models
7.High School Musical 3: Senior Year
8.Zack and Miri Make a Porno
9.The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
10.The Secret Life of Bees
Twilight made the projected $70 Million, while the only real surprise is Bolt BOMBING with only $20 Million for the three day...What did you guys see?
I'm going to try something new this weekend. Instead of writing up a full post, I am going to break them up into the three parts. Tuesday I will do my Buy Borrow and Burn post for DVD's, and come Thursday, I will let you all know what to look out for this weekend. Let me know what you guys think of this, and if you don't like it, then I will be reverting back to the old style.
Go see something good!
1. Twilight
2.Quantum Of Solace
4.Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
5.Role Models
7.High School Musical 3: Senior Year
8.Zack and Miri Make a Porno
9.The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
10.The Secret Life of Bees
Twilight made the projected $70 Million, while the only real surprise is Bolt BOMBING with only $20 Million for the three day...What did you guys see?
I'm going to try something new this weekend. Instead of writing up a full post, I am going to break them up into the three parts. Tuesday I will do my Buy Borrow and Burn post for DVD's, and come Thursday, I will let you all know what to look out for this weekend. Let me know what you guys think of this, and if you don't like it, then I will be reverting back to the old style.
Go see something good!
Friday, November 21, 2008
NEWS: Oldboy and Arrested Development...
Hey guys! Today is only halfway complete, and yet, there is some really big news to discuss, so here are the two noteworthy headlines...
- It looks as though the reports on Speilberg's Oldboy film were half correct. He is indeed working on a film involving Will Smith in the lead, but the film will NOT be a remake...A tip of the hat to /film for the info...
“We’re looking at that right now. Not the film though, it’s the original source material,” Smith told FSR. “There’s the original comics of ‘Oldboy’ that they made the first film from. And that’s what we’re working from, not an adaptation of the film…”
Well, my hatred for the project is now pretty much gone. I am off the thinking, that if you have a source, you can adapt that source as many times as you want, in whatever way you want. Take the Batman franchise for example. The Chan Wook Park film is based on a manga, and so will the Speilberg flick.
Here's the plot summary of the manga...
“Ten years ago, they took him. He doesn’t know who. For ten years he has been confined in a private prison. He doesn’t know why. For ten years his only contact with the outside world has been a television set and the voices of his jailers. In time, he lost himself. He changed . . . transformed himself into something else . . . something hard . . . something lethal. Suddenly one day, his incarceration ends, again without explanation. He is sedated, stuffed inside a trunk, and dumped in a park. When he awakes, he is free to reclaim what’s left of his life . . . and what’s left is revenge.”
Now, in a recent article, the Onion A/V club has mentioned that the original manga is far less perverse and grim than the Park film is, so I'm actually fine with this. What are your thoughts?
- Finally, it appears as though Ron Howard and Mitch Hurwitz are in the last stages of getting a deal done to bring the critically acclaimed television series, Arrested Development, to the big screen.
What should the film be about?
Come back later for more news and notes...
Go see something good!
- It looks as though the reports on Speilberg's Oldboy film were half correct. He is indeed working on a film involving Will Smith in the lead, but the film will NOT be a remake...A tip of the hat to /film for the info...
“We’re looking at that right now. Not the film though, it’s the original source material,” Smith told FSR. “There’s the original comics of ‘Oldboy’ that they made the first film from. And that’s what we’re working from, not an adaptation of the film…”
Well, my hatred for the project is now pretty much gone. I am off the thinking, that if you have a source, you can adapt that source as many times as you want, in whatever way you want. Take the Batman franchise for example. The Chan Wook Park film is based on a manga, and so will the Speilberg flick.
Here's the plot summary of the manga...
“Ten years ago, they took him. He doesn’t know who. For ten years he has been confined in a private prison. He doesn’t know why. For ten years his only contact with the outside world has been a television set and the voices of his jailers. In time, he lost himself. He changed . . . transformed himself into something else . . . something hard . . . something lethal. Suddenly one day, his incarceration ends, again without explanation. He is sedated, stuffed inside a trunk, and dumped in a park. When he awakes, he is free to reclaim what’s left of his life . . . and what’s left is revenge.”
Now, in a recent article, the Onion A/V club has mentioned that the original manga is far less perverse and grim than the Park film is, so I'm actually fine with this. What are your thoughts?
- Finally, it appears as though Ron Howard and Mitch Hurwitz are in the last stages of getting a deal done to bring the critically acclaimed television series, Arrested Development, to the big screen.
What should the film be about?
Come back later for more news and notes...
Go see something good!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
REVIEW: Australia...

I have a confession to make. I love period romances. I'm sorry, I just do. While most of them may just have Keira Knightley in common, this film doesn't. Not only is it in a genre I have a soft spot for, but it's the return to film for the great, at least in my opinion, director, Baz Lurhman, famous for such films as Strictly Ballroom, Moulin Rouge, and my personal fave, Romeo + Juliet. Take that pedigree and add a BIG helping of the Outback, and you have one hell of a mixture, and one that you should definitely check out.
In the northern part of Australia, prior to World War II, an English aristocrat, Lady Sarah Ashley (Nicole Kidman), inherits a cattle station the size of Maryland. When English cattle barons plot to take her land, led by "King" Carney, owner of the Carney Cattle Company, she reluctantly joins forces with a rough-hewn stock-man to drive 2,000 head of cattle across hundreds of miles of the country's most unforgiving land. Along with a young mixed race aboriginal boy, Nullah, Lady Ashley and Dover head out to try and make a big cattle sale to the army, only to still face the bombing of Darwin, Australia, by the Japanese forces that had attacked Pearl Harbor only months earlier.
First off, I would just like to say that Australia is one hell of a beautiful place. I've had the great opportunity to take a roughly month long trip down under, and it has been one of my greatest memories. It's a gorgeous place, and so is this film. I have not seen a film this year that has been this visually epic and just stunning to take in. Cinematographer Mandy Walker deserves some sort of award, and I hope she gets it. The way the frames fill the screen with just absolutely breathtaking visuals of the Outback and then of the bombing of Darwin is something Oscar should eat up.
Speaking of the two different settings, that brings me to another point. Australia may be the first time since The Dark Knight that I have been able to notice a film really containing two separate narratives. First, there is the introduction of and character growth of Lady Ashley. It's mainly set in the Outback, and it is narrated, as the whole film is, by the films true main character, Nullah. Nullah is a young, mixed race, aboriginal boy, who is taught the way of the world by his grandfather, "King George", an aboriginal witch doctor. We also meet Dover, played by Hugh Jackman, and the three, along with a few others, head out to try and make a sale of roughly 1500 head of cattle, before the Carney Cattle Co. can make the same sale, ultimately sending Faraway Downs into ruin.
This is the real heart of the film. Brandon Walters, who portrays Nullah, is a real shocker. He is so innocent, and so pure, that when the crap hits the fan, you really feel for him. Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman are really great together as well. They have a great chemistry, and it's just fun to watch these two go back and forth. Some of the lines are dry and cliche (more on that in a bit), but it just really worked for me.
The other thing that really surprised me was the quality of the sound design and score of this film. The film is about cattle, and the scenes in which they are stampeding and are being roped into the town, are well done. It's also a war film, and it excels just as much during those scenes. David Hirschfelder did the score, and during the first half of the film, we are introduced to "Over The Rainbow" from the Wizard of Oz, and throughout the film, in a similar way to that of the romance theme from Rome + Juliet, the main notes of that song are brought into many different moments, in many different compositions.
The second half of the film is much more of a war film. I compare it to something like last years hit, and favorite of mine, Atonement. It's very poetic, featuring lots of grandiose filmmaking including some gorgeous tracking shots of Nicole Kidman running through burning streets and a very grey color scheme. The Japanese bomb Darwin, and Nullah has been sent to an island where the church sends the mixed race children, and Dover and Sarah have left each other. This my friends, is where I start to have a few problems.
