So, instead of simply tweeting or putting a facebook status up (which everyone SHOULD follow, because I think I'm pretty entertaining and could always use more followers), I have decided to make this a little post.
The idea for this post is simple.
Along with the fall film season kicking off, the fall TV season has gotten underway, and I have dug myself into a few television shows. From intellectual fair like Dollhouse, to comedies like Community, to less than stellar trash like Grey's Anatomy, I follow a few shows. Here's what I watch:
Grey's Anatomy (Thursdays @ 9pm - ABC)
Fringe (Thursdays @ 9pm - FOX)
Community (Thursdays @ 9:30pm - NBC)
Dollhouse (Fridays @ 9pm - FOX)
Modern Family (Wednesdays @ 9pm - ABC)
Bored to Death (Sundays @ 9pm - HBO)
Now, with Thurdsdays being a giant clusterfuc* from 9-10, I don't get to watch all three in the same night. However, that doesn't bug me to much. That said, I am wondering what you all think about me covering these shows here on I Are Movies/Facebook. Is it something you would read if say, I wrote a short little blurb (500 or so words) on each of them, or is it something you would skip over?
This is basically all I would like to know. That, and what the hell do you all watch?
Go see something good!
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