- Looks like Wes Anderson's next project will be a remake. Variety has reported that the Birdman is signed on to write and is looking to also direct a remake of the French flick, Mon Meilleur Ami or My Best Friend. /Film has more...
The original movie chronicled the adventures of François, an arrogant and unpleasant antique dealer who was challenged by his business partner, Catherine, to produce his best friend (not believing that he had one). If he succeeds, he will be able to retain possession of a valuable Greek vase he purchased using company money. François sets out to look for a best friend and finds Bruno, a gregarious cabbie, who will hopefully help him win the bet.
Thoughts? It looks like Anderson isn't going to the well with his next two projects. Between the Fantastic Mr. Fox and this, it looks like Wes is changing it up, and just in time, at least to me. Hopefully he can just throw his style into these two. Can't wait to see more. What about you guys?
- Lets put a rumor to bed...Phillip Seymour Hoffman is NOT going to be the Penguin in Batman 3...
“No one has talked to me about it ever — never,” replied Hoffman. “It happened, like, five years ago, too. It was a rumor back then and it’s still a rumor. [laughs] It’s just in the press. It’s funny.”
Thanks to the Movie Blog for the quote, and I hope this puts all Batman 3 rumors to bed.
- There's a new Quantum of Solace trailer out, and it kicks a ton of ass...
- Finally, and this isn't news, but I saw this poster over at the Movie Blog, and I thought it was so bad ass and really funny, that I thought I would share it with you guys...Enjoy the brilliance...

Come back later for more news and notes!!!
Go see something good!
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