This film is the epitome of cliche. It's simply Atonement meets The Notebook, and throw in some gorgeous visuals and an Outback setting. It's a basic romance film, featuring some really lacking and often mixed writing, which I blame on the three different screenwriters, including first time writer Richard Flanagan, Diving Bell and The Butterfly scribe Ronald Harwood, and G.I. Joe writer Stuart Beattie, along with Lurhman himself. It just seemed like a really poorly crafted script, that was saved by some stellar performances.
Finally, the film is gorgeous, but the CG effects are often times laughable. The cinematography as I've stated is absolutely stunning, but it's sometimes negated by a few glaring holes, effects wise. It's just as mixed as the screenplay, and the film as a whole. It really is two different films, encompassed by the grandiose filmmaking of Lurhman, and a performance from Brandon Walters, in which a true star will be born.
As much as it sounds like I didn't like it, I really had a blast during this film. It's overall mixed, but if you have a chance to take a loved one, who can sit for 165 minutes, please, see this film. It's visually breathtaking, quite funny, and features a couple of really top notch performances. There wasn't a dry eye in the house, and there won't be when this film hits theatres on the 26th.
Sorry for the semi-general review, I just don't want to really give anything away, as this film will not be released for another week...
Go see something good!
The Wrestler
So, I just got home from my screening of Australia, and while I will get to that in my review either tonight or tomorrow (It was really solid by the way), there is one thing that has stunned me, and I'm just now getting the ability to speak back after having seen this trailer. It's my honor to give you guys the first trailer for the upcoming film, The Wrestler...
I'm just speechless. This is easily now the one film I'm looking forward to checking out most, even more than Benjamin Button. I'm a huge wrestling fan (even to this day), and Mickey Rourke looks absolutely brilliant in the film. I can't put into words how good I think this film will be. Please, leave your comments, as I would love to hear what you have to say about this...
Here's the plot synopsis...
Back in the late ’80s, Randy “The Ram” Robinson (Mickey Rourke) was a headlining professional wrestler. Now, twenty years later, he ekes out a living performing for handfuls of diehard wrestling fans in high school gyms and community centers around New Jersey. Estranged from his daughter (Evan Rachel Wood) and unable to sustain any real relationships, Randy lives for the thrill of the show and the adoration of his fans. However, a heart attack forces him into retirement. As his sense of identity starts to slip away, he begins to evaluate the state of his life — trying to reconnect with his daughter, and striking up a blossoming romance with an exotic dancer (Marisa Tomei) who is ready to start a new life. Yet all this cannot compare to the allure of the ring and passion for his art, which threatens to pull Randy “The Ram” back into his world of wrestling. Director Darren Aronofsky presents a powerful portrait of a battered dreamer, who despite himself and the odds stacked against him, lives to be a hero once again in the only place he considers home – inside the ring. THE WRESTLER had its North American premiere at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival and won the Golden Lion at the 2008 Venice Film Festival.
Check it out when it starts to hit theatres on December 17th...
Go see something good!
I'm just speechless. This is easily now the one film I'm looking forward to checking out most, even more than Benjamin Button. I'm a huge wrestling fan (even to this day), and Mickey Rourke looks absolutely brilliant in the film. I can't put into words how good I think this film will be. Please, leave your comments, as I would love to hear what you have to say about this...
Here's the plot synopsis...
Back in the late ’80s, Randy “The Ram” Robinson (Mickey Rourke) was a headlining professional wrestler. Now, twenty years later, he ekes out a living performing for handfuls of diehard wrestling fans in high school gyms and community centers around New Jersey. Estranged from his daughter (Evan Rachel Wood) and unable to sustain any real relationships, Randy lives for the thrill of the show and the adoration of his fans. However, a heart attack forces him into retirement. As his sense of identity starts to slip away, he begins to evaluate the state of his life — trying to reconnect with his daughter, and striking up a blossoming romance with an exotic dancer (Marisa Tomei) who is ready to start a new life. Yet all this cannot compare to the allure of the ring and passion for his art, which threatens to pull Randy “The Ram” back into his world of wrestling. Director Darren Aronofsky presents a powerful portrait of a battered dreamer, who despite himself and the odds stacked against him, lives to be a hero once again in the only place he considers home – inside the ring. THE WRESTLER had its North American premiere at the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival and won the Golden Lion at the 2008 Venice Film Festival.
Check it out when it starts to hit theatres on December 17th...
Go see something good!
NEWS: Jonah Hex Has Lost It's Directors...

Hey guys! Tonight is my screening of Australia and while there's not much outside of that that is newsworthy, one thing in particular has caught my attention, and not in a good way.
It appears as though the insane duo of Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor, most famous for helming Crank and writing/producing the Milo Ventimiglia starrer, Pathology, have left their project, Jonah Hex. Variety has the scoop...
Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor have dropped out as the directors of "Jonah Hex," the DC Comics property that is expected to headline "W." and "Milk" star Josh Brolin as a partly disfigured gunslinger and bounty hunter.
Neveldine and Taylor wrote the script, but their exit as directors was attributed to "creative differences." The studio is moving quickly to set a new director, determined to keep Brolin in the fold for a spring start. Neveldine and Taylor are best known for writing and directing the Jason Statham starrer "Crank."
"Jonah Hex" is produced by Andrew Lazar's Mad Chance and Akiva Goldsman's Weed Road.
Well that sucks. I had a ton of interest in seeing this film, simply to see how Brolin will work with the duo, and how their style would carry over into this crazy western. However, they are now gone, and so are my hopes for the film. I love Brolin like a child, so I'll still end up seeing the film, but my interest is now nullified. What are your thoughts?
Come back later for my review of Australia and some news, if anything comes up...
Go see something good!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
NEWS: He Man, Captain America, and the Worst. Idea. Ever.
Hey guys! Here are your major headlines for this Wednesday, the 19th of November, 2008...
- It looks as though the director of Kung Fu Panda, John Stevenson, will be helming the much talked about adaptation of He Man...
- Early reviews for Valkyrie have been released, and lets just say they aren't to hot, particularly one scene in which Tom Cruise must give the "heil Hitler" salute...
It’s an unsettling scene but you almost start to laugh…His character is resisting it but you never forget it’s Tom Cruise saying “Heil Hitler.” It’s funny and shocking at the same time.
Also, a new article over at the New York Times discusses just how much risk this film is and can be for MGM...
Valkyrie has turned into a test not only of Mr. Cruise’s career durability, but of MGM’s determination — with new ownership, and under the chairmanship of Harry E. Sloan since 2005 — to be taken seriously as a producer and distributor of the kind of risky event films that define a major studio.
If Valkyrie succeeds, even moderately, MGM wins a modicum of credibility in image-is-everything Hollywood. A failure brings fresh sniping that the studio does not know what it is doing, making the job of attracting top-notch talent even harder. Financially speaking, the stakes are considerable. With a stated production budget of $75 million — competitors insist it is closer to $90 million — Valkyrie is the most expensive film made for distribution by MGM under Sloan’s watch. The studio will now spend about $60 million to market the movie — if nothing else, to make the point that it can play in the big leagues.
Thanks to /film for the update!
- Disney will be rereleasing Beauty and The Beast in 3D come 2010...AWESOME
- Gore Verbinski is set to produce, with much talked about commercial director, Frank Bond in the directors chair, a remake of the critically beloved, including much love from yours truly, Korean monster film, The Host...
- Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, scribes of the recent Chronicles of Narnia films, are in final negotiations to pen the script for the upcoming Captain America film. Also, in an interesting thought, a few people, mainly the guys over at cinematical, have begun discussing who could fill the boots of Cap himself, and they have talked about Channing Tatum, most famous for his roles in Step Up, and the upcoming G.I. Joe film. What are YOUR thoughts on that? I think it could really work. He's a fine actor, especially in A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints, and he wouldn't be a big hit on the Avengers budget, like a previously talked about actor, Matthew McConaughey, would be. Thoughts?
- Finally, in the worst idea in the history of man category, it looks like the man behind the brilliant cinematic achievement that was Poseidon, Mark Protosevich, has landed the job of penning the script for the upcoming Oldboy remake...this makes me disappointed, angry, and mainly sad. I challenge all of you to PLEASE rent, no, buy the original, and see what a brilliant film it is, and how it will not work with the current people at the helm.
