Thursday, June 4, 2009

NEWS: Stuff I Missed...

There isn't to many HUGE news stories this afternoon, so instead, I'm bringing you all the noteworthy headlines, just in one huge cinematic clusterf***.

- To start off with a very sad note, actor David Carradine has passed away, accourding to reports by BBC. May he rest in peace...

- Warner Brothers has released a new TV Spot spotlighting the cameo from Arnold Schwartzeneggar...

- has a spotlight on the 500 Days of Summer OST...

- Chris Pine has joined the cast of Tony Scott's Unstoppable...

- Street Kings scribe Kurt Wimmer has been tapped to pen the script for the much talked about Totall Recall reboot/remake...

- Robot Chicken writer Dan Milano is working on the script for a Short Circuit remake...

- Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke is set to helm a new age adaptation of the Shakespeare play, Hamlet, with Emile Hirsch set to star...

- Taraji P. Henson will star as the mother in the Karate Kid remake...

- Here's the first trailer for Final Destination 4...

The Final Destination trailer in HD

- Javier Bardem has joined the cast of Oliver Stone's Wall Street 2...

- Stretch Armstrong, the film based off of the toy of the same name, has gotten an April 2011 release date...

- Danny Boyle may return to Mumbai for his next film, an adaptation of Maximum City...

- Finally, Arnold Schwartzeneggar is in talks for a minor part in the upcoming remake/reboot of Predators...

Come back later for more news, notes, a DVD review (I'm going to bring back a once a week DVD review of a more classic/modern classic film), and a review of (hopefully) the Hangover.

Go see something good!

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