Monday, April 21, 2008

Some big Indy 4 news...

Hey guys! Heres a few blurbs of news for this monday the 21st...

-Seth McFarlane, the voice of some of the characters on Family Guy, will be voicing Johann Kraus in the upcoming Hellboy sequel...
-The first Indy 4 review came out today. Here are some of the noteable blurbs
- "The best of the Indy sequels.”
- “The film has the strongest supporting cast of the sequels.”
- “There are many breakneck set pieces, with a protracted jungle chase being particularly memorable. As well as being evocative of the truck chase from the first movie.”
- “…an ending that any longtime diehard fan of the films could only dream about. Expect a particularly resounding reaction in the theater.”

You can read the whole thing here...

God I hope this is all true...
-In BIG superhero news, test screenings of The Incredible Hulk have come out with two things. Mixed thoughts on the film, and the shock of seeing Tony Stark, Iron Man, in the film. Yes, the rumors are true, Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Jr, does make a cameo appearence in the Incredible Hulk.

Other than that, there really is nothing new, so come back later for more news....

Go see something good!!

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