I have one question for you all to answer, and it relates to this ridiculous idea. What makes subtitled films SO unpopular, so much that American remakes are almost needed to get people to see a film? Why do you like or dislike subtitled films? I LOVE them, and I really think, especially foreign horror films, are so much better than there American counterparts, that it's almost laughable to see people try to remake them. Thoughts?
Expect a review of Australia tomorrow, and come back later for more movie news and notes...
Go see something good!
- It looks as though the director of Kung Fu Panda, John Stevenson, will be helming the much talked about adaptation of He Man...
- Early reviews for Valkyrie have been released, and lets just say they aren't to hot, particularly one scene in which Tom Cruise must give the "heil Hitler" salute...
It’s an unsettling scene but you almost start to laugh…His character is resisting it but you never forget it’s Tom Cruise saying “Heil Hitler.” It’s funny and shocking at the same time.
Also, a new article over at the New York Times discusses just how much risk this film is and can be for MGM...
Valkyrie has turned into a test not only of Mr. Cruise’s career durability, but of MGM’s determination — with new ownership, and under the chairmanship of Harry E. Sloan since 2005 — to be taken seriously as a producer and distributor of the kind of risky event films that define a major studio.
If Valkyrie succeeds, even moderately, MGM wins a modicum of credibility in image-is-everything Hollywood. A failure brings fresh sniping that the studio does not know what it is doing, making the job of attracting top-notch talent even harder. Financially speaking, the stakes are considerable. With a stated production budget of $75 million — competitors insist it is closer to $90 million — Valkyrie is the most expensive film made for distribution by MGM under Sloan’s watch. The studio will now spend about $60 million to market the movie — if nothing else, to make the point that it can play in the big leagues.
Thanks to /film for the update!
- Disney will be rereleasing Beauty and The Beast in 3D come 2010...AWESOME
- Gore Verbinski is set to produce, with much talked about commercial director, Frank Bond in the directors chair, a remake of the critically beloved, including much love from yours truly, Korean monster film, The Host...
- Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, scribes of the recent Chronicles of Narnia films, are in final negotiations to pen the script for the upcoming Captain America film. Also, in an interesting thought, a few people, mainly the guys over at cinematical, have begun discussing who could fill the boots of Cap himself, and they have talked about Channing Tatum, most famous for his roles in Step Up, and the upcoming G.I. Joe film. What are YOUR thoughts on that? I think it could really work. He's a fine actor, especially in A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints, and he wouldn't be a big hit on the Avengers budget, like a previously talked about actor, Matthew McConaughey, would be. Thoughts?
- Finally, in the worst idea in the history of man category, it looks like the man behind the brilliant cinematic achievement that was Poseidon, Mark Protosevich, has landed the job of penning the script for the upcoming Oldboy remake...this makes me disappointed, angry, and mainly sad. I challenge all of you to PLEASE rent, no, buy the original, and see what a brilliant film it is, and how it will not work with the current people at the helm.
I have one question for you all to answer, and it relates to this ridiculous idea. What makes subtitled films SO unpopular, so much that American remakes are almost needed to get people to see a film? Why do you like or dislike subtitled films? I LOVE them, and I really think, especially foreign horror films, are so much better than there American counterparts, that it's almost laughable to see people try to remake them. Thoughts?
Expect a review of Australia tomorrow, and come back later for more movie news and notes...
Go see something good!
Captain America,
He Man,
The Host
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
NEWS: X-Men 4: Laguna Beach...

Today has been one hell of a busy day, and the news just keeps rolling in...
It looks as though the rumors has been true, and Fox Studios is now currently in search for a director to helm X-Men: First Class. Variety is reporting that O.C. and Gossip Girl Creator/Producer Josh Schwartz is set to pen the script for First Class...
Studio has tapped "Gossip Girl" creator Josh Schwartz to write "X-Men: First Class." He'd also been offered a chance to direct the film, but declined.
Schwartz, the creator and exec producer of CW's teen sudser hit as well as Fox's youth-centric "The O.C." and NBC's "Chuck," is expected to inject a next-gen sensibility into the superhero series, which has collectively earned $1.2 billion worldwide.
Fox is keeping quiet on its specific plans for the new project.
But the studio has been considering ways to continue its successful series of "X-Men" movies after the third installment, "X-Men: The Last Stand," helmed by Brett Ratner, collected $459 million in 2006.
It's been leaning toward using the younger characters introduced in the previous pics in future installments --teenagers with powers taught at the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning.
Now, personally, I have little hope for this film. I never watched the O.C., and ditto for Gossip Girl, but I just don't think this is a necessary film. If they take the road of an origin to the main group of X-Men, then I may be in. However, the way this news, and the full article, sound, it seems as though they will be going on with the rest of the cast, such as Ice Man and Angel.
Resulting film would likely draw from elements of the Marvel Comic of the same name, launched in 2006, and enlist such characters as Iceman, Rogue, Angel, Colossus, Jubilee and Shadowcat, who have appeared prominently or made cameos in prior pics.
This is one that I am interested in simply because it's a comic book film, but I have little to no hope for it. However, nothing more has been said, so if someone gets behind it, and it starts to look solid, then my opinion will change, but as of this second, this is one I will probably be avoiding.
What are your thoughts?
Go see something good!
VIDEO: Noah Baumbach's SNL Digital Short...

So, in my daily stroll across the thing I like to call the internet, I came across this little diddy that I unfortunatley missed during this weeks episode of SNL. I found it over at the great castle of information known only as /film, and it's the new digital short directed by Kicking And Screaming (NOT WILL FERREL FILM), Squid and The Whale, and Margot at the Wedding helmer, Noah Baumbach. It's pretty funny, so check it out!
Go see something good!
NEWS: Where The Wild Things Are Update...
So, in the midst of the horrible news coming out of Oscarville, saying my favorite doc of the year, Religulous, would not be up for contention, or even in thop 15 for that matter, comes some really good news! Aint It Cool News got a chance to sit down with the director of the much talked about and much problematic film, Where The Wild Things Are, Spike Jonze, and much of the news has me really excited about this film, which if set to be released on October 16, 2009, as it is now, will be my second most anticipated film of next year. Here's the major points...
When asked where the film was at right now...
"We just locked picture about three weeks ago, and we'll probably finish all the effects by, like, May or so. Then we mix in May and we have our dates in October, so..."
When asked who is scoring the film, and this is huge, at least for me...
"Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. She did some of the score and is doing some of the score. Her and Carter Burwell are sort of doing it together."
This is HUGE. I love Karen O, and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs are up in my ten favorite bands right now, and her involvement has me really excited.
On the much talked about problems with the studio...
"And I think that's what freaked the studio out about the movie too. It wasn't a studio film for kids, or it wasn't a traditional film about kids. We didn't have like a Movie Kid in our movie, or a Movie Performance in a Movie Kid world. We had a real kid and a real world, and I think that's sort of where our problem was. In the end they realized the movie is what it is, and there's no real way to... it's sort of like they were expecting a boy and I gave birth to a girl. So they just needed their time to sort that out and figure out how they were going to learn to love their new daughter."
On the look of the film
The Wild Things, since I haven't described them to you yet, each stand about eight feet high, it looks like, or at least the larger ones do. They're very, very close to the original Sendak drawings.
Finally, the also sent AICN two new stills, which I have the pleasure of showing you all today...

There you all have it. It looks like it is actually getting wrapped up and will HOPEFULLY be released come October 16, 2009.
Go see something good!
When asked where the film was at right now...
"We just locked picture about three weeks ago, and we'll probably finish all the effects by, like, May or so. Then we mix in May and we have our dates in October, so..."
When asked who is scoring the film, and this is huge, at least for me...
"Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. She did some of the score and is doing some of the score. Her and Carter Burwell are sort of doing it together."
This is HUGE. I love Karen O, and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs are up in my ten favorite bands right now, and her involvement has me really excited.
On the much talked about problems with the studio...
"And I think that's what freaked the studio out about the movie too. It wasn't a studio film for kids, or it wasn't a traditional film about kids. We didn't have like a Movie Kid in our movie, or a Movie Performance in a Movie Kid world. We had a real kid and a real world, and I think that's sort of where our problem was. In the end they realized the movie is what it is, and there's no real way to... it's sort of like they were expecting a boy and I gave birth to a girl. So they just needed their time to sort that out and figure out how they were going to learn to love their new daughter."
On the look of the film
The Wild Things, since I haven't described them to you yet, each stand about eight feet high, it looks like, or at least the larger ones do. They're very, very close to the original Sendak drawings.
Finally, the also sent AICN two new stills, which I have the pleasure of showing you all today...

There you all have it. It looks like it is actually getting wrapped up and will HOPEFULLY be released come October 16, 2009.
Go see something good!
NEWS: Religulous OUT of Contention...
So, today brings the news of the final 15 films up for a possible nomination for Best Documentary at the upcoming Academy Awards. I went into checking these out thinking that my Documentary of The Year and one of the best I've seen in a long time, Religulous, would be up in the list. However, The Huffington Post is reporting something else...
Bill Maher's documentary exploring religion, "Religulous," is out of Oscar contention after being left out of the final 15 list released by the Academy in the Best Documentary category.
All I can say is wow. The film is a monetary hit, as it has grossed roughly $13 Million on a $2.5 Million budget, and it has been a pretty big critical hit as well. The well respected awards site, In Contention, believed that it would be a lock to make Oscar contention, but now it is out as the Academy believes that there are 15 better documentaries from this year. I have to disagree with them, as I don't think there are 15 documentaries that I've EVER seen that are better.
Other notable snubs are "Dear Zachary," "Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson" and "Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired."
The Top 15 are the following...
"At the Death House Door"
"The Betrayal (Nerakhoon)"
"Blessed Is the Match: The Life and Death of Hannah Senesh"
"Encounters at the End of the World"
"The Garden"
"Glass: A Portrait of Philip in Twelve Parts"
"In a Dream"
"Made in America"
"Man on Wire"
"Pray the Devil Back to Hell"
"Standard Operating Procedure"
"They Killed Sister Dorothy"
"Trouble the Water"
I fully expect that Man On Wire will win, and I did before this, but I would have liked to have seen my personal favorite, Religulous, at least get a little love.
Why do YOU think they didn't get a nod? Is it the content? Could it be how Maher went about talking about the content? Or is it something else?
Go see something good!
Bill Maher's documentary exploring religion, "Religulous," is out of Oscar contention after being left out of the final 15 list released by the Academy in the Best Documentary category.
All I can say is wow. The film is a monetary hit, as it has grossed roughly $13 Million on a $2.5 Million budget, and it has been a pretty big critical hit as well. The well respected awards site, In Contention, believed that it would be a lock to make Oscar contention, but now it is out as the Academy believes that there are 15 better documentaries from this year. I have to disagree with them, as I don't think there are 15 documentaries that I've EVER seen that are better.
Other notable snubs are "Dear Zachary," "Gonzo: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson" and "Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired."
The Top 15 are the following...
"At the Death House Door"
"The Betrayal (Nerakhoon)"
"Blessed Is the Match: The Life and Death of Hannah Senesh"
"Encounters at the End of the World"
"The Garden"
"Glass: A Portrait of Philip in Twelve Parts"
"In a Dream"
"Made in America"
"Man on Wire"
"Pray the Devil Back to Hell"
"Standard Operating Procedure"
"They Killed Sister Dorothy"
"Trouble the Water"
I fully expect that Man On Wire will win, and I did before this, but I would have liked to have seen my personal favorite, Religulous, at least get a little love.
Why do YOU think they didn't get a nod? Is it the content? Could it be how Maher went about talking about the content? Or is it something else?
Go see something good!
Monday, November 17, 2008
TRAILER: Star Trek...
So, late last week, in my hurry to try and get you all some news, I posted a bootleg version of the hotly anticipated trailer for the upcoming film, Star Trek. However, the HD version was not posted until today, so here it is, in glorious YouTube fuzziness, the first full length Star Trek Trailer...
What are your thoughts? I now I already heard from a few of you, but now that you are actually able to see everything, what do you guys think. My thought is still the same. Awesome.
Come back later for more news, a DVD review, and the 10 Worst Films of The Year, so far...
Go see something good!
What are your thoughts? I now I already heard from a few of you, but now that you are actually able to see everything, what do you guys think. My thought is still the same. Awesome.
Come back later for more news, a DVD review, and the 10 Worst Films of The Year, so far...
Go see something good!
TOP 10: Documentary Films...
So, over the weekend, I got the chance to check out Religulous, and boy was it brilliant. I haven't seen a ton of DVD's, probably not enough to really justify doing this top 10, but it has inspired me to get out and check some more out. Documentary films are often times overlooked by many people, especially in my attention deficit age bracket, but here are ten Docs, that you really need to check out...
10. Bowling For Columbine
9. Religulous
8. No End In Sight
7. Don't Look Back
6. Times of Harvey Milk
5. Harlan County USA
4. Hearts of Darkness
3. Gates of Heaven
2. Hoop Dreams
1. When We Were Kings
What is YOUR favorite documentary film?
Come back later for a special top 10, the Top 10 Biggest Turkeys of the Year...It IS Thanksgiving time after all...
Go see something good!
10. Bowling For Columbine
9. Religulous
8. No End In Sight
7. Don't Look Back
6. Times of Harvey Milk
5. Harlan County USA
4. Hearts of Darkness
3. Gates of Heaven
2. Hoop Dreams
1. When We Were Kings
What is YOUR favorite documentary film?
Come back later for a special top 10, the Top 10 Biggest Turkeys of the Year...It IS Thanksgiving time after all...
Go see something good!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
DISCUSS: Religulous...

Okay, I really don't know how to review this in a solid cinematic manner. It's the newest documentary from Bill Maher, and instead of giving a long winded review about the film (and it's brilliant by the way), I would like to get everyone's thoughts on the controversial subject matter, religion. Here's the plot synopsis...
Bill Maher interviews some of religion's oddest adherents. Muslims, Jews and Christians of many kinds pass before his jaundiced eye. Maher goes to a Creationist Museum in Kentucky, which shows that dinosaurs and people lived at the same time 5000 years ago. He talks to truckers at a Truckers' Chapel. (Sign outside: "Jesus love you.") He goes to a theme park called Holy Land in Florida. He speaks to a rabbi in league with Holocaust deniers. He talks to a Muslim musician who preaches hatred of Jews. Maher finds the unlikeliest of believers and, in a certain Vatican priest, he even finds an unlikely skeptic.
First, before I get everyone's thoughts, let me give the overview of Mr. Maher's thoughts...
-Religion is holding us as a society back
-We are unable to grow with it in place
-Christianity in particular is simply rehashing of other, older religions
-All religions have similar prophet tales
-Science CAN'T be part of scripture
-We must either grow up, or die, as religion will cause the end of the world, not by a God's hand, but by our own
And you know what, I agree with him 100%. I personally believe that religion is the most negative thing that has been a part of our society, and with it in place, we will not be able to move forward as a species. Even our forefathers thought it was not a good thing to have, as Thomas Jefferson for example, took all of the miracles and "fairy tale" aspects of the bible, and simply used the morals as a book to live by. Also, Ben Franklin said that lighthouses were more useful than churches, and I again, must agree. I am an existentinalist with a great interest in religion and it's effects on society.
Now, those are controversial stances, but I would just like to get everyone else's views on religion and why or why you don't believe it. I don't believe for many a reasons, many of which are discussed in this really amazing and must see film. It's easily in my top 10, and if I really knew how to properly judge it, it may be my favorite film of the year. It was certainly one of the most fun experiences I've had at the theatres all year. Far better than director Larry Charles last outing, the mediocre Borat film...
So, what do you guys think? Is this a film that would interest you? I'm going to leave the discussion open to you all, because really don't know how to facilitate a discussion on such a hot button topic, so I will let you all take it where you want it to go...
Go see something good!

Hey guys! This has been a pretty busy week, which is good, because the upcoming week is going to move a little slow. Here is the box office top 10...
1.Quantum Of Solace
2.Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
3.Role Models
4.High School Musical 3: Senior Year
6.Zack and Miri Make a Porno
7.Soul Men
8.The Secret Life of Bees
9.Saw V
10.The Haunting of Molly Hartley
It looks like QoS will indeed be the largest grossing Bond film to date, with a gross of $70.4 Million for the weekend, surpassing the then number one, Die Another Day. Madagascar 2 has hit over the $100 Million mark with a weekend gross of $38 Million, and Role Models gained a modest $11.7 Million...
This is actually a really huge week for DVD releases, so here are the notable ones you should, or shouldn't pick up, in a new style of sorting that I will be trying, Buy, Borrow, Or Burn...Oh, and starting on Tuesday, I will be making this a separate post, with more in depth thoughts on the films, and the types of versions, and prices at the four major shopping centers; Circuit City, Best Buy, Target, FYE...
This is the newest film from Pixar, and it's probably their best film. It features one of the most enduring characters in film, and is one of the best love stories you will get a chance to see this year. It's gorgeous, and for a child's film to have such neo-Kubrickian view of the future and still be so sweet a just full of heart is truly amazing. I can't say enough about this film, and it is currently my 7th favorite film so far this year.
Funniest film of this year. I'm not going to say anything more than that, as you all really need to get out and see it. I mean, come on, Robert Downey Jr. in black face?!?! BRILLIANT...
This is the newest film from German director Werner Herzog who is probably the best, or at least the most interesting documentary filmmaker working today. It's a film in which Herzog traveled to Antarctica to capture it's natural beauty that normally isn't put to film. This is worth a rent for any fan of nature, or for anyone who has a Blu-Ray player and an HD TV...
The newest documentary about the life and work of the father of Gonzo Journalism himself, Hunter S. Thompson. Narrated by Johnny Depp, this is one film that will definitely be in my queue come this Tuesday.
So, this week sees a lot of worthy DVD releases, but two films are released theatrically, that I could not care less about. First is Twilight, the new film based on the massive tween hit novel. Vampire falls in love with a mortal, wow, truly innovative storyline (could a person say something with more sarcasm). Then we have Bolt, the newest animated film from the lesser studio over in happy world, Disney, and starring John Travolta and Miley Cyrus. I'm steering clear of this one like the plague.
Instead of giving you guys a review about two films that I really don't care about, and spending my own money on the said films, I will hopefully be bringing you a review of either Gonzo, or Encounters, and my thoughts on the controversial film from Bill Maher, Religulous. Wow, that could get interesting...
Go see something good!
TRAILER: Revolutionary Road...
Hey guys! This week has been chock full of big budget trailers riding in on the wave of the new Bond film, Quantum of Solace, which many, if not all, have been attached. Well, there has been one released that sort of breaks the mold, and it looks just as good, to me at least. Check out the new trailer for the much buzzed about film, Revolutionary Road...
This is a far superior trailer than the previously released one. I like the split screen, and the song works really well in the trailer. I like how a few of these new trailers simply have the score playing over the footage, instead of having the song playing softly while the characters talk, like the most recent Australia trailer. It gives an interesting feel to the trailer. Also, it's the new film from American Beauty director Sam Mendes, and is the first me since Titanic that we have seen Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio together, and with how much both have grown as actors, this should be a really great film. What are your thoughts?
Go see something good!
This is a far superior trailer than the previously released one. I like the split screen, and the song works really well in the trailer. I like how a few of these new trailers simply have the score playing over the footage, instead of having the song playing softly while the characters talk, like the most recent Australia trailer. It gives an interesting feel to the trailer. Also, it's the new film from American Beauty director Sam Mendes, and is the first me since Titanic that we have seen Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio together, and with how much both have grown as actors, this should be a really great film. What are your thoughts?
Go see something good!
NEWS: Del Toro's Pinocchio, Star Trek, and 3rd Narina...
Hey guys! It's Saturday night, and while not much normally happens on the weekend, there are a few things that are worth noting, so here are the headlines...
- It looks as though Guillermo del Toro is looking at adding even more to his already packed schedule. Thanks to Variety for the news...
Guillermo del Toro (upcoming The Hobbit) is developing Pinocchio as a stop-motion feature with the Jim Henson Co. as a darker version of the original fairy tale.
The project will be produced by JHC co-toppers Brian Henson and Lisa Henson along with senior VP Jason Lust. Del Toro will executive produce.
Del Toro's working on the screenplay with Gris Grimley, who illustrated a 2002 version of "Pinocchio." Grimley and Adam Parrish King will co-direct the film.
Well isn't this just awesome news! I don't think anyone could do more justice to Pinocchio than Guillermo del Toro. What are your thoughts?
- Quantum of Solace is projected to be the highest grossing Bond film in history. It grossed about $27 Million on Friday, and is looking at a $70-73 Million for the whole weekend.
- The new Star Trek trailer has been released, if bootlegged, online! If you didn't check it out before Quantum of Solace, here it is below...
Awesome! I'm not a big Trek fan, I'm not really a Trek fan at all, but now I'm moderately looking forward to this flick...What are your thoughts?
- Finally, with the HUGE bomb that the last Chronicles Of Narnia film was, Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, there hasn't been any news on a new Narnia film. That trend has not changed. In a recent press release, there was not a single mention of a green light on a new Narnia film, so it looks dim for this huge literary hit at least in the film world. More on this as it comes...
Come back later for more news...
Go see something good!
- It looks as though Guillermo del Toro is looking at adding even more to his already packed schedule. Thanks to Variety for the news...
Guillermo del Toro (upcoming The Hobbit) is developing Pinocchio as a stop-motion feature with the Jim Henson Co. as a darker version of the original fairy tale.
The project will be produced by JHC co-toppers Brian Henson and Lisa Henson along with senior VP Jason Lust. Del Toro will executive produce.
Del Toro's working on the screenplay with Gris Grimley, who illustrated a 2002 version of "Pinocchio." Grimley and Adam Parrish King will co-direct the film.
Well isn't this just awesome news! I don't think anyone could do more justice to Pinocchio than Guillermo del Toro. What are your thoughts?
- Quantum of Solace is projected to be the highest grossing Bond film in history. It grossed about $27 Million on Friday, and is looking at a $70-73 Million for the whole weekend.
- The new Star Trek trailer has been released, if bootlegged, online! If you didn't check it out before Quantum of Solace, here it is below...
Awesome! I'm not a big Trek fan, I'm not really a Trek fan at all, but now I'm moderately looking forward to this flick...What are your thoughts?
- Finally, with the HUGE bomb that the last Chronicles Of Narnia film was, Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, there hasn't been any news on a new Narnia film. That trend has not changed. In a recent press release, there was not a single mention of a green light on a new Narnia film, so it looks dim for this huge literary hit at least in the film world. More on this as it comes...
Come back later for more news...
Go see something good!
Friday, November 14, 2008
NEWS: Zombies, Vampires, and Bond...
Hey guys! Not much new today in the world of film, but there are some headlines nonetheless, and I'm here to give you the information needed to sound extra cool, or nerdy, with your friends...
- Marc Forester, director of the newly released Bond film, Quantum of Solace, is set to helm World War Z, a film based on a book of the same title, about the world after the great zombie-human war. Sounds awesome, I'm in!
- Clint Eastwood will be helming the supernatural thriller, Hereafter...
- Summit Entertainment has bought the rights to all three of the subsequent Twilight sequels...
- Jeffery Tambour, the father in the great series, Arrested Development, has come out and said that yes, they are doing a film based on the franchise...
Well no, because we’re doing it. We are going. It’s a go. I just actually this week talked to Mitch Hurwitz, so we’re doing it.
While I don't believe him for a second, it is a good sign I guess? It probably won't happen, but never say never...
- Stan Lee is working on a new television series for Showtime based around a gay superhero...
- Photos arose of the set of Inglourious Basterds, that showed Quentin Tarantino was nowhere to be found. I thought, like most people, that maybe it was shots of secondary photography, but in fact, The Tarantino Archives are reporting that Eli Roth will be helming a "film within a film", that stars Daniel Bruhl as a Nazi sniper and a group of GIs on a suicide mission. Thoughts?
- Finally, and this really isn't news, I just want to know what you all think of Quantum of Solace, if you get a chance to get out and see it. Did the action work for you? Where does it rank in the 22 film franchise? Is Olga Kurylenko the most bland and boring Bond Girl ever? What are your thoughts?
Come back later for more news and notes...
Go see something good!
- Marc Forester, director of the newly released Bond film, Quantum of Solace, is set to helm World War Z, a film based on a book of the same title, about the world after the great zombie-human war. Sounds awesome, I'm in!
- Clint Eastwood will be helming the supernatural thriller, Hereafter...
- Summit Entertainment has bought the rights to all three of the subsequent Twilight sequels...
- Jeffery Tambour, the father in the great series, Arrested Development, has come out and said that yes, they are doing a film based on the franchise...
Well no, because we’re doing it. We are going. It’s a go. I just actually this week talked to Mitch Hurwitz, so we’re doing it.
While I don't believe him for a second, it is a good sign I guess? It probably won't happen, but never say never...
- Stan Lee is working on a new television series for Showtime based around a gay superhero...
- Photos arose of the set of Inglourious Basterds, that showed Quentin Tarantino was nowhere to be found. I thought, like most people, that maybe it was shots of secondary photography, but in fact, The Tarantino Archives are reporting that Eli Roth will be helming a "film within a film", that stars Daniel Bruhl as a Nazi sniper and a group of GIs on a suicide mission. Thoughts?
- Finally, and this really isn't news, I just want to know what you all think of Quantum of Solace, if you get a chance to get out and see it. Did the action work for you? Where does it rank in the 22 film franchise? Is Olga Kurylenko the most bland and boring Bond Girl ever? What are your thoughts?
Come back later for more news and notes...
Go see something good!
REVIEW: Quantum of Solace...

A title doesn't make a film. Early on in the production of the newest James Bond flick, Quantum of Solace, I, like most people, thought that it was simply going to be Bond taking a kid to a really bad science fair, at least with a title as weird as that. However, my thoughts began to change after not only seeing a ton of promotional material and scenes from the film, but hearing Daniel Craig, 007 himself, on Jay Leno one late night while waiting for a favorite band of mine, The Black Kids, to perform. He went on after the basic questions about shooting and having hot women all over you (and I mean, who doesn't want to know about that), he discussed the meaning of the title.
Quantum of Solace is the newest James Bond film, and picks up right where the 2006 hit, Casino Royale, finished. Vesper is dead, and Bond is on the hunt for the people behind it all. The film is a study on what Ian Flemming once called the Quantum of Solace. The Quantum of Solace is the point at the end of a relationship where a party feels nothing. Not remorse, not sadness, not anger, just emptiness. Along the road of revenge 007 is trying to pave, he comes along a crazed environmentalist who is attempting to control the worlds water supply. With car chases, boat chases, airplane chases, and the occasional sexy female vixen, the film is a prototypical Bond film, but taken up a notch. Actually, taken up a couple of stories. It's a Bond film on steroids, at least in the action, and I loved every second of it.
First off, let me just say this, these kind of films are the epitome of what makes film great. There's not a ton of heavy meat to them, they are just a whole lot of fun. This film opens with a really fun, if disorienting, car chase, and never truly lets you go. There's a chase featuring every kind of earthbound vehicle you can think of, and the globetrotting is just plain fun.
I don't really care what people say, but there has not been a better James Bond than Daniel Craig. I love me some Sean Connery just as much as the next guy, but not only is Daniel Craig one hell of a suave guy, but he is a brilliant actor, and he's really good here too. He's not given much in way of dialogue, but what he is given, he knocks out of the park. He's just troubled enough, and the way he gives off such emotion simply through his face, is something to applaud. He's also one hell of a funny guy.
Not to be outdone, the supporting cast is also solid, if without the most meaty of work to do. Judi Dench IS M and the interchanges between her and Bond really help get the film going during the small parts of the film between the major action set pieces. There's one scene in particular, just after Bond took a few guards out, in a hotel, that is just really solid filmmaking and performing. Jeffery Wright is fine as Felix, a good cop with a bad partner, and Olga Kurylenko is hot, and that's all that's really asked of her. However, the person that really surprised me Gemma Arterton, who plays Fields, one of the English consulate officers who try to get Bond back to London, yet, falls for him (of course), and gets oil down the throat for it. She's not asked to do much, but she does have really good chemistry with Daniel Craig, and when you are a female, not named Judi Dench, that's all you need.
Another big part of Bond films, are their classic villains, and while this one isn't something that will go down in the history books as one of the best ever, it is quite a good one, with a solid threat to the world. He doesn't have a giant ray gun, he doesn't want to simply kill a lot of people, he just wants to control the worlds water supply. Also, the performance from the great Matheiu Almaric is pretty solid.
This film marks the first foray for director Marc Forester into the realm of big budget action, and I must say, hey knows what he is doing. The way that the major action set pieces are shot and framed, is pretty solid for a first time director. The only real problem I had with the direction was the lack of re-establishment shots. For most of the vehicle action scenes, especially the opening car chase, were shot in a very Michael Bay-esque way. The camera would simply follow the action as the cars bumped, crashed, and banged their way to utter destruction. The film doesn't allow the filmgoer to re-establish themselves in the way that say The Bourne film series does.
Finally, this film does have much more depth than your go to action film. Bond is a broken man. He's not quite the suave super spy who likes his martini's "shaken, not stirred" (a line never uttered, but eluded to in a hilarious scene), and it's extremely interesting to see how he got their, or at least this recent character arch. They have taken the sacred cow that was the Bond franchise, and thanks to the success of Batman Begins and Christopher Nolan's Batman reboot, rebooted the Bond franchise into one of the best film franchises going today.
There are a few flaws with this film however. First off, the film ends far to quickly. There's a ton of action, and that is really fun to watch, but the more toned down scenes and the idea of watching this super spy with issues deal with his loss, is something that I wanted to see more of. Take out an action scene or two, and give me more character study, and this film would that much better. That's what made Casino Royale so good. It has more bone breaking scenes, but not enough heart breaking scenes, if you get what I mean.
Also, this film is a perfect example of a sequel not living up to it's predecessor. It's got a lot more action, much more like the aforementioned Jason Bourne film, but it doesn't really delve into the mind of it's character in the way that that series so brilliantly does. The supporting cast, while solid, isn't given nearly enough to do, and the script also isn't allowed to shine. It's a really funny and interesting film, I just simply wished, and was inevitably disappointed, that they went further with it. The only lacking supporting performance was Olga Kurylenko, and while she isn't bad on the eyes, she didn't really hold her own, especially when the only other "Bond Girl" does really well, and the last female, Vesper, was so brilliantly written and performed.
All of that said, there isn't a more action packed film out there, and it will be hard to find one that is more fun. It's also hard to find one that was more disappointing. For all of the action, and there was a ton, there wasn't enough of the character study that made the previous Bond film so brilliant. Still, if you get a chance, check it out with some friends. You will have one hell of a good time.
Here's the new Bond "Title Credits" Sond, Another Way To Die, featuring Alicia Keys and Jack White...it's pretty awesome, so enjoy!
Come back later for more movie news...
Go see something good!
TRAILER: Watchmen...
So, I just got a chance to see the new James Bond film, Quantum of Solace (more on that tomorrow when I get my review up), but sadly, there were no trailers in front of it. Therefor, I did not get to see the alleged Star Trek trailer, the possible Transformers 2 teaser that had been rumored to be attached to it, or this new Watchmen trailer. And boy oh boy, and I sad about that...check it out below...
I'm sorry, I have no better words to use than this, but that my friends is just plain awesome. Having read the comic now, or at least 2/3rds of it, I have such a great appreciation for the material, and I really think this film will be a winner. Let's just hope that March gets here as fast as it can...What are your thoughts??
Review of Quantum of Solace up tomorrow! Sorry for the delay, had a longer night than expected!
Go see something good!
I'm sorry, I have no better words to use than this, but that my friends is just plain awesome. Having read the comic now, or at least 2/3rds of it, I have such a great appreciation for the material, and I really think this film will be a winner. Let's just hope that March gets here as fast as it can...What are your thoughts??
Review of Quantum of Solace up tomorrow! Sorry for the delay, had a longer night than expected!
Go see something good!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
NEWS: Early Benjamin Button Reviews, Watchmen (again), and Some Trailers...
Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of a post yesterday, but I am back today with more news than one can physically handle. So here are your headlines...
- The first reviews for the hotly anticipated film, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (my most anticipated of this year), have been released...thanks to /film for all the info...
OBSESSIONS OF A POP CULTURE NERD Pitt “gives a nice, subtle performance full of wonder and longing.” … “I wasn’t as moved by this film as I wanted to be. This was number one on my list of must-see holiday movies and I so wanted to be blown away but it just didn’t happen. This movie is a very ambitious effort—it looks gorgeous, there are some groundbreaking special effects and the rest of the cast also do excellent work but it’s the kind of movie you respect more than love. It’s like a piece of art that you look at and say, ‘It’s pretty,’ but don’t necessarily want to bring home. I think the problem for me was the stakes weren’t high enough for Benjamin and there was no sense of urgency throughout most of his life.” … “I’m surprised there aren’t more riveting moments in this movie, considering it’s directed by Fincher (Fight Club, Se7en). I was attracted to it after hearing that Fincher would take the unsentimental route. Well, it’s unsentimental almost to the point of passivity. This isn’t to say it’s boring—it isn’t. Many times, it’s even laugh-out-loud funny. There are visually interesting aspects—the film looks like old stock at times, where you can see the pops and scratches like on an old newsreel. The color is sometimes muted, sometimes overly saturated, like the unnatural tones of a black and white movie that’s been colorized.”
VARIETY “It’s magic realism propelled by extraordinary filmmaking technology but it’s not remotely what I’d call cold. It creates a world of oddities and wonderful, off-kilter characters but the whole piece is anchored by a decades long relationship that gets strained, frayed, breaks and rebuilds into something profound and moving. The achievement is big and bold and ambitious and life-affirming, but the sentimentality is always toughened by the continual sense of loss and deep sadness at the transitory nature of the human condition. If it sounds like an art movie, it absolutely is, but it’s a four quadrant art film!” … “Can’t wait to see what the Fincher freaks make of it. For the record, I am not one of them.”
Well, this is all good news, especially the Variety review. For those of you who may not know a whole lot about it, here's the main plot.
Brad Pitt plays Benjamin Button, a man who was born and was already physically 80 years old. So as he ages, he discovers that he is aging backwards. The film is directed by David Fincher, the brilliant director of such classics like Fight Club and Se7en, and other great films like Panic Room, The Game, and last years Zodiac (I just neglect that he did Alien 3...that never happened). It is set to be released on Christmas Eve this year...I'll have more about this film as it gets closer to release day. I'm thinking of doing a 5 Days of Fincher, so come back later to see if that pans out...
- The new Watchmen trailer will premiere online at 5 p.m. later tonight on Yahoo!...
- It looks like the animated film, Heavy Metal, will be heading back to Paramount. After David Fincher's long talked about beef with the studio over the final cut of the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, it seems that he has gotten over that, and will direct parts of the film, as will Watchmen director Zack Snyder, and Pirates of The Caribbean helmer, Gore Verbinski...
- The Twilight soundtrack is at #1 on the Billboard charts with over 100,000 copies sold...
- SPOILER ALERT! The comedy duo, The Fine Brothers have attempted to give you 100 film spoilers, all in 1 take, and in 4 Minutes...Watch at your own risk...
- The brilliant score to The Dark Knight has been disqualified from any Academy Award nominations...the wording as to why is very vague, at least the way I saw it on the web, but I think it may have something to do with music being previously used, or too many composers on the record. Batman Begins was disqualified for similar reasons.
-Finally, here is the recently released trailer for Roland Emmerich, director of this years 10,000 B.C. (drek), and Independence Day (awesome), called 2012. I don't know much about this film, but I expect it to be about the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy of 2012, and if anyone can do anything about it. Sounds awesome! Check it out below!
Well, that's all I've got for now, so come back later for more news, notes, and a review of Quantum of Solace!
Go see something good!!
- The first reviews for the hotly anticipated film, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (my most anticipated of this year), have been released...thanks to /film for all the info...
OBSESSIONS OF A POP CULTURE NERD Pitt “gives a nice, subtle performance full of wonder and longing.” … “I wasn’t as moved by this film as I wanted to be. This was number one on my list of must-see holiday movies and I so wanted to be blown away but it just didn’t happen. This movie is a very ambitious effort—it looks gorgeous, there are some groundbreaking special effects and the rest of the cast also do excellent work but it’s the kind of movie you respect more than love. It’s like a piece of art that you look at and say, ‘It’s pretty,’ but don’t necessarily want to bring home. I think the problem for me was the stakes weren’t high enough for Benjamin and there was no sense of urgency throughout most of his life.” … “I’m surprised there aren’t more riveting moments in this movie, considering it’s directed by Fincher (Fight Club, Se7en). I was attracted to it after hearing that Fincher would take the unsentimental route. Well, it’s unsentimental almost to the point of passivity. This isn’t to say it’s boring—it isn’t. Many times, it’s even laugh-out-loud funny. There are visually interesting aspects—the film looks like old stock at times, where you can see the pops and scratches like on an old newsreel. The color is sometimes muted, sometimes overly saturated, like the unnatural tones of a black and white movie that’s been colorized.”
VARIETY “It’s magic realism propelled by extraordinary filmmaking technology but it’s not remotely what I’d call cold. It creates a world of oddities and wonderful, off-kilter characters but the whole piece is anchored by a decades long relationship that gets strained, frayed, breaks and rebuilds into something profound and moving. The achievement is big and bold and ambitious and life-affirming, but the sentimentality is always toughened by the continual sense of loss and deep sadness at the transitory nature of the human condition. If it sounds like an art movie, it absolutely is, but it’s a four quadrant art film!” … “Can’t wait to see what the Fincher freaks make of it. For the record, I am not one of them.”
Well, this is all good news, especially the Variety review. For those of you who may not know a whole lot about it, here's the main plot.
Brad Pitt plays Benjamin Button, a man who was born and was already physically 80 years old. So as he ages, he discovers that he is aging backwards. The film is directed by David Fincher, the brilliant director of such classics like Fight Club and Se7en, and other great films like Panic Room, The Game, and last years Zodiac (I just neglect that he did Alien 3...that never happened). It is set to be released on Christmas Eve this year...I'll have more about this film as it gets closer to release day. I'm thinking of doing a 5 Days of Fincher, so come back later to see if that pans out...
- The new Watchmen trailer will premiere online at 5 p.m. later tonight on Yahoo!...
- It looks like the animated film, Heavy Metal, will be heading back to Paramount. After David Fincher's long talked about beef with the studio over the final cut of the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, it seems that he has gotten over that, and will direct parts of the film, as will Watchmen director Zack Snyder, and Pirates of The Caribbean helmer, Gore Verbinski...
- The Twilight soundtrack is at #1 on the Billboard charts with over 100,000 copies sold...
- SPOILER ALERT! The comedy duo, The Fine Brothers have attempted to give you 100 film spoilers, all in 1 take, and in 4 Minutes...Watch at your own risk...
- The brilliant score to The Dark Knight has been disqualified from any Academy Award nominations...the wording as to why is very vague, at least the way I saw it on the web, but I think it may have something to do with music being previously used, or too many composers on the record. Batman Begins was disqualified for similar reasons.
-Finally, here is the recently released trailer for Roland Emmerich, director of this years 10,000 B.C. (drek), and Independence Day (awesome), called 2012. I don't know much about this film, but I expect it to be about the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy of 2012, and if anyone can do anything about it. Sounds awesome! Check it out below!
Well, that's all I've got for now, so come back later for more news, notes, and a review of Quantum of Solace!
Go see something good!!
Benjamin Button,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
TOP 10: Movie Soundtracks...
I think I may have already done this top 10, but if that is the case, it will be deleted. This weeks biggest piece of news so far, outside of the new Watchmen posters and news that a second trailer will be attached to Quantum of Solace this week, has been the rumors that Quentin Tarantino is in talks with legendary composer Ennio Morricone to get him to score his upcoming film, Inglorious Basterds. I have mixed emotions about this, but there is nothing mixed about my feelings towards Tarantino when it comes to creating soundtracks. There is none and have not been anyone better at doing it. So in honor of this news, I have compiled the ten best film soundtracks I've ever heard...
10. Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
9. Once
8. Magnolia/Boogie Nights
7. Control/24 Hour Party People (Joy Division...'nuff said)
6. The Big Lebowski
5. The Graduate
4. Reservior Dogs/Death Proof
3. Do The Right Thing
2. Royal Tenenbaums/Bottle Rocket
1. Pulp Fiction
What's your favorite film soundtrack??
10. Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2
9. Once
8. Magnolia/Boogie Nights
7. Control/24 Hour Party People (Joy Division...'nuff said)
6. The Big Lebowski
5. The Graduate
4. Reservior Dogs/Death Proof
3. Do The Right Thing
2. Royal Tenenbaums/Bottle Rocket
1. Pulp Fiction
What's your favorite film soundtrack??
NEWS: Download the Dark Knight script, Watchmen Posters, and Magneto...

Hey guys! Here are your noteable headlines for this Tuesday, the 11th of November...
- So, as the Dark Knight nears the $1 BILLION worldwide mark, Warner Brothers has made the screenplay, which is going to be Oscar nominated and is probably the best part of this great film, available for free at their website...
- In other superhero news, the rough plot synopsis for the upcoming superhero film, X-Men Origins: Magneto, has been released...
“The original X-Men film began with a prologue that showed the character as a child being led to a concentration camp by Nazis and that is the period in which the Magneto film will take place. This setup will allow a future villain to at least flirt with the designation of protagonist since the character will be seen almost exclusively in his formative years. The storyline will heavily involve Professor X, the wheelchair-using X-Men leader. That character was a soldier in the allied force that liberated the concentration camps. The professor meets Magneto after the war and while they bond over the realization that they are alike in their special powers, their differences soon turn them into enemies.”
I am personally more excited about seeing this film than the upcoming Wolverine film. What about you?
- 6 New Watchmen posters have been released via Entertainment Weekly, Access Hollywood, MTV, LA Times, USA Today, and WiReD...check them out below!

All are pretty awesome. I know I've been talking about this a lot lately, but not only is it something I'm insanely interested in (I have more anticipation for this than I did for The Dark Knight), but they are FLOODING the web and print with promotion. The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button comes out in about 5 weeks, and this past weekend released its 1ST poster. Watchmen now has 9, not including the seperate character posters released at ComiCon this year, and the first one released at the event in 2007. The marketing has been brilliant, and I can't wait to see the new trailer this Friday.
- Twilight Fans are officially insane...Thanks to /film for the info...
And that appearance tonight in San Francisco? It’s been canceled. Over 3,000 Twilight fans, mostly teenage girls, showed up at the Stonestown Galleria early this morning. That is more than 10 times the amount of people that police officials were expecting. Apparently a few of the teenage fans were trampled, and one girl reportedly broke her nose. The event was cancelled for safety reasons. Some fans had traveled with their families from Los Angeles, Hawaii and Arizona. Watch a video report from the mall on TMZ.
- Jaden Smith, Will Smith's son, will be starring in a remake of The Karate Kid...
- Finally, it seems that after long talks, Baz Lurhman did indeed agree to rewrite the ending to his upcoming film, Australia. Early test screenings came out a little negative on the ending, and the studio felt as though a more positive ending would work better...
That's all I've got for now, come back later for more news and remember to come back here Thursday night for my early review of Quantum of Solace!
Go see something good!
Monday, November 10, 2008
FORUM: Tarantino is Getting A Composer for Basterds?

*Yes, that is how you spell it when talking about Tarantino's film
Hey guys! So today was a pretty busy day in the land of movies, but I have just gotten wind of this little diddy. Thanks to /film for the update...
Rumor has it that Quentin Tarantino has enlisted legendary film composer Ennio Morricone to compose the score for his upcoming WWII film Inglourious Basterds, this according to Italy Global Nation. Tarantino is notoriously a fan of Morrisone, having used a a bunch of his Spaghetti Western themes in the Kill Bill films and even his latest, Death Proof.
Tarantino Archives says the story isn’t 100% confirmed. I personally remember Tarantino saying that he wouldn’t be hiring a composer on this film because he likes picking his own soundtracks (and to be fair, he’s really good at that). You might remember that a cool remix of Morricone’s “The Ecstasy of Gold” from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly was recently used in David Fincher’s Nike commercial.
Now, the article goes on to bring up a good point, that I must agree with 100%. I have totally mixed feelings about this piece of news. First, there is the side of me that is for this all the way, because I mean come on, it's Ennio Morricone, one of the most influential composers in history, and one who has shaped the music of Kill Bill and even Death Proof with his Spaghetti Western themes.
Then there is the other side of me that wants this to just be a rumor, because with Tarantino's compilations, which are THE BEST of any soundtracks ever, and I'll take anyone to the mat who disagrees, and I want more of that. I get so much out of his films, especially when it comes to finding great songs from years past, that have been lost in the shuffle.
So this is where you come in. What are your thoughts? Should Tarantino try to get Morricone to compose this film, or should he stick to compilations?
Go see something good!
NEWS: 28 Months Later, Wonder Woman, and Jonah Hex

Hey guys! It's pretty early in the day, but already I've got some huge news to let you all in on...here are your headlines!
- First off, when Quantum of Solace gets released will we be treated to the 22nd film in the James Bond franchise, but we will also be seeing a brand new trailer from the upcoming graphic novel adaptation, Watchmen! Here's what Zack Snyder had to say to Dark Horizons...
The second however is on its way, attached to "Quantum of Solace" in theaters next Friday. Snyder says "I just saw the final version of it this morning... it's a little bit more story, a teeny bit more like a full trailer. This is much more like 'someone's picking off costume heroes'. You'll get a sense of the characters plight you know, 'we were supposed to make the world a better place... what happened to the American Dream'." Some elements have had to be changed for the trailer, most notably Dr. Manhattan's exposed genitals have had to be 'defocused' to be granted approval by the MPAA. He also confirms a third trailer will hit early in the new year.
Now, there has been much talk about the ending as early screenings have been both amazing in fan response, and a little disheartening as to the possibly "different" ending...here's another snippet from that interview...
“The one thing that was cool was that anyone who had read the graphic novel who was at the screening rated the film ‘excellent’, for me I’m like ‘I’m done’.”
That is all I needed to hear. I'm up to chapter 7 in the novel now, and I think this is one film that will hopefully blow the doors off the stuffy saloon that is the comic book film genre...
- It looks as though Beyonce is in search of a superhero role, and has her gorgeous eyes set on non other than Wonder Woman. IESB is also reporting that Warner Brothers/DC is in the search of a director, and has their eyes set on Terminator Salvation and Charlies Angels director, McG...
I officially don't care about that film if it gets made...what about you?
- Batman, Turkey...Yes, there is a place in Turkey called Batman, is suing Christopher Nolan for using the name...True story...
- I guess the Mayan's were right, and currently in the works is a new film called Not Another Not Another Movie, a spoof film, spoofing spoof films...
- It looks as though Danny Boyle *MAY POSSIBLY* be interested in helming the upcoming sequel in his 28 franchise, 28 Months Later...thanks to /film for the info...
I’ve got an idea for it, so I can’t really tell you any more than that at the moment, but hopefully that might happen....I’d certainly like to…I feel the idea is quite a strong idea, and it could well involve directing it. Yeah, absolutely.
28 Days Later is a brilliant film, and vastly superior to the still solid, just inferior, 28 Weeks Later. I'm all for this, and if this does go through, this film will be near the top of my most anticipated list...
- Finally, Josh Brolin is out as Jonah Hex in the upcoming adaptation helmed by Mark Nevildine and Brian Taylor...
Come back later for more news and notes!
Go see something good!!!
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